Book Read Free

Hold Me

Page 12

by Talia Ellison

  Caleb looks up at me and bursts into laughter so hard that he nearly doubles over. “You look like you’re going into a battle.”

  “Oh shut up!” I grab a handful of flour and throw it at him, sprinkling half of the kitchen floor with it.

  “Hey!” He ducks, but the flour ends up in his hair and on his shirt. “Why did you do that?”

  “Because I can.” I grin, and throw another handful of flour.

  “Stop it! Who’s going to clean up all this mess after?” He picks up a bit of dough and rolls it into a small ball, then chucks it at me, hitting me in the arm.

  I laugh, tears prickling my eyes. “Damn it. You discovered my secret. That’s exactly why I called you here. To be my housekeeper.”

  “You didn’t!” He rushes toward me before I can throw more flour and grabs my hand. I back up until my ass hits the counter, and then I look up at him, my lips parting. He’s just looking at me, and his dark eyes seem endless. It’s so easy to forget the time around him. It’s so easy to act natural and not be judged.

  I can count on the fingers of one hand the people who wouldn’t get all judgy on me and accuse me of acting like a child, as if it were a bad thing to have some silly fun from time to time. Suddenly he lowers his head and presses his lips against mine into a soft, gentle kiss. My eyes close for a moment and I drop the flour from my hand and place it on Caleb’s back. He pulls away, and I’m gasping for breath.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. “I shouldn’t have...”

  “No, don’t be.” I place my hand on his face until his eyes meet mine.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” he says, his eyes filled with pain.

  “What? Have fun? Why not?”

  “You should find a real friend or someone who can be there for you at all times. Someone who can have fun with you and laugh with you and make you happy. You’re wasting your time and money on me.”

  “Caleb... but I’m happy with you.”

  He covers my hand with his, and rubs his face along my fingers. “I know, but this has to end. You’re not supposed to be with someone like me.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” A frown creases my brow.

  “You shouldn’t call me anymore,” he says, and moves away from me. “Not for anything.”

  “Why? Is it because you don’t like me?”

  “No, of course not.” His eyes shoot up, and he wraps his arms around himself. “I just don’t think we should be seeing each other anymore.”

  “Okay.” For some reason, the idea of never seeing him again makes tears sting in my eyes, but I don’t plan to give up on him, even though I hate myself for lying to him. “If that’s what you want.”

  He offers me a weak smile. “Thank you.”

  I smile back at him. “Let’s finish the pizza.”

  “Sure.” He goes back to the table, and busies himself with the toppings.

  As I watch him, another idea springs to my mind. Maybe there is a way for me to help Caleb, even if he’ll hate me for it later. I’m not even sure I can begin to understand his relationship with Raphael, but I have to find out the truth. Maybe, just maybe, I can do it without looking suspicious and ruining everything.

  Caleb turns over in bed, careful not to hit Jade who is nestled next to him, her face serene. Since he can never sleep on his own without having nightmares, someone always has to be with him. This time, however, sleep doesn’t come. Lilith keeps plaguing his thoughts. What does she really know about him?

  Her questions were too close to home and he isn’t sure if he was convincing enough. If Lilith starts to poke around, she can put everyone’s lives at risk, including her own. But what if she’s actually working for Raphael and the whole thing was a test for him to see what he’d do? It wouldn’t be the first time Raphael did a test like that.

  At least two people he used to know are dead because they failed the test. And Lilith... as innocent as she seems, maybe she isn’t. Raphael would have never let her near if he thought she’d call the cops on him. Still, maybe her innocence was why Raphael let her meet him. Maybe Raphael wants him to fall for her to show him what he can never have. And he’ll lose her... just like he lost Heather.

  He sighs. His sweet Heather. The memory of their first encounter fills his mind.

  Caleb tries to fight the guards who are dragging him into a big room, but they are bigger and stronger than him. As they shove him forward, he falls onto his knees in front of Raphael, the man who ripped Jade, Isaac, and him from their home, told them he owned them, and promised he’d train them to become every man and woman’s desire.

  But as Caleb starts to rise to his feet, his gaze locks on a figure huddled behind Raphael. A girl is sitting on the floor, her arms wrapped tightly around her legs. When she lifts her head, her frightened hazel eyes stare back at him.

  “Stay down, slave,” Raphael says, and Caleb lets himself fall back to the hard floor, his gaze still glued to the brown-haired girl. Who is she? What is she doing here?

  “Heather, on your feet,” Raphael commands.

  Heather. Her name is Heather.

  Her sobs intensify and her whole body starts to shake. “Please,” she whispers. “Please don’t hurt me.”

  “That’s entirely up to you,” Raphael says, and pulls out a gun that was tucked at the back of his pants. “Now get up before I lose my patience.” He aims the gun at her.

  Caleb twitches and he can sense the two guards behind him like a threatening cloud. If he even thinks about jumping Raphael, the guards will get him before he can even make it halfway to the man.

  Heather slowly pushes herself up, rubbing her arms, her head bowed. Her white dress with red flowers looks too big for her frail body. Through the tears, she defiantly raises her chin up and glares at Raphael as best as she can. “What do you want from me?”

  A smile spreads across Raphael’s lips. “I want you to stand over there.” He waves his gun toward the big double bed to his right. “And take your dress off.”

  Heather’s eyes widen as she strolls toward the bed, her hands clutched to her chest. “If you’re going to kill me, just do it already!” she yells.

  Raphael looks bored. “I said, take your dress off.”

  “No,” she says.

  “Oh, so you’re playing shy now, aren’t you?” Raphael laughs. “That’s not how my man described you to me.”

  Anger flashes across her features. “You sent Troy to seduce me, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, so what?” Raphael shrugs. “When I’m done with you, men and women will worship you. I know that’s what you secretly want. To be adored by everyone, and you will be.” He points the gun toward her head. “But enough small talk. I won’t repeat it again. Take off the fucking dress.”

  “I’d rather die,” she spits out.

  Raphael rolls his eyes and immediately turns the gun toward Caleb. “Fine. Then I’ll kill him.” His finger tightens on the trigger.

  “No, wait!” Heather starts toward Raphael, and one of the guards immediately rushes to block her path.

  “It’s okay, Ed,” Raphael says calmly, and the guard pulls back. “So, you were saying?” Raphael glances at Heather, the gun still pointed at Caleb.

  “I’ll do it,” she says, swallowing hard. “Just don’t... don’t kill him.”

  “Okay.” Raphael lowers the gun and turns toward her.

  Caleb can feel his heart racing and he’s trying to come up with a plan, but there’s no way Heather and he can get out of this room alive. And what of Isaac and Jade? They are still trapped somewhere inside this building. Caleb averts his gaze when Heather slips the straps of the dress off her shoulders.

  “Good,” Raphael says. “Nuh uh, don’t cover yourself. You’re beautiful. Caleb!”

  Caleb’s head snaps toward Raphael.

  “Get up. Strip.”

  Caleb reluctantly pulls himself up to his feet. He glances at the guards, who are keeping their eyes in front of them, but he can see them eyeing
Heather and him from the corners of their eyes. Raphael is still holding the gun and tapping his foot.

  Caleb knows that if he doesn’t obey, the gun will be pointed at Heather. Determined to keep everyone safe, he pulls the thin light blue shirt Raphael has given him over his head. His fingers hover over the waistband of his pants. Raphael and his men have already seen him naked many times, and yet, he keeps his gaze on the ground as he pushes his pants down and steps out of them.

  “Go over to her,” Raphael says, then turns to Heather. “Do you like him?”

  Caleb finally lifts his eyes toward Heather’s. She’s no longer crying, and her eyes have turned hard.

  “What does it matter?”

  “You’re right. It doesn’t,” Raphael says. “You’re going to have sex with him anyway.”

  Heather gasps.

  “No,” Caleb says. “I won’t do it.” His whole body is shaking with anger, his fingers curling into fists. Raphael can do whatever he wants to him, but Caleb refuses to hurt an innocent person for him.

  “Think again.”

  Caleb flinches as he feels the barrel of the gun pressing against the back of his head. His heart is beating so hard that it’s the only thing he can hear. Then Heather reaches out and places her hand on his cheek.

  “It’s okay,” she says.

  “No, it’s not.” Caleb shakes his head. “I won’t... I can’t...”

  “Yes, you can.” He can feel her soft, warm hand on his cheek.

  “Listen to the girl, Caleb,” Raphael says. “It would be a shame if something happened to her because of you. Or to Isaac and Jade. Or to Heather’s sister.”

  Worry passes through Heather’s eyes.

  “You can do this the easy way, or the hard way,” Raphael says. “The choice is entirely yours.”

  Caleb finally nods.

  “Caleb!” A loud shriek brings him back to present, and he realizes Jade is clutching his shirt.

  “Shh. It’s okay,” he says, caressing her hair. “It was just a nightmare.”

  Jade’s chest raises and falls rapidly as she looks up at him. “Oh God. I thought you were...”

  “Everything’s fine.” Caleb kisses her forehead. As she settles down next to him, he knows that nothing is fine. Everything has been wrong from the moment Raphael found them, and their lives have been turned into a nightmare they can’t wake up from.

  Alessandra looks around my living room as I bring her a tall glass of apple juice. I set the glass on the table and plop onto my couch.

  “I don’t remember when I was at your apartment last time,” she says, then takes a seat opposite me. “I quite like it here.”

  “Yeah, well, I needed a safe and private place so we could talk.”

  Allie leans forward. “I’m all ears.”

  “Remember that party you took me to?”

  “How could I forget?” She laughs. “You want to go to another one? Well, that will be a little hard. Raphael has tightened his security since the cops ruined the last one.” She eyes me carefully, and I keep my face expressionless.

  “Oh, really? Cops? Wow, that’s terrible. I’m so glad I wasn’t there.” I try to look shocked, my hand flying to my neck.

  “Don’t worry. Everyone got outside in time. Raphael is well prepared for any silliness like that.” She waves her hand, then pulls out a cigarette and lights it up, taking one long draw and puffing it out. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Not at all.” I can live with a little smoke as long as Allie is comfortable. “Does Raphael know who ratted him out? I can’t imagine that’s good for business.”

  “Oh, he’ll take care of it. He always does, but don’t worry. If you want to go to another one...”

  “No, actually, I had something else mind.” I clasp my hands in my lap. “I saw a really hot guy at the party. Looks like a model. Dark hair, blue eyes. He was with Raphael. I don’t remember you offering him to me, but I’m interested.”

  Allie scratches her eyebrow. “I’m not sure I know who you’re talking about.”

  “He had scratch marks all over him. Kinda hot.” I wink at her. “Had a tattoo like Caleb’s. And his cock...” I close my eyes and press my lips together. “Mmm.”

  “I think I know who you mean. His name is Isaac,” Allie says, but her face is serious.

  “Isaac? I don’t know. I guess it’s him. He looks incredibly hot, and I’d just like to have a piece of that.” I lean my elbows on my knees. “Can you arrange it?”

  “Sorry, but he’s not like Caleb. He doesn’t go to his clients’ homes.”

  “What? Why not?” I pout. “I’ll pay a lot of money for him.”

  “Money’s not the issue. These are the rules. He doesn’t go anywhere with clients.”

  “Can’t you change the rules a bit for me? Come on, I’m your friend.” I give her a pleading look. “Just ask him.”

  “You want him that bad?” She eyes me suspiciously.

  “Yeah, you know I always get what I want, and now I want him,” I say. “I don’t care what it takes to get him.”

  “Maybe I could arrange something, but I have to ask.” She takes out her phone and quickly types something. “He’s really hard to get, you know. Not like Caleb and the others. Are you sure I can’t get you anyone else?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I want him and only him.”

  Allie’s phone vibrates and she checks the message. “Sorry, he doesn’t want to.”

  “What?” I look offended. “What do you mean he doesn’t want to? Did you tell him who I am?”

  “Yeah, he’s just not... available.” She gives me an apologetic smile. I wonder if she’s texting Raphael, which means I probably chose the right guy. If this Isaac isn’t allowed to meet with me, then there’s probably a reason for that.

  I take a frustrated breath. “Okay, that’s... inconvenient. Would he meet me for a drink then?”

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea. Why?”

  “You don’t understand. I want him. I don’t care how. If we go for a drink, I can slip something into it. Make him more agreeable...” I meet her eyes and her mouth goes slack.

  “You’d do that?” She sucks in a quick breath.

  I shrug. I have to make Raphael and her believe I’m like them so I can get into their inner circle. There’s no other way to gain their trust except to think like them. “Oh, come on. Look at me. Which guy wouldn’t want to have sex with me? I’ll even pay him after.”

  Allie’s lips spread into a smile. “I see you’re quite decided on having him. May I ask what you intend to do with him?”

  “Oh, just have some fun.” I grin. “I discovered a new side of me at that party of yours. Caleb is just not fulfilling my needs anymore... He doesn’t argue or fight me... He’s too... submissive.”

  “That he is.” Allie nods. “Let me just...” She types another text on her phone, and I fight the urge to smile. If Katherine knew what I’m doing, she’d kill me. Even Caleb would, but there’s no other way to get the information I need, and Isaac might be the right choice.

  I’ve seen the anger on his face. He wouldn’t be like Caleb. It’s a risk for me, though, in case I completely miscalculated him, but I can always say he’s lying about me. I doubt they’d believe his word over mine. If he can’t come to meet me somewhere like Caleb can, then Raphael has to be aware he can’t completely control him.

  Another message comes, and Allie smiles. “I might have found a way for you to fulfill your fantasies.”

  “Great.” I clap my hands. “How’d you do it?”

  “There’s one thing first... You’ll have to meet with Raphael first. He’s... like Isaac’s manager, you know.” She gives me a long look. “Raphael has invited you to dinner. If you don’t mind, of course.”

  “No, not at all.” My palms are getting sweaty, my heart pounding. Shit. I’m both thrilled and scared. Meeting face to face with the devil can’t be good, but it’s a chance for me to see his face and maybe
come one step closer to discovering his real identity. I just have to be very, very careful.

  “Good. I’ll text you the details when I get them.” She returns the phone into her purse. “You don’t know how glad I am that you finally shed your shy self. It was really infuriating at times.”

  “I guess I can thank you for that. That party was an eye opener for me.”

  “Glad I could help.” She smacks her lips together. “You didn’t tell anyone about this, did you?”

  “No, I’m not crazy. You mustn’t tell anyone about this, either. I don’t want people to know such things about me. I can trust you, right?”

  “Yeah, absolutely.” She bobs her head. “Oh, do you want some friendly advice for your dinner with Raphael?”

  “Why not?”

  “Wear something red. He loves red.”

  “I will.” I hope Raphael doesn’t expect to have sex with me because that’s the one thing I’m not willing to do. “So the dinner is just... dinner?”

  “Yes. He just wants to talk to you directly about Isaac. Are you hoping for something else?”

  “Of course not.” I cut her an annoyed look. “I just need to know I won’t be wasting my time.”

  “You won’t be. I promise. Raphael arranges all Isaac’s jobs, so if anyone can get you an hour or two with him, it’s Raphael.”

  “Then I’m looking forward to it.”

  I’m almost hyperventilating as I step in front of one of the biggest restaurants in the city. The lights are flashing brightly, a red carpet stretching out all the way to the door. A guy in a black suit offers me his hand and helps me get out of the car that Raphael sent for me.

  “This way, miss.” The man bows and opens the door for me. Something beeps, and a guard approaches me.

  “Your purse, miss, please. You’re not allowed to enter with a phone or any recording device,” he says. I hand him my purse and he inspects it, taking out my phone. “It’ll be waiting for you here. I assure you no one will touch it.”

  I’m not happy about it, but I nod, then pass through the metal detector or whatever it is again. This time it’s quiet. I almost gasp when I see the whole restaurant is empty. There’s just one table in the middle of the room and Raphael is sitting at it. Seeing his face is slightly unsettling because he’s incredibly handsome. As he gets to his feet and starts toward me, his smile broadens.


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