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Star Raiders and the Lost Expidition

Page 15

by M. Shaunessy

  “Let me check your wound ok?” Tygla asked once more.

  Mike nodded to her smiling and replied, “Sure, why not.”

  As she unwrap his bandage, she inquired about what Drax was doing. Mike thought about Uno, than about his father. Energy is in the heart. Once she took the bandage off, they saw that the slave worked. The skin has healed, but he still felt a bruise.

  “Well, I think this has to do about Uno Pu’Do’s expedition.” Mike replied, “Too bad the Condor is gone I could of gotten more information from my report I did.”

  She frowned slightly feeling sorry for him, about the stolen Condor. He then remembered that Flash Stick his father gave him just before he left. He dug through his pocket and took it out. He wondered if his father put something on the Flash Stick that would help. Then he remembered what he said and wondered if it pertain whatever was on the memory stick.

  “What’s that?” Tygla inquired.

  “Something my dad gave me before he died,” Mike replied. “He said ‘when the time is right, use it. Energy is in the heart.’ For a long time I thought he meant it as metaphor, as if you have to be good to your heart and your soul. I didn’t realize it until now that he was trying to tell me that there might be an energy source in the center of our galaxy.” He sighed and continued, “I didn’t’ really know what my dad did back on Earth. An old friend of the family’s told me he was a science engineer that worked for NASA. God I miss them.”

  “I’m so sorry Michael, I didn’t know,” Tygla said looking deep in his eyes.

  Mike looked back and replied, “It’s ok. I did find another family, yours and Justin.”

  Tygla blushed somewhat as Mike kissed her tenderly. They said nothing for a moment then Tygla said, “So what’s on that stick?”

  “I don’t know really, I never had the heart to find out,” Mike replied.

  He looked at the memory stick for a moment the he decided to find out. He got up and walked over to the Entertable as Tygla followed. He placed the stick in the USB slot as he and Tygla sat down next to him, not knowing what would happen. Then suddenly a video file started to run. He saw his father face on the screen, as he was perplexed.

  “Hello son, if you are viewing this then I am dead, and you are old enough now to understand this file.” For twenty years, he never realized that it was his father on that stick and wished that he opened the file earlier. His father continued, “On this video I will try to explain to you my life’s work. For about fifteen years, I have been trying to find a permanent energy source that will not diminish. One of our deep space probes finally returned from the center of the galaxy, reporting that there was an immense energy surge. NASA approved a one-man expedition to discover origin of the energy source, he never returned. On this stick, you will find the information you need to rediscover the origin of this energy source. I am hoping that one day you will find it before the Xatu does. It may bring peace to this endless war. Remember Michael no matter where you are, I’m always with you. In here.” He tapped his chest. “I love you son.”

  “I love you too dad,” Mike said softly as tear rolled down his cheek.

  “This is the end of my transmission. Good luck my boy, I’m counting on you.” Mike realized now that his father made that video just before the Xatu attacked the Earth. The screen went black and schematics of the expedition appeared.

  “What’s this?” Tygla inquired.

  “I’m not sure, but I think this is Uno’s flight plan.” Mike replied as he wiped the tear off his face.

  “Your father seems like nice man Mike. I wish I could have met him.”

  “I know,” he said softly.

  Tygla held him in comfort then asked, “Mike, I was wondering, how do you think my father is going to destroy the Hades? That ship is indestructible to any fire power.”

  CRAIG was listing to their conversation and wandered over to them, “You are right your highness,” CRAIG said, “The ship’s hull as made entirely out of Xrylium the hardest Substance known to human or Animun kind.”

  “Then why the force shield?” Mike asked as Xman came back out and joined them.

  CRAIG replied, “The only thing that might destroy it is melting it in a temperature of thirty thousand degrees Fahrenheit.”

  “Or equal to very powerful nuclear explosion,” Mike added. “Like when use their super plasma drill to destroy a planet.”

  “Precisely,” said CRAIG.

  Xman then asked, “Is there any way to destroy it from the inside?”

  “Well, there two possible ways your highness,” CRAIG explained.

  Xman nodded and said, “Well why don’t you save it until the Rebirth arrives?”

  “Rebirth?” Mike inquired.

  Tygla replied “Father’s command ship.”

  Mike nodded. Mike could not believe that he was going to war with the Colonials. When they notified him first was about joining the colonial army a long time ago, he disregarded it. He did not think that it was right for him. Of course, the Xatu Empire killed his parents, but he did not like the idea of revenge. He hated them, but he also disliked war, now he was going in battle soon.

  Hours passed and it was getting late as Justin just finished adding the Ghost Shield device on the Star Hawk. Morgan was very impressed on his skills and knowledge of star ship repairs. He had told him that he would be a shoe-in on the Colonial motor pool position.

  Mike looked at his chronowatch, yawned, and suggested, “We better get some rest.”

  Xman asked, “What are the sleeping arrangements?”

  “There couple of extra airbeds in the storage closet over thar,” Morgan informed them as he pointed to a door near the elevator. “Whelp I’m gonna hit the hay m’self. Night y’all.”

  “Night sheriff,” Mike said as they waved to him good-bye, “And thanks for everything.” He waved back and left the room by elevator. Mike looked to Xman and said, “Ok Tygla and I will take the airbeds, you can take the couch and Justin, I’m sure there is a fold out cot on the Hawk, right?”

  “Hold on,” Xman said sternly, “I don’t like that arrangement, and since I am older and higher in rank than all of you, I think I’ll make the decisions for now on. Tygla takes the Cot on the ship, and you and Justin get the air beds.” Mike was a bit uncomfortable as Xman eyed him. “Does that seem better?”

  “Yeah, ok,” he said uneasily, “That does seem better.”

  Xman nodded in agreement, “Good, now let’s hit beds ladies.”

  “Ladies?” Justin questioned as Xman went to his bag to get his nightclothes.

  “Don’t mind him,” Tygla said, “He’s in one of his military moods.” She then whispered in Mike’s ear, “Come to my cot when everyone’s asleep.”

  Mike looked to her not knowing why, but she just smiled cunningly.

  Late that night, while everyone was asleep, Mike got out of his airbed and quietly crept over to the Star Hawk. He then slowly walked up the ramp. It was a bit dark inside and Mike could not see. That was until Tygla lit a glow lamp. The lamp was dim so it would not disturb anyone outside. Inside, Mike found Tygla lying on the small bed, looking affectionately up at him. She had taken off her pants and shirt as Mike partially saw her in her underwear with a cotton blanket wrapped around her body. He walked over and sat with her on the small cot.

  “You wanted to see me?” Mike asked quietly.

  “I just wanted for us to be alone,” Tylga replied softly, “I didn’t want anybody disturb us, especially my brother.”

  “Yeah, he’s kind of over protective of you isn’t he?”

  She nodded, “That’s just his nature. I think he and Justin have a lot in common.”

  Mike looked deeply in her eyes and asked, “Is it true what Justin said about your kind?”

  She was confused of what he meant and asked, “What do you mean? What did Justin say?”

  He looked away slightly not knowing how to word his question “That you, kill the person that you mate with?”
br />   Tygla did not believe what she heard. She then thought Justin is a dummy, but then she remembered her last boy friend and frowned faintly. She looked in his eyes and replied, “No. Whatever Justin said is not true. I love you and will never harm you.”

  Mike smiled and reminded himself to kick Justin in the butt later. She put her arms around him and kissed him lovingly.

  “You know, my last girlfriend wasn’t as half as sweet and beautiful as you are,” Mike commented.

  “You’re so sweet,” she said as she hugged him.

  She then looked deep in his eyes, smiled and romantically kissed him again. Passion engulfed between them. It was like that, there were the only two people in the galaxy.

  “I love you,” Tygla said softly as she pulled him down on the small cot and they kissed even more. It was like that they fit perfect on it and they looked like they were as one. Mike adjusted his position as Tygla was now lying on top of him. Mike stared to caress her smooth fur-like thighs as she purred a bit. Her tail swiveled playfully as Tygla kissed him tenderly. It seemed to Mike that she loved it and continued to please her even more. Mike always wanted to know what it was to make love with a Felinis, now he knows. It was beautiful and passionate, just as he imagined. Just then, after several kisses Tygla stopped him.

  “What is it?” Mike wondered.

  She looked at him with a concerned look in her eyes and replied, “Mike, I don’t want to go any further tonight. Not until we get married, that is. We are going to get married right?” She placed a sly grin in her smile.

  Mike smiled warmly back at her, “Maybe, someday.” Then his smile faded, “When and if I become a prince, or a knight or something.”

  “You my knight, in shining armor,” Tygla said smiling and they kissed once more.

  “But what about your father, what if he doesn’t approve? I hate to see you devastated.”

  “My father will understand. You don’t know him the way I do.” Tygla answered, “And besides, you trust me right?”

  “Yes of course I do.”

  “Then trust my father,” she said.

  He caressed her smooth cheek, then kissed her gently and said, “I will.”

  She snuggled closer to Mike as she laid her head on his chest and wondered, “So what’s she’s like?”


  “Your ex-girlfriend,” she replied looking at him. Mike did not want to talk about Julia as it might ruin the mood. “Come on, tell me. I wanna know.”

  “Why you wanna know?” Mike inquired.

  “Because I’m curious,” Tygla replied, “I’ll tell you my last boyfriend,” she begged cutely.

  He thought about it, it would help to get it out in the open. Maybe it would help in their relationship. He told her how they had met. It was by accident actually. Julia, being another treasurer hunter like Mike, was after the lost treasure of Thees. Thees was an ancient god of the Primaions. Mike and Justin were also looking to the lost treasure when they bumped into each other, literarily. They instantly fell in love, but what Mike did not know was that she was playing him for a fool.

  “So, what happened to her?” Tygla asked

  He did not want to tell her that she got kill by them so he elaborated, “Well, didn’t work out, so I pretty much shot her out of my life.”

  She looked to him wondering what he meant, and then she thought it was a figure of speech. She then told him of her last boyfriend. Then they spent the rest of the waking night talking, trying to get to know each other more. They kissed and cuddled as they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 11

  The New Expedition

  “MICHAEL!” A fuming voice shouted, as Mike and Tygla awoke violently as Mike fell of the cot.

  They looked up to see Justin chuckling. Tygla heart leapt when she heard him shout. She thought it was her bother again. She did not want him seeing that they had slept together. Mike also was scared out of his wits thinking it was Xman too ready to tear him to bits.

  “Justin!” Mike cried angrily, “What the hell?”

  Justin laughed, “Now we’re even.”

  Mike did not know what he meant by that then he remember on Mota when he scared Justin like that.

  “That was not funny Justin,” Tygla said furiously.

  Justin grinned, “Sorry Tygla, was really aiming at Mike. How did you like my Xman impression? Pretty good huh?”

  Mike got up slowly and asked Tygla, “Can I kill him?”

  “Be my guest,” she said sarcastically.

  Mike was not really going to kill him, well at least hurt him. Justin ran out of the ship as Mike began to chase him, but then Tygla stopped him.

  “Mike don’t,” she said as she got up a bit agitated and cranky. “I’ll take care of him, just as soon as I get dressed.”

  “Eh. Forget it. I deserved it,” Mike replied as Tygla looked at him curiously. Mike looked back and smiled, “I’ll let you get dressed in private.”

  He turned and walked down the ramp as Tygla said, “Mike?” he turned once more, “Thanks for the wonderful night.”

  “Anytime princess,” Mike smiled.

  Once Tygla got dressed they met at the elevator, Tygla noticed that Xman and CRAIG was not around. Justin informed her that they took off earlier to meet the Rebirth to strategize a battle plan against the Hades. Xman also told Justin to inform Tygla that she should stay here until he would return, but Tygla protested, “What? You guys need me, and besides he said should, not have to.”

  Mike did not like the idea of Tygla coming along. He did not want her to get hurt, or worse. Tygla then reminded them that she could take care of herself. Mike lost the short argument and agreed to let her come.

  “Oh, one more thing Mike,” Justin said, “He also told me to tell you, if you let her come with us, and if anything bad happens to her, he’ll rip you lungs out.”

  Mike looked to Tygla as they entered the shaft and said, “See, another reason you should not come.”

  She looked at him not liking the sarcasm. The door closed and they ascended. They were going to Zumbee’s for a quick breakfast as Tygla said, “Oh Mike, he’s my brother he didn’t mean it.”

  “Oh hey, when Xman awoke this morning, didn’t he get suspicions where I was?” Mike asked Justin.

  His friend replied, “Don’t worry about that, I told him you were in the bathroom.”

  Mike looked to him and smiled, “Thanks.”

  “What are best friends for?” Justin smiled back.

  It was not long before they ate breakfast that they were in their new ship, the Star Hawk. Mike and Justin sat in the cockpit as Justin pressed a blue arrow button. The ceiling door opened slowly and at the same, a large lift propelled them upwards. The lift brought them to Hanger 1. Justin turned on the systems to make sure that they were working.

  Tygla finally got up to the cockpit, looked, noticed something, and said, “Just two seats?”

  Mike replied looking to her, “Sorry about that Tygla. I guess this ship wasn’t meant for extra passengers. Why don’t you sit on that crate over there?”

  Tygla brought the light metal box over behind Mike and sat as he started the engines up. It was a faltering start, but the crew finally got the Star Hawk off the ground. It flew out of the bay and into the depth of space. Mike told Justin the coordinates from his father’s memory stick as he tacked it in the computer. Justin placed his hands on the Hyper Flight control, heisted and said, “Here goes nothing.”

  He pulled the controls down and waited. There were some whopping sounds and suddenly the stars became streaks of light as they disappeared.

  Moments later, Tygla found Mike in the small lounge like area. She saw him with a portable data pad that he had found in the compartments on the ship. She sat down next to him and asked, “Whatcha reading?”

  “I’m reviewing flight statistics again from my father memory stick.” Mike replied.

  Tygla held him then asked, “Mike, I know that the Ghost Sh
ield can get us pass Drax’s ship, but what are we going to do when we get there? Just sit and wait?”

  “No,” Mike assured her.

  “So what is the plan?”

  “Look at this,” Mike said as she looked on the pad, “According to Uno’s scanner, while they were being transmitted, it detected a small moonlike green planet almost the size of Mars, right before it died. Now my guess is that’s where the power Xman was talking about. All we gotta do is land on that planet and find the power before the Xatu does. How hard can it be?”


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