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Irrevocable: A Sins of Ashville Abduction Dark Romance (Irrevocable Duet Book 1)

Page 13

by Skye Callahan

  My back burned as it arched, and Kirk took advantage of the increased access to my folds. He pressed his fingers inside me, pressing down against my tender flesh. He added another finger, stretching and filling me. My hips rocked, wanting more. Wanting him on my clit.

  He moved me slightly and slid his leg farther down my stomach until his knee rested close to my pelvis.

  So close.

  I moaned. Moving my hips, wishing his knee was a little closer.

  “Good girl,” he said, dragging his fingers through my hair, caressing and tickling my neck.

  I inched up until his knee was close enough for me to rock my hips and press my clit against it.

  I moaned, using his body to push me closer to my pleasure. The stinging pain in my back faded, replaced by pulsing in my veins, and tingling nerves.

  His fingers increased their pace and I inched closer.

  My insides squeezed around his fingers, and he slowed, leaving me momentarily balancing on the painful pinnacle. Just a little farther before I fell. I rubbed into him but needed more.

  He rubbed his fingers through my juices then inched closer to my ass.

  I moaned a protest, but a finger slipped back inside my pussy and the sensations pushed me toward compliance. His thumb pressed at my tight hole slowly moving inward.

  The knot inside me wound tightly and burst as I tensed around his thumb and fingers, still grinding against his knee as I spasmed and moaned.

  Kirk pulled the blanket up to my waist again as I panted and came down from the orgasm. He readjusted his legs under me so that my stomach was lying across his lap and I could relax my head on the pillows.

  “How’s the pain?” he whispered.

  I hummed into the pillow, exhaustion overcoming me. “I’m good.”

  “Ready to go to bed?”

  “Do I get more distractions?”

  “I think you’re high on endorphins.”

  I pushed myself up and managed to sit with a little help. I didn’t want to look him in the face, to face my carnal desires, but I lifted my gaze. His blue-grey eyes met mine in the dusky room.

  “You’re sleeping in my bed.”

  “I’m not sure if you want me to argue or comply.”

  He moved, his face stopping inches from mine until I could feel his breath on my skin. “What do you want?”

  “I want to be stubborn and say that I want my own bed, just to irk you. But, all I really want is sleep in a soft bed.”

  “You’re all trouble, Silver. For both of us.” His lips brushed against mine, and I kissed him back.


  My eyes opened in the quiet, dark room.

  It was eerily quiet, and I pushed myself up, feeling a strange weight on my gut. The weight shifted with my movements and I pulled down the blanket.

  A long, coiled snake stared back at me.

  “Not again,” I whispered. I froze and the snake lay back down, relaxing against my skin.

  I squeezed my eyes closed, and wished for the serpent to disappear. The door opened, light filling the room.

  I lifted my head.


  He walked toward me, whip in hand.

  “Please,” I whispered.

  “Quiet, Silver.”

  “No,” I was terrified to move. Terrified of what would happen if he startled the snake. “You don’t understand.”

  “I said quiet,” he growled. He knelt next to me, his fingers tangling in my hair. “I thought humans learned long ago to never trust a serpent.”

  He flipped my covers back, the snake was gone.

  His hand slipped between my legs and rubbed my mound. I was already wet and wanting for him.


  I pushed him back and my back erupted in splintering pain.

  Kirk pulled me off the floor and dropped me to his bed.

  “Remember,” he whispered, rubbing his hips against me. He kissed my neck, nipping and sucking at my skin all the way down to my collar bone.

  I moaned and pushed against him.

  He palmed my breast. Pinching and twisting at my nipple until all of my nerves betrayed me, joining in his bitter and swirling symphony.

  My body was his, under his command.

  He traced a finger down to my belly button, leaving a trail of goosebumps and tingles in its wake.

  Testing the connection, I pushed his hand away and screamed again in agony as the pain returned.

  It’s a dream, I told myself. Even my mind was turning against me. Training me to be his. Pulling me into his dark fantasy.

  My resistance only gave him the opportunity to break me open and douse me with his venom. It burned through my veins, clouded my mind, and twisted all of my nerves until my body screamed for him. His cock rubbed at my entrance, and I fisted the sheets under me, arching my back.

  Fighting meant pain. Giving in meant exquisite release.

  I needed his touch. I needed him to fill me.

  Nothing else mattered anymore.

  Then the world shattered and I woke in my old home. Under the window, the sunlight danced off the small collection of snow globes.

  Home. I pulled open the curtains, taking in the light of freedom until a cloud moved over the sun, and the scenery darkened. A man in a suit stood about a hundred feet away then turned toward the window.


  I retreated into the bathroom to escape his view, but that window was also wide open.

  I could feel the eyes on me even if I couldn’t see them. I covered the window and slammed the door shut, trying to lock it, but the door was slightly too small for the frame, and the lock wouldn’t catch.

  I heard footsteps, then Kirk calling for me. I sat in front of the door, trying to keep it closed, but he pushed it open a few inches. Enough for a snake to slither inside.

  “No,” I screamed, jumping away from the door and into the bath tub.

  The door swung open, but there was no one there. It was just me and the snake.

  “Kirk,” I yelled. “Please, Kirk, help.”

  Wake up; it’s a dream, why can’t I wake up.

  If it’s a dream, just face the snake.

  My heart pounded so hard, I started to feel dizzy.

  No escape. I dropped to my knees. The snake slithered closer, only a few inches from the side of the tub. So, I took a deep breath and picked it up. It was calm for an instant, but fear took over again, and as if it smelled it, the snake whipped around in my hands.

  I tried to wrestle its long body, holding just behind its head so it couldn’t bite me.

  I remembered the pain of the snake biting my back.

  No more pain. Please, no more pain.

  Arms surrounded me, pulling the snake free from my hands. The snake stilled, wrapping around his arm.


  His lips took mine, lifting me and pressing me into the shower wall. I let my pain and fear flow out through the kiss, immediately replaced by arousal and lust.

  “I need you.” I rubbed against him and he lifted my legs. I twisted them behind his back.

  His hard cock pressed at my entrance, a slow taunting promise of what was to come.

  I woke from the dream with a gasp. The room was still dark, so I buried my face in the pillow and tried to slow my breath. I was still so hyped up on the dream; I could feel the moisture between my legs.


  I held my breath when Kirk whispered my name, and felt him roll toward me. I’d been sleeping in his bed for the last three nights, three long nights of intermittent sleep thanks to the pain in my back and crazy dreams. He hadn’t touched me except for the first night when I’d rolled onto my sore back and woke up crying in pain.

  “Crazy dream,” I whispered and rolled to face away from him.

  Even during the day, he had been giving me room to heal, but it wasn’t the same remote distance as before. Now, even when he sat across the room, I could feel him watching like he was trying to absorb every move and draw
the pain away.

  “You need anything?”

  For the pull in my stomach to go away. I pressed my legs together, yearning for a release I couldn’t have.

  Unless I could find a few minutes alone to scrub it away.

  “Silver,” he repeated when I didn’t answer. His hand felt my hair, making the feeling unbearable.

  “I’m fine.”

  He grunted, but didn’t roll away as I had hoped.

  The thought of giving in and letting him take care of the problem crossed my mind. He’d done it before and obviously had no problem with it.

  I squeezed my eyes closed.

  Sleep. I needed sleep.

  I was just tripping on the effects of the dream and letting it play with my emotions.

  Of course, returning to the source of the problem could also make it worse, I realized, but that was my last thought before waking again to the smell of food.

  For the last two mornings, I hadn’t woken until after he’d already eaten and decided to bring my breakfast into the bedroom so I could eat as comfortably as possible.

  The skin on my back still felt tight, but the worst of the burning pain was gone, leaving only the deep soreness from the bruising. I’d gone from one crashing change to yet again having everything I expected flipped upside down. I’d seen his dark side and survived—even though he didn’t seem to enjoy the punishment any more than I did.

  He had it in him to make sure I did as he wanted, but while I was in pain, he was gentle and attentive. It was still nearly impossible to understand anything that might be going through his mind, but he’d softened. I accepted that it might only last until he was sure touching me wouldn’t send me into a fit of agony.

  I rolled over and Kirk’s smell caught in my nose, reawakening the imagery from the dream. I couldn’t go on like this. Teetering on insanity. Holding on to one life and a distant set of convictions while living here.

  I had yet to accept never being free again. But there would be a certain level of freedom in submitting to Kirk.

  I either had to do that or get back the brooding and remote Kirk. I wasn’t sure which situation was worse, but every time he did something nice another piece of my willpower slipped away.

  Before long, I wouldn’t have a choice in the matter.

  I had to take control of something while I still could.

  I looked at the clock, it was still early and Kirk had probably just sat down to his own breakfast.

  If I waited in bed long enough, he’d bring my plate in and let me eat in bed again, but after the dream, I felt restless. I wasn’t too sure that I wanted to see Kirk, but I definitely didn’t want to lie in bed and think about him either.

  I crept out of the bedroom and found Kirk sitting at the table eating. “You’re up early,” he said, sitting back in his chair.

  I kept my eyes lowered as I walked toward him and dropped to my knees at his side. He made a pleased sound in his throat and cupped my cheek as he handed me a piece of bacon. I carefully took it from his fingers then laid my head against his thigh as he stroked my hair.

  “Come up here,” he said, patting his leg. I slowly crawled up, my back aching and burning with every move.

  He proceeded to feed me, bite by bite, the rest of the food on his plate. As I tried to take a bite of the scrambled eggs, before they rolled off the fork, he chuckled. It was a tense chuckle, but at least he wasn’t still completely pissed at me.

  “You’re enjoying this.”

  “Shouldn’t I?

  I nudged his neck with my nose and ran my fingers down his chest. He caught my hand and lifted me to my feet.

  I shook my head—emotionally and physically thrown off balance. “I’m trying to be what you want me to be.”

  “Why?” he whispered, sitting back.

  “Because it’s the only thing I can do. I need you to protect me, and….” And, I still wasn’t being completely honest. My body still wanted him.

  “And you’ll trade your body and will for that?”

  “Isn’t that what you’ve wanted all along?”

  He watched me through narrowed eyes. “You’re a schemer.”

  “We both have reasons not to trust each other, but every time I try, you shut me down and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.” I stepped back, pulling my robe tighter. “If you really don’t want me, just give me to someone else.”

  “No.” He growled, knocking his chair backward as he stood. He ran a hand through my hair and stepped forward until his body was against me. “You’re mine and you’re not going anywhere.”

  “Fine, then introduce me to your other personalities. Maybe then, I’ll know how to deal with them all.”

  He pushed me into the refrigerator. The cold surface stung the healing welts on my back. He paused for a second when I winced then his lips smashed against mine.

  He pulled back when we were both breathless. “You’re really willing for me to pass you off?”

  “Despite all claims otherwise, you care. You don’t want me to be killed, so even if you did, I figure you wouldn’t give me to anyone horribly nasty.”

  Kirk cocked an eyebrow, “You don’t really want to do this.”

  “I want…” I took a breath, his woodsy scent claiming my rationale and words. “I don’t want to hurt anymore. If sex can prevent that, I’ll do what you want.”

  “How bad does your back hurt?”

  I shrugged, “I hurt. All of me hurts and it’s not just from the beating.”

  “You’re lonely.”

  “So are you,” I countered, matching his conviction.

  “This isn’t about a relationship.”

  I scoffed. “I wasn’t ignorant of that memo.” I bit my lip and looked down. “I have to do something. You told me to stop considering impossible situations, so I’m taking advantage of the current one.”

  “You’re taking advantage?” he drawled. “And when I hand you off to the others? To Ross?”

  My conviction wavered. “I’ll do what you want—”

  “If I give you what you need,” he finished.

  He pressed me into the refrigerator again and pulled away my robe sash, slipping his hands inside. His fingers brushed against my sides then pulled my hips against him while his knee slid between my legs.

  I giggled and he pulled back.

  “What are you laughing about?”

  “I think I just figured part of you out.”

  His face darkened, and I hoped I hadn’t just busted my chance at avoiding his temper.

  “The only time I really get a rise out of you is when I stand my ground.”

  The way he pressed his lips together I couldn’t tell if he was hiding a smile, or if I had just hit a raw nerve. “Standing your ground is dangerous.”

  “You’re the only person here, and it seems like the only thing I’m in danger of at the moment is—”

  He kissed me so hard the words whirled around in my head and shattered. “Quiet, Silver.”

  He held me against himself, pulled me away from the refrigerator and walked me backward to the couch. He pushed the robe off my shoulders, his hot hips brushing against my cool, freshly-exposed skin.

  “You’re strong,” he whispered into my neck. He nipped my skin and I arched against him. “Hold onto it, but be careful about who you let see it.”

  The back of my calf bumped the couch and Kirk let the robe fall away. He removed his shirt then pushed me across the couch. After dropping his pants, he rested his knee between my legs and leaned over me, taking a nipple in his mouth and rolling it with his tongue.

  Then, he captured my mouth—his tongue pressing against mine. He sucked and nipped until I had to gasp for air.

  I was still worked up from the dream, and he didn’t have to do much work to have me yearning to go. His fingers slid through my folds and he raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything.

  He adjusted and lifted my hips as he slid inside me, pressing his thumb to my clit as he slowly
filled me.

  It shouldn’t be like this, I thought. I felt guiltier for enjoying it than agreeing to it. I matched his thrusts, pushing upward so that each stroke pushed me deeper into pleasure.

  Someone knocked on the front door and Kirk dropped against me, panting in my ear. He pressed himself up with a grunt, “Can it wait?”

  “No,” a deep voice answered.

  Kirk sat back and rubbed a hand over his face. He wouldn’t look at me as he shoved his legs into his pants and stalked across the room.

  I heard whispered voices and then approaching footsteps. “Get dressed,” Kirk said.

  I sat up and looked over to see Miles. His eyes raked over my nudity and I froze for a second.

  Dressed, I repeated to myself, resolved not do disappoint Kirk again. But, I had no idea what he expected me to put on. I stood and nodded, ducking into the bedroom.

  I looked at the pile of clothes I had near my bed and rubbed my hands over my face, the full impact of what I’d just been doing fell on my gut. I felt physically off balance as my emotions engaged in a hopeless battle.

  There was no winning. No way out. No way back to who I used to be.

  Kirk stepped in and put a hand on the small of my back and directed me toward the dresser. He pulled out a pair of jeans and a tank top—both my size, at least, the size I’d been when I arrived.

  I frowned at him. Somehow excess clothes seemed especially suspicious. Sitting against the dresser, I stared at the clothes in my hands. “I’m horny, frustrated, and confused. Can you go back to being distant and horrible?”

  His eyes drifted over me as if he wanted to help me but had no idea how. “I thought you didn’t want to be miserable anymore.”

  “No matter what, I keep sinking. I can either take a final gulp of water and drown or sprout gills and never go back. I’m not good at letting go.”

  “Then, what was that out there?” Kirk’s forehead crinkled and he leaned against me, placing a hand on the dresser on either side of me, and I drew back.

  “I—” I knew there was a risk of pissing him off if I told him the truth, but I let it roll out anyway, “I wanted the choice to be mine. You could force me to change, this place could force me to change, but I don’t want to lose every part of my autonomy.”


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