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Alien Instinct

Page 12

by Tracy Lauren

  I walk from my office down the halls of the lab. We are located in a small, unpopulated sun system comprised of seven planets and twelve moons which had been reserved for scientific endeavors. There is a moon nearby which serves as a dwelling space for all the scientists, engineers and various professionals who work the system. It is fairly advanced, we even have shops and entertainment. It is luxurious compared to the expeditions on back world planets from earlier in my career.

  Our lab orbits a recently terraformed planet which we have engineered to populate with creatures from distant systems. There will be many stages of this research project. Partly, we aim to create a rich catalogue of life forms for study and to cross compare with previously discovered life forms. We are using genetic mapping to determine species links across distant sun systems to gain a deeper understanding of the various ways life might have been spread through the galaxy. Our goal is to build a self-sustaining environment and allow the creatures to live in a naturalistic setting so we may study them in the wild. We learned long ago that caging animals for study corrupts research, not to mention the poor ethics of it.

  The cultural values across the United Planets dictates we honor the stewardship we have over environments and non-sentient beings. It is important to study these things so we may care for them better. It seems the more sun systems and cultures that join with the United Planets, the more commonalities we see across vast distances of space. It is deeply interesting to consider how and why this is. Obviously, there are many differences as well… but it is the threads that link us which have always held my attention and sparked my interest.

  My mind is already beginning to focus on work as I near the main laboratory. I can see the clouded glass windows ahead of me. I am surprised it is still dark within. I thought I had slept in a bit and hoped a warm pot of ceata would be waiting for me. Perhaps I got less sleep than I realized and I am early still. I punch my code into the panel beside the door, it seems to catch a little as it hisses open. I step inside, but the auto lights do not automatically turn on at my entry.

  “Computer, activate lights,” I command.

  Beep beep.

  The sound indicates the computer recognizes my request. I hear some electric whirring noises around me, as if the lights are trying to power on… but nothing happens.

  “Computer, engage emergency lighting.”

  Beep beep.

  Now I hear something like a generator kick on and slowly dim red lighting fills the space. The first thing I see is an overturned chair. I step forward to the workstation it belongs to and right the chair. As I bend to retrieve it, I am startled. Lying on the floor is my friend, Goeta. I run to his side.

  “Goeta! Are you alri…” but as I place my hands on my friend I can sense immediately that he is gone. I turn him over and am shocked to see the mark of a laser blast across his chest. I stand and back away in shock and horror--only to trip. I find myself on the ground, eye to eye with another friend and colleague, Tismae. Her eyes stare into mine. Unblinking. She is dead.

  I scramble to my feet and the silence in the room finally hits me. The animals are making no sounds. I run to the cages. Even in the dim emergency lighting I can see the crime before me. Slaughtered. A pointless cruelty. Whoever has done this could still be on the station. I need to check on the rest of my team.

  “Computer,” I say quietly, “emergency lights out.” I strip off my lab coat and look one last time towards Goeta and Tismae, before I head towards the control room. There is nothing but silence around every corner. My blood pounds in my ears. When I get there, I will scan the station for life signs and determine if there is still a threat aboard. Then I will contact Mother, Rennek and the UPC.

  As I journey through the lab station I listen closely for any sounds of life, but there is nothing besides the sound of my own breath. When I finally arrive at my destination I rush inside. The telltale hum of a laser stops me dead in my tracks.

  “Looks like we have one last straggler,” a rough voice says.

  “Scientists. This one should be as little trouble as the rest,” another voice laughs nearby.

  “I won’t be any trouble,” I say turning, my hands in the air. But before they know it, I am trouble. I’m the worst kind of trouble. I swing my leg up into a kick that sends the laser flying out of my attacker’s hand. Without hesitation, I leap towards the other voice in the darkness and I am on him in a moment, smashing his head into a metal control panel. The first male is diving for the gun, but I am faster. I snatch the laser and swing the handle down hard on the back of his neck. He is on the ground and I pin him with my foot, pointing the laser at him.

  “How many?”

  My prisoner grunts and I press harder on his neck.

  “Five! Five, including us,” he growls.

  “What are you doing here? Are you bounty hunters?” The male laughs, despite my tight grip. He gurgles a response, but I can’t understand him. I loosen my grip slightly so he may speak.

  “Do I look like a bounty hunter to you?” He asks laughing. I take in his uniform for the first time… UPC.

  “Who sent you?”

  “You and your field team stepped on the wrong toes, scientist. We are just cleaning things up, making sure nobody rocks the boat.”

  “The trafficking? UPC has a hand in that?”

  “Look scientist, I’d tell you all about it… but I’d rather just kill you.”

  At that moment he makes his move and I have to make mine. I need to come out on top, I must warn my brother…

  Chapter 21


  I am excited to see my sweet Kate when she enters the bridge, the joy within me is only slightly dampened to see she has brought the sour one, Allison, with her. I sense much negativity from this human.

  I go to my mate’s side and pulling her hair into my hand I tilt her head up so I may kiss her lips. She kisses me back tentatively and pulls away sooner than I would wish. Her cheeks flush and she does not look at me. Nor does she look at Allison, who stares wide eyed at her. I can feel the eyes of my crew on me as well, but we do not need to offer them any explanations.

  “Hey,” she runs her hand down my arm, reassuring me. “Any new developments?”

  “No. None.” I tell her and she reads the significance of that statement in my voice.

  “Is that normal?” She looks to me, head cocked to the side in inquiry. She is so cute, my mate. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Allison make her way to the control stations.

  “I expected to hear from Tennir by now,” I tell her. “I had hoped to get an escort for the remainder of the voyage. But we are close now, so it does not matter.”

  “Is there anything we can do to help?” Kate asks me.

  “No, Kate. You continue to rest and relax. You have been through much,” I tell her as I stroke her beautiful red mane.

  “Actually, Rennek… we’re getting a little bored with resting. We’re all rested up now,” she beams a smile at me. “But, we were hoping to start learning more about your ship or any technology you might be able to teach us…”

  “I want to learn your weapons systems,” Allison interrupts. “This is it right?” She points to where she saw my crew working artillery during battle with the bounty hunter.

  Kellen looks to me and I nod my approval. “They are right, they will all need to learn our ways and technology to assimilate.”

  “Welcome Allison,” Kellen greets her and offers her his chair. “Let me begin by teaching you the names of…”

  “No,” she waves him off. We all stare at her dumbfounded.

  “Him. Lizard boy. I want him to teach me.” Since the females entered the bridge Da’vi has appeared engrossed in his work, now he bristles but still does not turn to face the bossy female. The bossy female who continues to insult him.

  “Are you sure?” I ask this odd female. Last I was aware she was spitting hatred at Da’vi.


  “Why though Allison? Do
n’t you think it’s be better that Kellen...” Kate begins.

  “No. Kellen is going to be pussy foot around what I need to know. He,” she points at Da’vi again, “will not cut me any slack. I want to learn, not have my ass kissed.”

  Kate swings her gaze to mine, shrugging. She does not appear to have any grievance with this.

  “Da’vi, please begin training Allison in weapons and basic ship functions.”

  Da’vi approaches Allison. Her arms are crossed in front of her and she gives him a cold and unbreaking stare. I was at first worried he might intimidate her with his distant and harsh demeanor, but the more I see of this Allison… the less I worry about her being intimidated.

  “Follow me,” Da’vi tells her.

  “Where are we going? I want to learn about weapons?” She points to the control panel.

  “You will work your way up to those weapons, human,” Da’vi says as he stalks out of the bridge. Her look is defiant, but she follows nonetheless.

  “Okay… well they seem to have their own thing going on there, but all of the humans will need to learn about all this… stuff,” Kate waves her hand indicating everything around us. I remind myself how primitive the world she came from was. There is so much for them to learn.

  “Yes, call your humans to join us. We will begin your training right away,” I tell her. She smiles at me before she leaves the bridge.

  “Why did you not tell her you meant for her to use the comms?” Kellen asks after she is too far away to hear.

  “I did not wish to embarrass my mate, she is only just learning.”

  “Your mate?” Kellen breathes out.

  I cannot help but smile. “My mate,” I confirm.

  “May the Goddesses bless your union, my brother,” he says, his voice full of reverence. I nod proudly.

  “Check in with Dax and Bossan, see who is available to aid on the bridge. I want Bossan to boost our cloaking system and I want someone running deep scans for the remainder of the trip. I don’t want anyone sneaking up on us,” I tell him.

  “Yes, Rennek.”

  A short while later all the females are on the bridge. I long to be near my Kate, but I am no teacher and Dax loves an audience. So, Kellen and I run scans while Dax gives general descriptions of all the ship’s most basic and fundamental systems. He allows the females to try simple functions at various work stations. Kate and Reagan help one another translate all Dax is teaching. I suspect the lesson is much more difficult for the females who have yet to learn our language. Da’vi and Allison have not returned--I do not know if it means their training is going well or poorly.

  “These are the primary communication systems. From here we can create and receive comm links and those of us who are really good at breaking into systems can force comm links if a ship is avoiding our hail for some reason.”

  “Like you guys did with the bounty hunter’s ship?” Kate asks.

  “Yes, but not all ships are alike, some have more defenses built into their systems. This is true of fighters, destroyers, anything UPC. They will have more protective measures in place to avoid a force link, but Bossan is a genius when it comes to that kind of thing. He can force link just about anything,” he tells them.

  “What about you?” Reagan asks.

  “I am not as good with computers, I do not have the patience,” he smiles. “I am better at weapons systems and I am best at navigation,” he says proudly.

  “You’re a humble guy,” Reagan scoffs.

  “Why be humble, when I can be honest? You want humble, look to Kellen,” he shines his wide grin at all the females and I grit my fangs. I know Dax has been intimate with females in the past--many are drawn to his charm and good looks. So, when he smiles at the human females I feel an insatiable need to pull my Kate away from him and fold her into my arms.

  When I tune in to their conversation again he is quizzing them on which buttons to press to open a live link. Then, suddenly the comm station is alive with some sort of notification.

  Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

  “That’s a new sound. What does that mean?” Kate asks.

  Dax punches a few keys. “An urgent message is incoming…” he studies the screen. “It’s locked and encrypted.”

  I hurry over and punch in my codes.

  “Put it up on the view screen,” I tell him.

  An image of Tennir is suddenly before me. It is dark where he is--it looks like the lab’s lighting systems have been damaged. Tennir looks to be damaged, for that matter. His face is bruised and his lip bloodied. Dim emergency bulbs flicker behind him and he begins to speak.

  “Rennek, this message is of the utmost importance. I pray it reaches you. Do not, I repeat, do not rendezvous with me at the lab. The station has been…” he looks away from the screen, “it is not safe. There is nothing left here. I am on my way out as soon as I finish this comm to you and one to mother. Encoded with this message are coordinates for a new rendezvous point. Do not trust anyone Rennek. Rely only on your crew. I hope to see you soon. Take care of yourself, brother.”

  The comm cuts out. Kate rushes to my side. Reagan is working to translate and the other females look fearful. I look to Dax and Kellen. I see fury and determination in their eyes. There is a silent acknowledgement between us all. We will protect my mate and her people and we will rescue my brother. Kate’s fingers link with mine and I meet her eyes. They search me.

  “All will be well, my Kate,” I tell her.

  “That’s my line. Are you okay?” She asks, studying me.

  “Tennir is strong and he is smart, I have faith in him.”

  I turn to my friends. “Get Bossan up here, I want those coordinates decoded. Everyone else start running scans. Call Da’vi up here, I want him working too.”

  “Yes sir,” my friend says and I try to shrug off the annoyance I feel at any sort of command title. It is not command that bothers me, it is the idea that we are not equals. That I could be above my friends in any way.

  “I’m sorry, your lesson must end early Kate.”

  “Look, I know this message changes things, and you’re worried about your brother Rennek…” she looks to her people. “But I don’t think the lesson should end now. I think this is exactly where we need to be.”

  “I do not know if that is best, perhaps you should go back to your accommodations?”

  She lowers her voice, “Look, if you send us back to our rooms right now all we’re going to do is worry. Here, we can feel proactive--like we have some sort of control over what’s going on. Back in our rooms, we’re going to feel helpless. I’m going to feel helpless. Let us keep learning,” she begs. “We won’t get in the way, I swear. Kick us out if we do, we just want to watch and learn.”

  Before I can speak Dax calls the females over to him, “Who wants to do their first long range scan?” He smiles as if it is all fun--a game. But I see the females relax. Still unsure, I look to Kellen and he nods. They stay then.

  “Thank you, Rennek,” Kate says as she pulls me down and kisses me. There is no longer any timidness about it. When I open my eyes, I see two of the females stare at us with their mouths agape. Reagan and the human speaking one who is fearful pull their attention away.

  Chapter 22


  Bossan works at his touch pad. He has been at it for some time, though he usually is quick to decode. I try not to be troubled by this.

  “Tennir, took much precaution in the encryption of this message,” he tells me. “He must have been worried about who might get their hands on it.”

  “He likely had reason to be,” I think of Tennir’s beaten face.

  “But, the thing is, there are not many who have the tech or the skill to decode such a thing. The tech is expensive. If it is pirates he is worried about, they would have to be well funded,” he tells me.

  I think on that a while, I assumed it was the Ju’tup, but they are frivolous beings. They spend money on entertainment, not equipment. It is more likel
y they have hired bounty hunters to do their work for them. I do not understand why they would attack Tennir’s lab though, unless they had hoped to ambush us. Still, the risk and trouble of taking the science station should have been a deterrent. Why not just come after us directly? Attack before we even reached the science station?

  “Got it!” Bossan yells. Even the females who do not understand look to him anxiously.

  He reads the information. His eyes shoot to mine. “Dark space. He sent us coordinates for a station in dark space.”

  “What does that mean?” Kate asks as Reagan hurries to translate.


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