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Black Magic Rose

Page 9

by Jordan K. Rose

  “This way.” Dragomir motioned for Sofia to take a right out of the elevator. He knew the moment she felt The Board. Her back stiffened and her pace slowed like a prisoner walking those last steps to the guillotine. He placed his hand on the small of her back. “It shouldn’t be a long meeting.”

  At least it wouldn’t be, if they didn’t get sidetracked again. Lately, board meetings seemed to run amuck with members bickering over foolish points and aligning based on history and old wounds being reopened. Jankin had long tried to run this branch as a democracy, but the truth about vampires and werewolves was they required a dictator to tell them what would be done. Someone had to be the supreme master, super alpha, or everyone fought for control.

  Jankin hadn’t risen to this position by playing childish games. He’d come into power driven by an almost consuming need to destroy Bas Dubh. But Dragomir no longer knew if Jankin wanted to destroy the rebels because he believed in a higher, more important cause, or if he sought only to protect the woman he believed to be his heir.

  Sofia turned her head toward Dragomir. Her green eyes were wider than before and a crease formed above her nose. She took a deep breath as though to steady herself and nodded before stepping into the room.

  The entire Board had assembled, all thirteen members. This was a change from the typical sixty to seventy percent attendance rate. A debate was in full swing. Commodus stood at one end of the giant table banging his fist on the mahogany as he yelled, “We can wait no longer! We must advance.”

  Seamus argued, “We are not prepared. We need more time. Our allies have not sent enough support. Our brethren from the British Isles have pledged warriors. We need them.” He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. Behind him his second in command snickered. The other wolves around the table knocked on the wood and a few echoed his sentiments.

  “Bah! Our newest recruits are nearly ready. They can go to battle now. Let them learn in real war.” Commodus pointed at a woman seated at the far end of the table. “Josette, too long silent on this issue. What say you?”

  The ravishing blond very slowly blinked heavily mascaraed eyelids and turned her head in equally as slow a manner until she’d locked gazes with Commodus. Her crystal blue eyes nearly glowed. “I see no point in rushing. Again Commodus, you’d have our fledglings and pups die unnecessarily.” Her voice coated the room like soft, plush velvet.

  Knowing Josette’s approach better than most, Dragomir prepared for what was next. He’d always admired her way of handling Commodus. She was forever one of a select few to convince him of rational thought. Though she looked the part of the lady, her technique was all warrior. Dragomir tensed his own energy, wrapping it around Sofia and himself, then he watched.

  Josette’s slight smile never wavered, but her power shot toward Commodus like a whip being cracked at the back of a slave.

  Commodus bristled. He stood straight, head tilted toward the ceiling, but gray eyes focused on Josette, a sly grin on his lips. “Ever the voice of reason, sister.” He bowed his head. “I acquiesce to your perspective.” With as much grace as any master could display after having tasted another’s power, Commodus backed to his seat, quiet until his next opportunity for an argument.

  Tonight’s display was more effective than usual, and obviously designed to influence the rest of the room. Have finished with Commodus, Josette turned her power on the other masters, testing each one. Though most were prepared for her approach, one by one the leaders not focused on her discussion with Commodus flinched or glanced at Josette with an irritated expression.

  Josette waved a gloved hand at Commodus and inclined her head. Smooth honey-colored hair tumbled over her shoulder. When she glanced up, her smoky gaze landed on Sofia, and then quickly darted to Dragomir.

  He nodded.

  Josette’s eyebrow shot up and her attention turned to Sofia. “You’ve decided to join us. A welcome surprise.” A smile teased the corners of her mouth, further enhancing her uncanny likeness to a 1930s film star.

  “Yes. I’ve asked that Sofia attend tonight’s meeting.” Jankin sat at the head of the table and offered the chair at his left to Sofia.

  She glanced around the room, raised her chin, and took a step forward out of Dragomir’s reach. The sound that escaped her lips forced Dragomir to her side. If he didn’t know better, he’d have thought someone punched her in the gut. But he knew what had happened. Josette had tested Sofia.

  “That’s enough,” Jankin commanded, his voice a rapid boom in the conference room.

  Josette’s attention moved back to Commodus, whose grin was nothing short of wicked.

  Dragomir placed his hand on the small of Sofia’s back and directed her to the seat beside Jankin, who rested his hand on hers. Jankin’s power blanketed Sofia and Dragomir.

  It was a strange sensation, like a warm current flowing around him. Dragomir stopped touching Sofia and stepped back, breaking the connection, leaving Jankin to protect her. He still hadn’t had an opportunity to question Jankin, but he would, when they were alone and Jankin could take the risk of answering honestly.

  Dragomir stood behind Sofia, studying the group assembled. Seven masters and six alphas, all leaders within The Alliance, gathered around the giant table, most with an entourage acting as protection. The last time this group had been assembled, at least one of them managed to scare Sofia. Because he’d been in Rome, he hadn’t attended that meeting so he wasn’t entirely sure who’d been responsible. However, he wasn’t about to let that happen again.

  When he’d heard about the last meeting, he hadn’t thought anything of the incident. Hadn’t believed there to be any problem with a human being shooed out of a board meeting and made to feel that she didn’t belong.

  But now he knew differently. If she was Jankin’s descendant, she did belong. She, above all others, needed to be in these meetings. She needed to come up to speed on the war, The Alliance, and what Bas Dubh could do to her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sofia edged closer to Dr. MacDuff, wanting nothing more than to run from the room, up to the first floor, and straight out of the building to her car where she’d gun it the whole way home. In a meeting with a group of volatile vampires and werewolves was the last place on earth she ever wanted to be.

  She had yet again been zapped. It was like walking into an invisible electric field. A painful burning that sizzled along her body with lingering aftereffects. Her toes curled in her shoes as her muscles twitched. She reached down to rub her left calf, willing away the cramp knotted in her muscle.

  The warmth flowing around her from Jankin brought some relief, though not quite the same as when Dragomir had touched her. Dragomir’s protection seemed impenetrable. With Dr. MacDuff, she continued to feel crackling as though sparks bounced off his shield.

  She cast a sideways glance at Dragomir. He stood behind her, still as a statue. She wished he’d touch her again, place his hand on her back, fingers splayed to cover the entire lower half. When he first touched her, she hadn’t realized what he was doing, not until she’d stepped away in a rush to prove she could hold her own in this meeting. Wasn’t I sadly mistaken? She straightened her leg under the table, making sure not to point her toes, lest her cramp get worse.

  “Seamus, when will Rowan’s brigade be here?” A tall blond man took a seat half way down the table. He leaned his forearms on the wood, hands raised to form a triangle. On his right hand was giant gold ring, containing the Cader House Crest of black onyx dragons on an ivory background.

  “In one week’s time. No more than that,” a burly black-haired man answered. He reached back and handed an empty glass to the man behind him. The glass was whisked away and a second man stepped into the first’s place. A third man slipped into the second’s empty spot. The two men stood at attention, wearing dark suit jackets, tartan kilts, and expressions that said they’d kill without a second thought.

  Sofia glanced around the room. Most every seated member had at lea
st two guards in attendance. If you’re on the same team, why so much security?

  Fergus sat to Jankin’s right with Osgar, Rick, and Dragomir to their backs. After sizing up the rest of the group, Sofia was thoroughly pleased to have her own bodyguard. For once she had to agree with Dr. MacDuff on this issue.

  “One week? Too long. We cannot risk more death.” A robust female vampire said. Margot. Sofia struggled to keep a neutral face. Margot shifted her weight like a Botticelli woman preparing to sit for a portrait, only she wore clothes, though barely. The neckline of her black dress dipped so low Sofia half expected to see nipples peeking out.

  Sofia had met Margot just over a week ago while working after sunset one evening. The vampire had sauntered into her office under the premise she was looking for Dr. MacDuff. She’d made herself perfectly comfortable propped on Sofia’s desk. So comfortable, in fact, she began quizzing Sofia on several rather personal issues—marital status, dating status, sexual preference. That evening a nipple did make an appearance. Sofia was so uncomfortable she left her own office to find Dr. MacDuff. When she recalled the incident to Osgar, he was tickled to inform her that Margot “liked” her.

  Sofia glanced at Osgar, who stood directly behind Fergus. The left corner of his lips twitched and he winked. She knew perfectly well Osgar’s mind had wandered back to that conversation or some image surrounding the topic. She also knew to expect some ridiculous comment from him in the not too distant future.

  “There is nothing to be done. We wait one more week,” Dr. MacDuff said. He sat back and sighed, never breaking the connection with Sofia’s hand.

  “Bas Dubh moves now!” Margot argued. She scooted to the edge of her chair until her breasts rested on the table. “Fourteen more vampire attacks, twelve werewolf attacks in my region alone. I can barely keep the incidents hidden. And we haven’t recovered even one of the victims. His army grows, Jankin, too fast. We are not keeping pace.” She slapped her hand on the table.

  “We will be outnumbered before long,” Commodus added.

  Dr. MacDuff’s solemn expression did not fade. He listened as board members argued over what to do and why.

  “Jankin, too many innocents have already been sacrificed,” Margot said.

  “Reports from Rome indicate a rise in missing tourists every day. It is becoming more dangerous. Since Dragomir left the region we’ve struggled to keep control,” a werewolf with wavy silver hair said. He stared at Dragomir. “Your choice to leave has had catastrophic impact for many.”

  “I go where The Alliance needs me.” Dragomir’s voice was low.

  “The Alliance needs you in the field, brother. Trent has not seen enough battle to handle that command.” The werewolf stared over Sofia’s head.

  “Richard, Dragomir is needed here,” Dr. MacDuff said.

  “The ones you care for are safe, hidden in the stronghold of this organization. What about ours?” Commodus stood. “What about my bloodline? I will not sit back and watch it bled dry. I will send my troops into battle with or without you,” he roared. His fangs descended and his face contorted into an expression that made a horror movie vampire look peaceful. He turned toward the door, motioning for his guards to follow.

  Before Sofia could register what was happening, Dr. MacDuff was across the room. The door slammed shut and both Commodus’s guards lay on the floor, cowering at Dr. MacDuff’s feet. He caught Commodus by the throat and held the vampire face to face. Josette’s men moved in, but Noelle, Osgar, and Fergus beat them to Dr. MacDuff and Commodus, blocking their paths, weapons drawn.

  “Last I recall your bloodline died out in the 1400s.” Dr. MacDuff’s voice remained even, and though it held no emotion, his power pulsed in the air. He stared at Commodus until the vampire averted his eyes. “You will hold your men until I give the order.”

  Silence hung in the room. Even the deep breathing of nervous wolves ceased.

  Finally, Commodus spoke. “As you wish, Master.”

  “If your progeny are too weak to remain alive, then they should curse their master.” Dr. MacDuff’s gaze fell on Sofia as he released Commodus to slump into his chair. “Of this Board only the wolves have cause to worry for the protection of their bloodlines, and we’ve not seen any movement by Bas Dubh against them.”

  Dr. MacDuff paced the length of the table, walking behind each board member, forcing every personal guard to step back to allow him to pass close to the seated leaders. His face was anything but gentle. Fangs had descended beneath his curled lip. His eyes glowed, and as he passed each person, standing or seated, his attention lingered for a second as though he focused his powers at them.

  “We will wait for Rowan’s men. In one week we meet again to define our strategy. I will not jeopardize what The Alliance has spent nearly a millennium trying to accomplish. I will not rush into battle ill prepared.” Dr. MacDuff returned to his seat beside Sofia, though this time he did not touch her. “If anyone is not satisfied with this plan, tell me now.”

  Sofia watched her boss. His hard features did not at all resemble the kind man who’d been patient and tolerant of her refusals to comply with his requests that she attend these meetings or take up residence at Cader. His narrowed eyes stared ahead and every muscle in his face hardened as if made of stone. She found it difficult to believe the vampire sitting beside her was the same man who’d negotiated with her about a personal guard and respected her wishes only to enter her house when she allowed him. Now she thought she might not press her luck with him in the future.

  “I agree with Jankin and the wolves. Waiting is our wisest move. We should not attempt a weak attack. Let us fortify our army then move against Kiernan.” The tall blond silently tapped his fingers on the table. “Kiernan has built an army bigger than before, but his lunacy grows and he becomes sloppy in his work. He’s leaving victims in his path instead of taking them into his ranks. We may be able to ascertain information about his plan from those he’s left behind. Let the vampires work with the new wolves. Let our interrogators uncover any clues locked within their memories.” He looked to Fergus.

  Wolves all around the room grumbled and growled. Seamus shushed his men. “Laurent, you know this idea does not sit well with wolves. We do not appreciate having vampires playing mind games with our own.”

  “It is forbidden in our charter!” A short, very muscular dark-skinned man jumped up from his seat. “How dare you suggest such a treasonous tactic?”

  Around the room wolves standing guard began shouting. “It’s a Bas Dubh plan. An attempt to control wolves!”

  The alpha who’d started the tirade pointed at the blond. “I’ve never trusted you. You’ve always wanted to hold more power on this council. I will not allow my wolves to submit to this.”

  Fergus rose to his feet. “Enough. Hold your tongue, Joachim. Your temper is getting the better of you. Again.” He paused for moment. “It is true. The wolves will not like it.”

  Grumbling continued from the ranks. Joachim dropped into his chair, snickering.

  “I cannot approve of the mind search for any wolves who’ve completed their training, but any new wolves, those still within the first month, shall be searched.” Fergus turned to Meg. “We will need a formal order to cover this.”

  She nodded. “It will be ready for your signature before daybreak.”

  “Absolutely not! No wolf should be mind raped!” Joachim again jumped up from his chair. “Traitor!” He pointed at Fergus.

  Around the room gasps erupted and wolves and vampires alike were shoved against the wall as Osgar and Rick barreled up the sides of the conference room to descend on Joachim. Meg and Noelle flanked the men, setting upon Joachim’s guards and dispatching them without any trouble.

  Sofia gasped. In the rush of movement she hadn’t been able to distinguish all that happened, but when the melee stopped, the only wolf of Joachim’s entourage left alive was Joachim and he was face down on the table with two snarling wolves holding him in place.

sp; Meg no longer looked like her pretty, well-kept self. She was tall and covered with fur. Blood splattered Noelle’s face and chest. She held a sword up by her head and slowly turned, keeping her back to the table and her sword toward the wolves lining the wall.

  Fergus remained where he stood, watching, unblinking. “This is not a decision I make lightly, but we must have the information. Laurent, you will personally supervise the interrogations.”

  “Of course, Fergus. It will be handled with complete consideration and respect for the wolves.” The tall, blond vampire bowed his head.

  Fergus stepped around the table, and though he spoke to Laurent, his focus was on Joachim. “I’ll expect nothing less. No wolf should come from the experience violated. And any information ascertained not related to Bas Dubh will be guarded with the highest levels of care.” Fergus’s hands flexed and curled.

  Sofia swallowed and choked. She hadn’t breathed since before Osgar moved, and now the air seemed too heavy for her lungs. She’d just seen her first killings and already she couldn’t remember what had transpired.

  Fergus stalked to the other end of the room. Anger poured from him.

  Sofia’s heart pounded in anticipation of what horrible thing would happen next. With each step Fergus took, her heart sped a furious beat.

  “You have my word. No harm will come to these wolves.” Laurent rose, and his guards gathered behind him. “We begin tonight with the victims who arrived today.”

  “I offer my team as well, and I request Sheila and Cristof participate. They and their wolves will be able to calm the victims while we work,” a petite female vampire with a vicious scar running from below her right eye to her jaw said.

  “Very well, Rosemarie. But remember, any missteps will cost the ultimate price.” Fergus’s eyes darted toward Rosemarie.

  She nodded and followed Laurent. Three women, equally as short as Rosemarie, followed the interrogators from the room.


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