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The Vampire Potion (Vampire World Book 1)

Page 9

by Tassen Raihan Trima

  “Thank you. It was awesome learning from you,” she said to Alexander.

  “Welcome,” he replied curtly.

  “Guys,” Vanessa said and clapped her hands to grab everyone’s attention. “Select your roommates for your tent. But don’t forget, girls choose girls and boys choose boys. Nothing in between.”

  “Ness, I’m with you, right?” Becca asked and she nodded her head.

  “Of course. Roomies forever, whether in a room or a tent.”

  Lucas went to Alexander. “Hey, b—” Alexander interrupted him.

  “Don’t even think of it.”

  Lucas chuckled. “I can’t take the risk of you sharing a tent with a human, Alex. You have no control over yourself.”

  Noticing that he made a point, Alexander sighed in defeat. He couldn’t choose to stay alone in the tent because the number of tents were limited. “Fine.”


  During the next afternoon, Becca and Alexander were roaming in the corners of the jungle to collect wood. They didn’t want to, but it was Vanessa’s order after all.

  “Do we have to cut trees like a woodcutter to get the dry wood?” Becca asked Alexander while walking next to him.

  “No. Why would we do that?” he inquired. Sometimes, he wanted to know how these weird questions popped in Becca’s mind.

  “Otherwise, how will we get wood?” She pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear since her hair was let down.

  “We will collect the dry material we find on the ground and take them,” he responded, finding small pieces of wood nearby. “Lucas also went to collect wood so I think we will have enough by the end of the day.”

  “Okay,” Becca said and started to collect a few pieces of wood from the other side.

  Suddenly, Alexander could feel something unusual. The jungle was dead silent, almost as if indicating something bad was about to happen. He turned to see Becca, who was busy finding small pieces of wood. His eyes fell over the tree she was standing beneath.

  The tree was shaky. It was about to fall over the place Becca was standing.

  Dropping the pieces of wood he had collected, he rushed to her in an instant without a second thought, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her to the other side.

  The tree roughly fell on the ground, making a loud thud.

  “Are you okay?” Alexander asked Becca as she was on top of him.

  She gasped, seeing the broken tree on the ground, her eyes immediately shifting to Alexander. “How did you do that? I am sure you were far away from me this time.”

  “I would answer that but you have to get off me first. The position is awkward,” he grumbled. As much as he wanted to stay away from Becca for some time, fate was pulling her closer to him, especially now that she was on top of him lying on the ground, their faces only inches away from each other, her hair covering both of their faces.

  “Oh, sorry,” she mumbled, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment. She got up shortly and fixed her top. She extended a hand to help him up, which he didn’t take and stood up on his own.

  He decided to collect the wood he dropped earlier. Becca stayed close to him, waiting for him to answer so that he wouldn't be able to dodge the question.

  “I have always been a fast runner since childhood,” Alexander spoke up, knowing that she wanted an answer. “I turned to see whether you were having any luck collecting wood and that’s when I saw the tree about to fall over you. So I ran and you know the rest.”

  “Nice,” Becca replied and started to help him with collecting wood. “Hey, I never heard about your childhood. So tell me, how was your childhood?”

  Alexander was hesitant to reply to her question. Sensing his agitation, Becca decided to make him comfortable by talking about her childhood.

  She said to Alexander, “My childhood was horrible.”

  Chapter 17: More Vampires

  Alexander sat beneath a tree since it was the daytime. He motioned for Becca to sit next to him. When she didn’t move an inch, he said, “Let’s sit and hear your childhood story, shall we?”

  She gave a curt smile and made her way to sit next to him. She sat and looked up at the bright sky. “I didn’t have a happy childhood; rather it was a pretty rough one.” She started saying, “My mom died while giving birth to me. Since then, Dad has been raising me on his own and he is the only family I have left, which is why I obey him all the time. I can’t lose the only family I have.”

  “No wonder why you don’t ever argue with him,” he mumbled.

  She failed to understand what he meant, so she continued, “Dad never talks to me properly. He always says hurtful things to me. For him, I could never make proper friends.”

  “Is that why you were eager to be friends with me and Lucas?” questioned Alexander.

  She nodded and said softly, “Yes. I am sorry for forcing you into this friendship.” She added, “I never have had friends before, so I intended to be myself and make tons of friends as soon as I got into college.”

  He entwined his hand with hers when she didn’t say anything about it, he said, “You don’t have to apologize for being my friend, Becca. I am glad to be your friend, and I am sure so is that bastard, Lucas.”

  She chuckled at the way he mentioned Lucas. “The best thing that has ever happened to me in childhood was my dog, Seniha. I got her when I was five.” Her eyes lit up in happiness at the mention of her dog. “I was crying in one corner of the garden and all of a sudden, Seniha ran to me from the Bellmor jungle. I took her into the house and Dad had scolded me. That was when he banned me from going outside without his permission. I promised him to obey if he let me keep Seniha with me, which he agreed to.”

  “So is your father taking proper care of Seniha in your absence?” he inquired.

  She heaved a sigh. “I don’t know. Dad hasn’t been good to me, but I know he loves me. For me, he will definitely take good care of Seniha.”

  “I doubt that,” he uttered.

  “All I can do is pray for Seniha’s well-being,” she mumbled.

  “Looks like the best things that happen to you always arrive at the garden of your house,” he told Becca and smirked.

  She chortled at the double meaning of it. She met Alexander in her garden like she met Seniha. Not responding to that remark, she looked at him, and asked, “What was the best thing that ever happened in your childhood?”

  Alexander twitched his lips, thinking of a proper reply. That was when a genuine smile formed on his face as he answered, “My brother.”

  “You have a brother?” She arched an eyebrow.

  He nodded his head. “My parents died after my birth, so my brother was the one who raised me and took care of me. He would understand me without even telling him how I felt.” He continued, “You know, Becca, I never wished for anything.”

  “Why?” she asked curiously.

  “Because he gave me everything without even asking for it,” he responded.

  “Your brother must be very nice then.” She noticed the cute smile on his face, seeing his dimples for the first time.

  “Indeed. He is the best brother ever,” he said and glanced at Becca, only to find her still looking at him. “What?”

  “You look cute when you smile. You even have dimples like me,” she let out.

  Alexander felt a little bit embarrassed at the compliment he received since he barely got any before. Becca was the only one who would bluntly say that he was handsome and also cute. Why would this blunt girl be my soulmate? Just why? he wondered.

  He was about to remove his hand which was holding Becca’s but she tightened her grip, not wanting to let go of his hands.

  “We should take this wood we collected and head back to the camp. It will be evening soon,” he announced, a pile of wood was in a bag next to them, which they collected together.

  Becca liked the weather, especially when there was calming wind along with the sunset. “Let’s stay like this for a while,” she said.

>   Alexander didn’t protest and quietly watched the sun setting, along with Becca—their hands entwined with each other.


  It was already past evening. Becca and Alexander were heading towards the camp with the bag of dry wood.

  All of a sudden, a cold wind blew Becca’s hair, as she turned to stare into the dark place in the jungle. She could feel something bad lurking nearby; her heartbeat fastened in fear.

  Alexander, who was walking ahead of her, turned back when he didn’t hear Becca chatter anymore. He saw her standing at a spot and flashed the flashlight beam in her direction. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  When she didn’t respond and continued staring at the dark spot, Alexander walked towards her, feeling the same strong power Becca felt.

  His eyes grew as wide as saucers. He knew it was the vampires like him. His phone chimed all of a sudden.

  He took it out of his pocket, only to find a text from Pristine.

  Pristine: Alert! The vampire world is aware of the vampire potion now. My assistant spilled the beans and spread it all over. Everyone will be after Becca now. Do your task ASAP.

  He grabbed Becca’s hand once again since he couldn’t let the other vampires meet Becca at any cost since they were here for her. “Becca, it’s not safe for us to stay here alone. Let’s head back to the camp right now.”

  “Alex, someone is coming. I can feel it.”

  “It might be dangerous creatures, Becca. We cannot risk it.” He pulled her with him as he started walking towards the camp. “Let’s go.”

  Becca walked along with Alexander, her eyes often glancing back to that dark place. She could feel a connection there, similar to what she felt with Alexander and Vanessa. But the difference was, she felt safe and secure with Alex and Vanessa, however, with whoever was lurking there in the dark place, she felt terror. She knew danger was waiting for her there. She could just get that feeling.

  Whereas, Alexander knew that he had to fasten up with his plan because the other vampires were aware of the vampire potion now. Everyone would want to become the king, but he had to make sure that Phil Insworthe would be titled as the king after the war between the vampires that took place 150 years ago.

  He stole a glance at Becca. She could feel the same I was feeling, yet she had no idea that she was feeling the presence of the vampires, he thought, I wish I could tell you the truth, Becca, but I don’t have much time now.

  Chapter 18: Return

  Alexander and Becca returned to the camp.

  Vanessa ran to them. “Where were the two of you? Lucas and Julia came back a long time ago.” She noticed the entwining hands of Alexander and Becca. A teasing look formed over her lips as she asked, “Were you two romancing with each other in the middle of the jungle?”

  Immediately, Alexander and Becca broke the connection of their hands, and Becca shook her head. She said to Vanessa, “No. We were just watching the sunset together because I insisted on watching it. And damn, it sure was beautiful.”

  “Sunset?” Vanessa arched an eyebrow and glanced at Alexander.

  “Yes,” Becca replied curtly. “Where shall we put these bags?”

  “Leave them there. Tell Antonio to help you,” she said to Becca, who nodded and went to keep the collected wood at one place.

  Vanessa cleared her throat and turned to her brother. As she was about to open her mouth, Alexander interrupted, saying, “Don’t spit rubbish.”

  “Okay,” she said with a smirk. “How was the sunset, my dear brother?”

  He glared at her. “Throw it away, whatever is going on in your mind.”

  “Alex, you can’t deny the fact that she is your soulmate. You got proof as well.” She pointed at his chest. “Place a hand over your heart and see if it beats each time you think of her. All you need is time to get to know her.”

  He rolled his eyes. “That’s what I don’t have now. The time.”

  She furrowed her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

  “Everyone in our world learned about the potion and is now after Becca,” he explained to Vanessa, who gasped. “On our way here, after watching the sunset, Becca could sense a strong power, and when I stood next to her, I could feel the other vampires approaching. They are here for the potion like me.”

  “But how did they learn about it?” she questioned, looking at Becca, who was talking to other students with a bright smile on her face. “Poor her.”

  “Pristine’s assistant had spread the news to everywhere,” he replied curtly and followed Vanessa’s gaze. “Becca has no idea what is happening in our world just because of her. She has no idea of what she is and how much worth she holds for the vampires.”

  “Alex, you have to stay with her all the time,” Vanessa advised. “I will protect the other students if something happens, but you have to protect Becca.”

  “Obviously,” he let out and she looked at him in amusement. Seeing her look, Alexander added, “I have to look after her for Phil.”

  “Yeah, right,” she uttered, not believing his words at all. “She is a nice girl, though. She will keep you happy, Alex.”

  Alexander glanced at Becca from a distance and mumbled, “I know, but I am not here to fall in love, especially with a human.”


  “It’s time to cook delicious warm food,” Sebastian announced. “I have set up everything. After dinner, we can all gather up and play truth and dare.”

  All cheered and helped Sebastian to put together a scrumptious meal.

  Meanwhile, Alexander was sitting on a log, quietly watching everyone. He wondered how human beings could be so different from them. They were chirpy and enjoyed their existence most of the time, while the vampires only cared about strengthening their powers.

  “Mind if I sit?” Becca asked, breaking Alexander from his trance.

  She was standing there, wearing a hoodie.

  “You didn’t ask for my permission when we were on the bus,” he responded.

  She grinned. “You are right.” With that, she sat next to him. “What are you thinking?”

  He answered, still looking at the students cooking, “Just pondering that human nature is weird.”

  “Why though?” she inquired and followed his gaze. “I find them extremely cool. Everyone knows how to express themselves, and this is the best trait. Because if you don’t express yourself, how will people relate to you?”

  He looked at her. “You have a weird way of thinking,” he mumbled. “Why are you wearing this hoodie, though?”

  She rubbed her hands and said, “I am just feeling a little cold.”

  “Then warm food should help,” Antonio murmured out of nowhere, making Becca jump a little at his sudden appearance. He was standing behind Alexander and Becca.

  “Geez. How do you pop out of thin air?” Alexander grumbled.

  “Antonio, stop doing that,” she informed him, her hand still over her chest. “You gave me a heart attack.”

  Antonio gave a sheepish grin and handed a box of grilled sandwiches. “Nessa said to give you these since you love sandwiches. These are fresh and warm.”

  Becca wanted to eat it at that instant, but she refrained from doing so. “Leave it in my tent. I will eat it later.”

  “Why?” he asked, and Alexander observed her every movement.

  “I prefer to eat cold food,” she lied fluently. “You can give these to Alex instead.”

  “No, I am not hungry,” Alexander said, giving a stern look to Antonio when he was about to hand the box to him.

  “Come on, Becca. Cold food is tasteless,” Antonio said and took out a sandwich from the box. “You should eat warm food. It is healthy for you. Look at your figure. You are so slim.”

  Alexander threw daggers with his eyes at Antonio at the mention of her figure. It meant that he eyed Becca and Alexander hated the thought. He had an urge to punch him square in his face.

  “No, I—” Becca was interrupted by Antonio stuffing the sandwich in her

  “No ifs and buts. Only delicious warm food is heavenly.”

  Becca wanted to spit out the warm sandwich but she couldn’t because Antonio fed her with so much care. She couldn’t disappoint him and make him sad by spitting out the food. She chewed it politely against her will and gulped it.

  Antonio had no idea what he did by feeding her the warm food. He handed the box to Becca and ran back to his other friends, leaving Alexander and Becca alone.

  “Why didn’t you want to eat?” Alexander asked Becca after Antonio was far away from them.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Who said I didn’t want to? I just love eating cold food.”

  “Really?” he asked, not believing her at all. He felt like she was hiding something.

  “Guys, gather up for the truth and dare game!” Vanessa hollered and everyone started to sit on different logs, circling the bonfire.

  “You don’t mind me sitting with you during the game, do you?” Becca asked, totally avoiding the question Alexander asked before.

  “Will you get up if I say that I mind?” he inquired, a small smile playing on his lips.

  She chuckled, watching others join them as they were already sitting on one of the logs. “Your response doesn’t matter, Alexander. I will sit with you, anyway.”

  Chapter 19: Truth Or Dare?

  “Guys, it shall go turn by turn,” Sebastian announced, since it wasn’t possible to spin a bottle on the grass. “We can start asking from one side and it will go in circles.”

  “No, babe, it’s not fun,” Vanessa pointed out.

  “Then what do you suggest we should do?” Sebastian questioned and Vanessa started thinking.

  When an idea popped into Becca's mind, she said, “How about we pass something while someone plays the music? When the music stops, the person who has the object has to choose between truth and dare.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Lucas said and stood up from the log as he was sitting next to Julia. He didn’t want to stay with her, so he offered, “I will be the one playing the song and stopping it.”

  “But—” Vanessa was interrupted by Lucas.


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