Book Read Free

Code Talker

Page 26

by Chester Nez

  The War, a Ken Burns film, PBS Home Video, 2007.


  Page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.

  Aaseng, Nathan

  Adams, Robert

  “air” (nitXch’l)

  Air Force (U.S.)

  Albuquerque, New Mexico

  Allied forces

  See also United States of America

  “all service” base

  alphabet and Navajo code

  “always faithful” (semper fi)

  America. See United States of America

  “Among the Oak Trees” (Chichiltah)

  Amphibious Corps, Pacific Fleet


  Apache tribe

  Apra Harbor

  “April” (tah-chill)

  A “red ant” (wol-la-chee)


  “Arizona” tag

  Army (U.S.)

  arroyo baths



  “auntie” (Shimá Yázhí)

  Austen, Mount


  Axis powers

  See also Japan

  B, “bear” (shush)

  Bad Way ceremony

  Baker, Davey

  Baltimore-class cruisers

  Banzai (suicide attackers)

  Bataan Death March

  Battle of Bloody Ridge

  Battle of Empress Augusta Bay

  Battle of Guadalcanal

  See also Guadalcanal

  Battle of Midway

  Battle of Savo Island

  Battle of the Coral Sea

  Battle of the Java Sea

  “battleship” (lo-tso)


  “bazookas” (ah-zhol)


  beer, military issued

  Begay, Charlie (code talker)

  Begay, Jack

  Begay, Roy (code talker)


  Chester worrying about

  Begay, (cont.)


  Marine recruit

  Navajo code development

  New Caledonia


  Begay, Samuel (code talker)

  Begay, Thomas (code talker)

  Beijing, China

  Benally, John (code talker)

  Benny, Jack (code talker)


  See also Nez, Chester (childhood and youth)

  Bingaman, Jeff

  Biníshiit Baa. See Nez, Dora (Chester’s sister)

  Bitsie, Wilsie (code talker)

  Black Sheep clan (Dibé-lizhiní or DibétXizhiní)

  “Bloody Nose Ridge” (Umurbrogol Mountain)

  boarding school

  alter boys

  babysitting by older schoolmates

  beds at

  “big harvest” and

  birth dates


  Catholicism and

  Checkerboard vs. boarding school

  church attendance


  cowboy dreams

  cultural heritage, erasing


  “English” all the time

  “English” names assigned

  food at

  forbidden areas

  “fried bread” helmets

  girls (speaking to), prohibited

  graduating from



  humiliation of students


  lice treatment



  nightmares at




  teeth brushing with soap

  trading post at


  “bomb” (a-ye-shi)

  Bonis (Japanese airfield)

  Bosque Redondo

  Boston Red Sox

  bottle feeding lambs and kids


  bows and arrows

  Brown, Cosey (code talker)

  Brown, John (code talker)

  Brown, John, Jr. (code talker)


  Buin (Japanese airfield)

  Buka (Japanese airfield)

  bullies, boarding school

  Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)


  Bush, George W. (President)

  Bushido code (no surrender)

  C, “cat” (moasi)

  camaraderie of code talkers

  Camp Elliott, California

  Camp Pendleton, San Diego

  cans from field rations used as alarms

  Canyon people

  Cape Esperance

  Cape Torokina

  Capital Rotunda

  card playing

  Carlson, Evans (Lieutenant Colonel)

  Carlson’s Raiders

  Carson, Kit

  Cassidy, Hopalong



  code talkers (Navajo code)



  Iwo Jima


  Catron, Ethel Pearl (Chester’s wife)


  celebrity, Chester as a

  Chamorro natives

  Changing Woman

  Charley, Yolanda Jane

  Checkerboard, New Mexico

  Chee, John (code talker)

  Cherokee tribe

  Chiang Kai-shek

  Chichiltah (“Among the Oak Trees”)



  Choctaw tribe


  civil servant incident

  clans, Navajos

  Cleveland, Benjamin (code talker)

  Clinton, Bill (President)

  Coast Guard (U.S.)


  code black

  code talkers (Navajo code)

  alcohol problems of some

  bodyguards assigned to




  Congressional Gold Medals

  Congressional Silver Medals

  declassification of code

  errors in messages, handling

  exhibit, Pentagon, Washington, D.C.

  friendly fire death of Harry Tsosie

  heroes, code talkers as

  honored by Nixon

  Honoring the Navajo Code Talkers Act

  Japan learning about

  jobs, difficulty in finding

  Marines and

  Navajo Code Talkers Dictionary

  pairs, working in

  POWs and

  promotion protocol for

  recruits (new)

  R&R for

  success of

  tagged messages

  training new recruits

  transmitting, moving

  undocumented code talkers


  walking code machines

  See also Begay, Roy (code talker); Marines (U.S.); Navajo language; Nez, Chester (code talker); radios (TBX radios); Tsinajnnie, Francis (code talker); World War II; specific code talkers

  code talkers (Navajo code), development

  accuracy of code

  alphabet and

  dictionary of Navajo Code Talkers

  double encryption

  expansion of code

  Japanese mistaken for

  Johnston, Philip and

  memorization of code

  military men, assigned to help

  military terms and

  months of year and

  officers and

  one-letter-one-word pattern

  “original” code talkers

  personalities of

  phonetic English spelling

  pilot project

  practicing code

  printing vs. script

  code talkers (cont.)

  secrecy of

  Shackle code vs.

  testing code

  unbreakable code

  Cole, Nat King

  Collier, John

  Comanche tribe

  combat fatigue

  coming-of-age ceremony


  Commission of Indian Affairs

  community sense of Navajos

  Como, Perry

  condition black

  condition yellow

  Congressional Gold Medals

  Congressional Silver Medals

  Connor, Howard (Major)


  Cooper, Gary

  cornmeal mush

  corn pollen and Navajos

  Corn Pollen people

  corpsmen (“docs”)

  Cousins, Bob

  Coyote the trickster

  coyote threat to sheep

  Crawford, Eugene (code talker)

  Crawford, Gene

  creation of the world

  Crosby, Bing

  “cruiser” (lo-tso-yazzie)


  “cultural freedom” for Indians

  cultural heritage (erasing), boarding school

  Curley, David (code talker)

  “Curse of the Bambino,”

  D, “deer” (be)

  daisy cutters

  Damon, Lowell (code talker)

  Darwin, Australia

  declassification of Navajo code

  Dennison, George (code talker)

  Depression (Great), U.S.

  “destroyer” (ca-lo)


  development of Navajo code. See code talkers (Navajo code), development

  dictionary of Navajo Code Talkers

  Diné (“the People”)


  Dixon, James (code talker)

  “docs” (corpsmen)

  “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree,”

  “do or die,”

  Durrett, Deanne

  dust bowl in Great Plains

  “earth” (nahasdzáán)

  East (ha’a’aah)

  Empire of the Rising Sun

  See also Japan

  Empress Augusta Bay

  Enemy Way ceremony

  “English” all the time, boarding school

  Father (Chester’s father)

  boarding school

  code talker declassification

  hogan, building Grandmother’s

  homecoming (Chester’s)

  Korean War and


  Sleeping Rock people

  stories (great)

  sweat lodge

  Fels-Naptha soap

  “fighter plane” (da-he-tih-hi)

  First Man and First Woman

  First Marine Division


  New Caledonia


  R&R for

  See also Begay, Roy (code talker); Marines (U.S.); Nez, Chester (code talker)

  flame throwers

  Fletcher (Admiral)

  Fletcher-class destroyers

  Flores, David (Major)

  Florida Islands

  Fort Defiance School, Arizona

  Fort Sumner, New Mexico

  Fort Wingate, New Mexico

  “49-er” party

  Fox tribe

  French dislike of Marines

  friendly fire death of Harry Tsosie

  fry bread

  Fryer, E. Reeseman

  Fuji Evening

  Galloping Horse

  Gallup, New Mexico

  Gallup’s Catholic Hospital

  Gallup School, New Mexico

  Geiger, Roy (General)


  ghosts (chindí)

  GI Bill

  Gifu Ridge

  girl babies as highly valued

  “glittering fourth world,”

  goats as best friends

  Golden Gloves tournament

  Good Life (Right Way)

  Good Way ceremony

  Goon (Japanese translator)

  Gorman, Carl (code talker)

  Gorman, Zonnie

  government employees (“Washing-done”)

  Grable, Betty

  Grande Terre

  Grandmother (Chester’s grandmother)

  boarding school and

  clans and marriage advice

  Great Livestock Massacre

  herd, building

  hogan, building

  homecoming (Chester’s)


  stories (great)

  Grants, New Mexico

  Gray, Charlie

  Gray, Johnny

  Gray, Raymond

  Great Depression (U.S.)

  Great Livestock Massacre

  Great Plains dust bowl

  grid system, field-testing


  Austen, Mount

  Banzai (suicide attackers)

  Battle of Bloody Ridge

  Battle of Guadalcanal

  Battle of Savo Island

  Bougainville training

  burying bodies with tractors

  capture strategy


  crabs and crocodiles at

  dog tags


  fear of soldiers

  first battlefield use of Navajo code


  foot problems


  friendly fire, avoiding

  Gifu Ridge

  “jungle rot,”



  Melanesian population of

  “Midnight Charlie,”


  night attacks by Japanese

  radios (TBX radios)

  Slot, The (“Ironbottom Sound”)

  South Pacific voyage to

  sunbathing Marines

  “Tokyo Night Express, The,”

  training for Guam

  training for Iwo Jima


  “walking fire in,”


  Gutierrez, Benny and Sally

  Haile, Father Berard

  Halsey, “Bull” (Admiral)

  “hand grenade” (nimasi)

  hand grenades

  hand-to-hand combat



  Haskell Indian Nations University, Kansas

  Haskie, Ross (code talker)

  Hataathlii, Ned


  Hawthorne, Roy (code talker)

  “hearing” Navajo

  Hellzapoppin Ridge

  helmets, uses of

  Henderson, Lofton R. (Major)

  Henderson Field

  Higgins boats

  high explosive (HE) warheads

  Hirohito (Emperor of Japan)

  Hiroshima, Japan

  Hisey, Henry, Jr.

  hitting corporal incident

  hogan, building Grandmother’s

  Holcomb, Thomas (Commandant)

  Holy People

  Holy Way ceremony

  homecoming (Chester’s)

  home memories

  Honoring the Navajo Code Talkers Act

  Hoover Dam project

  Hopi Indians


  humor of Navajos


  Hunt (Lieutenant)

  Hunter’s Point, Arizona

  Hyakutake, H. (General)

  Ichiki, Kiyono (Colonel)

  “I do not like” (doo shil yá’ át’ ééh da)

  “I Love You for Sentimental Reasons,”

  Ilthma, Oscar (code talker)

  Indian Reorganization Act

  Inoue, Sadae (Lieutenant General)

  “Ironbottom Sound” (Slot, The)


  “I’ve Got Sixpence,”

  “I will return” (MacArthur)

  Iwo Jima

  “jackass” (tkele-cho-gi)

  “January” (yas-nil-tes)


  American vs. Japanese soldiers

  atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  Banzai (suicide attackers)

  blue-white artillery tracers of

  bombing of Tokyo

  Bushido code (no surrender)

  codes cracked by

  code talkers mistaken for Japanese

  dishonor of soldiers’ families

  divine right to rule world

  earthquake of 1923,

  expansion of

  14th Division

  HakkoX ichiu (manifest destiny)

  invasion of China

  learning about Navajo code

  “Midnight Charlie,”


  Naval masters

  night attacks by

  176th Army

  Pearl Harbor attack by

  prisoners of war (POWs), Japanese

  “scalp” for Bad Way ceremony

  Shinto religion


  South Pacific dominance by

  surrender of


  “Tokyo Night Express, The,”

  Tokyo Rose

  unbreakable Navajo code, learning about

  underground systems built by

  World War I and

  wounded, abandoning

  Yamato race


  See also casualties; code talkers (Navajo code); Guadalcanal; World War II

  “Japan” (beh-na-ali-tsosie)

  Japan, Sea of

  Johnston, Philip

  Jolson, Al

  Jones, Buck

  Jones, James E. (Colonel)

  “June” (be-ne-eh-eh-jah-tso)

  June, Allen Dale (code talker)


  Ka-bar knives

  Kawaguchi (Major General)

  Kieyoomia, Joe

  “kindness” (hozoji)

  King, Jimmie (code talker)

  kitchen duty

  Kluckhorn, Clyde

  Korean War

  Kotb, Hoda

  kunai grass

  Laguna people

  land craft, vehicle and personnel (LCVPs)

  landing ship, tank (LSTs)

  landing vehicles, tracked (LVTs)

  “Land of the Rising Sun,”

  See also Japan

  land vs. ship positions

  Larry King Weekend (TV show)

  Lawrence, Kansas

  Leighton, Dorothea

  Leonard, Alfred (code talker)

  Leonardo da Vinci

  Lew Wallace Elementary School, New Mexico

  “light” (’adinídíín)

  “light complexion” (Betoli)

  See also Nez, Chester (childhood and youth)

  lightning bolts as weapons

  “little man” (Hachi Yázha)

  “little mother” (Shimá Yázhí)

  Livestock Massacre, Great

  Lockard, G. R.

  Long Walk

  Louis, Joe (“Brown Bomber”)

  MacArthur, Douglas (General)

  Mack, Ted

  mail call

  Malay Peninsula

  manifest destiny (HakkoX ichiu)

  Manual of Navajo Grammar, A (Haile)

  Manuelito, John (code talker)

  Mariana Islands


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