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Her Guardian Wolf

Page 5

by Jax Garren

  Her dark eyes searched his for a moment, as if she still feared his response. Instead of brushing him off, though, she took a deep breath and finally started talking.

  Chapter Four

  Elle had that dream again. Not the terrifying one where she woke up screaming as Phillip shifted on top of her, smothering her in stiff, choking fur. Considering the day she’d had, that nightmare should’ve filled her night. But no, she dreamed the other one, the one where the fire raged and she was handcuffed to her apartment bed. Adam burst into the room, alone this time, wearing his fireman’s pants and suspenders and nothing else. In three strides, he made it across the room and kissed her tears away. She snapped a suspender against his firm chest, and he tossed her on the bed—because in dreams handcuffs conveniently disappeared and reappeared as needed. She reached into his fireman’s trunks to wrap her fingers around his thick shaft. His mouth sucked her breast, sending hot desire aching through her body. The fire raged around her and inside her, totally out of control.

  She woke up, eyes snapping open on a gasp, her body hot and wet and wanting him. Unlike every other time she’d woken from that dream, though, Adam lay behind her, his arm wrapped protectively around her midsection. With his body keeping her warm, the dream wouldn’t let go, and she wanted to touch herself, to ease the ache in the way she usually did.

  Hell, she wanted Adam to ease the ache for her. He was right there.

  They must’ve fallen asleep last night as they discussed ex-boyfriends and girlfriends, laughing at old stories until the horror of the evening faded into comfortable friendship in a cheap motel room. The accommodation was small and grimy, like the old days before she’d made it. Unlike the old days, they’d shared a bed. Adam’s body pressed against her back, from his leg wrapped over hers to his face nuzzled against her neck. The lingering kisses of her dream made her skin too sensitive, experiencing every sleep-addled touch like a heated caress.

  Yes. She wanted him. If she was honest, she had for a while. But he was her rock. The risk of moving their relationship into a new realm still felt too dangerous. She couldn’t lose him merely to live out sex fantasies with a hot fireman.

  He sighed, his breath gentle against her neck.

  She squeezed his hand. She needed to get up and slip out of bed before he awoke, but it would be so easy to turn around and wake him up with a kiss. Where had he gone for his night off? She hadn’t asked why he’d come back with one less shirt than he’d left in, a fact she hadn’t noticed until late into last night’s confessions. The answer was obvious, even if he didn’t smell like someone else. How else did you lose a shirt? She wondered if he saw the same woman every time or if he picked up a new stranger.

  Not her business. The idea of another woman made her jealous enough to slide from the comfort of his arms and stumble to the coffeemaker, an old-fashioned drip style with a carafe big enough to caffeinate a party’s worth of hangovers.

  Adam is not mine, not mine. She plugged the thing in, scooped grounds into the filter, and puttered to the bathroom for water, contemplating jealousy. Adam was a man. He had needs. If she wasn’t willing to satisfy them—or he wasn’t interested in her satisfying them which, up until last night she’d believed to be true—then she couldn’t be jealous when he went somewhere else.

  The shower looked like heaven—a tiny, cracked, baked-in-dirty heaven. While the coffee percolated, she constructed a makeshift shower cap out of towels and stepped under a tepid stream. At least the motel provided a sliver of free soap. Free soap and free coffee were necessities. Everything else was foregoable luxury.

  She rinsed her panties and bra out and hung them over the curtain rod. The jeans and tank top she’d have to live with, but work-worn underwear was simply not doable. At least the lace would dry quickly. She needed new clothes but had no money. How much did Adam have? What were they going to do next? Should she call the police? Did an entity exist for policing werewolves?

  Adam already knew about werewolves. Maybe he knew about a supernatural police team—slayers or hunters or whatever, who took care of paranormal problems. With a big sigh she turned off the water. If she’d known he knew about wolves, she’d have told him the whole story a long time ago.

  Wrapped in a thin towel, she headed for the coffee. Adam now slept with a pillow against his chest, right where she’d been, and the sight made her smile. Maybe last night they should’ve made a plan instead of gossiped about their love lives, but the laughter and camaraderie had been exactly what she’d needed.

  She poured two cups, added dashes of sugar from an ancient canister, and took her first calming sip. Maybe she could find a hairdryer for her underwear. The closet?

  Adam’s coffee she put onto the nightstand next to him. It was eight in the morning, usually far past when he woke up for his morning workout. He’d want the caffeine first thing.

  God, he was handsome as he slept. She needed to look for the hairdryer and get her clothes back on, but she couldn’t resist watching him—just for a moment. Was it rational to be jealous of the pillow pressed up against him? Maybe not, but he stood up to monsters for her. He always had without knowing it. Now that he knew, he still stayed.

  She pushed a lock of hair out of his eye, unable to resist touching him. His skin felt hot, even in the cold room, and it made her shiver. Her towel wasn’t much protection against the elements in a motel where the heater sputtered and grunted and barely pushed air. She needed to go find that hair dryer. She wanted to crawl in bed next to him and wake him up with her mouth. Until yesterday, when he smacked her on the ass and sent her blood racing, it’d been easy to resist. She could tell herself he wouldn’t want her to. But that one move told her he’d welcome any advances with open arms and eager lips.

  The internal debate raged, her hand poised to touch his cheek.

  His sleepy voice rumbled. “Gotta admit, you wearing a towel and serving me coffee in bed had never been a fantasy of mine.” One eye opened, and he shot her a playful grin. “But I’ll add it to the list.”

  He had fantasies about her? She dropped her hand to his shoulder. His skin burned through the sheet and T-shirt. How did he stay so hot in the frigid air? “Your fantasies are awfully tame.”

  He narrowed his eyes as the corner of his mouth rose dangerously. “Oh, that’s just the beginning.” He pushed up until he leaned against the headboard, sleepy eyes open and hair mussed like he’d been in a photo shoot. “It gets more interesting from there. You’d be thoroughly impressed.”

  His movement put her hand in his, a sweet touch for the devious light in his eyes. She couldn’t believe she was about to say this, but the need for connection overwhelmed her. She trusted Adam. They’d figure it out. “Do you need a written invitation to show me? Or what are you waiting for?”

  The shock on his face would make her laugh if she wasn’t so keyed up. He looked her up and down slowly, his eyes narrowing and gaze growing more heated as he took her in.

  She shrugged, teasing him. “I suppose I’ll get a piece of paper, then.”

  “Don’t you go anywhere,” he practically growled. His big hands seized her, making her squeal as he tossed her onto the bed.

  Her insides sizzled with nervous excitement as he rolled on top of her. She’d been avoiding this, not just with Adam but with anyone. Phillip had always been a little rough. Not badly so. Not until the end at least. But he was so strong. Giving over control had frightened her more and more as he’d grown more possessive and less stable.

  No one should be afraid in a relationship. She’d known that. Finally, she’d gotten brave enough to leave.

  As if Adam sensed her shifting mood, he paused and wound his fingers into her hair. Instead of going straight for a sexual touch, he stroked her cheek with his thumb. “I’m strong,” he rumbled, his words somehow echoing her fears. His eyes held so much emotion when his gaze captured hers, as if it wasn’t the first time he’d thought about them together like this. As if he’d
held back for a long time, waiting for her. “But my strength is yours to command. Entirely yours. You tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. You tell me to stop, and I’ll stop.”

  The words were nice, but they were only words until he backed them up. She leaned up on one elbow, brow furrowed. “Then back off.” It was a simple test and completely unfair given that she’d just told him to show her his fantasy. Phillip would’ve failed.

  She barely registered his nod before his arms unwound from her and he retreated to lie beside her, one fist clenched and expression unreadable as he stared at the ceiling.

  Gratitude swelled inside as she realized he’d meant what he said. She was safe. Adam had always been trustworthy in every way. He would be in this way, too. She leaned over him and cupped his jaw with her hand. His gaze found hers again, confused and hopeful. “Thank you. I just needed to see that.” She rubbed noses with him. “You might’ve noticed I carry a little baggage.”

  His arm came around her, and the other hand went back to her hair. “Anything you need.” The raw intensity in his voice sent a thrill from her heart to her groin.

  “I need a kiss.”

  He groaned, and she didn’t wait for him to oblige her. She pressed her body against his hardness and took his mouth with hers. He answered her kiss with fevered ardor, matching her need with his own. His tongue traced the split of her lips, and she let him in. The desire flowing through her burned hotter than she’d realized, intense and immediate like it had been when boys were new and sex a mystery she needed to solve. She twined her fingers into his shirt, wishing it would vanish so she could touch him. His hands stroked her back and squeezed her ass, bringing her closer to him and stoking the fire between them.

  Adam’s touch was exactly what she needed, what she’d craved for so long. It almost scared her how badly. She broke the kiss, but her touch still roamed his body, exploring every rounded muscle and hard cut plane. “Don’t leave after this. I still need you.” She cringed as the last part came out. To need him sounded weak.

  But he shook his head, relief in his eyes. “No. No, baby, I’m not leaving. We’re a team.”

  She grinned, her own relief giving her peace. “I’m still your boss,” she teased.

  He smiled back, his face full of wicked goodness. “Then let me take care of you.”

  Adam held the most precious piece of his life, and his wolf wanted to howl for joy. So she hated werewolves and didn’t know he was one. And yeah, they were on the run from her crazed ex-boyfriend. There was some shit to deal with. But Elle lay on top of him wearing nothing but a towel. Armageddon couldn’t distract him from this moment. He kissed her again, toppling her to the side. She squealed and he pulled back to make sure she still felt safe and happy. Her devious smile shone up at him. Her fingers twined back into his hair.

  Oh yeah, things were good. Better than good. Amazing. She wanted him. Life was perfect.

  “Get this off,” she growled, shoving at his T-shirt.

  “Happy to.” He let her yank the shirt up, and he pulled it over his head.

  She scratched her short nails down his chest and tugged at the curls of hair. “I love this.”

  Good, because my body is yours. He couldn’t tell her yet. He gripped her thigh and slid his hand up until he cupped her bare ass. “I love all of you.” The confession was dangerously close to I love you, but, dammit, it was true. Fate may have decreed them to be mates, but they became best friends on their own. He’d grown to love her during their time together.

  She clucked her tongue. “So serious. You look so”—she kissed his forehead then his chin—“very”—her lips touched his chest, once, twice, thrice, sending chills through him. He threw back his head, giving her better access—“serious.” She pulled away, and it was all he could do not to grab her and pull her back against him. But her hands went to the knot of her towel, and he stopped, gaze glued to the too-slow motion of her hands.

  “I think I can fix that,” she whispered. The towel crept across her skin, revealing one dark inch at a time. His claws wanted to spring out and rip the fabric to shreds. She smiled, knowing exactly how crazy she made him, and he loved it.

  “Woman,” he warned.

  She laughed and dragged the fabric across one nipple, baring it erect and gorgeous. He managed to pull his gaze up to hers and give her a dangerous smile. She grinned back.

  He reached forward and slid his knuckles across her breast. She sighed and leaned in to his touch. He cupped the firm roundness, feeling the press of her hard nipple against his palm. She dropped the rest of the towel, her chin raised and eyes closed as she experienced his touch. He kissed her chin, down her neck to her sternum then gently lowered her to the bed.

  Her hand ran down his side as he explored her with his mouth. The orange of the motel soap clung to her skin, but underneath she tasted of vanilla and spice. His Elle.

  He wanted to howl in triumph. To nip her and run his face across her skin. His wolf wanted to claim her with a bite, to make sure any wolf out there knew she belonged to him. But he couldn’t. She hated wolves. Would she—could she hate him? He should tell her before they did this.

  And then she’d run away.

  No. He found her nipple with his mouth, drawing her in and making her gasp. He didn’t want to let her go. He needed her.

  Her hands clutched his back, and she moaned his name. Would she still do that if she knew what he was?

  Probably not. But if she found out later, after they’d made love? It would be worse.

  “God, please, Adam. Don’t stop.” Her hand shot down his pants, grabbing his ass and squeezing.

  He leaned up and took her mouth in a deep kiss. Her hands went wild, caressing him like she couldn’t get enough as her tongue circled his, plunging and taking.

  He broke away enough to whisper, “I need to tell you something.”

  “No condom? I didn’t think about that.” Her voice turned breathy as she kissed him again and again, her lips lingering on his chin as her tongue traced his jawline.

  His libido skipped a step. Wolves didn’t have to worry about unwanted pregnancy. Humans did. He could get her pregnant.

  A staggering thought. Not that he minded the idea of a family. On the contrary, kids were part of his perfect future vision. Future kids.

  She pulled back farther. “You have herpes? Something else I should know about?”

  He blinked at her, the question taking him by surprise. “No.” Wolves didn’t have to worry about human diseases, either.

  She tapped his nose. “Good. Then you should use that mouth for something other than talking. If we’re not having sex, we’re going to have to get creative.”

  That sounded like the best thing ever. “I like creativity.”

  Her hips shifted suggestively under his, rubbing her body against his erection in mind-bending circles. “Then shut up and show me something new.”

  Maybe if he gave her a fucking fantastic orgasm, she’d forgive him for being a wolf. She’d told him to quit talking, and she was his boss, so it was the only legit plan. Or so his addled brain insisted. He kissed a trail down her torso, stopping to give her breasts ample attention. She writhed under him, her body appreciative of his every touch. His mate was gorgeous and glorious and he had her underneath him.

  “Don’t stop, Adam, oh, God, don’t stop.”

  Never stopping. Her thighs quivered as he pressed them apart, giving him access to her sex. Her hand wound into his hair as her hips thrust upward toward his mouth. With that encouragement, he dove in, taking her firmly with his lips. She screamed in pleasure as her sweet wetness coated his tongue. Heaven. Elle was heaven, and—at least for the moment—she was his.

  Mind-blowing. Elle thrashed in pleasure as Adam took her with his mouth. His tongue drove her higher as his hands held her firmly in place, keeping her pinned for his ministrations. Every inch of her skin throbbed for his touch, her breath spun out of control, and she
didn’t think she’d ever get enough.

  Why had they waited this long? Next she’d get her mouth on his cock and see how he liked the turnabout. She’d make him scream.

  His tongue teased her, flicking across her clit in exactly the right way, and she clenched her fingers in his hair, urging him on. “Please, baby, just like that.”

  His thumb pressed into her core, filling her emptiness as his mouth continued its torture. She didn’t want his thumb, dammit, she wanted him, his thick shaft filling her like he did in her dreams.

  She’d missed sex; she recognized that now. But Adam was worth the wait.

  His hand shifted, sending fingers inside her as his tongue continued its sweet rhythm. Her thoughts blurred as pleasure took over, sending her into that place where nothing mattered but sharing bliss with someone else. Maybe she screamed, maybe she cried his name, all she knew was her body was electrified, sending currents of energy through her emptiness, filling long-cold spaces with Adam’s warmth.

  This could be love, choosing and sharing and being together in trust and mutual desire. She tugged Adam’s shoulder and he followed her demand, holding her against him in a full-body embrace as she shuddered down from the high.

  “Elle,” he murmured against her hair, his lips gentling her shoulder. “Elle, Elle, oh, my darling Elle.”

  She loved him.

  The thought echoed in her mind, scaring her and yet filling her with light. What now? Did she tell him? Did she show him? She kissed him, and he kissed her back, tasting of what he’d done. His hands roamed her body, both lazy and desperate. She’d talk of love later. For now…. “Take your pants off.”

  He chuckled. “Yes ma’am.”

  She needed to feel him, taste him, give him the same release he’d given her. Then, equally satisfied, they could talk.


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