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Star Raiders and the Lost Expidition

Page 24

by M. Shaunessy

  Mike and Justin thanked him once last time as they said their goodbyes. They walked down the mall towards the hanger. Mike realized Morgan was right. If Mama’Halb found out Tuskin was dead. She will send another bounty hunter after them. This did not bother Mike as he realized he had great friends protecting him.

  Later that day, as the sun fell, they were back in the castle on Felinoron. Everyone gathered in the grand hall. King Rymu was so proud of his children that he has forgiven them. Maybe he thought they were not cubs that he once knew, but now they are full responsible adults. Even though he knew Mike and Justin were nothing more than treasure hunters and not colonial fighters, he gave them honorary metals for their bravery and knighted them. Justin however, declined the offer. He thought he rather be a treasure hunter than knight, it was much more fun. Rymu smiled to him understanding his modesty. He then turned to the crowd.

  “Today’s battle was first step towards our freedom against the Xatu Empire.” The crowd cheered then hushed as Rymu continued, “But we far from winning our freedom. As we speak, the Colonials are still struggling to gain more allies to help up in our cause. Together we can overpower these evil aliens once and for all!” The crowd cheered once more and they heard explosions outside as fireworks shot into the night sky as the royal orchestra started to play celebrated melody.

  Mike looked at Tygla in her satin mauve royal gown, and smiled as she walked over, to him. She looked around for her father, but he and Xman were talking with Sommanar about today’s battle. She smiled slyly to Mike and guided him to a secluded balcony so they can watch the fireworks alone.

  As the sun fell behind the horizon, stars started to appear. The celebration continued of the Colonial’s first victory. The night sky finally filled with stars and blazing pyrotechnics that continued to paint it like a canvas. Xman stepped out on to the balcony and found Mike holding Tygla in her arms as she rested her head on his shoulder enjoying the fireworks celebration. Xman now realized that she truly loves him dearly and he cannot change that.

  “Ahem,” Mike and Tygla jumped a little as they heard Xman, “Sorry, I Just wanted to say, uh, Michael,” he said to him uneasily, “I know you are in love with my sister, and I know you’d be true her and everything. What I am trying to say is, if you do ask her hand in marriage, I suppose I’m ok with that. Just don’t displease her. Cause if you do,” Tygla looked at him wondering if he’ll threaten Mike like he did before, “Well, let’s just say, don’t ok?”

  Mike smiled at him, “Don’t worry, your sister is in the best hands anyone could have.” Xman nodded to him.

  “You didn’t tell father about us, did you?” Tygla inquired.

  Xman looked down and replied disappointedly, “Na, I didn’t have the heart.”

  Just then King Rymu found them as he stepped out and said, “Ah, so this is where you all are. You know they have just brought the cake out. You better get some before it’s all gone.”

  Tygla smiled, “We will father.” Xman looked at her sister, she looked back, and she knew what she had to do, “Daddy?”

  “Yes Tygla?” Rymu wondered.

  “I want you to know that.” She started as her father looked at her. She then looked to Mike lovingly. She gathered her courage and said “Mike and I are in love.”

  “I know that Tygla,” Rymu replied as Xman and Tygla looked at him surprisingly.

  “You have?” She wondered.

  “Yes,” The king said, “I knew it the first time you two were together,” He smiled and added, “You two do make a nice couple.”

  “Then you approve?” Xman asked not believing his ears. “What about the forbidden law?”

  King Rymu looked to his son, “Xman, when you become king you must learn that love comes in many forms. I cannot judge ones race over love, but how much care one has for another race. In this time of war, we need all the love we can get whether be humans or Felinis. One day, you will see that Xman, and besides, I think it is time to lift that ban. It was an old silly law anyways. Now come, before all the cake is gone.”

  Xman understood as he and his father left Mike and Tygla alone. They both looked in each other’s eyes for a few moments held close to each other and kissed lovingly. Mike broke the kiss and looked deeper in her eyes. It was her dream come true. Now she can be with man she truly loves without any ‘silly law’ as her father puts it, in the way.

  “Hey uh, I was just um, was in that jewelry store back on spaceport 88 and uh. Guess what I found?” Mike asked nervously.

  “Surprise me,” she replied smiling as she already knew what he found.

  Mike took out a small black valet box and Tygla gasped placing her hand over heart as he opened it, she saw the most beautiful ring she ever found. It was a red and blue Bimond, just like the jewel he found on Mota.

  “You know before Justin and I met you, I thought my life was full,” Mike said as he snickered, “Boy was I wrong.” He knelt to her and asked, “Will you?”

  She looked at Mike’s eyes and continued, “Yes, yes I will marry you.” He placed the ring over her finger. She admired it slightly then Mike stood, hugged and kissed her new fiancée passionately. “Mike, I so happy,” Tygla said as her eyes started to water.

  “I knew you would be,” he remarked. He smiled lovingly to her as he wiped her tears of joy from her face. He was about to kisses her once more when they heard another voice.

  “Oh, here ya guys are.” Justin said as he surprised them.

  Mike said to Tygla, “We gotta find a better spot,” Tygla giggled.

  Justin then did understand but said, “Guess what Mike, Digan got us another job.”

  “Justin, that can wait,” Mike said.

  “But he said it was-.” he stopped and noticed the ring on Tygla finger. He smiled at them both, “I see. Congrats Tygla.”

  “Thank you Justin,” Tygla replied grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  “I’ll tell Digan to hold that job for us,” Justin said as he left them alone.

  Mike held Tygla as they looked out upon the city, when she asked, “Darling? What did you do that you had your former client mad at you?”

  He did not want to upset her or make her worry, but he replied, “I don’t wanna talk about right now. It was something…Let’s just say we goofed on, but I’m not going to worry about her anymore. Besides, we have found some great new friends.”

  She turned to him and said, “No, you found a great new family.”

  Mike smiled warmly at her and the first time since his parent’s death, he now has new family. They kissed deeply once more, and a brilliant flash of colors appeared as the fireworks continued.

  Even though the city was still in ruins, the robot builders worked day and night to rebuild, this time stronger and more beautiful than before. The Empire can destroy a city, a planet or even a whole system, but they cannot destroy the hope and love that the Colonials have for freedom. Justin then finally realized what Mike meant before. This adventure had life threatening risks and great rewards. Mike found his reward perhaps Justin will find his.


  Somewhere in the deepest space, a space pod floats aimlessly. Inside Hiss was trying desperately to regain control, but it was no use. The engines must have failed during the jettison. He was trapped inside the ship. He sighed and wished that his master Drax were still alive to help him. That was until he heard a clanking noise in the empty seat behind him. He jumped slightly not knowing what it was. He knew that he was alone. Maybe it was the engines kicking in.

  “You may want to try the auxiliary engines,” A voice said to him.

  Hiss must have jumped out of his seat and turned to the empty seat behind to see his commander, Lord Drax, filled it. His eyes widened, as he was shocked to see him there. He wondered how he survived.

  “My Lord!” Hiss stated, “You’re alive!”

  “Yes Hiss, no thanks to you,” Drax replied weakly, “Now, try rerouting the system’s engines.”

  “I have trie
d,” Hiss said turning back to his controls, “They do not ressspond. Ssssir, may I asssk how you essscaped?”

  “Not now, Hiss, I am weary and I require rest,” Lord Drax said as he reprogrammed the pod’s controls. He was also an excellent pilot, but he was also a natural when it came to technology. Minutes later, the engines were active. Drax told him to plot a course to the nearest Xatu military station. He knew that the Emperor would not be pleased and would do unspeakable things to him, even worse than death, but he knew that one day he would have his revenge.

  Read other books by M. Shaunessy.

  Star Raiders and the Pirates of the Black Hole

  Knights of the Burning Candle

  The Gallows Pole

  More books can be found on:




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