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The Color Of Love: A BWWM Billionaire Alpha Male Romance

Page 11

by BWWM Club

  The doctor’s advice was simple, the same way the baby got in there would be the best way to get it out. She didn’t need to be told twice and since that day one week ago, she had made a concentrated effort to get as much of Dawson as nature would allow.

  Now she was faced with her most dreaded fear - labor. What a day this baby had chosen. Victoria was scheduled to view the beachside venue they had picked out for the wedding today. Oh well that would have to wait. Loudly she yelled, “Dawson… Dawson… wake up…. I think my water broke.”

  For some odd reason he responded, “Ok… I think we should call your mother.” Later they would laugh at his ridiculous response, but right now they had more pressing issues. After a quick shower and an argument with the father to be about how close her contractions were, Victoria sat down to call her mother. The woman must have been psychic . She answered her phone with the statement, “I guess it’s time.” The arrangements for her mother’s pick up were made and Marjorie reluctantly agreed to fly over in Dawson’s private jet.

  Over the next hour the contractions went from every half an hour to every twenty minutes and Dawson became overwhelmed with Victoria’s refusal to go to the hospital. Finally, after his third call to her doctor, Victoria decided she was ready to go.

  From nowhere a wheel chair arrived and downstairs a private ambulance waited to take her to the hospital ten minutes away. When the driver turned on the siren the contractions immediately intensified and the starched white polo Dawson wore felt the consequences. Her fingers closed around a fistful of fabric as she felt the pain of being gutted and torn apart. As it subsided, Victoria felt delirious and the fear of the next one hitting her made her nervous.

  She felt it building and mounting. The contractions were now every five minutes apart and as this one began, she tried to remember her breathing coach’s words, ‘in through your nose and out through your mouth, concentrate on your core’, she said but it made no sense now.

  “Someone please get this baby out of me,” she screamed to the medic while blocking off Dawson’s neck causing his face to drain all color. This was worse than he imagined it would be. The veins in her neck popped as the strain of bringing a child into the world overtook her.

  “I am sorry Victoria… I didn’t know it would be like this…” He never finished his sentence because he found his breathing once again cut off by Victoria’s powerful arm. The medic found it difficult to extract the same arm from Dawson’s leg as they tried to wheel her out of the ambulance and into the hospital, but eventually Dawson and the two medics detached a screaming Victoria and got her swiftly to the labor room.

  Two minutes apart now were the contractions and the Doctor who had received an unfortunate kick before, announced she was ten centimeters dilated and very ready. She had proudly made the decision not to have pain medication and Dawson had suggested otherwise. In the end, she was sorry that she had not listened and now felt as if she was being split in half. Victoria begged for something… anything to stop the pain invading her body.

  “When I say to push, I need you to hold the back of your legs and push as hard as you can.” No one was sure that Victoria would comply because of her incessant screaming, but as the contraction hit she followed orders. The primal sound of childbirth left her throat as she bore down and pushed with every ounce of her being - she was very obedient in stopping when the doctor asked her to.

  It took a total of three pushes to bring his little girl into the world and when her entire body finally slithered out of her fatigued mother, Dawson collapsed in tears. The baby was precious and Dawson feared she would break in his large hands. When he finally accepted that she wasn’t as fragile as he thought, he took the seven pound baby from her mother and held her tiny body to his face. This was pure, untainted love.

  Something was wrong, the nurses were rushing back and forth buzzing around Victoria’s still opened legs. The doctor cried, “ It’s not the afterbirth that’s coming, I can see another head… another baby is coming.”

  Victoria looked at the doctor and said, “You had better be kidding!” But then the familiar tightness of another contraction and two pushes later, another tiny baby was brought into this world. As Victoria gazed into his tiny brown face, she said, “My mother is never going to believe this.”


  The dress was white and strapless cut above Victoria’s still round breasts, full with milk for her babies. Majesty, the girl and Genesis the boy, were six months old and had appeared on the cover of many magazines since their birth. Even Marjorie agreed to a photo shoot with her grandchildren, but quickly rejected the idea of anymore after the paparazzi turned up one afternoon only to be met by the barrel of her shotgun.

  The day was warm and the ocean sparkling as three hundred guests sat and waited under a sheer canopy for the bride. A firm believer in breast is best, Victoria kept the nanny in the room as she dressed, making sure the twins were fed and happy while her handlers fussed over the designer dress.

  The mermaid bottom was made of Egyptian cotton and Asian silk trimmed the edges accented by hundreds of Swarovski crystals. The bustier bodice did a good job of keeping her tummy flat and her heavy breasts in place and as its crystals sparkled, Victoria smiled. Today was a happy day. The two hundred tiny covered buttons were painstakingly done up by nimble hands and when Victoria turned to the mirror, she was more than pleased with her appearance.

  Abby was her maid of honor and head cheerleader in this bridal party and though Dawson insisted, Victoria chose no one else from his family but Evelyn to walk up the aisle with her. The colors of the evening were rust orange and leaf green and the accents of copper highlighted the contrast of the two earthy hues. The babies were dressed in tiny outfits in the wedding colors - a green suit for the boy and lovely frilly skirt for the girl and the Evelyn and her assistant took pictures of their adorable brown faces at every opportunity.

  Victoria decided that she didn’t want to carry a bouquet, but instead selected a white candle inside a stained glass shade designed by the same craftsmen who did Hotel Majesty’s lampshades. It represented a flame of love that would be kept burning for all eternity.

  Of course, no one else other than Abby was entrusted with the task of creating their wedding cake. Victoria had not seen it yet, but was confident that it would be a cake to top all wedding cakes - her friend was a master creator in her books. With a touch up to her makeup, Victoria was ready to go and the nanny gently deposited the small children into a decorated twin pram - they too would be walking up the aisle with their mother.

  Evelyn was the one reminding them of the time as she handed her camera to her assistant and opened the door indicating it was time to go. One by one they filed out making their way to the poolside of the hotel where they would start the wedding procession up the beach and under the shaded canopy where Dawson waited with his heart in his hand.

  People pointed as Victoria’s barefoot sandals hit the sand and her party lined up for her last walk as Victoria Jones. The wedding march strummed from the violin and piano positioned next to the priest and the nervous husband to be. As Dawson turned to look at his chocolate bride, their eyes made four and he gave her his customary wink. Victoria winked back. Slowly, the nanny went first pushing the quiet babies who seemed to love the spotlight as much as their father, followed by Evelyn and Abby, finally Victoria holding her eternal light took center stage.

  Smiling at familiar faces graciously, she took the steps up the aisle to become Dawson’s wife. It felt like an eternity before she reached his side and when she did, he grabbed her hand and held it tightly, never wanting to let it go.

  The priest was an older gentleman who seemed as fat and jolly as Santa himself and as his deep voice repeated the rites, Dawson and Victoria were the only people in time and space. They saw only each other and that was alright - they needed no one else to make their world colorful and bright.

  The younger Thomas handed Dawson the rings when it was time and they b
oth focused on repeating, “Love, honor and obey” as the rings were slipped on the their left fingers, tying them together. Taking her lit candle from Abby, Victoria walked over to a small table behind the arch of flowers they stood under, and removed the cloth covering her cake.

  The tower of cream, sugar and vanilla told the story of two people committing to each other - three layers of vanilla sponge covered in creamy white frosting, decorated with a swirling vine of chocolate flowers. Laughing out loud, Victoria turned to Abby and gave her a thumbs up. Dawson joined her with his own candle and together they lit the large gold candle on top of the cake, before lowering another brilliantly decorated lampshade over it.

  Holding hands, they walked back to the arch and listened as the priest pronounced them man and wife. She felt as though she had waited for eternity to finally kiss her husband and when she did, it was one to remember. Deep and passionate as the love that bound them, the kiss went on forever and it was the priest who announced, “I never got to tell him you may kiss the bride!”

  The laughing and applauding crowd drew the couple back into reality and they both blushed at their display of raw emotion. Turning to face their friends and family, Victoria found her mother’s eyes in the front row, eyes wet and red. The last time she saw her mother cry was when her father died, but at least today they were tears of joy.

  The priest was now done with the nuptials and after closing his spiritual book he stepped closer to the standing microphone to proudly say, “I now present to you… Mr and Mrs. Dawson Ledger.”

  The end.

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  More Books By Alia Thomas

  If you enjoyed that, you'll love Steven And Julie by J A Fielding (sample and description of what it's about below).


  Billionaire Londoner Steven has moved to America to expand his house renting business.

  Here he meets Julie, an estate agent who may just be the person to help him get the properties he's after.

  But what starts as a mutual business relationship soon turns into a whole lot more!

  Join Steven and Julie as they become lovers, business partners, and loving parents.

  Witness their wedding, their baby making, ups and downs and more.


  Julie Parker was having one of those mornings from hell. She had slept right through her alarm for the third time that week. As she got dressed she was cursing under her breath and wondering what she was going to tell her boss this time round. She was quite sure that Dana, her boss, was getting quite tired of her excuses. Julie could almost hear Dana’s questions ringing in her head.

  “Why don’t you move closer to work?”

  “Why don’t you just get a louder alarm clock?”

  She put on a pink high waist satin skirt and a white long-sleeved blouse. She coupled her outfit with a pair of black shiny pointy toed heels and then grabbed her bag before she ran out of her room and into the kitchen.

  “Great. Even dad made it out of here earlier than me. How pathetic is that?” she wondered as she nibbled on a bacon strip. She looked at her breakfast and frowned. She hated having to skip breakfast especially after her father had so lovingly prepared it for her. She looked at the time and sighed before she grabbed her keys and got out of the house. She decided she would get a bagel and a cup of coffee when she got to work. When she got to her car, she got inside and started it. As if her morning wasn’t bad enough, it seemed her car was not going to give her an easy time either. “Damn it!” she yelled as she banged her hand on the steering wheel. As soon as she did it, she knew it was a bad idea. She got out of the car and banged the door angrily as she rubbed the side of her hand. She took her phone out of her bag and called for a cab. Thankfully, the company had a cab a few blocks from her place, so she only had to wait for…fifteen minutes. After she was done talking to the cab company, she dialed Dana. She could feel her heart beating fast as she heard the phone ringing.

  “Dana, Hi….I’m running late,” Julie said. She could almost hear Dana’s tired sigh at the end of the line.

  “Slept through the alarm again, didn’t you?” Dana asked.

  “Yes and…my car won’t start,” Julie replied feeling almost too guilty.

  “Let’s just add that to the list of things you need to get,” Dana said. “When do you think you’ll be here?” she asked.

  “I just called for a cab so it might be a while seeing as it takes me more than an hour to get to the office,” Julie promised. “I’m really sorry Dana, I’ll stay in an extra hour today to make up for it,” she added guiltily.

  “Damn right you will,” Dana snapped before she hung up.

  Just as Julie had predicted, she did not get to work until a little after ten. She hated that her workspace was so close to Dana’s office. She could never really sneak in, but then again she had an angel’s morality sense. She had just sat down when Dana walked over to her desk.

  “You know, you could just lease a new car, right?” she asked as she looked at Julie.

  “Yeah, but I’d rather not. I am not in a great financial position right now,” Julie admitted. Dana smiled and nodded.

  “Well then, I have the perfect job for you. This property mogul from England is in town looking for a house. I thought you could show him some of the properties around town,” Dana said. Julie frowned.

  “A property mogul?” Julie asked.

  “That’s what the call from the London office said and the meeting is right now. So, you better get going,” Dana announced.

  “Wait. Where am I supposed to meet this mogul?” Julie asked as she stood up from her desk. Dana gave her a post-it with an address written on it. “Dana this is on the other side of town,” she responded looking at her boss. “Wait, is this...” she started asking before she noticed Dana nodding. She had seen that house before and fallen in love with it. She could hardly believe that she was getting the chance to show it. “Wow, I never thought it would be me,” Julie confessed still looking at the address.

  “Well it is and you are running late.”

  “But the car…”Julie started before Dana shook her head.

  “The show must go on,” Dana replied assertively. Julie rolled her eyes.

  “This isn’t theater you know,” Julie retorted “And the fact is, traffic is a bitch right now. I will never get there in time.”

  “You will just have to try,” Dana said as she walked away from her desk. Julie wanted to scream. She hated taking cabs to meet with prospective clients and to make it worse, it was a property mogul. An English property mogul. If there was something she was sure about as far as Englishmen were concerned was time, and thanks to her good for nothing car, she was already late. She practically bolted out of the office and made her way to the elevator. This was one of those days she wished she had on some nice flat shoes or that her office had no strict dress code. Luckily, she managed to get a cab almost as soon as she got out of the building, and as luck would have it, getting across town was not as difficult as it usually was. Traffic was actually minimal on that particular day.

  “There is a
god,” she thought as she got out of the cab. She paid the cab driver and then turned around to look at the house in front of her. It was the most perfect property she had ever laid eyes on. It had everything an estate agent could ever hope for: it had the most perfect driveway donned with a perfectly manicured lawn and the brick finish of the house was just the icing on the cake. She was still looking at the house when she heard a car pulling up. She turned around and smiled at a tall dark-haired man getting out of a white Range Rover.

  “Hi, you must be Julie Parker,” he questioned as he walked towards her. She could not help but notice just how perfect he looked. He actually reminded her of Christian Grey on Fifty Shades of Grey. He was almost exactly like him. He was in a pale blue shirt and a pinstripe gray suit. He looked really simple, but she was sure that his attire, simple as it was, probably cost more than her house. She didn’t even realize that she had been staring at him all this time. “Miss Parker?” he asked as he looked at her, snapping her out of her trance.

  “I’m sorry…yeah… I am Julie…Parker,” she said. The man smiled at her and nodded.

  “Yeah, I kind of just said that.”

  Julie felt her cheeks get hot.

  “Sorry…” her words trailed off when she realized that Dana had not given her his name

  “Steven Davenport,” he said as he stretched out his hand to shake hers. “Pleasure to meet you.” She almost melted at his unmistakable British accent.

  “Julie Parker,” she told him. She let her gaze drop to the floor when she realized that she had just said her name for the umpteenth time. “Sorry,” she apologized, smiling at him embarrassed.

  “Shall we take a tour of the house?” Steven asked looking at her.


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