Book Read Free

Ex in the City

Page 3

by Lillianna Blake

  “Here you go.” I grinned and hoped that the exertion of running around was a good excuse for the flush in my cheeks.

  “Thanks.” He caught the ball and smiled at me as he looked into my eyes.

  There it was again—that shimmer that made me wonder what thoughts paraded through his mind.

  “Looks like practice is over,” I said.

  “Blu, I almost made a basket!” Joey threw his arms around my waist and I grinned as I ran my hand through his hair.

  “Good job, buddy. I’m proud of you. You just have to keep trying.”

  “I will.”

  “Chase, are you going to get me ice cream?” Peter grabbed his hand. “You promised.”

  “Sure I am, buddy. You three want to join us?” He met my eyes again.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. We can’t today. Homework, then dinner—we’re on a schedule.” I smiled past my disappointment. I absolutely wanted to share an ice cream cone with Chase, even if that felt a little confusing to me.

  “Okay, what about Friday night?” He held my gaze.

  “Ice cream?”

  “Drinks and dancing—at a new bar that’s opening. Diamond Bay. Have you heard of it?”

  My eyes widened. What were the chances? Not only was he asking me out on a date, but he wanted to go to AJ’s new bar. I instantly felt that I should turn him down, but then I thought about what it would be like to walk into the bar and see AJ in another woman’s arms.

  “Yes, a friend of mine owns it, actually. I was already planning to go.”

  “Wow, that’s wild. I’m sorry then, I’m sure you already have a date.”

  “No, I don’t.” I smiled. “Well, maybe I do now?”

  “You do.” He slipped his hand into mine and held it for a moment. “I’ll pick you up? I’m sure parking will be crazy. I’ll get a cab.”

  “Sure, that sounds perfect.” I smiled a moment longer, then steered the kids in the direction of the door. When I glanced back over my shoulder I found him still staring in my direction.

  He smiled when I caught him looking. I smiled back, feeling my face grow warm.

  When we arrived home, I made it through homework, dinner, baths, and bedtime. Then I rushed into my room with my phone to call Maddie.

  “You’ll never guess what happened.” As I spilled the entire story, we both laughed and gasped at the situation. “I hope you don’t mind, I know we were planning to go together to the opening.”

  “Actually, I’m not going to be able to go. I’m babysitting—covering a surprise date night.”

  “Oh, how sweet. That’s nice of you.”

  “He’s always so busy with work. I think they really need it. I’m glad that you have someone to go to the opening with. Chase sounds really interesting.”

  “I think he could be a lot of fun. We’ll see. It’s just one date.”

  “That’s right, it’s best to take it one date at a time.” She laughed. “But you like him, I can tell. I can hear it in your voice.”

  “Maybe.” I recalled the sensation of his arm around my waist. I hadn’t felt that way about anyone but AJ in a very long time.

  As I fell asleep that night, I wondered what that meant. Yes, Chase and I were just going out on a first date that would probably not lead to anything more, but was it possible that I could have feelings for someone else?

  Already I felt my comfort zone being stretched. If nothing else, Friday night would tell me whether I was really ready to date or not. Maybe I would learn a thing or two about myself along the way.

  Chapter 7

  Early the next morning I pulled on my favorite shoes—a bright green pair of running shoes that offered a ton of support.

  Twice a week Mrs. Nickels took the kids to school, giving me the morning off. I told her it wasn’t necessary, but she’d insisted. She said my mental health was important to their family—that she knew that I needed breaks just like she did.

  I took advantage of the free mornings to run. It had been my favorite activity since I was a kid. Really, I enjoyed all sports, but running was more than just a sport to me. It was a sacred experience—a form of meditation—that allowed my mind to clear and my heart to fill with enthusiasm for the day.

  Today would be a little different, as for the first time, Maddie planned to meet me for the second half of my run.

  As I took off down the hall past the Nickels’s apartment, I could hear the kids beginning to wake inside. I felt a slight pang of guilt for not being there, but I knew that they adored the time with their mother. I was lucky to work for such a wonderful family.

  As soon as the wind hit my cheeks, my thoughts shifted from homework, peeled apples, and school lunches to the sound of my heartbeat. I usually listened until it hit a certain pace. Then it seemed as if my thoughts could be set loose. It was a beautiful moment that came along with an adrenaline rush. And today, that rush was accompanied by thoughts of Chase.

  It still shocked me that I’d agreed to the date. Thinking of Chase led me to thoughts about AJ. I had to be sure that I was truly okay with seeing him with another woman. Our friendship depended on it. I knew I was ready to move on and let go, and Chase might just help me with that.

  As I rounded the corner at the midpoint of my run, I heard a familiar voice.

  “Hey, slow down! I’m never going to be able to keep up with you!” Maddie jogged toward me.

  I slowed my pace and smiled at her as she approached. She had an adorable running outfit on. It was pink from head to toe—even her shoes had bright pink hearts on them. Maddie was slim, but had put on a few pounds over the summer that she wanted to work off. Her straight black hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d really meet me.” I grinned.

  “I wasn’t either. But here I am!” Her blue eyes glimmered in the sunlight. “Take it easy on me, alright? I’m not an expert like you.”

  “I’m no expert.” I laughed. But Maddie had a point.

  I’d always been pretty fit, mainly because I found solace in physical activity. Ever since I was a little girl, I’d been labeled as the tomboy—one of the guys. Back then I had preferred to play football, race the boys, and even wrestle. It was just who I was.

  I didn’t realize that there was anything off about that until I hit high school and the mean girls decided to point out that boys liked pretty, dainty girls, not girls with a punching bag in their bedroom. That was when my sense of insecurity started.

  I’d never been drop-dead gorgeous girl or the one with the perfect clothes or make-up.

  During our run, Maddie and I discussed my upcoming date and the reality of my being faced with seeing AJ with a new girl. She pointed out that it was what I’d wanted, and I agreed, but I still wondered how I would react.

  When we finished our run, I invited her into the apartment for coffee.

  “I think I need a shower.” She laughed. “But sure, for a minute.”

  I prepared our coffees and we sat down at the small breakfast table.

  “So, what are you going to wear?”

  “I hadn’t really thought about it. I have a few dresses.”

  “You do?” She raised an eyebrow. “I’d better see them.”


  “I don’t want you showing up there in some flowery church dress.”

  “Ugh.” I rolled my eyes. “I have nice dresses. Well. One. It’s black and it’s not flowery.”

  “Okay, does it show you off?” She poked the curve of my side.

  “It’s snug.” I frowned. “I’m not sure what kind of message I want to send Chase anyway. It’s just a date. I’m not sure if it will be more than that.”

  “Girl, just go with the flow. Enjoy yourself!” She finished her coffee. “I have to go, but good luck tomorrow night!”


  “Text me!” She disappeared out the door.

  For the rest of the day as I got caught up with the kids, I was too busy to be nervous.

nbsp; The next morning, Mr. Nickels announced that he’d be picking the children up from school and taking them to a movie, which gave me most of the day off and plenty of time to be nervous.

  To distract myself, I got caught up with some reading at Samantha’s blog, Single Wide Female. It had become one of my favorite blogs, especially now that I considered the author one of my good friends.

  To my delight, I saw that Sammy would be in town for a speaking event on Sunday. I made a mental note to let Maddie know and then sent Sammy an email to see if we could get together.

  Suddenly, I realized it was time to get ready—past time, really. I threw on my dress and heels. I put my hair up, then pulled it down. I smeared on some lipstick, then wiped it off—then put it on again. My phone buzzed and I realized that Chase was outside in the cab already.

  I hurried through the door to meet him, expecting to be dizzy with nerves.

  Chase stepped out as I reached the cab, and opened the door for me. “Hi there.” He smiled as he offered me his hand. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled.

  I was a little surprised that I didn’t feel a spark as he took my hand and helped me in the cab. But maybe that was because I was so nervous.

  The ride to the bar was quick, if not awkward, with a few questions back and forth.

  We got out of the cab in front of the bar. I looked up at the sign.

  Diamond Bay.

  Yes, that was the perfect name for AJ’s bar.

  Chapter 8

  The name was a jarring reminder of my past with AJ, though. How could it not be?

  Diamond Bay was where we’d fallen in love.

  It had been a crazy, wonderful summer, filled with adventures and quite a few nail-biting situations. I couldn’t help but smile as I thought back to what that time had meant to me.

  And at the end of it all, I knew how much AJ and I meant to one another. He had not hidden his feelings and when he chose to move to the city—to be closer to me—it had felt so right. I’d truly thought that he was the person I would spend the rest of my life with.

  I hadn’t intended to lead him on. I was as sure as he was—until I wasn’t; until I needed to come up for air.

  A wave of guilt caused me to draw my hand out of Chase’s grasp just before we stepped through the door.

  A second later, he caught it again and smiled at me, as if he thought it was just an accident.

  I swallowed hard as I looked across the crowded bar and saw him.

  AJ, with a proud smile and his shoulders held high. Why shouldn’t he be proud? He’d done the impossible. He’d opened a bar in New York City. He wasn’t rich and he wasn’t famous. He was just a guy with a dream and so much determination that I was certain he could do anything.

  Then, of course, there was the redhead on his arm. And she was gorgeous. She had the body of a pin-up model—all curves and rises in just the right places with a perfectly trim waist to go along with them.

  Compared to her, I felt like a box. Toned and slender, but with barely any shape.

  “Blu, are you okay?” Chase’s voice drew my attention back to him.

  For a few seconds I’d forgotten that he even existed.

  “Yes, sorry.” I forced a laugh. “Just a little nervous.”

  “You don’t have to be nervous around me.” His warm smile was reassuring.

  “Honestly, this is my first time dating in a while.” I met his eyes for a moment to see if he understood.

  “Oh, I get it. Don’t be nervous. We’re just here to have a good time. No pressure, okay?” He smiled again. He smiled so easily. I liked that about him.

  Being around Chase seemed so much different than being around AJ. AJ always had a bit of an edge to him. I shook my head and tried to silence my inner thoughts. Stop comparing!

  “Okay. I’m ready to enjoy myself.”

  “Good. The music is pumping. Want to dance?” He started to guide me toward the dance floor.

  I thought it might be best to blend in. Maybe AJ wouldn’t even notice me there. But he must have been watching for me, because before I could take a step, I heard him call out my name.

  “Blu! You’re here!” He wound through the people that separated us, with his girlfriend latched onto his hand.

  My heart pounded faster with every step he took that brought him closer to me.

  “I can’t believe you’re friends with the owner.” Chase laughed. “Maybe we’ll get some perks.”

  “Maybe.” I took a deep breath, plastered a smile on my lips, and turned to face AJ.

  He froze a few steps away and his eyes immediately shifted to Chase. He was expecting me to show up with Maddie, not a strange man. Hadn’t I told him I didn’t want to date?

  “AJ, the place looks great.” I did my best not to stare at the woman whose hand he held. I didn’t want to hate her, but I certainly didn’t want to like her either. Not yet. “You’ve done an amazing job.”

  “Who’s this?” He still didn’t look at me.

  A flutter carried through my chest. Was he jealous? Was he actually standing there with a beautiful girl on his arm feeling jealous about my date?

  “This is Chase.” I decided against defining who he was, since I had no idea how to define him. “Chase, this is my friend AJ.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Chase offered his hand. “Thanks for opening the place, we needed something fresh around here.”

  “Right.” AJ hesitated to take his hand, then grabbed it at the last moment in a firm shake. “Glad you like it.” Only then did he shift his gaze to me.

  I sensed him surveying my dress, my hair, the lipstick I eventually had decided to wear. I could see a mixture of emotions in his eyes.

  He looked at me a little more intently than what felt appropriate with his girlfriend standing right there.

  “Do you like the name?”

  “Yes.” I tightened my grasp on Chase’s hand, to keep me grounded in the situation. I couldn’t let myself wander down memory lane. “It’s perfect.” I turned my attention to the yet-to-be-introduced woman beside him. “And I hear you had a lot to do with this place opening up?”

  She thrust out her hand. “I’m Falyn. You must be the famous Blu.”

  “Famous?” I grinned as I shook her hand. “Not quite.”

  “Let’s just say I’ve heard some stories.” She winked at me, but I wasn’t sure how to interpret it.

  “Where’s Maddie?” AJ still had his gaze on me.

  “Oh, she’s covering a date night for the people she works for. She was excited to hear that you got the place open, though. I’m sure she’ll be checking it out soon.”

  “So you just decided to bring Chase here?” He flicked his eyes in Chase’s direction, then looked back at me. “That’s a little surprising.”

  “Is there a problem?” Chase looked from AJ to me, his forehead wrinkled with confusion.

  “No, don’t worry.” I cast him a smile, then turned back toward AJ, as I linked my arm through Chase’s. “We’re going to hit the dance floor. I’m sure you two have a lot to do.”

  As I led Chase away from AJ’s steady gaze, I noticed Falyn tugging at his arm.

  There it was. The separation between us.

  More than ever, I needed the music to take me away.

  As I turned into Chase’s arms, I could feel tension in them. Either he was nervous or he was annoyed.

  When I met his eyes, I could see that he had something to say. But the music was too loud to speak, so instead we began to dance.

  Chapter 9

  At some point during our dancing, I realized that I needed the restroom—and fast. I slipped away from Chase with a promise to return with drinks. As I made my way through the crowd to the restroom, I could see that there was quite a line.

  As I danced back and forth from one foot to the other, I was reminded of the bathroom incident with Maddie and Nathan. Laughter escaped my lips, which didn’t help the tension in my bladder.

/>   “Blu.”

  AJ’s voice didn’t help either.

  I spun around to face him. Falyn was nowhere to be seen.

  “It looks like the place is packed.” I smiled at him, with genuine pride. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thanks.” He lowered his eyes for a moment, then flicked his gaze back to mine. “Do you have a second?”

  I look back at the line in front of me. It hadn’t budged. But I still needed to go at an emergency level.

  “There wouldn’t happen to be another bathroom around here somewhere, would there?”

  My cheeks burned, but I didn’t care about confessing my needs to AJ. He’d been there when I had to use the bathroom on our camping trip and there was nowhere but the woods. Of course, he’d turned his back and provided the best leaves he could find—and to his credit, he’d never teased me about it.

  “Oh, sure.” He winked. “Follow me.” He reached back, perhaps to grasp my hand, but let his hand fall back to his side at the last moment.

  Yes, it was still instinct for us to reach for one another, but that would fade over time. I was sure of it, even if his presence made my heart pump harder than I remembered it could.

  We threaded our way through the crowd to a short hallway that led to his office. He used a key to open the office door.

  It was larger inside than I’d expected, with a small desk, an office chair, and three chairs around the front of it. The rest was mostly open space, aside from a loveseat pushed against the wall. I noticed a blanket folded up on top and a pillow half-hidden behind it.

  Was he sleeping there or was he sleeping with someone there? The thought disrupted my focus on the small bathroom he directed me to. For just a second, I forgot about my biological needs as my heart shattered with the expectation of finding out the truth about his relationship with Falyn.

  Did I really expect him to just hold her hand? Kiss her on the cheek?

  It was ridiculous of me and I knew that.

  After I used the restroom, I took some time to wash my hands and touch up my lipstick. I was slightly afraid to step back out and see AJ again. My reflection in the mirror seemed fraudulent. While my mind swirled, my features remained still—calm, even.


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