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Dom (Galactic Cage Fighters Series Book 11)

Page 3

by KD Jones

  “He fired me, though.”

  Amelia had then explained the clause in her contract that stated that, if she finished out her month, she was entitled to a termination wage. Not that she really cared about the money, but it was a good enough excuse to give Dom when she showed up for work on Monday.

  The expression on Dom’s face had been priceless. Amelia was right, if he was going to end things for a stupid reason like her v-card, then she wasn’t going to make it easy on him. She had to stay strong and be brave.

  Sam got into the elevator and pressed the button for her floor. Maybe she shouldn’t go to the after party. All those people would be there, dancing, laughing, and talking. She wasn’t that much of a people person. She preferred her computers and gadgets. They didn’t let her down and they never judged her. But Dom probably didn’t think she would go to the party, which was why she was definitely going to make an appearance. No way would she let him get away with being a jackass to her. No way. Be brave.

  Chapter 3

  Every time the door to the banquet hall opened, Dom would turn to look, and was then filled with a disappointment each time it wasn’t Sam walking in. Where was she? Amelia had told him that she was coming, but that was at least fifteen minutes ago. Sam never took this long getting ready. Usually she was in the shower, out, dressed, and her long hair braided in under ten minutes. It was one of the things he liked the most about her, how low-maintenance she was. Of course, this type of party wasn’t really her style, so he supposed she might have changed her mind.

  “Why so tense, Dom?” a female voice asked from behind him.

  He turned to see Lydia standing there. She was just the person he needed to talk to. “I’m not tense.”

  She ran her hand up and down his arm, squeezing lightly. “I beg to differ. You are very tight all over. I have methods to help you relieve that tightness, if you like.”

  The way she looked him over and ran her hands over him left little doubt of how she would like to relieve him of his tension. Maybe he should take Lydia up on it. She knew him, knew what him liked, and she was certainly one of the best he’d ever had. They had shared sex often and still remained friends. But now the thought of being with Lydia seemed wrong for some reason.

  “Dance with me,” she pleaded with her eyes and her body. He would have to be dead not to react to her open flirtation. Still, a part of him resisted.

  “I’m not much of a dancer, I have really bad hip action.”

  She laughed as she pulled on his arm, taking him to the dance floor. “I know for a fact you have perfect hip action.”

  He chuckled. Lydia was easy to be around, since she made such a point to put people at ease. He took her in his arms and swayed to the music. She rubbed her body against his and his body had a natural response to the stimulus, as he was highly sexual and never denied it, but his eyes kept drifting to the door as he wondered where the hell Sam was.

  “She must be something special,” Lydia commented, getting his attention.


  “You keep looking at the door like you’re waiting on something, or someone.”

  “I’m sorry I’m so distracted.”

  “I must be losing my skills if I can’t keep a man interested.”

  Dom shook his head, smiling at her. “You haven’t lost anything, but I do need your expertise on a situation.”

  “Tell me what you need.”


  Sam knew she was running late. She had wasted too much time trying to find a different outfit, but ended up in the one Amelia had told her to wear. This, of course, meant she had no time to put her hair up, so she had left it down and quickly used the straightener, which only served to emphasize how long her hair was getting. It came down to just above her ass now.

  By the time she got down to the level with the banquet rooms, she was over thirty minutes late. She had been trying to run in her heels, but had finally stopped to take them off because she was afraid she might twist her ankle and fall. As she neared the hallway the banquet rooms were on, she slowed down to catch her breath. She stopped in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror to check her appearance once more. She had to put on her glasses to see clearly.

  Bending down, she put her heels back on. Her hair was straight and shiny, her cheeks pink more from the running than the light blush she had put on. She hadn’t attempted eyeliner or mascara after having almost blinded herself once years ago. Her lips looked much fuller with the deep red lipstick that she put on. The white dress had tiny spaghetti straps that she couldn’t wear a bra with—she was thankful for once that she wasn’t big chested. The color of the dress was several shades of pearl white, off white, and with a hint of gold blended in, and looked good against her pale skin, highlighting her freckles. The hem of the dress reached to about two inches above her knee. She had to admit, she looked pretty, even sexy tonight. Movement in the mirror of someone behind her, near the closed banquet doors, caught her attention.

  Turning around, she found one of the male fighters standing there staring at the door. She approached him and saw the unsure expression on his face. When he turned her way, she gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile, recognizing him as one of the newer fighters.

  “Hi. You’re Phoenix, right?”

  “Yes, you’re Dom Reese’s assistant…”

  “Actually, I’m only his assistant for another couple of weeks. I’m Samantha Porter, but please call me Sam. Are you heading inside?”

  “I’m not sure if I’ll be welcome or not.”

  Sam didn’t know what had him hesitating, but she was nervous, too, so they were both in the same boat. “Look, to be honest, I wasn’t going to come to this thing. There’s a guy in there I really want to make jealous. He kind of did me wrong and I admit to being vengeful enough to want to stick it to him. I’ll make a deal with you: if you go in, then I’ll go in.”

  Phoenix smiled at her. “I would be honored to be your escort for the evening if you would allow—it would really stick it to the other fellow.”

  Her smile was genuine as she took his arm that he offered you. “Is there anyone you want to make jealous or stick it to?”

  He shook his head. “No, but I think being seen with a beautiful woman like you will help me in other ways.” His voice deepened when he called her a beautiful woman. She felt heat rise in her cheeks and knew that she was blushing. He was definitely flirting with her.

  Phoenix opened the doors and she was immediately bombarded with loud music and voices. The room was dimly lit with glowing orbs floating around the ceiling. She took two steps inside and froze at what she saw.

  Dom was there, dancing with a gorgeous, exotic-looking brunette who was all over him. They were pressed so close that not even air could flow between their bodies. She felt like someone had knocked her in the stomach—she couldn’t breath.

  Phoenix leaned down in concern. “Are you okay, Sam?”

  Shaking her head, she whispered, “I can’t—”

  Sam felt fingers on her cheek as Phoenix turned her to face him. “You can do this. I’m here with you. I’m with you, whatever decision you make. If you stay, I’ll stay with you. If you leave, I’ll leave with you.”

  She took a deep breath and released it, managing to give him a smile, though it was forced. He didn’t even know her and he was going out of his way to help her. What a stand-up guy. “Thank you, Phoenix.”

  “Do you want to leave or stay?”

  Be brave. “I want to stay.”

  “Then how about we dance?”

  Nodding, she let him lead her out onto the floor. She didn’t dare glance over to where Dom and that other woman were. She placed her hands on Phoenix’s broad shoulders. He had his hands on her waist and started swaying to the rhythm of the music. She could feel the heat from his body warming her.

  She wasn’t a great dancer, but that had been the one somewhat girlie thing that her grandfather would do with her every Tuesday evening, take dance class
es. He said it was something that her grandmother loved to do. God, she really missed her granddad. She would have to go visit him when her time on the GCFA ship was up.

  “Phoenix, you’re a really good dancer.”

  Smiling at her, he twirled her around, then dipped her, holding her down low. “I heard that women were more likely to have sex with men who could dance. I signed up to take lessons and was the best student in class.”

  She laughed, looking up at him. “I’ll bet.” He was handsome and easy going, but there was a darkness in his eyes that hinted to a previous pain. She wanted to ask him about it, but she didn’t have time.

  A growl from behind Phoenix had her turning to look up, first at a pair of dress pants, then tight abs in a silk dress shirt. Her heart sank when she recognized who it was. “Dom.”

  “You can let her up now, Phoenix.”


  Dom was about to decline Lydia’s generous offer of a long night in her bed when the doors to the banquet hall opened. He didn’t rush to look up like he had earlier, having decided Sam wasn’t coming. When he finally did glance up, he couldn’t look away. A rage filled him like nothing he had ever felt before.

  Phoenix was coming in with Sam on his arm, and now he was caressing her face, right there in front of everyone. Sam didn’t push him away, but stared at Phoenix and smiled. What the hell was going on?

  “Is something wrong, Dom?” Lydia asked, turning to look at who he was staring at. “Is that the fighter you were talking about that you wanted me to set up with one of my workers?”

  “Yes, Phoenix.”

  “It looks like he found someone on his own. Who is she?”

  “My assistant.”

  “They make an attractive couple.”

  “They’re not a couple!” What was Sam doing with him?

  Lydia looked from the couple and then back to Dom. She sighed, “You’ve got it bad, Dom.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked without taking his eyes off of Sam. She was beautiful in that white dress with her hair hanging down. Her skin glowed, and when she smiled, it lit up the room.

  Lydia gave him a nudge. “Why don’t you go separate the two of them? I’ll work on finding someone for Phoenix.”

  “Thanks, I’ll owe you.” Dom didn’t give Lydia a second glance as he stormed toward the couple now dancing on the other side of the dance floor. When Phoenix dipped her and leaned over her to whisper something that made her laugh, Dom had had enough.

  “You can let her up now, Phoenix.”

  Phoenix stood up, bringing Sam with him. “Good evening, Mr. Reese. Is there something you wanted?”

  Dom ignored him and looked directly at Sam. “I need to speak to Sam—alone.”

  Phoenix moved instinctively to stand between them, but Sam put her hand on his arm, causing Dom to clench his fists to keep from hitting the other man. He had to stay in control.

  “It’s okay, Phoenix, I’ll be right back.”

  Dom took her arm and began leading her out of the banquet room. He didn’t stop in the hallway, moving them further down. She had to jog a little to keep up with his long strides.

  “Dom, where the hell are you taking me?”

  He walked them to the doors of another banquet room, which were unfortunately locked. In frustration, he shook the handles hard until there was a sudden crack and the doors flew open. He pulled her inside the dark room, not bothering to turn on the lights.

  “Did you just break the lock?” she asked him incredulously.

  “Screw the lock! What the hell are you doing with Phoenix?” He crossed his arms over his chest in an effort to keep his hands to himself. He didn’t want to touch her while he was so angry. He took in what were meant to be deep, calming breaths, but all that did was bring her sweet scent to him until he was filled with her.

  “It’s none of your business why I was with Phoenix! You turned me away and made it clear that you don’t want me!” She turned to leave but he reached for her and turned her around, pressing her back against the nearest wall. His body leaned into hers, keeping her trapped beneath him. Touching her like this was another mistake. All his good intentions were thrown aside.

  “Let me go!” She tried to shove him away, but he was too strong.

  “You think I don’t want you?” His breathing was heavy. “I have never felt so much for any woman and I am having a hard time trying to keep myself under control.”

  “Why? Is it because you think someone else wants me that you suddenly want me after all?”

  “Me wanting you has nothing to do with him.”

  “You don’t want me, though, not enough to sleep with or to date. So it shouldn’t matter if I sleep with someone else.”

  “Has he touched you? Kissed you?” His eyes, glowing faintly red in the dark room, bore into hers and she couldn’t look away.

  Her heart was racing and goose bumps had formed all over her arms and legs. She had shoved at his chest at first, but now her hands were just resting there and she could feel the pounding of his heart. He moved even closer, so that his lips were mere inches from hers.

  “Has he tasted those sweet lips?”

  She licked said lips without meaning to, drawing his eyes there. Her hands were now massaging his chest instead of pushing him away. Bad hands, bad hands.

  “My lips are none of your business,” she said, the words coming out slow and soft.

  “Wrong answer.” He bent down and took her lips with his in a deep, claiming kiss.

  Her body betrayed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned when his hands gripped her ass, lifting her up against him. He held her as they slid to the floor. He ground his groin against hers over and over. Her dress rode up and she could feel his cock through his pants, pressing against her pussy through her panties. That is so fucking hot!

  Something came over her, and she wanted more from him more than any man she had ever dated before. Was it because he had pushed her away, making him more of a temptation that she couldn’t resist? Or could it be that no other man ever gotten to her the way he did? At that moment, she didn’t care what the reasons were, she just wanted him.

  Gripping his hair, she kissed him back with all the passion she was feeling. She kicked off her heels and used her feet to get a better position and rolled her hips against him. Fire was running through her veins, seeming to ignite wherever they touched, all traveling down to her feminine place. She felt desperate for them to be skin to skin and tried to rip his shirt open, only managing to pop one button.

  “Stop moving, let me calm down,” he groaned.

  “No, I want you.” If she stopped, he might not touch her again, and she needed him to touch her desperately.

  “Damn it, Sam.” He reached for her hands and lifted them above her head. She fought him at first but it only amped up her desire to have him holding her and in control of what was happening. She wasn’t done driving him crazy, though.

  Sam ground her pussy against him over and over, knowing she was probably getting his pants soaked with her pussy juices seeping through her panties, she was so wet for him. “Yes, God, this is so good.”

  He leaned down and sucked her earlobe into his mouth, using his teeth to tug on her. She’d had no idea that was an erogenous zone for her. She moaned when she felt his fingers slipping inside her panties. He parted her pussy lips and teased her clit. That gathering fire suddenly went nuclear and she arched against his fingers, calling his name as her orgasm hit her hard.


  His lips moved across her jaw and up to her lips as he took her moans of pleasure into his mouth, kissing her until her body calmed to a steady fire. He stood up and helped her to slowly rise up to her feet, never letting go of her completely. She was grateful for that, because her legs felt like jello.

  “Are you okay?” Dom asked.

  “Yes, but you didn’t…”

  “No, not this time. I want to take my time when we finally have sex.”

bsp; Sounded like he planned to have another round with her. She knew she should refuse him, but at the moment, she was feeling generous. “We could go up to my suite.”

  He stepped back from her, releasing his hold. “I can’t right now.”

  She felt foolish. Had she read him wrong? Was this was a brush off? That was what she was thinking, except in this case the guy hadn’t gotten his pleasure first. She drew back, straightening her clothes to hide her confusion, and pulled her shoulders back.

  “Well, thanks, then.”

  “You should go back to your suite.”

  She felt heat as her temper flared. First he led her on and teased her to orgasm. Now he was ordering her back to her room like a child? How dare he?

  “I’m not a child. You don’t get to tell me where to go or who I can spend time with.” She shoved at his chest to get him to step back from her. “I’m going back to the after party.”

  “You’re not going back to Phoenix.”

  “That’s not your call.”

  “Damn it, Sam, he’s using you to make Amelia jealous and piss Nigel off.”

  “Screw you, Dom. Mind your own business.”

  “Don’t let him touch you.”

  “Or what?”

  “Do you really want me and Phoenix to fight? Because if I see him touching you, I won’t be able to let it go. We have unfinished business between us.”

  Did she really want to go back to the banquet, where people would look at her and put Phoenix in the middle of all that? “You’re a cold son of a bitch, Dom! I’ll go back to my suite if that makes you feel better, but know this, I’m going to make my last few weeks pure hell for you!” She stormed out of the room. She didn’t hear his response.

  “I’m already in hell.”

  Chapter 4

  The next morning

  Sam normally got up at the crack of dawn, but this morning she had really had to drag her ass out of bed. She had pulled on her sweatpants and a t-shirt when she got back to her suite, then plopped in bed, but had been unable to sleep right away. Her tears had kept her up most of the night.


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