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The Vertigo Years

Page 55

by Philipp Blom

  264 ‘part of its equipment’: Pirandello, Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio operatore, Engl. translation, New York, 1926, 86.

  264 ‘which are also falling’: Pierre Loti, Quelques aspects, 2-3.

  265 ‘brain-working household’: Beard and Rockwell, 23.

  266 the years of the Kaissereich, imperial Germany: Radkau, Das Zeitalter der Nervosität.

  266 ‘heart race every day’: quoted after Radkau, 102-3.

  266 ‘back and arms’: ibid., 189.

  267 56 students and eleven farmers: ibid., 215.

  267 ‘my poor girls’: ibid., 229.

  267 ‘slit his throat’: ibid., 212.

  268 ‘largely done by neurasthenes’: ibid., 263.

  269 ‘neurasthenia, phobias, etc.’: Ernest Monin, Les troubles nerveux de cause sexuelle, Paris, 1890, 19-20.

  270 ‘battlefield of the neurasthenic’: Radkau, 146.

  270 ‘a perverse sadist’: ibid., 159.

  270 ‘the Russian illness’: P. I. Kovalevskii, ‘Folie du doute’, Arkhiv psikhiatrii, neirologii i sudebnoi psikhopatologii, 1886, 8, 38, transl. Laura Goering, ‘Russian Nervousness: Neurasthenia and National Identity in Nineteenth-Century Russia’, Medical History, 2003, 47, 23-46.

  270 ‘devastate the nervous system’: P. I. Kovalevskii, Nervnye bolezni nashego obshchestva, Khartov, 1894, 42, transl. Laura Goering.

  271 ‘for our sins’: S. T. Aksatov, ‘Yapiski ob uzhen’e ryby’ in Sobranie sochinenii v 4kb tomakh, Moscow, 1954 (reprint), transl. Laura Goering.

  271 ‘degeneration is its fate’: P. I. Kovalevskii, Vyrozhdenie I vozrozhdenie, St Petersburg, 1903, 16, transl. Laura Goering.

  271 ‘concerts and fashionable brasseries’: quoted in Christopher E. Forth, ‘Neurasthenia and Manhood in fin-de-siècle France’, in M. Gijswijt Hofstra and Roy Porter, eds, Cultures of Neurasthenia, From Beard to the First World War, Amsterdam/New York, 2001, 347.

  271 ‘firmness of character’: ibid., 339.

  272 ‘they kill us’: ibid., 335.

  273 ‘designated as hysteria’: Nordau, Degeneration, 1895, reprint Nebraska, 1993, 15.

  273 ‘chambers with patients’: quoted by Chandrak Segoopta, ‘A Mob of Incoherent Symptoms’, in M. Gijswijt Hofstra and Roy Porter, eds, Cultures of Neurasthenia, From Beard to the First World War, Amsterdam/New York, 2001, 103.

  273 ‘in idle damsels’: Thomas Clifford Allbutt, A System of Medicine, London, 1905-11, 741.

  274 ‘new impressions, new images’: Radkau, Nervosität, 277.

  274 ‘no longer be changed’: ibid., 278.

  274 ‘at work in all of us’: ibid., 281.

  274 ‘in nervous haste’: ibid., 275.

  274 ‘the fleet project’: ibid., 286.

  274 the Latin verb amare: ibid., 317.

  275 ‘“forceful” and “limp”’: ibid., 264.

  11. 1910: Human Nature Changed

  277 ‘with a coloured photograph’: Clive Bell, ‘The English Group’, Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition, catalogue, London, Grafton Galleries, 1912.

  277 ‘human character changed’: Virginia Woolf, Collected Essays, London: Hogarth Press, 1966, 4 vols, vol. I, 320.

  278 ‘human race to change’: ibid., 320.

  278 ‘conduct, politics, and literature’: ibid., 321.

  278 ‘a waste of energy’: ibid., 324.

  279 ‘concealment and conversation’: ibid., 335.

  279 ‘the fragmentary, the failure’: ibid., 337.

  280 ‘and for how long’: quoted in Nicholson, 33.

  281 ‘last degradation of art’: William Blake Richmond, ‘Post Impressionists’, Morning Post, 16 November 1910, 5; reprinted in J. B. Bullen, 115; ‘The Post Impressionists at the Grafton Galleries’, The Academy, 3 December 1910, 547; Laurence Binyon, ‘Post Impressionists’, Saturday Review, 12 November 1910, 609-10, reprinted in Bullen, 111; A. J. Finberg, ‘Art and Artists’, The Star, 14 December 1910, reprinted in Bullen, 137; ‘New Art that Perplexes London’, The Literary Digest, 10 December 1910, 1094; Robert Morley, letter to the Nation, December 1910, 406; Ebenezer Wake Cook, 4, reprinted in Bullen, 119-20.

  281 ‘pain and evil’: Julius Meier-Graefe, Modern Art, London, 1908, 60, 62.

  284 ‘influence on the psyche’: Marinetti, Futurist Manifesto.

  287 ‘It was superb acting’: Adolf de Meyer and Jennifer Dunning, L’après-midi d’un faune, Dance Books, London, 87.

  287 ‘accepted by the true public’: Gaston Calmette, Le Figaro, 20 May 1912.

  288 ‘cause a scandal’: ‘Early Years’, in Minna Lederman, ed., Stravinsky in the Theatre, New York, 1949, 128-9.

  289 le massacre du printemps: Gaston Calmette, Le Figaro, 31 May 1913.

  289 ‘to be reborn’: quoted in Gerard Guicheteau, Les années radieuses: 1909-1914, Paris: Payard, 2005, 317.

  290 ‘in terms of pathology’: quoted in Hepp, Avantgarde, 110.

  298 ‘of my entire being’: Gide, Si le grain ne meurt, 287.

  300 ‘I am afraid’: Eysoldt to Hofmannsthal, 1903, in L. Fiedler, ed., Der Sturm Elektra, Vienna: Residenz Verlag, 2001, 9.

  300 ‘bloody furor with syle’: ibid., 37.

  301 ‘see the light I radiate’: Strauss, Elektra, 53.

  301 ‘temples and palaces’: ibid., 5.

  302 ‘perverted by these “modernizers”’: Fiedler, Sturm Elektra, 42.

  302 ‘façade of the educated person’: ibid., 45.

  306 ‘purpose willed by God’: Max Weber, Protestant Ethic, transl. Talcott Parsons, New York: Scribner’s, 1930, 177.

  12. 1911: People’s Palaces

  312 ‘hero-cripple’s corpse’: Joseph Medill Patterson, ‘The Nickelodeons’, The Saturday Evening Post, 23 November 1907.

  312 ‘conquering the world’: R. Doumic, ‘L’Age du Cinéma’, Revue des deux mondes, 16, 15 August 1913, 919-20.

  315 ‘twenty-four hours of vomiting’: Robert Gottlieb, ‘The Drama of Sarah Bernhardt’, New York Review of Books, vol. 54, no.8, 10 May 2007.

  317 ‘threaten us from on high’: Mugnier and d’Hendecourt, 192.

  317 ‘universal mummery will reign’: Louis Haugmard, ‘L’Esthétique’ du cinématographe, quoted in Williams, Dream Worlds, 83.

  321 ‘with their iridescent pencils’: quoted in Williams, 88.

  321 ‘a palace rather than a shop’: ibid., 93.

  323 ‘they honour it greatly’: ibid., 98.

  323 ‘the results of industrialism’: ibid., 98.

  325 ‘a demon were after him’: Upton Sinclair, The Jungle, New York: Doubleday, 1906, 52.

  325 ‘colours, cuisine and music’: quoted in Williams, 61.

  326 ‘it is a cemetery’: ibid., 62-3.

  326 ‘Simply: Menier Chocolate’: ibid., 63.

  327 ‘go without advertisements’: ibid., 64.

  327 ‘used to be very remote’: quoted in Williams, 103.

  329 ‘suspiciously unsolid age’: Zweig, 51-2.

  331 ‘twelve-year-old boy to his neighbour’: Ostwald, Dunkle Winkel in Berlin, 22-3.

  332 ‘into our empirical reality’: Georg Simmel, ‘Der Fragmentcharakter des Lebens’, in Logos. Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie der Kultur, year VI, no. I, 29-40, Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1916-17, 29.

  13. 1912: Questions of Breeding

  334 ‘evolution of the human race’: Hugo Ribbert, Heredity, Disease and Human Evolution, New York, 1918, 214.

  339 ‘inhabitants of the earth’: Francis Galton, Hereditary Genius, London, 1892, 3.

  339 ‘her abler races’: ibid., 4.

  339 ‘highly-bred varieties’: Francis Galton, Macmillan’s Magazine, vol. 11, April 1865, 166.

  339 ‘too heavy for their powers’: ibid.

  340 ‘the machine and the abyss’: Jack London, The People of the Abyss, London: Nelson, 1904, 328.

  340 ‘often they destroy it’: Gillham, A Life of Sir Francis Galton, Oxford, 2001, 325.

  340 ‘providently, quickly, and kindly’: Francis Galt
on, ‘Eugenics: its definition, scope and forms’ in Nature, 64 (1901), 50.

  341 ‘should certainly be killed’: Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf, vol. 1, 1915-1919, London, 1979, 13.

  341 ‘all previous civilizations’: quoted in Gillham, 330.

  341 ‘not a eugenic marriage’: ibid., 335.

  343 ‘create happy families’: Ernst Haeckel, Die Lebenswunder, Stuttgart, 1904, chapter 17, paragraph IV.

  343 ‘for all society’: ibid.

  344 ‘pave new roads’: Wilhelm Schallmayer, Vererbung und Auslese in ihrer soziologischen und politischen Bedeutung, 2d ed., Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1910, 380-1.

  344 ‘for human development’: ibid., 242.

  344 ‘burden of useless individuals’: Wilhelm Schallmayer, ‘Geleitwort’, Eugenik 1 (1930), n.p.

  344 ‘struggle for survival is diminished’: Wilhelm Schallmayer, ‘Kultur und Entartung’, 483-4.

  344 ‘exactly the same result’: Schallmayer, rev. of Rassenverbesserung, Malthusianismus und Neumalthusianismus, by Johannes Rutgers, 832.

  345 ‘small dose of morphine’: Alfred Ploetz, Die Tüchtigkeit unserer Rasse und der Schutz der Schwachen, Berlin, 1895, 144.

  345 ‘friend and redeemer’: Theodor Fritsch, Vom neuen Glauben, Leipzig, 1914.

  345 ‘one’s own sympathy’: Alexander Tille, Von Darwin zu Nietzsche, Leipzig, 1895, 214.

  346 ‘a hundred voices in history’: Emile Laurent, Le criminel aux points de vue anthropologique, psychologique et social, Paris: Vigot, 1908, 242.

  347 ‘vice-infected conceptions’: Servier, Dr, La peine de mort remplacée par la castration, Archives d’anthropologie criminelle, Paris, 1901, 16, 130-1.

  348 ‘all of us would prefer death’: Paul Robin, ‘La prudence procréatrice’, La Régénération, 1902, n.p.

  348 ‘organization of public decline’: Paul Robin, Rapport présenté par M. Laurent Ctly au vu de la Commission d’enquête sur l’orphelinat Prévost à Cempuis, 1895, 162-3.

  348 ‘than artificial sterilization’: Paul Robin, Le néo-malthusianisme, 1905.

  348 ‘or to eat an apple’: Paul Robin, ‘La vrai morale sexuelle. Le néo-malthusianisme’, in Régénération, no. 17, October 1902.

  349 ‘veritable regenerator of humankind’: Paul Robin, ‘Dégénérascence de l’espéce humaine, causes et remédes’, in Bulletin de la Société d’anthropologie de Paris, 1895.

  350 ‘altogether inferior to whites’: Theodore Roosevelt, in Morrison and Elting, eds, The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt, 2 vols., Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 1951, V, 226.

  350 ‘disgraced his ancestors’: N. K. Mikhailovskii, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, vol. 1, 5th ed., 459. Quoted in Vucinich, 333.

  351 ‘eagerly searched for them’: Petr Kropotkin, Mutual Aid, quoted in Vucinich, 347-8.

  352 ‘doomed to decay’: Kropotkin, conclusion.

  352 ‘politics in our time’: Gillham, A Life of Sir Francis Galton, 346.

  352 ‘those who survive are fit’: ibid., 347.

  352 ‘most difficult question’: ibid.

  352 ‘rise up to bless us’: ibid., 331.

  353 ‘the Japanese as a nation’: ibid., 332.

  353 ‘earthquake of the age’: Gottfried Benn, ‘Nietzsche nach 50 Jahren’, in Gesammelte Werke in der Fassung der Erstdrucke. Frankfurt/M, 1989, III, 496.

  353 ‘he knows Greek’: Bertrand Russell, History of Western Philosophy, London, 1946, 687.

  354 ‘putting it mildest, exploitation’: Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, German 1886, translation in Complete Works, London, 1909-13, 202.

  354 ‘degenerate and parasitical’: Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo, Die Geburt der Tragödie, section 4.

  354 ‘antisemites shot’: Letter to Franz Overbeck, January 1889.

  355 ‘a perfect lion’: Rudolf Steiner, Gesamtausgabe, vol. 53, 76.

  355 ‘a race is thrown back’: ibid., vol. 300/2, 1975, 282.

  356 ‘woolly hair and so on’: ibid., vol. 121, 107.

  356 ‘Jewish way of thinking’: ibid., vol. 32, 152.

  357 ‘hollowness and putrification’: List, Geheimnis der Runen, 56, emphasis original.

  357 ‘in a national soil’: ibid., 185.

  357 ‘toward Aryo-Germanism’: quoted in Hamann, Vienna, 208.

  358 ‘from the ancient past’: ibid., 216.

  358 ‘harmony with the cosmos’: Hugo Ribbert, Heredity, Disease and Human Evolution, New York, 1918, 214, 237.

  358 ‘the lowest human species’: Bartholomaeus von Carneri, Sittlichkeit und Darwinismus, Vienna, 1871, 29.

  14. 1913: Wagner’s Crime

  362 ‘the greatest German dramatist’: Neuzner, Wagner, 59.

  362 ‘even for two days’: ibid., 38.

  362 ‘an educated man’: ibid., 66-7.

  363 ‘wished the duchess were young’: ibid., 39.

  363 ‘suffers from their sex’: ibid., 40-1.

  363 ‘know the best by far’: ibid., 43.

  363 ‘I can only smile’: ibid., 86.

  364 ‘father is no longer alive’: ibid., 141.

  364 ‘degeneration of every kind’: ibid., 92.

  364 ‘to anaylse [this] a little’: ibid., 107.

  364 ‘will not finish with me’: ibid., 87.

  364 ‘the longest comet’s tail’: ibid., 112.

  365 ‘its elements create connections’: ibid., 97.

  365 ‘one gram heavier than before’: ibid., 93.

  365 ‘who are pitied themselves’: ibid., 91.

  365 ‘a horn named paranoia’: ibid., 102.

  367 ‘quite simply reversed’: Schreber, Denkwürdigkeiten, 192.

  367 ‘submitting to sexual intercourse’: ibid., 26.

  368 ‘this, however, is the question’: ibid., 130.

  370 ‘genitalia of the machine’: quoted in Sass, 217.

  372 ‘last rebels against industrial discipline’: quoted in Winock, La belle époque, 180.

  372 ‘exasperated by the recent crimes’: ibid.

  373 ‘price for your victory’: Le Matin, 10 March 1912.

  374 ‘Long live anarchy’: quoted in Alphonse Boudard, Les Grands Criminels, Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1990, 35-6.

  374 ‘knives and other weapons’: S-i, ‘Pogibaiushchie deti’, Petersburgskii listok, 19 April 1901, quoted in Neuberger, Hooliganism.

  374 ‘tavern and café waiters’: Narskii, ‘Khuligan’, Petersburgskii gazeta, 30 June 1903, quoted in Neuberger, Hooliganism.

  375 ‘a well-dressed man’: Petersburgskii listok, ‘Vozmutitel’nyi fakt’, 28 May 1905, quoted in Neuberger, Hooliganism.

  375 ‘nothing had happened’: V. Ivanov, Chto takoe khuliganstvo?, Orenburg, 1915, 8, quoted in Neuberger, Hooliganism.

  375 ‘a decaying state’: quoted in Hans Rogger, ‘Russia in 1914’, Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 1, no. 4 (1966), 95.

  376 ‘the “army of crime”’: Charles Letourneau, introduction, in Lombroso, L’Uomo Delinquente, iv.

  377 ‘scientifically proven usefulness’: ibid., iii.

  377 ‘priests, shepherds and soldiers’: ibid., 665-6.

  378 ‘nothing but coal’: ibid., xix-xx.

  379 ‘forms of congenital madness’: ibid., xix.

  379 ‘great intellectual force’: ibid., xx.

  383 ‘await admission day’: Rainer Maria Rilke, Werke, 102.

  384 ‘decrepit old man’: Maurice Leblanc, ‘L’Arrestation d’Arsène Lupin’, Je sais tout, no. 6, 15 juillet 1905.

  385 ‘broken glass and damaged shutters’: Bernard Thomas, Jacob: Alexandre Marius, Paris, 1970, 273.

  386 ‘isn’t begged for, it’s taken’: Marius Jacob, ‘Pourquoi j’étais cambrioleur’, in Jean Maitron, Histoire du mouvement anarchiste en France, Paris: Societé Universitaire d’Editions et de Librairie, 1951.

  386 ‘A votre santé’: quoted in Thomas, 357.

  387 ‘the heads of others’: quoted in Neuzner, 74.

  387 ‘grateful and devoted Ernst
Wagner’: ibid., 75.

  15. 1914: Murder Most Foul

  390 ‘in patient inaction’: quoted in Massie, 728.

  393 ‘declared war on Serbia’: Mugnier and d’Hendecourt, Journal, 264-5.

  394 ‘hurried others to come’: Adams, 494.

  399 ‘canon of masculinity’: Mayreder, 122.

  401 ‘an eighteenth-century artist’: Fernand Léger, quoted in Kern, Culture of Time and Space, 118.

  402 ‘part of its equipment’: Pirandello, Shoot, quoted in Kern, Culture of Time and Space, 119.

  407 ‘were momentous indeed’: Musil, 359.


  Primary Sources


  Arbeiterzeitung (Austria-Hungary) New York Times (USA)

  L’assiette au beurre (France) Novoe Vremia (Russia)

  Die Bombe (Austria-Hungary) Pester Lloyd (Austria-Hungary)

  Daily Mail (Britain) Le petit journal (France)

  Daily Telegraph (Britain) Revue des deux mondes (France)

  Le Figaro (France) Sanktpeterburgskija vedomosti (Russia)

  L’Illustration (France) Simplicissimus (Germany)

  Je sais tout! (France) The Times (Britain)

  Kreuzzeitung (Germany) Das Vaterland (Austria-Hungary)

  Macmillan’s Magazine (Britain) Volksblatt (Austria-Hungary)

  Manchester Guardian (Britain) Die Weltbühne (Germany)

  Neue Freie Presse (Austria-Hungary) Wiener Zeitung (Austria-Hungary)

  Neue Zeitung (Austria-Hungary) Die Zukunft (Germany)


  Adams, Henry Cabot Lodge. The Education of Henry Adams; An Autobiography. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1918

  Aleramo, Sibilla. Una donna: romanzo. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1983

  Andreyev, Leonid, and Herman Bernstein. The Seven Who Were Hanged. A Story. New York: J. S. Ogilvie, 1909

  Anonyma. Journal d’une jeune petite-bourgeoise. MS [unpublished]. 1911-16. Bibliothèque de l’histoire de Paris, MJCP 4111

  Apollinaire, Guillaume. A propos d’art nègre, 1909-1918. Toulouse: Toguna, 1999


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