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Three Parts Fey (An Obscure Magic Book 3)

Page 7

by Viola Grace

  She dozed with her head against Argyle’s shoulder until they pulled up to the XIA headquarters. Argyle’s phone was in his hand, and he winked. “We have an hour.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “The king is waiting for us to present ourselves at his home. As this was our only assignment tonight, we are now free to attend at his pleasure.”

  Benny groaned. “We are so not dressed for that.”

  Argyle opened the door and slid out, extending his hand to hers. “I am sure you will think of something.”

  After they were logged out and changed, she did indeed think of something and her companions’ clothing was changed from denim into leather with a few choice bits of spell work.

  Andrew sighed. “I suppose that my family is last.”

  Benny chuckled as Pooky took them through the calm and old neighbourhood where the vampire king mayor resided.

  “You had a chance to pounce. You didn’t pounce, so now we are going to see the vampires first.” She wrinkled her nose at him as her clothing shifted around and under her in the car.

  Pooky entered the long, sweeping drive, and Argyle spoke into the security camera, gaining them access to the surprisingly understated home.

  “We are lucky in Mathias. He is a calm and understanding ruler.” Argyle seemed to be making a point to both Tremble and Andrew.

  When the car settled in front of the home, two shadows emerged from beside the doors to the house and stepped down to open their vehicle.

  As Benny slid out of the car, her dress flowed into configuration around her—a leather overdress and trousers in contrasting black. Argyle took her hand, and they led the other two into the mayor’s home.

  Miss Leonora Wicks was waiting in the frame of the doorway as it opened at their approach. “Miss Ganger. I am delighted to see you again.”

  “Thank you, Leo. It is good to see you as well.”

  The woman still had the grey cast to her skin that had been there on their first meeting at the crime scene a few weeks earlier.

  Once again, she smiled and her face went from blank and sober, to beautiful and welcoming. “He is waiting in the gardens. Your timing was perfect.”

  Argyle cleared his throat. “Allow me to introduce our bound companions.”

  Leo gave him another sweeping smile. “I don’t care. This way.”

  She moved silently; her chiffon gown gave her the appearance of a floating spectre as they moved through the modest mansion and into the floral-scented darkness of the back garden.

  The vampire king was tending his flowers and checking out his peach tree. “Leo, come here and taste this.”

  Miss Wicks rolled her eyes. “If I had a nickel for every time I heard that.”

  With a grin, the woman stepped toward the mayor, and he held out the fruit to her in a reverse of a biblical moment.

  Benny watched as Leo reached for it with her hand, but Mathias held it so that she had to take it from his grip with her teeth.

  Her face wasn’t visible from that angle, but Benny knew that sound. Leo chewed furiously. “Not ripe!”

  Mathias grinned and nodded. “I thought that was the case, but you know, I can’t really tell.”

  Leo wrinkled her nose at him. “Your guests are here.”

  Mathias nodded and the peach arced through the air. Benny caught it and ripened it in her hand. She took a bite. “Thank you, Mayor Mathias.”

  He grinned. “It is good to see you again, Benny.”

  She released Argyle’s hand and walked up to her family friend. “It is nice to see you so happy, Uncle Matt.”

  “It is good to feel it, Benny. Now, what can I do for you and the good Argyle?”

  Benny looked toward her vampire, and she smiled. “I wish to have him for my own, Uncle. We are bound, and now, I wish it to be formal in the eyes of the vampire nation.”

  “It will not be easy. He will outlive you if he does not suffer an injury.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “He is not quite one of yours anymore.”

  Mathias moved past her, and he grabbed Argyle by the chin and turned his head from side to side. “What did you do to him?”

  Benny twisted her lips before biting into the peach again. “Nothing that he didn’t consent to. They are mine; I am theirs; we are bound.”

  Mathias moved faster than she could track, examining Tremble and Smith as well. “All of them have a touch of demon in them.”

  “My blood.”

  Smith’s teeth extended in surprise when the vampire king was suddenly in front of him. Mathias calmed him down.

  “Easy, beast. I am just looking into...and there he is.” Mathias looked into Tremble and nodded when he found the traces of Argyle he was seeking.

  Benny blinked when Leo took the peach out of her hand and finished it. “Sorry. I had to get that sour taste out of my mouth.”

  A moment later, Mathias was next to her. “Well, you have given me three more subjects, so giving you one is fair enough.”

  Argyle came forward. “You are authorising our union?”

  Mathias smiled. “Of course, Cairbre. I know what I am looking at and am both glad that I can call upon it and am willing to come if you call.”

  Leo took a call and walked into the house; Mathias watched her go.

  Benny looked from the doorway to the ancient power standing next to her. “Love?”

  “As close as I can come. She has been through much, sacrificed much, and is always willing to give more. She is a woman to be admired, and I have not met one such as her before.”

  Benny nudged him with her arm. “Fire and ice under one skin.”

  He nodded. “Precisely. Now, dawn approaches and your companions look exhausted. Take them to bed.”

  She wrinkled her nose at him and gathered the men around her, ushering them back to Pooky and, from there, back home.

  Chapter Ten

  As sweat dried on their bodies, Andrew asked her. “What exactly is passing between you and the heads of our clans?”

  Their fingers were tangled together, and she rested her head against his shoulder. “Each one we speak to is acknowledging that your first duty is to our group, and each one knows that they are obligated to come to our defense, just as I am agreeing to come to their defense.”

  “I still don’t get it.”

  “If your pride tangles with another, we will stand on the side of your pride, for the purpose of increasing numbers and to bring power. For Tremble’s family, we bring fresh blood and energy, not to mention my family ties. That gives them added political clout when it comes to dealing with other principalities on the continent. They can get higher-ranking brides and husbands from other groups now.”

  “What do the vampires get?”

  Argyle answered. “Protection. Protection from Benny’s namesake. She can no longer hunt here unless Mathias requests it.”

  Benny yawned and snuggled against Andrew. “I am quite a catch.”

  Argyle reached out and patted her hip. “Yes, you are.”

  Tremble was reading a book across the room, and as she watched, he put the book down and crawled into bed.

  She smiled as he curled around her. Given a choice, they preferred to be together. It was starting to feel like a family.

  “Hey, Benny. We have a court date for an inquest.” Her father’s voice came through the phone as if he was next to her.

  “When?” Benny finished brushing her teeth and held the phone to her cheek.

  “Because of the publicity, we are going in tomorrow. They want to get everything settled and have me punished as quickly as they can.” Harcourt laughed.

  “You are sounding...better?”

  “I am. The cut ties to Yomra have done wonders for my aspect. Your uncle Imriod is my counsel. I am sure things will turn out as well as they can.”

  “You know that they don’t have call to be charging you.”

  “I know that they feel they have reason. The spell would have been passive if not
for someone coming after you, but if you were not in danger, it would not have been needed.”

  Benny nodded, though he couldn’t see her. “Right. Keep me posted. I want to be there.”

  “I believe you are being named as a witness of some sort. You will be there, love.” She could hear the smile in his voice.

  “Good. Glad that is out of the way.”

  “Now, finish your teeth and get to work. We are hearing good things about how you are handling yourself.”

  “You have spies watching me?”

  “Of course. Just because you are an adult doesn’t mean we will stop trying to take care of you or make sure you are safe. It just means we do it from a distance. Have a good shift.”

  The call was over in that light rush of speech, and she chuckled and spit out the foam. It was nice to know that she was still being cared for, even in her own place with her own family starting up. It was creepy, but nice, just like her parents.

  Andrew was grilling ham steaks and Tremble was on waffles. Argyle was slicing fruit.

  Benny checked her messages and texted a reply to Freddy that everything seemed to be going fine. Freddy demanded details, but Benny told her to get bent.

  A plate slid in front of her, and she glanced up to see Andrew’s smirk. “We have a half-hour appointment with my brother-in-law before work. Most of the pride won’t be there, so it will be a little less tense than it would be on a weekend afternoon.”

  “Won’t that be a little weird? I mean, it is usually a formal introduction for a mate from outside the pride.”

  “Well, when I mentioned that you had already met the other portions of our unit, he accelerated things to save face.”

  Tremble chuckled. “That shows he is more than an alpha; he is a politician.”

  Argyle nodded. “Very nice. Do you need us to do anything before we go?”

  Andrew grinned. “Rub up against Benny and myself a few times. We still scent cue, so it will be faster if you smell like us.”

  Benny’s fork froze halfway to her mouth as Argyle hugged Andrew without any delay. He stroked his cheek along the tanned skin of his partner, and Andrew’s eyes closed for a moment.

  When the embrace was over, Tremble stepped in and bent his head to repeat the caress on the other side of Andrew’s face and neck.

  The shudder that went through their lion was hard to miss.

  Benny had to admit to being turned on by the sight of so much male muscle pressing together before parting. It was as if their clothing wasn’t even there.

  Argyle chuckled. “Benny. You might want to give us our shirts back.”

  She looked at him and blinked slowly. “Hmm?”

  He lifted her free hand and pressed it to his cool, bare chest. “Shirts. Back.”

  She sat up and blushed. “Right. Sorry. Got caught up in the moment.”

  She sent the spell to clothe them through the air, and magic wrapped around them. Part of her sighed and kept replaying the scene over and over again. It was going into her foreplay memory file.

  Benny made a mental note to figure out why her instincts had stripped them without any conscious direction. Unconscious magic could get dangerous very quickly.

  She finished breakfast quickly and loaded the dishes into the dishwasher. Andrew pinned her against the counter.

  “I just need your scent on me now.” Andrew leaned in and brushed his cheek against hers.

  Benny shook and reached up, looping her arms around his neck. “Done.”

  She leaned and pressed her lips to the column of his neck, exhaling against his skin.

  He pressed firmly against her, and a low, rumbling purr sounded deep in his chest.

  She nibbled, licked and stroked the hair at the back of his neck while she worked. When Andrew was vibrating under her touch, she relaxed and leaned back.

  The husky tone in her voice was unmistakable as she said, “I believe we have an appointment with your alpha?”

  His glare said a thousand words. “If he says one wrong thing, this is going to get very ugly.”

  The guys jostled each other as they headed for the door; the XIA would be their first stop, to check on Miaka and then the trip to Andrew’s family seat would be next.

  Spirits were high, but there was an underlying tension that hadn’t been there before.

  Miaka was sitting with a notebook and a necromancer when Benny arrived.

  The necromancer got to her feet and smiled. “Good afternoon, Agent Ganger. I have heard wonderful things about you.”

  The woman extended her hand, and Benny reached out to shake it. The contact was a little startling, but the shock of cold didn’t stop Benny from shaking the hand of the self-animating woman in front of her.

  “I am glad to know it. You have the advantage of me.”

  “Ah, I am Kima Remiller. I specialise in instructing those who have specific talents, like Miaka here. I will be her private tutor during her time in the restricted facility, and when she is released, she will join us at a school specialising in the arts of the undead.”

  Benny released Kima’s hand and glanced over at Miaka. “You have been sentenced?”

  She nodded, and Michael gave a thumbs-up behind her head. “I was sentenced under the magical-stress provision. Michael testified for me. Your statement on the matter carried some weight.”

  Benny paused before she realised that Miaka was referring to the report she had written in the car and the follow-up report when they had brought Miaka into the XIA.

  “I am glad it helped. Grief can make folk do extraordinary things.”

  Kima nodded wisely. “It can indeed. She has a lot of potential, and it needs to be directed so that she and society can feel the benefit.”

  Benny felt an unfurling sense of relief. She couldn’t hug Miaka, but she patted her on the shoulder and promised to keep in touch as much as was feasible.

  Kima sat down again, and they continued their lesson with both Michael and Miaka paying close attention. It was yet another wonderful mental image to walk away with.

  Today was turning into quite an encouraging day.

  “So, Dornan will come out of the house with my sister, Emily. The betas might be behind them, and the attached alphas will be outside on guard. Everybody will be watching Dornan. If he goes on alert, we will all be in for it.” Andrew spoke grimly.

  Argyle had his sunglasses on, and he glanced over at Andrew. “What happens if he goes on alert?”

  Andrew sighed. “We will have to fight for our place in the pride.”

  Tremble grinned. “Do we want a place in the pride?”

  Benny elbowed him. “Shush. Of course. This is even all the way around. Elves, vamps and now lions. Everybody is going to have all the backup we can manage.”

  Tremble took her hand and raised it to his lips. “Yes, Benny.”

  Andrew turned down the long drive and jerked his head toward the sprawling ranch house with high spires at every corner. “Felines love a high perch. We are no exception. They saw us on the highway. You can see them gathering on the grounds and emerging from the woods. Huh. There are more off today than I thought.”

  Benny didn’t comment that it didn’t seem to be a good thing. A yard full of lion shifters was setting her senses on edge.

  Argyle was flexing his hands, and Tremble’s ears were as alert as she had ever seen them. Even Andrew was on alert.

  Meeting a swirling and evolving family was definitely different from the cold greeting of the fey and the relaxed moments with the vampires. Benny braced for anything.

  Andrew pulled in at a safe distance from the house, and he glanced at them. “Okay, you have been briefed and we are all ready for a fight. I don’t think that there is anything else to cover.”

  Benny nodded. “We are going to follow your lead, Andrew. We are going to take our cues from you.”

  “Got it. Well, here we go.”

  In a rehearsed move, three of them opened their doors while Benny unbuckled. When
they gathered outside her door, Andrew opened it and took her hand to guide her out. She was the alpha female to their gathering of alphas, and they were exhibiting their protection. It was odd, but since the lionesses owned the property, they were entitled to protection. Benny was their ersatz lioness.

  They stepped toward the front doors of the home and paused a safe distance from the threshold. The doors opened, and Dornan and Emily came out, with Emily’s heavy belly leading the way.

  Dornan gave a formal nod. “Andrew You bring members of your pride here to greet us?”

  Andrew jerked his head slightly. “I have. They are my pride and my family. I would like to introduce you.”

  Emily nodded her head. “Come, brother. I need a hug and your nieces are going out of their heads waiting until this is safe.”

  Andrew nodded and stepped forward. “Dornan Bearing, Emily Smith-Bearing, I would introduce you to my partners. Tremble, Argyle and Agent Ganger are my chosen life bonds. They are my family and now yours.”

  Dornan stepped forward, and they could feel the eyes on them from every angle. He walked up to Andrew and inhaled the scent off his body. He shuddered slightly and then came over to greet them in precisely the same ways.

  Emily came up behind him and repeated the actions, rubbing Benny’s cheek with her own in greeting. Tension eased and everyone relaxed. The members of the pride slowly walked in to greet and accept the newcomers in their midst. One small moment turned from tense to warm, and it made Benny smile.

  Emily pulled her aside as the little girls rushed out to meet their new uncles and aunty. “I think he is where he is supposed to be.”

  Benny watched Andrew move through his family and pride members accepting congratulations for his bravery and the power that his new pride exhibited.

  “I think so, too. We just all fit. The odds were against it, but there it is. We fit together and nowhere else.”

  Argyle had a three year old on his shoulders and Tremble was holding the toddler with aplomb.

  Emily linked arms with her, indicating her instant comfort. “I think they would make great fathers.”


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