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Rest and Relaxation (Lesbian Romance)

Page 23

by Rhavensfyre

  Since it was high summer, the sun took its time setting below the horizon. Allyse eyed the golden globe with mixed emotions, caught between two desires. She was enjoying their day together, but the night held other promises she couldn’t stop thinking about and that was making it very difficult for her to focus on small talk. All she wanted to do was feel Dani’s warmth against her. She was sure the heat of the sun would dim in comparison to the fire waiting to ignite inside her if the other woman would just stop talking and kiss her. As it was, the only thing threatening to boil over was her frustration.

  Dani wasn’t the chatty type, so why was she making such an effort to be sociable? She followed the path of Dani’s wine glass as the younger woman took another drink, finding herself caught in a pair of amused brown eyes laughing at her from above the rim of her glass.

  “Is there a reason you haven’t kissed me yet?” Allyse asked, hiding an entirely inappropriate smile behind her glass while Dani coughed and sputtered and almost spilled her drink. She probably should have waited until Dani had finished drinking to do that. Caught you! Allyse thought.

  “Maybe I was waiting for you to ask.” Dani reached up to caress the smooth skin along Allyse’s jaw. She was rewarded with a quick gasp. Allyse’s pupils dilated, stealing some of the icy silver from the clear green gaze, like frost melting away from spring grass. “Or maybe I was just waiting to see how long it would take you to kiss me before you combusted.”

  “You!” Allyse exclaimed, eagerly accepting the challenge just as Dani thought she would. It was inevitable then, their lips crashing together like a summer storm within the confines of the small orchard. With only the smell of apples and the sound of pure water burbling along the spring as their witness, the two women kissed beneath an open sky.

  When Dani shifted, pulling Allyse down and beneath her, she was blinded by the loss of the sun as their own spark flared and burst into heated flame. Dani’s lithe body fit against and along every curve and hollow of her body when she lowered herself against skin hot and begging for her touch, Allyse thought she would die right then and there if this was all she was allowed. She needed more. Full lips descended on hers, reverently drawing from her the taste of sweet mead as she deepened the kiss into something more urgent, more demanding. This was no sweet kiss with the intent of withdrawing to savor the feelings it brought forth. This was a prelude to something more, an inevitable progression of movement and sound and passion that could only end one way.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dani tensed in anticipation when Allyse’s hand crept down from where it was tangled in her hair to trail along her neck and past her collarbone. Disappointment reigned when the woman she had been so passionately kissing a second ago simply laid the palm of her hand against her breastbone, the silent pressure an unspoken request. Stop.

  She raised up so that she could see Allyse’s face, already missing the taste of full lips that felt like fire against hers. Allyse thrummed with the same untamed arousal coursing through her own veins, but there was a cold undercurrent running beneath that hot gaze—a nervous tension that held the risk of rejection. She could feel it as surely as she felt the heat rising up from the earth and the subtle changes in the air currents around them.

  “Is something wrong?” Dani asked, her voice husky and ragged. God, the woman could kiss like no other. Her heart beat wildly against her chest, violently enough that the frantic beat had to be hammering against Allyse’s palm. The woman was closer to holding her heart in her hand than she knew. She sat back, knee bent and one foot already on the ground, about as close to running away as she ever was. The adrenaline was already there, it wouldn’t take long for arousal to lose out to panic. Had she misread everything? It wouldn’t be the first time she’d missed or misread a cue. That didn’t make any sense though. Allyse had asked her for the kiss.

  “I, Uh. Um. I’ve never…” Allyse faltered, her embarrassment evident in the way she closed her eyes and turned her head away, a fresh pink flush creeping along her cheeks. She took a deep breath, garnering her strength before turning to look up at Dani with troubled eyes.

  “What?” Dani rocked back on her heels. She needed the space between them. It helped her to force down the driving need to continue what they had started. Allyse’s emotions skimmed across that silvery green surface—fear, arousal, determination, and desire—all swirling around inside her as if she couldn’t pick just one and run with it.

  “I’ve never done this before,” Allyse admitted, dropping her gaze before she lost herself completely to the sharp lines of chiseled cheekbones and the wide, generous mouth of the woman crouched next to her like some wild forest creature, that beautiful face now looking down at her in lust tinged confusion. Her attempt was bound to fail. There was no safe harbor, not even if she closed her eyes.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Not with another woman,” she whispered.

  “But, then how do you know?” Dani asked, licking her lips nervously. She had to know before they went any farther. The painful memory of her ex on the arm of some cowboy stud surfaced in her mind. Not content with hurting her one way, the woman had leered at her, making sure Dani knew she had been replaced with something better, something real. She had vowed then never to sleep with anyone who was married or just experimenting. It was too messy, and if it got serious, it was too fucking painful.

  “Allyse, how do you know then, if this is…if you’re...?” she tried again. Dani was interrupted by an unexpectedly harsh dry bark of a laugh, then Allyse finished her sentence for her.

  “A lesbian?” Allyse asked. “Oh, God, Dani…if you only knew. Even if I could ignore the years of soul searching I had to go through before I could even call myself that, I can’t ignore the effect you’ve had on me since day one. The minute I saw you I wanted you so badly I couldn’t even think straight. I know that sounds like a horrible cliché, but it’s true.”

  Dani’s heart softened at the tortured voice, fully aware that Allyse might not realize how much of her soul she was baring to her. Did she even realize what she was saying? From the first day?

  “But you were in New York? All those models. The beautiful women. How could you not have experimented? How could you have resisted all that temptation?” Dani couldn’t understand how Allyse De Leon had avoided being plucked from the vine the instant she came out, ripe and ready for the first woman that caught her eye. Dani wasn’t the most worldly woman in the world, but she had a pretty good idea that all Allyse De Leon had to do was hold out her hand and she would get whatever or whoever she wanted.

  Allyse sighed and rubbed her forehead. She knew that Dani was just being, well…Dani. She was going to have to explain things a little bit more than she wanted to.

  “Sweetheart, you don’t know what it’s like there. All those models, as you put it, they aren’t real. It’s all so fake. You can never tell if someone truly wants you or if they’re just trying to get ahead, one way or another. If a woman thought sleeping with me would help them get somewhere in the industry, they might do it even if they weren’t gay. I couldn’t risk it. I wasn’t willing to get involved in something that might turn into something messy, ugly even—not with the girls to think about. I wouldn’t do anything that might end up in one of those awful rag magazines, spouting rumors at the expense of other people.” Allyse shuddered. “Vultures, all of them.”

  “I didn’t realize. I mean, I always assumed by what Erick had told me that you…”

  “Were exactly who everyone expects me to be.” Allyse finished the sentence for her. “The name, not the person? I think you’ve realized by now I’m not the woman you expected. At least, I hope you’ve seen that.”

  A contemplative expression replaced the drowsy, half lidded gaze that had failed to hide the fierce need burning deep inside. Allyse knew exactly how that felt. Her own lips felt burned—raw and swollen from the intense kisses they had shared only a few moments ago.


  Dani r
olled away from her. In one fluid movement, she landed on her feet and stood up. The sun was behind her, casting her in shadow while throwing her own.

  “Come on, we should go back to the house,” Dani said, holding her hand out.

  “We should? Alright, if you insist.” Allyse took Dani’s hand. When she stood, a wave of dizziness exploded into bright sparks that danced in front of her like bright embers. She stumbled into Dani and clung to her without reserve, thankful for the other woman’s strength. “Thank you.”

  “Are you okay? You haven’t had too much to drink, have you?” Dani asked, concern tinging her voice. “Honey mead is a bit stronger than wine.”

  “No, I’m fine…really. My feet just got tangled in the blanket,” Allyse lied. The wine bottle and their glasses sat on a rock next to their blanket. The flat surface had been a perfect table while they had been otherwise occupied but now it was time to go. She busied herself with cleaning up their mess and trying not to feel disappointed.

  If I’m drunk, it is because I’m drunk on you, Allyse whispered too quietly for Dani to hear. The thrill of saying those words out loud almost outweighed the heaviness in her heart.

  Dani stopped her, pulling her back into her arms as easily as the wind snatched up a fallen leaf.

  “Leave it. There isn’t much left anyway. Let the bee’s get drunk on what they made.” Dani’s breath was warm and sweet against Allyse’s cheek. “Besides, I have a mind to drink from a sweeter cup than that tonight,” Dani added, her voice low and promising as she sought out the smaller woman's lips.

  Allyse’s heart sang. The cold iron that had taken up residence inside her fell away. She had expected to go back to her room, alone and disinvited, not be the subject of such a poetic offer.

  “Dani Saxon, you are turning into quite the poet.”

  “If I’ve become a poet, perhaps it’s because I’ve met my muse.” Dani hid behind the humor from the real emotions behind the words. She wasn’t ready to acknowledge everything she was feeling, not yet.


  The sun was just starting to set as they walked out of the orchard. The shadows were deceiving and neither of them were too steady on their feet. The reassuring warmth of Dani’s fingers laced in hers kept her on the path, guiding her gently along the twisting slope of the hillside until the golden glow of the porch lights found them. The soft light and deepening darkness invited them into the silence and privacy of the old farmhouse.

  Allyse’s nervousness resurfaced as soon as she was led back into Dani’s bedroom. Oh, she had been there before, she had even slept there the last few nights, but this time it was different. This time she stood frozen in front of the woman she wanted so badly it was pure agony.

  Nimble fingers found the buttons of her blouse, then slid the soft material off her shoulders until gravity took over and it fluttered to the ground. She trembled when Dani’s finger’s slid along her waist, the slight tug of a metal button being released followed by the faint sound of a zipper. Dani growled in frustration when the form fitting jeans didn’t give in to gravity as easily as her blouse had. Her heart leapt into her throat when Dani gracefully kneeled in front of her to slide the tight jeans down past trembling thighs. Allyse found the courage to move then, stepping out of the stiff blue material to stand quaking and half naked beneath Dani’s watchful gaze.

  “Was this for me?” Dani asked, reaching out to lightly graze the back of her hand along the delicate material covering Allyse’s breasts. Black lace and satin lingerie was not practical for wearing on the farm. Dani doubted this was what Allyse usually wore when she was here, but the matching set did everything to showcase the perfection of the body shivering in front of her. “I like it.”

  “Yes,” Allyse whispered, distracted by teasing fingertips dancing so close to her nipples. The subtle touch continued to whisper across the smooth satin, sending shivers down her spine. She arched into the touch, silently begging for more friction.

  “Are you cold?”

  “Hot,” Allyse croaked. Her throat felt parched. She discovered that fear and anticipation could be a powerful aphrodisiac. All the moisture in her body seemed to follow the path of her clothes, pooling like liquid fire between her thighs. She was frozen in place, her hands shaking too badly to do what she wanted them to. She wanted to touch Dani like she was being touched. Allyse wanted to make her feel what she was feeling, but she couldn’t move.

  “Me too,” Dani said, cupping Allyse’s cheek gently. Allyse’s eyes flew open, and she gasped. The look in her eyes made Dani ask “What are you afraid of?”

  “Of being…inadequate,” Allyse whispered.

  Dani chuckled and shook her head. How could the woman even think that? “Oh, babe…there is nothing about you that is inadequate. So what if you haven’t had a lot of experience? We all start at that point and move forward. You know what feels good to you, is another woman’s body so different?”

  “No, I guess not.”

  “I’m a little overdressed here. Let me even the playing field.” Dani slipped out of her shirt and jeans, noting the quick hitch in the other woman’s breathing, the subtle hip jerk that only certain muscles clenching in arousal could cause. Dani had her attention now.

  “You don’t have to do anything more if you don’t want to. Come here and just let me hold you.” Dani offered, crawling into bed and propping herself up against the headboard. Allyse crawled into bed with her, scooting in closer until Dani could wrap her arms around her. Their position was not so different from the other day when they were riding Dylan.

  “Relax into me, I’ve got you.” Dani waited patiently for tense muscles to loosen, for a spine held rigid to bend and mold into her, for cold fear to turn into warm trust. It took a little while, but she waited until Allyse was completely relaxed against her before she spoke again.

  “Better?” she asked, bringing her lips close to one perfectly shaped ear. A contented sigh wordlessly answered her question. She inhaled, breathing in the sweet fragrance that was uniquely Allyse. She lowered her lips to taste the source of that delectable scent. A soft moan encouraged her. A neck suddenly open to her exploration became an inviting place to leave a trail of soft kisses when Allyse tipped her head back and sideways to rest along her shoulder.

  “Yes. Oh, yes,” Allyse moaned, arching against the woman behind her as wandering fingers played across her ribs then cupped her breasts. Dani’s lips continued to lay claim to her neck. The soft kisses became more urgent. She felt sharp teeth nip along her pulse line before a hot moist mouth latched onto the smooth flesh and sucked lightly.

  Dani found her nipples, swollen and straining against the satiny bra. She played her thumbs across the sensitive flesh through the thin fabric, setting off licks of fire that only increased with every stroke. The surge of arousal from her deliciously tortured breasts was answered by another surge of pleasure echoing between her thighs.

  “Can I take this off, please? I need to feel you,” Dani whispered. Her voice was urgent, unlike her fingertips. They simply teased, trailing lazy lines along the edge of her bra, skimming both skin and silk as if comparing the two side by side.

  Allyse moved just enough to give Dani room to reach between them. Her nipples puckered and hardened when the bra fell away from her and hot skin met cool air. The bra met the same fate as the rest of her clothes, the expensive lingerie finding a new home on the floor after having done its duty. She didn’t care. She had no more use for it tonight, not with hot hands resuming their torturous exploration of her breasts, finding her nipples hard and ready for their touch.

  “God, Allyse, you are so beautiful,” Dani breathed. The visual landscape laid out before her made her all too aware of the rising heat between her own legs. She was quickly learning what Allyse liked the most. She sought out her sensitive nipples with eager fingertips, felt them swell and harden beneath the tugs and pinches that made her squirm enticingly. It didn’t help that with every moan and undulation, Allyse’s firm ass grou
nd between her thighs, brushing against her swollen lips with every passion fueled movement.

  “Do you trust me?” Dani asked, suckling one soft earlobe between her lips to nibble gently.

  “Yes. Ahhh…Dani…don’t stop. Please,” Allyse moaned. Her body felt like fire in Dani’s arms.

  Dani captured one of Allyse’s hands inside hers, lacing their fingers together tightly before running her hand back up along that smooth expanse of flesh. A soft gasp was her first reward for dragging their joined fingers across Allyse’s flat stomach. Dani guided Allyse’s hand, tracing small designs that circled and stroked along the outer curve of her breast.

  “Allyse, I want you to touch yourself…show me what you like, what you want from me. How you touch yourself, how you would touch me,” Dani whispered suggestively, moving their joined hands even lower, exploring the valleys and flat expanses of Allyse’s abdomen. Dani didn’t let up until they found black lace again. Allyse arched instinctively into the touch, but Dani refused to stray any farther than that thin barrier. If the request shocked Allyse, Dani couldn’t tell. Fingers convulsed around hers, tightening their hold on her. Allyse moaned and rolled her head back, her expression a study in unrelieved desire. Suddenly, Dani was no longer the one controlling their movement. She was no longer the artist, she was the brush, and together they traced their growing passion on a living canvas.

  Safe in Dani’s arms, Allyse finally found the strength and desire to abandon her fears and her reticence. She didn’t so much give in to her desire as become the desire that she had been holding in for so very long, freeing her mind and body from their self-imposed shackles.

  She could no longer tell the difference between Dani’s touch and her own emboldened fingers. She ached and throbbed with the need to be touched, to feel that delicate stroke hovering just above her core waiting to dive into the heat and wet gathering there.


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