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Nicholas Phillipson

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by Adam Smith: An Enlightened Life

  on indifferentia 20

  his spectator theory 20, 107

  Episcopalian Church 30, 31, 58

  see also religious issues

  ethics see morals/ethics

  Eton 167, 168, 183–4, 303n8

  Euclidean geometry, AS’s study/use of 42, 92, 101

  see also mathematics

  Euripides 62

  Eutropius: Historiae Romanae Breviarum 18

  farming see agricultural economies

  Ferguson, Adam 129

  as Edinburgh University Professor of Natural/Moral Philosophy 81, 128

  AS and 119

  on Wealth of Nations 240

  Ferguson family (of Raith) 15

  fiction, philosophical value of 63–4, 88

  see also literature

  Fitzgibbon, Athol: Adam Smith’s System of Liberty … 300

  Fitzmaurice, Thomas (son of Earl Shelburne) 302

  AS as tutor to, at Glasgow University 166–9, 183, 188; curriculum 167

  Fleischacker, S.

  On Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations … 308

  A Third Concept of Liberty … 300

  Fleming, Rev. Thomas: ‘Parish of Kirkcaldy’ 11, 12, 288

  Fletcher, Andrew 75–7

  Fontana, Biancamaria: Rethinking the Politics of Commercial Society … 282

  Forbes, Duncan 84, 307–8

  Foulis, Robert and Andrew, as printers to Glasgow University 38, 127, 131, 181, 299

  their Academy of Fine Arts 127, 131

  France 45, 185–6, 262, 267

  economic conditions 185, 186, 187, 272–3; as an agricultural economy 186, 195, 218

  Enlightenment in 150

  government system 102–5, 187, 190

  David Hume in 64, 169

  monarchy 103–4, 185, 188–9

  religious issues 186–7

  AS in, with Duke of Buccleuch 183, 184, 185–9, 190–94; in Paris 184, 189, 190–94, 198–9; in Toulouse 185–9, 191

  AS’s reputation in 191–3

  see also French …

  Franklin, Benjamin 213

  free trade 129–30, 136, 178, 193, 205, 228, 231, 235, 263

  Quesnay on 194–5, 205, 218

  see also trade/commerce

  French economists (économistes/physiocrats) 190, 192, 195, 221, 304–5

  David Hume on 194, 218

  AS and 193–8, 205–6, 217, 218, 219, 230, 234

  see also Quesnay, François

  French philosophers/philosophy 4, 7, 66, 94–5, 103–5, 186, 192, 194

  on aesthetics 249

  AS’s study of 60–64, 145–6

  see also individual philosophers

  Friday Club, Glasgow 128, 129

  Gaskell, P.: A Bibliography of the Foulis Press 299

  Geneva 170, 189

  AS in, with Duke of Buccleuch 185, 189–90

  Germany, AS in, with Duke of Buccleuch 185

  Gibbon, Edward 210, 267

  Gibson, John 31, 123

  The History of Glasgow … 123

  Glasgow 25–31, 290

  city government 26, 29; Provosts 29, 40

  Daniel Defoe on 25–6, 29, 30–31

  economic development 25–9, 122, 123

  Enlightenment in 127–30

  learned societies 128–9, 298–9

  pietism in 29–31

  population levels 25, 26

  private academies 127, 130

  social life/structure 123

  smugglers/smuggling 26, 27, 122

  trade/commerce 25, 27–9, 122, 123–4; tobacco trade 25, 27–9, 122–3, 124, 129, 290

  Glasgow Courant 120

  Glasgow Literary Society 248

  Glasgow University 2, 7, 26, 30, 32, 39–40, 128

  academic staff 33, 34, 38, 41–2, 56, 120–22, 124, 125, 126–7, 128, 170, 171, 270, 301n30; see also individual professors

  Daniel Defoe on 39

  development/growth 5, 24, 32, 33, 290

  Thomas Fitzmaurice at, under AS’s tutelage 166–9

  Francis Hutcheson as Professor of Moral Philosophy 34, 36–8, 79, 80, 102, 124, 126, 132, 134; opposition to 37–8, 41–2; his curriculum 31–2, 34, 102

  Earl of Islay (later Duke of Argyll) and 33–4, 38, 121, 122, 125, 126

  Hercules Lindesay as Professor of Civil Law 125, 170, 171

  management/reform 26, 31, 32, 122, 124–7, 170–71

  Principals 30, 32–3, 268

  printing/publishing by 38, 127

  private academies sponsored by 127

  religious issues 30, 31–2, 33, 37–8, 124, 126

  reputation 127, 128; criticism of 130

  Robert Simson as Professor of Mathematics 24, 34, 42, 167, 171

  AS as student 2, 4, 18, 23, 24–5, 39–42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 56

  AS as Doctor of Laws 179

  AS as Professor of Logic and Metaphysics 2, 4, 5, 34, 120–22, 125; controversy over 121, 281

  AS as Professor of Moral Philosophy 2, 4, 5, 34, 119, 122, 130, 131–7, 166–9, 170–79; his curriculum 126, 132–3, 171–2, 175; lecturing style 134–5; John Millar on 132–3, 134–5, 136; resignation 6, 179, 182; replacement 183

  AS as Rector 269

  AS’s lectures on jurisprudence see jurisprudence, AS’s Glasgow University lectures

  AS’s lectures on rhetoric 6

  AS’s private course on rhetoric and belles-lettres 127, 132

  students/student numbers 32, 127–8, 132; foreign students 170

  student fees 133

  Glasgow University Library 130, 171

  Glassford, John 29, 124


  Henry Home on 112

  David Hume on 69, 110, 140, 179, 242

  Francis Hutcheson on 43, 50, 52–4, 69, 114–15

  international relations 140

  AS’s theory of 69, 106–7, 111–13, 116–17, 172, 173–5, 178; in Wealth of Nations 230–35

  Graham, John 128–9

  W. Gray and W. Peter (Edinburgh printers) 299n9

  Gregory, David 57

  Grenville, William 267–8

  Griswold, C.: Adam Smith and the Virtues of Enlightenment 300

  Grotius, Hugo 2, 7

  Haakonssen, K. 291

  The Science of a Legislator … 297, 308

  on Theory of Moral Sentiments 300

  Hailes, Lord 204–5, 256

  Hallam (Duke of Buccleuch’s tutor at Eton) 184, 303n8

  Hamilton, William 87

  Hamilton, Duke of 209

  Harrington, James 112

  Helvétius, Claude-Adrien 192

  Hepburn, Miss (friend of AS) 136

  Hertford, Earl of 303n25

  as British Ambassador in Paris 190, 191; David Hume as his secretary 190–91, 303n25

  Hobbes, Thomas 2, 7, 54, 101

  on human nature 43–4

  Hochstrasser, T. J. 304–5

  Hodge-Podge Club, Glasgow 128

  Holt, Andreas 201, 259, 261

  Home, Henry (Lord Kames) (cousin of David Hume) 65, 85, 86, 94, 125, 213, 256

  career 87

  character 86, 87

  at Edinburgh University 80

  Elements of Criticism 86, 192

  his ‘élèves’ (protégés) 87, 89, 125; see also AS below

  Essays upon Several Subjects … 102

  David Hume and 65, 86

  on David Hume: Treatise … 86, 138

  intellectual ideas/development 86–8, 112

  James Oswald and 72, 86, 305n8

  Principles of Morality and Natural Religion 86

  his science of man concept 86, 88

  AS and 87–8, 120, 137, 282; as his patron 72, 89, 102, 163

  on Theory of Moral Sentiments 163

  on Voltaire: Henriade 192

  Home, John (cousin of David Hume) 119, 160

  Homer 111, 181

  The Honourable the Society for Improvement in the Knowledge of Agriculture 13, 78–9

  Hont, Istvan 290

  Jealousy of
Trade … 198, 297, 304n42, 305, 308

  Hont, Istvan and M. Ignatieff (eds): Wealth and Virtue … 308

  Horn, D. B.: A Short History of Edinburgh … 294

  Horne, George: Letter to Adam Smith … On … David Hume 246–7

  Horner, Francis 282–3

  Howell, W. S. 297

  human nature 43, 61, 62, 125

  benevolence 48, 49–51, 52, 53, 54–5, 61–2, 149

  civilizing process see civilizing process

  French philosophers on 60–64, 66, 137

  Thomas Hobbes on 43–4

  Francis Hutcheson on 43, 45–6, 49–55, 66; on moral sense 51–2

  imagination 96, 113, 157

  as inquisitive 50–51, 52, 150–51

  Bernard Mandeville on 47–50, 52, 66

  needs 142, 147–8

  propriety 92–3, 96–7, 151–2, 280

  psychological analysis of 61, 63–4

  Pufendorf on 43–5; Francis Hutcheson’s criticism of 43, 45–6, 53

  religion and 66–7

  remorse/retribution 154–6

  as selfish 46–9, 50, 51, 54

  Shaftesbury on 46–8

  sociability 101–2, 138, 147–8, 280–81; see also sympathy below

  sympathy 67–8, 70, 163, 165, 173, 282; AS on 148–54; see also sociability above

  see also moral economy; science of man concept

  humanists/humanism 18–19

  Hume, David 2, 14, 64, 82, 88, 120, 126, 138, 140, 202, 224

  on banking system/money supply 207–8, 235

  character 5, 242, 244–5

  correspondence 5, 184, 187–8, 198, 305n8

  Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion 140, 163–4, 242–4; disagreement with AS on posthumous publication of 242–6

  at Edinburgh University 64

  Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 140

  Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals 140

  Essays Moral, Political and Literary 65, 68–9, 102–3, 111, 140, 141–4, 235

  family 243, 246

  financial position 71, 242, 300, 303n25

  in France 64, 169, 190–91, 303n25

  on French economists 194, 218

  on government 69, 110, 140, 179, 242

  health 241

  as an historian 129, 136, 137, 140

  History of England 129, 136, 137, 140, 188, 191, 242, 300

  Henry Home and 65, 86

  Francis Hutcheson and 65

  influence/importance 275

  intellectual ideas/development 108, 148, 163

  Earl of Islay’s opposition to 34

  on justice 70, 113, 179

  on John Locke 103

  on Lucian: Dialogues 245–6

  on Bernard Mandeville: Fable of the Bees … 142–3, 144

  on Montesquieu 102–3

  My Own Life 241–2, 247–8; AS’s supplement 244–6

  ‘Of the Origins of Government’ 242

  ‘Of the Standard of Taste’ 249

  ‘Of Tragedy’ 249

  James Oswald and 15, 65, 72, 86, 305n8

  Political Discourses 137, 138, 140–41, 177, 191, 212, 242, 249

  on property 108, 143, 235

  religious beliefs 64, 66, 242–4, 246, 281

  his science of man concept 64, 65–7, 70–71, 96, 138, 140–41, 147–8, 237, 279–82, 292–3

  AS and 71, 72, 119, 126, 128, 136–7, 138, 140, 159, 179, 180, 184, 185, 187–8, 189, 191, 194, 198, 199, 201, 202, 207–8, 241, 242, 243, 296n53; as AS’s executor 209, 279

  AS, his influence on 2, 25, 64–71, 89, 101, 116, 118, 119, 141, 234, 237, 249–52

  AS as his literary executor 241–6, 243

  AS on 138, 244–5, 281

  on Theory of Moral Sentiments 160–61, 162–3, 301n7

  Charles Townshend and 180

  on trade/commerce 129, 137, 141–2, 143–4

  Treatise on Human Nature 64–5, 66–70, 71, 126, 140, 292–3; Henry Home on 86, 138; Hume’s opinion of 65, 242; Introduction 299n8; AS’s reading of 65, 67, 292n28

  on Wealth of Nations 1, 240–41

  his will 241

  writing style 65

  death 242, 244, 253, 255, 281; his tomb 248, 257

  Hundert, E. J.: The Enlightenment’s Fable … 290

  Hunter, John 267

  Hunter, William 210

  Hutcheson, Francis 88, 290–91

  Gersholm Carmichael and 43

  family 53

  at Glasgow University 34

  as Glasgow University Professor of Moral Philosophy 34, 36–8, 79, 80, 102, 124, 126, 132, 134; opposition to 37–8, 41–2; curriculum 31–2, 34, 102

  on government 43, 50, 52–4, 69, 114–15

  David Hume and 65

  influence/importance 42–3, 120, 121

  An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas … 50, 51, 52

  intellectual ideas/development 43, 45–6, 49–55, 68, 69, 107, 150

  Earl of Islay’s support for 34

  William Leechman on 42

  on Bernard Mandeville: Fable of the Bees … 49–50, 52, 146

  Viscount Molesworth and 35, 36

  on moral sense 51–2, 68, 69

  on pneumatology (nature/existence of God) 41–2

  publications 38; see also individual titles

  Pufendorf, his criticism of 43, 45–6, 53

  A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy 53

  AS, his influence on 2, 10, 24, 35, 36, 42, 45, 49, 54–5, 101, 114, 237

  A System of Moral Philosophy 53

  in Ulster 34–5, 289n19

  Hutton, James 3, 259

  AS and 259; as AS’s executor 3, 279

  Ignatieff, M.: The Needs of Strangers 300

  imagination 96, 113, 157

  impartial spectator see spectator theory

  imperialism 3, 45, 212

  anti-imperialism 213

  see also Anglo-American relations

  India 201, 265

  see also East India Company


  Joseph Addison on 22–3

  Epicetus on 20

  Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations see Wealth of Nations

  Invisible Hand concept 117

  Ireland 236, 263, 267

  Dublin 34–5

  Francis Hutcheson in 34–5

  Ulster 27, 34

  Islay, Archibald Campbell, first Earl (third Duke of Argyll) 26, 33, 73, 78, 159, 167

  Glasgow University and 33–4, 38, 121, 122, 125, 126

  David Hume, his opposition to 34

  Francis Hutcheson, his support for 34

  AS and 120, 121

  Robert Walpole and 26, 33

  Jacobite rebellion, 1745 5, 72, 76, 78, 80

  effects of 82–5, 86

  Jardine, George, as Glasgow University Professor of Logic and Metaphysics 126–7

  Jeffrey, Francis 282

  Johnson, Samuel 123, 247, 259

  Dictionary … 145; AS’s review of 145, 146, 299n7

  AS and 210

  death 274

  Jones, J.: Balliol College … 292

  Jones, P. 309

  jurisprudence 3, 54, 71, 88, 265

  causation 103, 105

  Henry Home on 86

  David Hume on 70, 113, 179

  law, definition of 104–5

  Montesquieu on 102–5, 140

  purpose 106

  reform of 102–5

  jurisprudence, AS’s Edinburgh lectures on 72, 88, 89, 102, 105–19, 120, 296, 297

  importance 119, 126

  as revisionist 106–7, 111

  subject matter (inferred) 89, 105–18, 172–3, 174; economic conditions 114–15, 117, 118; government 106–7, 111–13, 116–17; property 108–11; Roman law 112; trade/commerce 114–16

  see also Lectures on Jurisprudence

  jurisprudence, AS’s Glasgow University lectures on 4, 6, 157–8, 172–9, 182, 231


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