Alien Instinct

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Alien Instinct Page 8

by Tracy Lauren

  “And then there was Pleione. Pleione watched Maia build all of the universe. She saw Maia’s passion for it. She watched Asterope create all life and revel in their daily lives. Pleione longed to find her purpose. So, she searched the worlds. She took to watching the beings and was taken by the idea of love. So, Pleione created the first male.”

  “So, there were no men before Pleione created one? Just a bunch of women?”

  “Females? Yes. All the universe held was the perfect form. The female form. Strong, powerful, beautiful. Each with the ability to create life just as the Goddesses had. Each with the ability to revel in all they could build and create. It was peaceful and perfect.”

  “Yeah, but was there romantic love?”

  “Of course. And that was what Pleione longed for, not for the people, but for herself. This is why she created a male. Her desire was not pure. It was not selfless and it made her creation flawed. He was angry--within him was the capacity for malice: to hurt others, to steal, for jealousy, rape and war. He saw what the sisters had built and was jealous of their power. He was jealous of Pleione too, but she loved him and was blind to his flaws.”

  “One day he came to Pleione in a rage. He demanded she give him the power she and her sisters possessed. She tried to explain it did not work that way, but he refused to believe her. He killed Pleione and fled.”

  “Traveling the galaxy, he was like a plague. He whispered in the ears of all the beings he came across, spreading hate and rape and war. He was a poison on all the sisters had created. Maia and Asterope found their sister Pleione, dead, and set out after the first male. They could not undo what he had done to Pleione, but they hoped to save what they themselves had created and to protect the universe from the ugliness of the first male.”

  “It is said they chase him still, one step behind, touching each place he has poisoned trying to save it. They will find him one day and when it is done the universe will know nothing but peace,” Rennek finishes.

  “Wow. That’s beautiful and tragic… and kind of super negative towards men. I thought Eve had it bad,” I joke--though I know the reference will be lost on him.

  “Help me understand men and Eve,” he asks.

  “Men is equivalent to males,” I explain. “In my culture there’s a story about the first male and female. The female gets the bad rap though, but that’s kind of how it is on Earth overall. Do these beliefs affect the roles of males and females?” I ask and he rubs his chin considering my question.

  “I have never thought on this before. It is females who rule in the Governing Core. Females are looked to for wisdom… Males are judged on their honor towards females.” He is thoughtful, but then I see his expression darken. “Crimes against females are not common, it is not only illegal--but blasphemous.” He stares at me a moment longer and then rubs his hands over his face, weary. “I am so sorry for what you have endured, my Kate.”

  Now, I watch him. He really is something. He’s gorgeous, like an Adonis. He truly looks carved from stone. His weird alien features make him majestic and magical in appearance. He’s got these crazy ram horns on his head for Christ’s sake. His gaze returns to me and we take each other in. I get nervous and look down at the table--our hands are near one another. I take a chance and reach over, taking his hand in mine. It’s huge. My hand is dwarfed by his rock-hard hand. We trace each other’s fingers and palms transiently, exploring. I touch his claws.

  “These look like trouble,” I say smiling at him.

  “They can be.” His expression is serious.

  “How do you do anything with such sharp things on your hands?” He is silent for a moment before he speaks.

  “Either very rough,” he looks me in the eyes, “or very gentle.” He pulls my hand slowly to his mouth and kisses my wrist.

  We stay frozen in that moment for I don’t know how long, until the ship careens to one side. Rennek and I are thrown to the floor. The lights in the room turn red and a siren starts blaring.

  “Rennek!” I scream, but he is there by my side in an instant, lifting me up.

  “Are you hurt?” He asks.

  “No, I’m fine… are you okay?”

  “Come with me,” he shouts over the siren.

  “But the other girls?” I ask, hesitant to follow him. I should go to the others, right?

  “Come! We will take care of them, I do not want you to leave my side.” His eyes are urgent, and he is pretty much a superhero in my eyes... so, I find I have no desire to decline. I take his hand and we race down the corridors.

  Chapter 13


  The ship is under attack. This is a strange development, considering we are in protected space. I assume this attack is either linked to the females or there are some very bold pirates attempting to raid our cargo holds.

  “All hands to the bridge, I repeat, all hands to the bridge.” Various voices reply on the comms and when we reach the bridge Da’vi and Kellen are still at their posts and Bossan and Dax come running in.

  I put Kate in the captain’s chair and turn to my crew, “What have we got?”

  “Multiple crafts. Unmarked. Three, four… I count five, sir.” Kellen tells me.

  “Confirmed. Five crafts. I’m scanning their weaponry now. I’m seeing moderate fire power.” Da’vi punches the control panels. “Correction, the big one’s a fighter’s got big guns. The other crafts are the ship’s pods and drones.”

  “What are the weapon systems on a fighter?”

  “The main ship is going to have the majority of the power, the pods and drones won’t be as much of a threat, but they will try and keep us busy so the fighter can do its damage. The good news is we still outgun them thanks to all our mods,” Dax informs us.

  “Have they tried to send any comms?” I ask.

  “No sir, just came out of nowhere and started firing. Our shields are on full. I began evasive procedures immediately.”

  “Dax, get on navigation,” I want my best pilot at the controls.

  “Yes sir!” Dax leaps into the main nav seat and starts to work his magic.

  “Da’vi, Bossan, artillery!” But Da’vi ignores me, working his screens furiously. Suddenly he curses and leaps to his feet, running out of the room.

  “What the hell,” Kate says, holding the armrests tightly as the ship leans heavily from side to side.

  Bossan, Kellen and I stare after him. What the hell, indeed.

  “Kellen, take his place.” Bossan and Kellen are on artillery now. “Keep eyes on the fighter.” They begin to return fire. I go to the comm.

  “This is Captain Rennek. Identify yourselves!” I set the message to repeat.

  I hear hollering down the corridor coming our way, Kate whips her head around. I recognize that it is her language we are hearing. Da’vi runs into the room with the one called Allison over his shoulder, flailing her arms wildly and trying desperately to kick at my friend--a pointless effort. Her small form is not likely to do much damage to his massive one.

  “Da’vi?!” I am in shock.

  “This one was going into cargo hold three!”

  “Secure her,” I tell him and he moves her to one of the seats against the wall and begins to buckle her in.

  “What the hell’s going on here?” Kate cries as the ship rattles from another blow.

  “I’ll tell you what’s going on!” Allison fumes. “These fuckers have tigers in their cargo hold! These lying sacks of shit said they have never been to Earth! They’re in on it! The whole ship is probably full of stolen Earth stuff!”

  “What?” Kate looks from Allison to me. “Is this true Rennek?”

  “Everyone hold on!” Dax calls as the ship lurches hard. I hang on to a control panel to keep myself upright.

  “Sweet Kate, I do not know what tigers are,” I try to keep patience in my tone, but we have much more important concerns than whatever this Allison is angry about.

  “Yeah, and I bet you don’t know what humans are either
you fuck. We’re probably just animal research in your eyes! Is this some fucked up test to see how we respond?” Allison shouts accusingly.

  “Tigers are big cats Rennek. Orange. Black stripes. Sharp teeth?” Kate explains hastily, a question in her eyes. I know we have only just met but I hate that she doubts me.

  “We have many cats in our cargo hold,” I tell her, exasperated by this ill-timed conversation.

  “From the Ju’tup, Rennek,” Bossan yells to me. Ah yes, I had nearly forgotten.

  “Yes, yes, yes. We have these tigers, we bought them from the Ju’tup and loaded them to our ship before we realized you and your people were aboard. They were going to sell them to fight rings--we bought them so they would be protected.” Allison shuts her mouth and crosses her arms. Kate looks to her, but she refuses to make eye contact. When her eyes find mine, she seems to be appeased by my explanation.

  “Rennek, are the other girls… er females okay? Can we let them know what is going on?” She asks.

  I engage the comm. “You may speak to them.”

  “Like out loud?” She asks confused. Da’vi clicks his tongue impatiently at her. I growl in his direction. I do not appreciate this strange attitude he is taking on. He has never ignored an order before and his rude behavior towards the females does not match what I know of him.

  “I turned on the comms, they can hear you now.” I explain. “Da’vi, take over artillery for Bossan. Bossan, try and force a comm link with the main ship.” My crew moves fluidly to their stations. I shake the pain of Kate’s mistrust away as I focus on protecting my ship and all those on board. I will earn her trust in time with my actions, I vow.

  Chapter 14


  “What the hell is happening?” Reagan shouts. We can hear sobs and screams each time the ship lurches.

  “Ladies, we are under attack by another ship, but the guys are handling it. Everything is going to be okay. Just sit tight.”

  “I’m going to be car sick!” Vivian yells.

  “Sit tight! Sit tight?” Reagan yells hysterically into the comms before Rennek cuts them off.

  “Got it! Forcing link now,” Bossan tells Rennek.

  Suddenly the window clouds and an image of a creature appears.

  “Holy fuck!” I shout.

  Rennek and his crew look quickly to me, before they resume their efforts. The alien on the screen slowly begins to laugh. He looks like he’s all muscle and by that, I mean he looks like someone peeled off his skin and all I can see are his muscles and tendons that should be hidden beneath a layer of flesh. His face is like a bat’s--all scrunched up and weird, and he has teeth like a snake. He looks like something out of a horror movie. I shudder to think his attention is on me in the captain’s chair. Rennek steps protectively in front of me.

  “Identify yourself.” Rennek says in a cold growl and I remember he is just as intimidating. I lean far to the side in the chair so I can watch this drama unfold. Mr. No-skin licks his lips. Yup, snake-like. My skin crawls.

  “You,” he points at my gargoyle, “I kill you. And your females? Those I take.” He spits the words and his red eyes roll in his head. I see he has no eyelids.

  Rennek seems to be thrown off by his statement. He has no witty comeback, like they would in a movie, he just swings his wings wide open and lets out a roar that makes me jump and cover my ears.

  “Why are you doing this?” I plead.

  No-skin’s eyes roll again, it seems like this is his version of a blink, and he speaks, “Winged one. Crew. There is bounty. Females, no bounty on females. They just prize.”

  “A bounty on us,” Rennek growls. “Who do you collect from?”

  “Ju’tup. You make them angry. I see why,” he eyes Allison, leering at her. “You kill wrong Ju’tup winged one. You start war.”

  For some reason I think Rennek is shaken by this freak’s words, but he brings it back in quick. “You will earn no bounty and you will have no prize besides death. Continue to fight and this will be your last rotation. I beg you bounty hunter, stay and fight,” Rennek tells the bounty hunter.

  The freak throws his head back and laughs again before the comms cut out.

  “Fire everything we have. Burn him,” Rennek says in a murderous tone.

  Our aliens go crazy on the control panels. It’s hard to tell what is going on, so I watch their faces to get a read on how we are faring. I try to see what’s happening through the window, but we aren’t always facing the ships and drones or whatever they are. We make a sweeping spin and then suddenly I see two small objects directly ahead of us. I don’t know if these are the pods or drones. Then I see them start starting to spit fire at us.

  “Prepare for impact,” Dax shouts a second before we ram them. Our ship shakes in response. “Drones both disabled,” he says and I think I hear excitement in his voice. Oh my god, is he enjoying this?

  “Any systems damage reported?” Rennek shouts over the sirens.

  “Analyzing… Mild shield deterioration, exterior collision points intact,” Kellen reports.

  “Round the turrets and lock onto the pods,” Rennek tells Da’vi.

  The pods prove to be slightly more difficult to deal with. I’m guessing it’s because they actually have pilots inside them. Regardless, Dax gets even more creative with his maneuvering and I start praying I won’t be sick again today. One explosion follows the next and the ship quakes in response. Suddenly, the main ship--the fighter, is visible through the window at the front of the bridge. My heart pounds in my chest. I look to Allison, but she doesn’t return my gaze. She is staring wide eyed at the massive ship before us. I hope the other girls are alright in their quarters and that they have something to hold onto. Suddenly, I feel very small and alone, but then Rennek locks eyes with me. He looks like the embodiment of confidence and determination and I realize that although this situation is terrifying--I trust him to protect us.

  “Missiles,” Rennek says.

  “He’s engaging warp, sir,” comes a shout for one of his men.

  “Lock and launch,” Rennek orders.

  I see the bounty hunter’s ship turn and start to stretch. It confuses me for a second before I realize it must be an optical illusion or something, from going into warp. Suddenly, the bounty hunter’s ship snaps like a rubber band and vanishes just as our ship’s missiles speed towards it. Our missile vanishes along with the bounty hunter’s ship. Then, far in the distance I see an explosion.

  “Scan for life or any escape pods.”

  “No sign of escape pod activation. No life detected,” Kellen announces.

  The sirens that have been a constant background noise this whole time shut down and the red flashing lights vanish along with it. Rennek leans heavily on a control panel and hangs his head. The other aliens look just as weary. Allison starts fumbling with her seat belt. Da’vi is by her side quickly and unlatches her. She swats him away and before storming off the bridge she yells to Rennek, “Tell your lizard to keep his damn hands off me!”

  “This human does not understand her translator makes it so we can all comprehend her words, just as she does not understand to keep her distance from dangerous beasts. Perhaps her mind was damaged in cryo-stasis?” Da’vi hisses to Rennek as he glares hard at Allison.

  “Fuck you,” Allison says.

  “Da’vi! Allison!” Rennek gives a rumbling shout. Allison storms out, flipping us all the bird.

  “Da’vi, it is unacceptable to treat these females in such a way,” Rennek tells his friend sternly.

  “She is foolish, she was going to get herself killed in the cargo hold,” he justifies.

  “Enough, Da’vi. Heed my warning. If you are worried for their safety you must teach them what is safe and what to avoid on the ship. They will need to learn these things,” Rennek orders.

  “Apologies Captain,” I can’t help but notice Rennek growl at Da’vi’s response.

  “And Kate,” he turns to me, “You and the other females… I must enc
ourage you to stop speaking of mating, it does not seem appropriate at the times you bring it up. Is there a malfunction with your translator that is causing this? Surely Allison did not wish to mate… or you with the bounty hunter?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” I ask in complete and utter shock, maybe there is something wrong with the translator because that sounds like crazy talk to me.

  “Ohhh! Wait, ‘fuck’? Is it because we said ‘fuck’?” All the aliens avert their eyes. If aliens could blush, I think to myself. “That’s just like an exclamation or a curse word… it can be used a lot of ways actually. Not just for… mating. Gosh, how many times have we said ‘fuck’?” Rennek stiffens and the others all try to look busy.


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