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Irrevocable: A Sins of Ashville Abduction Dark Romance (Irrevocable Duet Book 1)

Page 11

by Skye Callahan

  I leaned my back to the wall next to the door to face her. “I’m sore, and... beyond that I’m not sure.” I thought to ask her who Kirk had “borrowed,” but that would have simply reaffirmed my desire to care. “Miles doesn’t seem happy.”

  “He doesn’t think you’re ready.”

  That sounded familiar.

  I blinked, squeezing my arms around myself. My nipple still hurt from Ross’ not-so-subtle reminder that he could do what he wanted and I had nothing to say about it. I slid down the wall and dragged my fingers through my hair. Alley crouched next to me, putting her arm around my shoulders. “Why does everyone seem to think it’s so easy? After twenty-three years, being me isn’t an easy habit to break.”

  Alley drew up her shoulders and shook her head. I felt like I was quickly burning the only bridges I had in this world, but she blew out her breath and sat down next to me. “I get it, darlin’. It’s overwhelming.”

  “And confusing. I don’t want to lose myself. That’s exactly what will happen if I give in and do what they want.”

  “Or maybe you’ll find a part of you that you didn’t know existed.”

  “The part that enjoys this?” I asked dryly.

  “The part that proves you’re stronger and more flexible than you think you are.”

  My head thudded against the wall as I dropped it back. I wasn’t done holding onto freedom, which meant I was going to keep pissing people off.

  Eventually, it’d be the wrong person.

  If I latched on to Alley’s idea, I had to admit defeat. I could either try to be what Kirk wanted, and take orders or hold on to the hope that I’d get out of this place. As long as I was torn between the two, the confusion would never end.

  “I can’t just turn it off.”

  “You’re just afraid of what will happen when you do. There’s already no going back.”

  The door opened and Miles waved his hand for us to come out of the apartment. Alley and I each grabbed our bags of laundry and followed the men to the elevator.

  Neither of them said a word to us. Kirk pressed “7”, but as soon as the elevator stopped again, he grabbed my arm and nodded for Alley to leave first.

  “Remember what I told you? You get in trouble and she shares the responsibility.”

  “Yes, Master.” I glanced past him to Miles. I definitely didn’t want to piss them both off at the same time. Having already experienced the two of them working together to torment me in the hallway, I couldn’t imagine what they’d do for a serious punishment. I wasn’t sure that would be survivable.

  Miles held the elevator door open until Kirk was satisfied—patting my ass as he nudged me off the elevator.

  Alley and I were standing in what looked like a large lounge. Mostly girls filled the room, except for the two men standing next to the elevator. Presumably guards assigned to make sure none of the slaves were up to anything questionable.

  “Everyone has an assigned laundry day,” she whispered, leading me to a door on the opposite side of the room.

  The other girls were scattered across the room, most wearing lingerie and none of them were more modestly covered than I was. They gathered in groups of various sizes, some lounging on the floor and whispering, while others had gathered around tables covered in clothes and shoes.

  Although they appeared to be going on with their business, the sideways glares were unmistakable. I felt like the new girl who just walked into a classroom a few months before graduation. Being left chained to the bed was far less demeaning.

  Alley pushed open the laundry room door, and held it open with her foot so I could pass.

  “Does everyone just come down here to hang out?”

  “Sometimes. There can be lots of fun to be had down here. It’s a lot more fun than staying around the apartment all day with nothing to do except clean or watch TV.”

  The laundry room was three times the size of Kirk’s apartment. Many of the washers and dryers were already full, but Alley and I walked to the back of the room and started loading up washers with the contents of our bags.

  I picked at the clothes in the bag. Not only was it filled with some of my new clothes, most of it was Kirk’s dirty laundry.

  “So, in addition to sex, laundry, and cleaning…. What do you normally do?”

  “You mean responsibilities or fun? Although I’d categorize sex as both of those things.”

  “Responsibilities. I’m more concerned with the things that could get me in trouble.”

  Alley snorted. “Then do whatever Kirk tells you. And stop talking back.”

  “Does everyone know every detail of last night?”

  “Everyone knows Kirk wouldn’t have done what he did without a damn good reason. But you had him worked up in more than one way.”

  I wanted to dunk my head in one of the washers, not only to hide but to wash away the imagery. I dropped the last pair of underwear in a washer and closed the lid. “He’ll barely look at me most of the time.”

  “Well, earn it, sweetie. Ever think it’s because he gets a hard-on when he does and he doesn’t feel like wrestling you to take care of it?” She put her hand on her hip and popped it out, giving me a straight-mouthed stare.

  “It’s like being in the Twilight Zone.”

  Before I could close the lid on the last washer, another girl stepped into the room and cleared her throat. The same girl who had been crouched behind Ross’ desk giving him a blowjob on my first day. At least today she was wearing clothes, sort of. Since Kirk had given me a pair of shorts and a T-shirt today, I wondered if everyone intentionally dressed in lingerie or if it was the only thing they were ever given.

  “Don’t start, Kat,” Alley said, rolling her eyes. She pressed the start button on all three of the washers she’d filled and jumped on top of the third to sit down.

  “I just wanted to see the princess in person.”

  Princess? I wasn’t sure what the hell she was talking about, so I kept my head down, trying to figure out the controls on the washer.

  Alley scoffed and jumped off the washer, setting the dial on each of my washers and pressing the start button. Then, she looped her arm through mine. “Come on; let’s go find a deck of cards.”

  As we tried to leave, Kat stepped in front of us.

  “You obviously don’t do anything for him,” she smirked, reaching up to touch my hair, and then scowling.

  I figured it out then begged for it not to be true. She’d been the one that Kirk had used while I was tied and tortured in the room below.

  “So, why does he waste his time on you, instead of a girl who can actually get him off?” She smacked her tongue inside of her mouth and leaned against the large counter in the center of the room.

  “I guess you’re not that good.” It was bad enough taking the inferiority shit from Kirk and Ross; I certainly wasn’t taking it from the blow girl.

  Alley pulled on my arm and shook her head. She started for the door, but Kat grabbed my other arm, and I found myself to be the human rope in a game of tug o’ war.

  “You think you’re special now,” Kat whispered through clenched teeth, “but he’ll throw you away and you’ll be down here with the rest of us. Be careful where you step.”

  She released my arm and I stumbled backward into Alley. Kat spun around and slammed through the door.

  I rubbed my hands over my face and pressed against my temples. Please let me wake up, even if it’s on the floor in Kirk’s room.

  “Just stay away from her,” Alley said. “Rummy?”

  I blinked. “Cards. Right.” That’ll fix everything. I sat down at one of the small tables in the corner near the laundry room, while Alley went off to find a deck of card. At least, I could keep an eye on everyone from here.

  She sat down and began to deal while I picked up my cards one at a time and organized them by suit.

  “Have you ever pissed one of the men off?”

  “Ross. Don’t even ask about that. But it was shortly a
fter that Miles sort of claimed me. Which also pissed off Ross, so he’d use me or give me away just to push Miles’ buttons for a while. His attentions turned to other girls though. I think he gets bored fairly easily.”

  “Not reassuring for the new girl.”

  “Sorry.” She gave me a half smile and sat down the deck, turning one card over and putting it in the discard pile. “Miles and Kirk have managed to change a lot since then. They’re well respected, and between the two of them, have nearly as much power as Ross, simply because of their rapport with business partners. All you have to do is make it through initiation and—”


  “That’s what we started calling it. Milo moves around the girls every few months, so every once in a while we get new girls—they’ve usually already been trained, but Ross likes to do a little extra breaking in before he deems that they’re allowed to stay. Kirk didn’t tell you about any of this?”

  “I shook my head.”

  “Just…” she looked away, “follow orders and you’ll be fine.”

  “Comforting,” I mumbled. “I’m horrible at that.”

  “Kirk and Miles are a lot alike,” she whispered, “at least they realize we’re still people.”

  I chewed on the inside of my cheek, adding “initiation” to my list of worries as Alley took her turn.

  The elevator door opened and a group of men stepped off. One of the guards pointed to a few of the tables in the middle of the room and then a string of men came in carrying boxes. My gaze locked on one of the men, as green eyes turned on me.


  I panicked and lowered my head, hoping that he hadn’t actually noticed me among other girls. All of the girls started gathering around the boxes and the men, including the main guard struggled to keep them under control. It was like the first rush of Black Friday.

  “It’s a flippin’ free-for-all when they bring new clothes in here,” Alley shook her head and laid down a card. When I didn’t move, she glanced over her shoulder again. “Just stay away from him and you’ll be fine. He’s not going to try anything with everyone around.”

  I drew a card, but I was still paying more attention to keeping track of Gabe than a stupid card game.

  Three girls broke from the crowd and came our way-each had an armful of clothes.

  “Come on, Alley,” one of them said. “I know Miles buys you everything you want, but a game cannot be more interesting than free clothes.”

  Two girls grabbed her arms and ushered her over to the group while the third—a tall redhead, grabbed my hand and tugged me out of my chair.

  The tiny woman was stronger than she looked and I eventually rose to my feet. “I really don’t—”

  “You need it, new girl.” I couldn’t figure out why they’d care. Less competition seemed like a good thing, and I already had piles of clothes that I hadn’t even looked at.

  My eyes scanned the room for Gabe as she dragged me closer to the mob. She pulled me to the front of the group then disappeared. With everyone touching me and pushing past me to get to the clothes, my airway tightened.

  I couldn’t see Gabe anymore, and no one had gotten onto the elevator, so he still had to be in the room.

  My heart pounded and I fought to get away from the girls, backing across the room until I was clear of the stray hands.

  I looked around again and saw Gabe standing next to the elevator, green eyes focused on me. His mouth twisted to the side, and I slowly stepped backward.

  I had no idea where Alley had gone and most of the other men were paying more attention to the girls fighting over clothes, or slipping off their clothes to try on their new acquisitions.

  I felt a door behind me and shoved it open.

  A stairwell.

  Oh, god, I thought, I’m dead one way or another. I couldn’t go back or they’d know, and I knew that almost anything moving forward would get me caught. But I ran anyway. Putting as much distance between me and Gabe as possible

  Flight after flight, my heart beat out a tense chorus as I waited for either a door above or below me to open.

  And then, it happened. As soon as I neared the third-floor landing, the door opened. I pressed myself against the wall and attempted to creep back up without being noticed, but my breath came in loud huffs and I knew I was anything but discrete.

  Footsteps came from above, and I froze. My palms grew slick as I held tight to the railing behind me. A tanned figure rounded the staircase below me.


  He crossed his arms and stared up at me. He didn’t even seem startled to see me, which meant he was probably looking for me.

  He also didn’t seem eager to grab me. I stepped away from him and looked up. A tattooed forearm appeared just above the railing.

  Kirk slowed his pace as he descended the last flight. He knew I was pinned. I looked from one man to the other, then dropped my head, and sank to the floor. Surrender was the only choice that might keep me alive long enough to explain.

  “I’ll meet you in the basement,” Kirk said to Miles.

  Miles nodded, looked us over once again, and disappeared the way he came.

  Kirk lifted me to my feet. His tight jaw moved, but he didn’t say anything. Silence was more terrifying than threats or violence.

  “Please, don’t kill me,” I whispered, on the verge of letting the tears break free. “I—god, I didn’t mean to—I freaked.”

  “You didn’t mean to run. Seems like quite a feat to happen by accident.”

  “I saw Gabe. I panicked.” Please understand, I silently begged.

  Never Go Back

  Kirk took me by the forearm and dragged me down the last two flights of stairs and through the door to the first floor.

  He’d told Miles that he’d be in the basement, so I assumed that meant he’d be doing something with me first.

  Then, I saw the door we were approaching. He shoved the door open and pulled me out on the catwalk.

  Miles and Ross were waiting at the bottom of the stairs and my guts turned to stone. “Please,” I mouthed.

  At the bottom of the stairs, Kirk shoved me forward. “On your knees.”

  I fell to my knees in front of them. Trying to hold back the flood of tears—all the while wondering if they’d do me any good. At least crying would show my remorse.

  “She said she saw Gabe and panicked,” Kirk said.

  “Where’s Alley?” Miles asked.

  Oh no, I shook my head. “They brought in clothes, two girls dragged her off and I lost track of her. Gabe saw me and… I didn’t know the door led to the stairwell.”

  “But you thought once you got there you may as well run for it.”

  Ross shoved his hands in his pockets and turned away. “You really think she’s worth the trouble.”

  Kirk groaned.

  Please. Please, say yes. At least say maybe.

  “She will be worth it.”

  “You’ve yet to show any evidence of that.”

  Ross grabbed my hair and jerked me back—straining my neck to an unnatural angle. “Are you worth it?”

  “No, but I want to be.”

  “Prove it.” He leaned forward putting his face in mine. “Show your Master you can do something productive with your mouth. Keep your hands laced behind your back, and stay on your knees.”

  I shuffled over to Kirk lacing my fingers beyond my back. Staring at the crotch of his pants, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. I glanced up at him, but he didn’t make a move to unbutton or unzip his pants.

  I took a deep breath and went for the button with my teeth. I was glad he wasn’t wearing a belt.

  Finally, I got it to pop open and I managed to get the zipper with my teeth and slide it down. By the time I was done, his bulge was pressing against the thin material of his underwear making it slightly easier to free.

  I took his head in my mouth, flicking my tongue over it then rubbing my tongue against the base. Swallowing, I took him slightly
deeper. Then, I moved my mouth up and down the shaft licking and sucking as he grew harder in my mouth.

  I tasted the first drops of pre-cum on the back of my tongue and picked up the pace. Bobbing frantically against him. Lick, suck, swallow.

  A hand grabbed the back of my head, nails digging into my scalp and forcing me to take Kirk’s cock deeper. His hair tickled at my nose and his tip pressed down my throat cutting off my airway. I clenched my hands together behind me and concentrated on keeping them there and not biting down. I glanced up, silently pleading for air, but it wasn’t Kirk holding me there.

  My body jerked, and Ross jerked me back, then pushed me forward again, forcing me to take Kirk’s cock down my throat repeatedly before he got bored and released me. I coughed, wanting to curl up on the floor, but I took his cock again, knowing that if I didn’t put on a good show this time, I wouldn’t get another chance.

  Kirk took the sides of my head, holding me steady as he took control of the thrusts. He pushed deep, but his motions weren’t as violent. Leaving me room to breathe and calm my aching chest.

  His hands dropped away, but I continued.

  Lick. Suck. Swallow.

  Taking him as deep as I could without gagging, I looked up, his hands were fisted at his sides and after looking down at me for a brief second he closed his eyes and put his head back.

  Kirk grunted, I could feel his orgasm begin in the tightening of his muscles. Then suddenly hot cum shot against the back of my mouth. I concentrated on trying to swallow, breathe, and milk him dry.

  I licked up the rest and sat back, keeping my gaze on the ground. I hoped that no one expected me to put it back and zip up his pants with my mouth, but soon that fear was quelled as Kirk stuffed his cock back in his pants and zipped them up.

  “That’s quite a show from someone who nearly refused to strip a few days ago. But she still has to pay for running. Twenty lashes, then throw her in lock-up until you’re sure she’s learned her lesson. I’d love to stay and watch the rest of the show, but I have a plane to catch.” Ross brushed passed us.

  “Stand up,” Kirk said.

  I pushed myself to my feet but kept my head down. Then, he spun me around.


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