Alien Instinct

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Alien Instinct Page 7

by Tracy Lauren

  “Have the others reported anything?”

  “Not that I’m aware of,” comes his answer.

  “Alright, my thanks Kellen.”

  A long while later the females finally emerge from the showers. I see they have wrapped the blankets around the back of their necks and tied them off with belts at the waist. Now they are gowns. This is a great improvement to the simple blankets we provided them with. I am impressed with their ingenuity. It seems Kellen also brought them a comb, which the females shared. I am grateful to him for thinking of this small luxury. They are clean and properly clothed now and the smell of the cryo fluid is finally off them. When I see my sweet Kate, I am even more taken with her beauty... and her scent.

  “What may I provide you with? Anything I can do for you is my pleasure. You said you wished to speak privately? Would you like a meeting room, or would you rather rest first?”

  “I vote sleep, anything else can wait a few hours,” the one called Allison says.

  “I second that,” my Kate tells the others. The other females voice their agreement.

  “Wise choice, there will be plenty of time to speak before we arrive at the Mother Planet.”

  I lead them to the section of the ship which provides crew members their accommodations. This ship can hold a crew of twenty or so, but our job with Tennir only requires a small team. It is the large cargo holds of the ship we utilize. Luckily, this means there are more than enough vacant sleeping quarters for all the females to have a private space. Each unit has its own toilet, sink and a small closet. I give them rooms in close proximity to one another and show them how to use the prompters in case they need to go to the dining hall during the night. The females without language transplants will need assistance, but this will work for the time being.

  One by one each female enters her own sleeping quarters until eventually it is just Kate and myself in the hall. Her door hisses open and we both linger.

  “I would gladly trade chambers with you. My quarters are not luxurious, but the bed is much larger. I insist, for your comfort,” I implore.

  “Rennek, it’s fine. Plus, you would hardly even fit on this bed,” she motions toward the small bed before us. My core practically rumbles as I think about the bed in such close proximity to my mate and I. I long for the day I can throw her onto the covers and lick her cunt until she screams my name. I cannot wait to explore her body and find what pleasures her the most. Today is not that day, however.

  “If there is anything you need, please call me on the comm.” I tell her.

  “Will do, Captain.” She makes a saluting type gesture and the color creeps into her cheeks again. “Well, goodnight,” she says, ducking into her room. I groan and lean into the wall, breathing deeply to regain my composure.

  Chapter 11


  I make my way onto the bridge. Kellen and Da’vi are still on their shifts.

  “Did Tennir respond?”

  “He’s ready to link comms when you are,” Kellen tells me.

  “Proceed.” I hesitate for a moment. “Kellen, Da’vi. I have the bridge.”

  “Yes sir,” they are up and out of the room before the comms even link.

  “Rennek, are you well? Is it true the Ju’tup were running a trafficking ring on the outskirt systems. Sentient beings? Females?” comes Tennir’s harried questions.

  “Yes, Tennir. It is all true. That is the reason I am contacting you. How is it you have heard of it so quickly?”

  “It is all over the news, Rennek. This is the greatest atrocity since The Invasion! The UPC have already contacted me and would like to evaluate the beings as soon as you return. There are guards here even now awaiting your arrival at the research facility. The Governing Core is calling an emergency session to decide what is to be done with any beings rescued from the Ju’tup.”

  I run my hands over my face. “Yes, this will be complicated.”

  “To say the least, Rennek!”

  “Why has the UPC not contacted us and asked to intercept?”

  “This is big Rennek, even with your connections with the UPC, they defaulted to your proper family. Just so you know, Mother has stepped in heavily.”

  “I see.”

  “How many were you and your crew able to rescue?”

  “There are six females here onboard with us. We’ve vaccinated them and given three of them language implants. The others will need a neural upload when we arrive. The Ju’tup ship, have you received any updates on it?”

  “Mother has been keeping tabs on that, as far as I know there is nothing. There was some evidence left on a Mangan moon. Dozens of patrollers have responded and they are combing the area. Did the Ju’tup escape with many captives?”

  “Dozens Tennir, possibly hundreds.”

  “By the Goddesses!” He rakes his face in his hands.

  “That is another thing Tennir, these females. They are in the image of the Goddesses themselves.”

  “You must exaggerate,” he says looking into the screen.

  “No. They are the exact image. It is like looking at the statues at the capital’s fountains. They are slightly smaller perhaps, but everything else is exact.”

  “Incredible. What do they have to say of this?”

  “Nothing! That is the strangest part, they know nothing of the Goddesses!”

  “How can it be?”

  “I am at a loss there, Tennir.”

  “When will you arrive?”

  “Five rotations, three if we hurry.”

  “I am so grateful you were there to stop this Rennek.”

  “I have stopped nothing, I was unable to save them all. I failed.”

  “Rennek, I reject that. You have saved six females who would have been…” Tennir trails off. “You have made a difference for them and have shined a light on this operation. Who knows how long this has been going on. Now rescue missions will begin. Justice will be served.”

  “There is no fit justice to rectify the damage already done,” I say more to myself than to Tennir. “Tennir, I must ask you…” I struggle to voice the words.

  “Anything Rennek.”

  “Is there anything you can tell me about The Invasion? About my people? Any traits you might be aware of?”

  “I have never known you to be interested in your heritage. Why do you ask?”

  “There is a female among those we rescued. Kate. I am reacting strongly to her. I was hoping you might know something on a biological level that might help me understand what is happening.”

  “What do you mean, reacting strongly? Are you worried you might harm her?”

  “No! Never. As a fledgling I worried how I might behave if I ever felt a mating instinct. I was fearful, but now that I am in the presence of my Kate I know there is no way I could ever harm her. I would die before I let anything happen to her and I would never take something she did not willingly offer.”

  “And if she does not offer.”

  “If all there is to be between us is friendship then I will be content with that alone.”

  “I do not know much Rennek, Mother would be the one to ask.”

  “No! I cannot bear the thought of forcing her to recall such a thing. To remind her I am a product of that assault. Please Tennir, do not speak of this to her.”

  “Mother is a logical being and you are her son Rennek, she would help you in this.”

  “Tennir, it is final! I will not deliver her to the pain of her memories.” I have never spoken this harshly to Tennir. I look away from the screen. I do not wish for Madreed to think of the male who assaulted her during The Invasion, I can hardly bare the weight of the shame tying me to such an event. I know she cannot forget such a thing and though I long to, I cannot either. I simply have no desire to remind her of it. Tennir is silent for a long while, watching me.

  “A true mating instinct?” he asks finally.

  “Yes, she is my mate. I know it,” I tell him.

  “Tell me more of your reacti
ons to her.”


  I cannot sleep. I have had so many questions my entire life about my people, my kind. Who are we, where are we from? What types of traits and instincts are unique to my people? Never have I had a mating instinct. While I saw other males chasing any female that might give them the time, I focused all my energy into my career and earning a reputation of honor. Now I am faced with the beauty that is my Kate, I feel as if each cell in my body has woken from a deep sleep. I am restless. I have all these questions with no one to ask.

  I would be ashamed to ask Madreed about my sire. Likely she knows nothing of who he was, or his kind… my kind. If she did have any impression of his instincts towards mating it is unlikely they match my feelings for Kate. My sire hurt my mother in The Invasion. I would never hurt my Kate. I would do anything she asked, even if meant I had to sacrifice every dream or hope I have held in the past, I have but one dream now and it is to be by her side.

  Perhaps that is why I cannot sleep. I long to be in her presence. If only I could watch her sleep, or hear her breath, my core might calm enough for me to rest. I sigh and sit up in my bed. It is only slightly less modest than the ship’s other quarters, with its own bathing chamber and a larger bed. I hope Kate is comfortable in her room.

  I resign myself, I will get no sleep on this night. I run my hands through my mane and strap my belt and waistcloth on. I decide I need a drink. My chamber door hisses open and I walk down the corridors toward the dining hall. I am heavy with the weight of the day and wish sleep would claim me. I round the corner to the dining hall and I see one of the humans inside. Her red mane can be confused with no other. It is my Kate. My core roars to life. I see her fussing helplessly with the food synthesizer.

  “May I assist you, my Kate?” She startles at my voice.

  “Oh, my goodness! Rennek,” She places a hand on her chest to settle herself. “I didn’t hear you come in. I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  “No, unfortunately sleep has been difficult for me to grasp on this night.”

  “I know exactly what you mean,” she smiles and my core melts, “I thought I’d be asleep before my head hit the pillow… but I just can’t seem to turn my brain off.”

  “We share the same affliction then. A head full of questions and with no answers.”

  Her smile deepens. “Yeah, it does sound like we’re on the same boat.”

  “Ah, my poor Kate. You do not understand space travel yet, this may be a ship, but it is not a boat,” I chide her.

  Her smile drops from her face like she cannot rid herself of it quickly enough. “I know this isn’t a boat, Rennek.”

  I laugh, “but I thought you appreciate it when I man-splain to you, do you not? Last time you thanked me.”

  “You’re teasing me!” she laughs. “You bully! Well, I guess I’m glad a sense of humor is universal.”

  I eye the food synthesizer. “Did you need assistance? I would be happy to show you.”

  “Yeah, please do help. I’m finding this is an area the translator is less than helpful with. I know my language for food and beverages and I know your language for food and beverages, but I don’t know what is what. Not all things translate. I think I need to have actual experience with food before I can figure out the food synthesizer.”

  “Until then, I am here to help. What would you like?”

  “A cup of tea.”

  “What is tea?”

  “Exactly. You guys obviously don’t have tea and I don’t know if you have an equivalent in your culture.”

  I resist the urge to lament the fact I know nothing of my culture and instead ask, “What is tea like?”

  “It can be served hot or cold--served hot it’s soothing and certain types can help you sleep. Like chamomile. It tastes great with honey, but I won't even try to explain what honey is…”

  “Well,” I cannot help but smile at this female, “I cannot help with honey, but I think I can offer you ceata. It is a beverage like you speak of. It is meant to be served hot and different spices can be added to help ailments. There are some for sleep.” I move beside her and press a few buttons on the food synth, giving it my order. I make ceata for the both of us and add emon, a spice with an earthy, warm flavor.

  We sit across from each other at one of the tables. I take in her appearance. I need no ceata, I drink her in instead. She is as warm as the emon. Her red mane is clean and dry now and flows over her shoulders. It shines even in the low light setting simulating night in the dining hall. She pushes it behind her ears. She is aware I watch her. I feel the drumming within me quicken. It is my core, reaching for her. I want to take her hand in mine, I want to ask her if she feels what I feel, if she understands it. But I do not wish to frighten her. Her day has been… overwhelming to say the least.

  Chapter 12


  Rennek is practically devouring me with his eyes. It’s strange, but it excites me. I shouldn’t feel this way considering everything that’s going on, but I do. I’m embarrassed by it for some reason. This is like some form of Stockholm syndrome, only my guy’s the hero not the kidnapper. Maybe this is hero worship then. Is that a thing? I know there’s penis envy… then I blush. I’m thinking about penis’ now as he stares at me. I hide behind the hot cup of ceata in my hands and can’t bring myself to hold eye contact. His gaze searches me and I realize for the first time that to him, I am the alien. Do I look like a freak, I wonder? Am I disgusting? I hope I'm not, though I guess it shouldn't matter at all to me. I’m suddenly self-conscious of my hair. I try to nonchalantly straighten it a bit.

  I tentatively sip the ceata, it’s sort of like tea I suppose. It has an earthy taste that seems out of place on a spaceship and whatever spice he added to it is something quite like cinnamon. “This is good, thank you,” I say. He’s still staring, “Do I look very… different from other people, er aliens?” I ask.

  He eyes me, taking his time to answer. A smile plays on his lips. He must be very attractive for whatever he is. “You are… unique,” he says and then he’s silent again. Staring at me.

  I give a nervous laugh, “Unique? Is that a nice way to say I’m a freak?”

  “No, my Kate. Not a freak. Just unlike any female I have ever seen,” his eyes look appreciative for a moment. “Except for the Goddesses.” He sips his tea.

  “Yeah, you mentioned that. What are these Goddesses anyway?”

  “Truthfully? You do not know the Goddesses?” he asks skeptically.

  “Yeah, no clue. Is it like an origin story?”

  “It can be thought of as such. It is the story of who created the universe.”

  “Tell me.”

  “When I first saw your people, I thought surely you must be descendants of the Goddesses.” He takes me in again as if staring at me will give him the answers. “You are smaller in size, but everything else is what I know of the Goddesses.”

  “Well, I hope that’s a good thing.” I say with a question in my voice. “You’ve seen the Goddesses?”

  “Hmm, there are temples and monuments built for them,” he sets his cup down and seems to be thinking for a while. “I can show you one day, if you like?”

  “Yeah, I… Well, I don’t really know what my future plans are. I guess I don't have any… so I'm certainly free to check out these Goddess temples.”

  “Plans will be made soon enough. All will be taken care of once we reach Tennir. You and your people will be protected.”

  I smile, “I hope that’s true, but this is just a huge transition… I don’t know what’s waiting for us. Refugees aren’t often treated well on my own planet. I don't know what to expect out here.” I rub my temples. “How about you tell me about these Goddesses? I don't want to have to worry right now.”

  He nods his understanding and begins his tale of how the universe was created.

  “The Goddesses created the universe and all life. Maia, Asterope, and Pleione.” He ticks off each goddess on his fingers. He has five, I notice,
but his thumb is set more toward his wrist than mine. His fingers are each tipped by sharp curved claws. They are like a lion's, or the talons on a hawk. “Sisters,” he continues, “Maia was the scientist. She experimented and created. She made the stars and the worlds among them. She created oceans, mountains and trees and set in motion the laws of physics.”

  “Busy girl.”

  “Indeed,” he smiles. “Asterope had a light within her, she longed to create something to keep her interest. So, she made all beings and took joy in watching their lives. The small things were exciting to her--work, emotions, building, creating. The things all creatures do. She created life and she was happy.”


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