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Starstorm (Starstorm Saga)

Page 7

by Bennett, Billy

  “What about fighters?”

  “Like us, Lexington and Yorktown have full fighter compliments: fifty-six Star Swords each. Battle groups one and two will provide cover for battle group four which will try to eliminate the enemy command ship. We are gambling that whatever they’re planning to do, they can’t do it without that command ship. Battle group three will attempt to attack and draw off some of the enemy cruisers and transports while all the fighters hold off the enemy fighters. Once the command ship is destroyed, we’ll bogie the whole fleet out and establish a defensive line at Saturn. Then we’ll fight them hit and run all the way back to Earth where hopefully with the combined forces of America, Russia, and Japan we will defend the Earth and with luck be victorious.”

  “What about Mars?”

  “They are discreetly making preparations to evacuate as many people as possible but they’ll never be able to evacuate them all. The Martian Colonial Defense Force will defend Mars as best they can and we’ll give them all the support we can.”

  “What if we lose?” asked April.

  “Then the enemy will still have to deal with the combined armies, navies, and air forces of every nation on Earth.”

  “With control of space that might not be difficult.”

  “Then we better hope we win,” said Doran. “April, at 0800 I want you to brief the pilots on the plan I just outlined to you.”

  “Yes sir, Captain.”

  “You’re dismissed.” April saluted Doran and exited his office. She was quite exhausted so she returned to her cabin. She got out of her boots and uniform and put on her gown. Then she floated into her bunk and went to sleep.

  “Commander I must ask: why are we just sitting here?” Ever since making the final hyperspace-jump, the entire Zidian fleet had been in orbit around the eighth planet for three standard rotations.

  “Patience, Kaydan,” said Akdon. “Look, the enemy is assembling a fleet around the sixth planet.”

  “While we sit here and do nothing!” protested Kaydan.

  “Kaydan, I don’t want to be running around this star system putting down tiny pockets of resistance for the next three cycles. I am allowing the enemy to assemble their forces into one group so we can destroy them in one massive battle, and I want that battle to be waged as far from that sun as possible! Once we’ve destroyed their fleet, we’ll take out their installations then capture their home world.”

  “A most ingenious plan, Commander,” said Kaydan.

  “Yes, I know,” replied Akdon. “How are you coming on their language?”

  “Well, sir, we’ve translated about twenty percent of it,” said Kaydan.

  “Excellent. Keep me informed of your progress.”

  Kaydan went back to work.

  Back on Earth, in the Presidential compound in Washington DC President Richard Garrett sat with his cabinet and military advisors.

  “Mr. President, we must not allow the people to know about the invasion!” said one official.

  “We don’t know if it’s an invasion!” yelled another.

  “Then why’d they attack us!” screamed the next. “Mr. President we must at least inform the other major world governments.”

  “I agree, Mr. President, the Russians and Japanese are demanding an explanation as to why the Space Force has completely mobilized. That story about an exercise just isn’t buying it.”

  “Why?” asked the President.

  “Because they found out we have SSI mass producing Star Swords again in what they view as a time of peace. Put simply, Mr. President, they think we’re up to something.”

  “Why haven’t we begun the evacuation of Mars?”

  “Because then the public would definitely know something was wrong. We’d have no explanation for doing it.”

  “The fact that we mobilized Space Force for no apparent reason is all over the news. The media and public are demanding answers.”

  “We’ll announce it to the UN when the time is right,” said the President. Just then a knock came at the door.

  “Excuse me Mr. President, Professor Foshee is here.”

  “Let her in,” said the President. “Professor any luck communicating with them?” “No sir. We are using all sorts of signals and messages like what S.E.T.I. would look for. There has been no response. Of course we will continue to try.”

  “Thank you, Professor.” The President then rose from his desk. “We will inform the Japanese and the Russians of the invasion. Unless the aliens respond to our communication attempts, I’m afraid we have no choice but to send in the Space Force.”

  Far away on the Krusha, Commander Akdon and Kaydan stood on the bridge overlooking the massive view screen which showed the slow but steady approach of the Human ships.

  “The aliens are on approach, Commander,” said Kaydan. “We’ve also been receiving signals from their home world directed at us.”

  “What do they say?” asked Akdon.

  “We aren’t sure,” said Kaydan.

  “It is of no concern,” said Akdon. “Soon we will destroy their fleet and capture their home world and this mission will be complete.”

  Red, Jack, and Trey stood in the Saratoga’s wardroom with the rest of the pilots as Commander Kelley explained the plan that the Captain had outlined to her hours earlier. Behind her was a screen on which was a map of the Neptune region. It also showed the relative locations of all enemy ships. The assembled pilots listened intently as she came to the end of her presentation.

  “In the absence of any word from Earth to the contrary, the attack will go forth. You will be called when it is time. All ships participating in this attack have arrived here at Saturn. We are about to make the last leg of the trip to Neptune together. Until then, those of you not on patrol take some time to rest, relax, and reflect.” Commander Kelley then left for the bridge.

  “Well guys,” said Trey “Lets hit the REC room.” Soon all thoughts of war were temporarily banished. They had some drinks and a few laughs. Red challenged Trey to a game of holo boxing. The Holo boxing game was a table shaped like a boxing ring. They selected there boxers. They took the controls and the fight started.

  Jack took a moment to go and look out the window at all the Space Force ships in formation. He could see Saturn getting smaller and smaller as Saratoga and all the ships around her moved farther away. Jack heard Trey laugh. He turned and saw Trey’s boxer pounding away at Red’s. Red’s boxer went down and the holographic referee began counting.

  “Get up you idiot!” screamed Red but his holo boxer had taken too much of a pounding.

  “…nine....ten YOUR OUT!!” said the referee and the holograms disappeared. Trey had won.

  “Can’t win for losing can you Red,” said Trey.

  “My controls were messing up.”

  “Yeah right. Look I’ll see you guys later,” said Trey.

  “Hey Trey, where you going?”

  “To record a vid and send it home,” said Trey. “Just in case.” Then he walked out. Several others decided sending a message home wasn’t such a bad idea and headed out after him.

  Jack reflected that he had absolutely no one back home to write to. It must be nice to have a family to care about you. I hope that one day I can be a husband and father…

  A few hours later, the moment they feared came. April Kelley’s voice came over the intercom.

  “All pilots, man your Star Swords,” Jack went as quickly as possible to the pilot’s lockers and geared up. He went down to the hangar. He, Trey, and Red put their helmets together and wished each other good luck. Jack put his helmet on and got into his Star Sword. He strapped himself in, closed the cockpit and waited for the launch order.

  Up on the Saratoga’s bridge, Kelley turned to the Captain.

  “All Star Swords ready, sir.”

  “Launch all squadrons,” ordered Captain Doran. Jack pulled back on the throttle and his fighter rocketed down the launch tunnel and out of the Saratoga along with all the other Star Swords. J
ack, Red, and two other pilots fell into formation with Trey. All around him, Jack could see Space Force ships. Ahead of him he could see Neptune. Above Neptune he could see little dots of light which he knew must be the alien ships. Captain Doran’s voice came over the transmitter.

  “All ships break up into your respective battle groups immediately.”

  On the bridge of the Krusha, Akdon stared menacingly at the screen showing the Human ships. Kaydan was as ever present at his side.

  “Commander we have successfully translated eighty-four percent of their language.”

  “What have you learned so far? Tell me about these approaching ships,” ordered Akdon.

  “Well sir, most are the primitive one man fighters like we engaged earlier, however, there are a number of larger support craft. Three of them seem to be carrier ships for the fighters, one appears to be a large battle ship, two are heavy support craft, and eight are light support craft.”

  “Can we handle them?”

  “It won’t be an easy task but yes, I see no reason why not. You will be interested to know that there is another fleet on the way to the sixth planet, so once we’re through with this fleet we’ll have another to fight.”

  “How would you judge their technology?” asked Akdon.

  “The human ships employ a primitive but highly efficient type of plasma propulsion. It allows their ships to go anywhere in their own solar system in a matter of hours but the nearest other star system is still years away for them. If the Humans had jump gate capability and force field technology then they would have quite formidable warships. Unfortunately for them, they have yet to develop those two attributes. We are eliminating a race that might have one day rivaled our own Empire.”

  “A pity...” said Akdon. “I long for a worthy opponent.... for a challenge!”

  “The Human fleet is breaking into four groups and coming straight for us!” said Kaydan.

  “All ships stand ready. No one fires until I give the order! Let them come to us!”

  “Commander,” said Kaydan “If possible I would like to capture some alive.”

  “I think that can be arranged.”

  Chapter Seven

  Neptune hung like a glowing green orb against the backdrop of Space. Above it, the Zidian fleet stood ready to meet the Human assault. The Space Force ships sped towards the enemy fleet in four large groups. A stream of Star Swords, carriers, destroyers, cruisers, and a battle ship flew closer and closer towards their targets.

  The Star Swords were all flying in squadrons of five. A wave of 56 Star Swords was followed closely by the Saratoga which was itself flanked by the destroyers Guardian and Chariot.

  On the Saratoga’s bridge, Captain Doran surveyed the massive fleet that was under his command. As he looked out the large view ports, he was overwhelmed by the number of space craft he could see—space craft that would soon be engaged in the largest battle humans had ever fought in space. Commander Kelley was at her station monitoring the fleet’s movements on her screen. Doran turned to her and said gravely, “It’s time.”

  Jack held the controls of his Star Sword as tight as possible to try and keep his hands from shaking. Trey was calm and focused on his controls and on the enemy. Red was all hyped up and ready for action. He couldn’t wait for the shooting to start.

  “Alright guys” said Trey. “As soon as we get the order we go in hot and fast. Stay in formation as long as possible! We’ve got to keep those fighters occupied long enough for the fleet to complete its mission. Keep calm and stay focused.”

  “Hey, don’t worry Trey.” said Red. “We got it in the bag. Isn’t that right Jack?”

  Jack remained silent. He gulped hard and braced himself for the fight. Finally Doran’s order came.


  The Carrier Yorktown followed by the destroyers Apache and Daredevil, plus 56 Star Swords zoomed at full speed toward the enemy fleet. The many plasma cannons bristling all over the carrier and her two escorts came alive firing a rain of plasma beams into the enemy cruisers.

  All the Star Swords of all the battle groups leapt into the fray and engaged the Zidian fighters. Battle groups one and two flew into the battle. They plowed into the formation of alien ships like a dull knife trying to pierce the hide of a large animal.

  Jack, Red, and Trey were the spearhead of battle group one. The five Star swords of their squadron stayed in tight formation till the last possible second then split up and went after the enemy. Jack fell in behind one of the enemy fighters and opened fire. His first few shots missed but his next burst of fire hit the aft side of the enemy ship. The Zidian ship veered to the right, Jack kept close behind. He fired again. His plasma burst glanced the side of the Zidian’s energy shield. The fighter began to swerve wildly from side to side trying to avoid Jack’s fire but he stayed close behind. In his cockpit, Jack could see his opponent’s lack of self-control at being trapped because of the wild way he was trying to get away. Red would do the same thing in that situation. Jack pulled the firing triggers again. This time the Zidian craft took a hit and its force field dropped completely due to the damage. Jack was relentless. He fired again. His plasma burst impacted against the rear of the now unprotected Zidian fighter. The enemy ship’s engines burst into plasma flames as its leaking fuel left a fiery trail in its wake followed by Jack’s Star Sword. The Zidian ship had now lost all ability to maneuver. Jack fired away and the Zidian ship exploded.

  “Nice one Jack!” said Trey. Jack’s squadron commander was, himself, maneuvering through the sea of ships trying to avoid getting hit and getting off as many shots as possible. Shots were being fired in all directions. He could see a carrier he was pretty sure was the Yorktown firing its many plasma cannons at an enemy cruiser. The Zidian cruiser was large. Roughly 250 meters long, it was constructed of a red-orange metal. Both its sides had an engine that ran parallel to the main hull. The engines were connected to two pair of forward swept wings that resembled blades and jutted out of the sides of the main hull. Its shields were not blocking even half of the fire being thrown at it by the Human carrier.

  All around them, ships were zooming and firing and exploding. Trey had never seen anything of this intensity during the Pirate Wars, but he was still calm and in control. He watched in dismay as the Yorktown took a couple of major hits. Two gaping holes had been blown in her side but it still she fought on. He turned his Star Sword away from the duel between the Yorktown and the Zidian cruiser. He immediately fired at an oncoming Zidian fighter. He was just barely able to avoid a collision. He pulled his ship around to go after the enemy craft he had just passed but suddenly his Star Sword shook violently and he spun out of control.

  Another Star Sword had exploded just as it passed beneath him, and the shock wave had sent him careening toward none other than a Zidian cruiser. Smaller laser cannon emplacements on the Zidian cruiser were firing at Trey’s Star Sword. He struggled to regain control of his craft. He gripped the controls tight and hit his thrusters. He managed to regain control and pull away just in time. He took a second to catch his breath. He looked out of his cockpit at the battle. He spotted a Zidian fighter below him that was already damaged and leaking plasma fire. He dived on it and opened fire. The ship exploded. Trey had only just begun to go after another target when he found himself being followed by an enemy ship.

  Trey began to take evasive action but the Zidian on his tail was good. Trey could see ion blasts streaking passed him. He knew his Star Sword probably could not survive a direct hit from the enemy weapons. He was beginning to think it was the end, when he looked dead ahead. Coming straight at him was another enemy fighter. Trey pulled his throttle all the way back and flew straight for the enemy ship. The Zidian behind him continued to follow closely and to fire. Just before he would have collided with the oncoming enemy fighter he darted in another direction and the two Zidians collided and exploded.

  Two for one....not bad.

  Explosions were all around them, like being in th
e middle of a giant fireworks display. Red was on an all out offensive. He hurled himself at the enemy, weapons blazing. He was moving at top speed. He figured if he maintained a high velocity and kept changing direction, the enemy wouldn’t be able to get behind him. He was very aggressive. He would charge strait toward an enemy craft strafing it with his plasma guns then move on to another target and attack it the same way. He took a lot more chances than any of the other pilots but he was determined that when this battle was over he would have more kills than anyone else—especially Jack and Trey. Red didn’t just go for the fighters, he was even foolish enough to fly close to and strafe the enemy cruisers. His crazy chances paid off, and he racked up on the kills.

  On the Krusha, Akdon studied the battle.

  “They are putting up quite a fight.”

  “Yes, Commander, as I said they are a race to be reckoned with. I must admit I am fascinated by these Humans. I can’t wait to examine one of them in my lab. I am particularly interested in studying their brain functions.”

  “I think you’ll be slightly disappointed, Kaydan. Look at them, they’re coming right at us!”

  “Commander, shall I order our cruisers to fire their main weapons?”

  “No, we are going to wait until their entire fleet is in sufficient range and then we will decimate them.”

  “The fleet is taking massive damage, our shields are only blocking thirty five percent of the plasma their weapons are firing at us,” said Kaydan.

  “What is it about their sun that is causing the malfunction in our force fields!”

  “I don’t know, Commander, but according to our initial scans this sun was no different than any of the other yellow dwarfs we have encountered. But since we arrived here, both our force fields and our scanners have been severely disrupted.”

  “When we have subdued this star system, I want that sun studied. We must know what it is that is disrupting our technology!”


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