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Her Alpha Avengers [The Hot Millionaires #7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Zara Chase

  Otto lowered her back onto the desk, and with all her limbs still twined round his neck, he leaned over her and pummelled her cunt with every ounce of strength that remained to him.

  “I can’t last, babe. Just stay with me.”

  “I am. Let yourself go, Otto. My cunt’s yours.”

  The word, spoken in her crisp English accent, caused the remaining few fragments of his self-control to shatter. He hammered himself deep into the walls of her pussy, delirious with pleasure as his head roared with the rushing excitement of a climax to end all climaxes.

  “Here it comes, Sabine. I’m gonna shoot my load deep into you, honey.”

  Otto screwed his eyes shut tight to better absorb the full impact of an orgasm destined to rob him of his sanity. He gouged at her breasts as he came.

  “You’re a fucking cocktease, Sabine, is what you are.”

  His voice fractured as an electric charge whipped through him, setting nerve endings he didn’t know he possessed alight with fiery pleasure.

  “Otto, don’t stop. God, I’m going to come again. I don’t believe it.”

  She shook her head repeatedly as she joined him in that rarefied stratosphere of sexual release.

  “What’s happening to me?” she asked, extricating her limbs when they’d finally both stopped moving and recovered enough breath to speak.

  “I guess you got laid,” Otto replied, kissing her softly.

  “Welcome to paradise,” said Fin’s voice from the doorway. “Looks like you guys have been having fun whilst I’ve been away.”

  Sabine blinked at the sound of Fin’s voice, wondering how long he’d been watching them, how much he’d actually seen of her rather reckless behaviour. Far from being embarrassed, the thought of having an audience excited her, especially when she observed the soft light of admiration in Fin’s eye.

  She felt the need to pinch herself, just to make sure she hadn’t dreamed the events of the last day or two. The pressure of Otto’s lips reminded her that this was for real. Unless she read them all wrong, both of these sophisticated hunks—no, make that all three of them—admired her and wanted to play more games. The thought sent renewed sensation rocketing through her body.

  She wasn’t too sure what was happening to her, but had no intention of fighting it. She stretched her arms above her head and smiled at each of them in turn. She noticed them exchange a brief glance before returning that smile with interest. It was as though she had just agreed to taking things a stage further without the need for words.

  Bring it on, gentlemen. Bring it on!

  Chapter Nine

  Sabine slept the sleep of the totally satiated, and it was Mulligan’s whining that woke her the following morning.

  “Sorry, boy, am I neglecting you?” She sat up, pushed the hair from her eyes, and reached out to scratch his head. “You need to go out?”


  “What time is it?” She glanced at the bedside clock. “Goodness, gone seven. I must have needed that.”

  And she wasn’t referring just to the sleep. She stretched her arms above her head and smiled a somnolent smile, reliving in her mind her activities of the day before. The good parts, that is. She’d already managed to train herself not to dwell upon murder victims. Fin was right about that. It wasn’t her fault, she hadn’t killed anyone, and she refused to feel guilty about her innocent involvement in Spencer’s death.

  Liquid squirted from her pussy as she recalled the masterful touch of Fin’s hands on her sensitised skin, of Otto’s harsh treatment that she hadn’t been able to get enough of. She’d told Fin the truth in that she’d briefly had a boyfriend who was into BDSM, but nothing on the scale of these guys. And she had a lovely feeling that the best was yet to come.

  She touched her breasts, pleasantly sore from the pummelling they’d received from Otto, and grinned. Something was going right for her at last, and she intended to enjoy it to the fullest. It wouldn’t last for long. These guys appeared determined to track Pearson down, and they wouldn’t waste any time doing it, so she’d take what was on offer for as long as it was available and make the absolute most of it. The hell with being embarrassed or afraid to go after what she wanted. They’d opened the door, and it would be rude to slam it in their faces, wouldn’t it?

  “Come on, then,” she said to Mulligan, pushing back the covers. “I guess you need to water a bush or six.”

  Naked, Sabine pulled an overlarge T-shirt over her body and headed for the door. She laughed at her modesty. Fin and Otto had already seen her naked, and Gabe would, too, before the day was out. She’d agreed to pose for him and no longer had any qualms about doing so naked. It seemed only fair since these guys appeared to share everything. Hopefully, that would include her.

  She padded down the stairs with Mulligan at her heels and heard voices coming from Fin’s office. He was on the phone, saw her, and blew her a kiss. Otto’s office was empty. She glanced at his chair and giggled when she thought of the abuse they’d subjected it to the night before. He wasn’t there, but he obviously had been because two of the three screens were lit up, like he’d just walked away from them. Gabe was nowhere in sight, but Otto had implied that he often worked late into the night and then slept half the day.

  Sabine opened the sliding doors to the backyard, and Mulligan loped off to do his business. She sat on the edge of a patio chair, watching him trying to corner a gecko that was always going to elude him. Poor Mulligan. He tried so hard but never seemed to catch anything. Never mind. She’d have a shower and then take him for a proper run. Perhaps there would be some local cats who could taunt him.

  “Morning, sweetheart.” Fin plopped himself down beside her and leaned in for a kiss. “Sleep well?”

  “Like a baby.”

  Fin chuckled. “Can’t imagine why.”

  Gabe stuck his head round the door, wearing a pair of denim shorts and nothing else that was obvious to Sabine. Seemed as though he hadn’t worked all night, and she was the only one who’d slept in. Just like the other two, Gabe’s physique was a thing of beauty, and Sabine feasted her eyes on it with an unselfconsciousness that surprised her.

  “Morning, babe,” he said, taking his turn to nab a kiss. “You okay?”

  “Just fine, thanks.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Impossible as it seems after all that dinner I ate last night, yes, I am.”

  Gabe and Fin shared a smile. “Breakfast’s ready, then,” Gabe said.

  Otto was on breakfast duty. He winked at her, gave her a peck on the cheek, and served up a calorific feast that she didn’t hesitate to tuck into.

  “How do you guys stay in shape if you eat like this all the time?” she asked round a mouthful of honey-drenched pancake. “God, that’s divine!”

  Fin laughed. “Where have I heard that before?”

  “I was up half the night, trying to track down your Mr. Pearson,” Otto remarked.

  That got her attention. She abandoned her third pancake and shot him an inquisitive look. “And?” she prompted.

  “I haven’t found him, but I do know a lot more about Cavendish.”

  Sabine quelled her disappointment. “I suppose it was too much to hope that Cavendish would lead you straight to Pearson.”

  “Right.” Otto paused to refill coffee mugs. “He obviously knows that Spencer’s been killed, and that Pearson probably had something to do with it. He also knows the police are bound to talk to him because he and Spencer were tight, so he has to be feeling pressured.”

  “Damn!” Sabine felt ready to cry with frustration. “Why am I always one step behind events?”

  “I got into Cavendish’s e-mail account,” Otto said. “Unfortunately, there’s nothing on it to indicate that he communicated with Pearson that way.”

  “Are you sure?” Sabine asked. “Perhaps I should have a look.”

  “You’re welcome to take a peek, but there’s nothing in there to indicate that they even know each other. Trust me, I
’ve looked everywhere.”

  “Perhaps he deleted their exchanges if he’s worried about being implicated in Spencer’s murder?” Sabine suggested.

  “Television detective shows have a lot to answer for,” Fin said. “Most people now know that they can be traced through the internet and don’t keep stuff.”

  “I checked his history on the hard drive. Anything deleted would still be on there.” Otto shook his head. “Sorry, babe, there was nothing.”

  “So either he wasn’t the go-between, or they communicated some other way.”

  “Good old-fashioned telephone,” Gabe suggested.

  “Possibly,” Fin agreed. “Or perhaps they actually met face-to-face.”

  “We need to go down there and confront Cavendish,” Sabine said determinedly. “Make him tell us what he knows.”

  “Hold up.” Fin pushed a hand toward her, palm out. “That would just spook him. We need to be a little more inventive than that. I’ve called up an investigator I use and e-mailed him Cavendish’s mug shot. He’s gonna go down there, show the picture about, flash some cash, and make sure he’s still living in his condo.”

  “He must be. We’re just wasting time here.”

  “If he is, our guy will follow him and see if he leads him to Pearson, whose picture I’ve also sent him.”

  “More waiting,” she said, sighing.

  “I know you’re in a hurry to see this through, Sabine,” Otto said, serious for once. “But how hard can it be to stay here with us and be patient for just a little longer?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry, it’s just that—”

  “You promised to pose for me,” Gabe told her, blowing her another kiss, “and I’m holding you to that.”

  “Let’s just wait and see what our guy comes back with,” Fin said. “He’s good at what he does and won’t let us down.”

  “Yes.” She expelled another frustrated breath. “You’re right. You’ve got this far in no time at all, and I’ve been chasing my tail for two years.” She split a smile between the three of them. “I guess I can afford to wait a little bit longer.”

  “I’ll take the brute for a run if you like,” Otto said, laughing at Mulligan as he pushed his bowl round the floor with his nose in the hope, presumably, that seconds might be forthcoming.

  “No, I need the exercise.”

  “Okay.” Otto stacked the empty plates. “I’ll come with you if you could stand some company.”

  “Yeah, that would be great.”

  “The master investor here has to get back to work, and Gabe—”

  “And Gabe will expect you in his studio as soon as you return,” the artist said, grinning at her.

  * * * *

  Gabe felt nervous as he waited for Sabine to join him. Fin and Otto had been blown away by her, and they weren’t easily impressed. Strangely, they both seemed to think there was more to her than just a bit of fun between the sheets, which was unusual enough to pique Gabe’s interest. His buddies, like him, definitely had a commitment phobia but were in no hurry to fix Sabine’s problem with Pearson and have her leave their house. Early risers all three of them, he’d listened as Fin and Otto waxed lyrical about her attributes until his cock throbbed with resentment at being excluded from the fun.

  For the most part, people formed initial impressions through what they saw with their eyes, but it didn’t work that way with Gabe. The artist in him saw beneath the packaging to the private person lurking beneath it. Sabine was more complex than most, exuding an aura of light and sensitivity that intrigued him. It was so strong that it hit him broadside the first time he saw her when Fin brought her back to the house on the boat. It sounded ridiculous to say that he immediately recognized his muse, but that was the way it felt. It was as though his life up until that point had been on hold, waiting for her to come into it and inspire his best work.

  He assembled the tools of his trade as he waited for her. He didn’t need canvas yet because Sabine was his canvas. He would paint her body and turn it into a work of art. Gabe could barely suppress his excitement, instinctively knowing this would be the best thing he’d ever done. He’d paint her body and then recreate the whole thing on a canvas that would last a damned sight longer than the body paint.

  His phone rang. Shit, he should have turned it off. He hated being interrupted when he was working. He glanced at the display and groaned when he saw it was his elder brother again. Knowing he’d keep trying if Gabe didn’t answer, he picked up.

  “Yeah, Ethan, what can I do for you?”

  “Gabe, sorry to bother you, bro, but it’s Mom.”

  Gabe suppressed a sigh. “What about her?”

  “She’s in the hospital. She had a fall, and the paramedics took her in as a precaution.”

  “Has she broken anything?”

  “No, they don’t think so. They’ll be letting her out this afternoon, but we thought you’d want to know.”

  No, you didn’t. You’re just trying to guilt-trip me into coming back to Kansas. “Sorry to hear that,” Gabe said calmly, “but it sounds like it isn’t serious. Send her my best.”

  “We kinda thought you might wanna come home and see her.”

  Here we go. “Why?”

  The stark question obviously threw his grasping brother. “Well, she’s your mom, for God’s sake, and—”

  “You just said it was nothing to worry about and that she’s getting out of the hospital.” Gabe expelled a long sigh. “Presumably, you want me to cover the bill. Is that what this call’s about?”

  “Geez, Gabe, when did you get to be so cynical?”

  “Okay, I’ll pay,” he said, not wanting to get into stuff with Ethan, “but now I’ve gotta go. I’m working.”

  “Anything important?” Ethan couldn’t quite keep the envy out of his voice.

  “Probably the best thing I’ve ever done,” Gabe said, just to wind him up.

  “Have you thought any more about me and Pete helping you? I don’t trust those bloodsuckers you surround yourself with. We’re your family, Gabe, although you seem to forget that sometimes. Even so, we’re the only ones who have your best interests at heart.”

  Like hell you do! “Ethan, this conversation is getting tired. I’ve got an agent, my buddy handles my investments, and that’s all I need.” The door opened, and Sabine came in, Mulligan at her heels. “Hi, darlin’,” Gabe said, deliberately loud enough for Ethan to hear. “I’ll be right with you.”

  “Darlin’?” Gabe suppressed a chuckle, well able to imagine his brother’s suspicious frown. “You got a lady there?”

  “Not just any lady, Ethan, the lady. Now I’ve really got to go.”

  He cut the connection, feeling that he’d finally gotten the better of his brother.

  “The lady?” Sabine asked, quirking a brow.

  “Sorry. That was my brother, and I couldn’t resist giving him a fright.”

  “How so?”

  Gabe chuckled. “He’s always trying to make me feel guilty about my success by playing the family card. How much I owe them, they’re my flesh and blood, dah de dah. If he thinks I have a ‘love interest,’” he said, making quotation marks round the words love interest, “then he might back off a bit.”

  “Or descend upon you to check me out.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t think of that.” Gabe flashed a brief smile, watching as the dog nosed about the studio, found nothing that interested him, and curled up in a patch of sun for a snooze. “Problem is, you see, his not-so-subtle reminders of where I came from tend to work.”

  “But Otto mentioned that your family didn’t give you any support in the early days. Why should you care what they think now?”

  “They didn’t, and I look after them financially, but it’s not enough for my brothers. They’re always trying to find ways to get me to agree to have them with me in some unnecessary capacity or other.”

  “They want to leave Kansas?”

  “There’s nothing stopping them if they want to start
over somewhere else. There are plenty of opportunities out there. They don’t need to sponge from me. Besides, it would cramp my style to have them around. We’ve never been close and never will be.”

  “Then tell them so.”

  Gabe managed a wry grin. “I should, I know that. I have absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, but every time I talk to one of them, that’s how I end up feeling. You walking through the door just when you did was perfect timing. I never have been able to tell Ethan to back off before, and it felt good.”

  “Then I was glad to be of help.” She walked up to him and placed a delicate kiss on his lips. “You absolutely shouldn’t let them get to you.”

  “You’re right, I shouldn’t.”

  “You were so relaxed earlier, and now you look angry and preoccupied.”

  “Yeah, they manage to do that to me as well.”

  “Then fight back.”

  “I just did, thanks to you.” Gabe’s thoughts briefly turned to his art. He was anxious to get on with it but for once had an even greater priority. “Come here,” he said, pulling her into his arms.

  Gabe turned Sabine’s delicate kiss into something that meant business. He savoured the taste of her as his tongue swept across her lush mouth and the flickering flame of his lust turned into an out-of-control bushfire. He pulled her closer, her soft breasts colliding with his bare chest, just the thin fabric of her vest and bra preventing the skin-to-skin contact he so craved but didn’t dare risk. She kissed him back with raw carnality, her mouth warm and mobile beneath his, demonstrating just how willing she was to explore her sexuality.

  Reluctantly, he broke the kiss, aware that if he didn’t stop this right now, not much work would get done this morning.

  “We need to get started,” he said.

  “All right. Where do you want me?”

  Gabe chuckled. “Not a sensible question to ask me right now,” he said, pointing to the bulge in the front of his shorts.


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