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Alien Instinct

Page 36

by Tracy Lauren

“I see you have used the showers,” I notice her shining red mane and her sweet scent.

  “Yeah, I was getting pretty ripe without soap there for a few weeks. Nothing like a hot shower,” she says meekly, avoiding eye contact.

  “I can recall,” I tell her with lust in my voice. Her eyes meet mine and she blushes, her soft smile finally reaches her eyes. This seems to jog her out of whatever keeps her from my side.

  “I overstepped,” she says, her smile fades and her tone is solemn. I sit on the edge of the bed and reach for my mate. I am pleased when she does not hesitate to fall into my arms.

  “Are you supposed to be up?” She asks, looking ready to sic the doctor on me.

  “I am feeling much better now, my sweet Kate. I wish to speak with you about what happened earlier.”

  “Yeah, I figured,” she tells me wringing her hands and averting her eyes again. “I want to apologize Rennek, but I can’t. Even if you aren’t hurt--I’m hurt for you. It wasn’t right what she did. She should have told you the truth a long time ago,” Kate says firmly.

  “I agree,” I tell her.

  “You agree?” she asks surprised.

  “I do. I was taken by surprise--first by everything my mother shared, then by your way of speaking to her…” I cannot help but laugh at the memory. Likely, no one has ever spoken to my mother in such a way. “But you were right. Her actions have caused me much unnecessary pain. I am honored you fought so fiercely on my behalf. I would do no less for you.”

  “I was right?” she asks, still shocked.

  “Yes,” I say, running my claws through her mane, distracted by its beauty. “You are as fiery as your mane, my sweet Kate.” She puts her arms around my neck--holding me at bay so that she may look up at me. It feels so good to have her in my arms again, to be well enough to hold her.

  I gaze into her eyes, “We came here in search of the Vendari’s beacon, but you have been a beacon for me since the moment I saw you… you have brought me ever closer to who I am and who I am supposed to be. None of this would have been possible without you, my precious mate.”

  “You mean, I’m still your mate? Even after I basically cussed out your mom?”

  “When will you learn? What we have is forever, my heart.” Kate finally gives in fully to my embrace, pushing herself up on delicate human toes to wrap her arms tightly around my neck and to press her soft lips to my mouth.

  It has been too long since I have tasted Kate’s sweetness. I live for the unique and intoxicating flavor that only my mate possesses. An anger burns in the back of my mind. If it were not for my injury, Kate and I could have spent the last handful of rotations doing nothing beyond making love and reveling in each other’s embraces. I growl at the frustration that I have not yet known my mate. All the while, her kisses become increasingly playful--until I am utterly lost in the licks of her soft pink tongue and gentle bites from her rounded teeth. The sensations are bliss and soon nothing matters beyond this moment.

  “I know we just spent weeks alone together in the forest, but I’ve missed you so much.” Tears threaten to spill from her eyes. “Promise me you’ll never let a giant spider bite you ever again,” she asks, moving her kisses to my neck and jaw.

  I bury my nose in her neck and inhale. “I would agree to anything you could ask of me, but particularly this.”

  I pull her up onto the bed with me and lay back so she may straddle my waist. She sits up to inspect me. “Are you sure you’re okay? I’m not hurting you, am I?”

  “I feel better with every touch,” I tell her, running my hands up and down her bare arms. The smile she gives me tells me she shares the sentiment. Soon her hands are exploring my chest and abdomen, skimming over every muscle and pausing to lightly tease my nipples.

  “There are so many things different about you compared to humans,” she says.

  “Oh?” I smile. I see the game she plays, I will let her list all the ways I am better than human males… exploring all the differences in the process.

  “Um hmm. The grey skin for one. Obviously.” She runs her nails up to my shoulders. “Your stronger and larger than any human man I’ve ever met,” she adds and her hands run over my shoulders pausing to appreciate my biceps. Vainly, I flex for her.

  “So that I may protect my mate,” I tell her.

  “Oh, is that why?” She asks in a teasing tone.

  “Of course.”

  “Then there are these… ridges?” her fingertips play at the ripples leading down to my cock causing the drumming within me to come to life, but her fingers dance away again.

  “Your ears…” she leans down to tease them with her tongue, “have the cutest little points at the tips.”

  “Do they?” I ask.

  “They do,” she assures me. Scooting up closer to my face she reaches for my horns. Her breasts press close to my face and it is all I can do to keep my mouth from seeking out their softness. She drags her fingers across their roughness of my horns, from the base to the tips.

  “This is another thing men don’t have on Earth,” she tells me.

  “That must be very embarrassing for them,” I muse, causing a twinkling laugh to escape my mate.

  “I’m sure it must be,” she agrees. She finds my hands and traces them with her small fingers. “No claws on humans either,” she says before focusing on my mouth. She drops another kiss to my lips and I feel her tongue gently graze my fangs, wordlessly highlighting another difference.

  “There are the wings, but that’s something you don’t even have in common with the Vendari either.”

  “This is true,” I say, shifting her hips a bit so she rests squarely on my cock.

  “I’ve been wondering something, Rennek. There was a moment there when you were battling the spider where it almost… well, it almost looked like you flew. This may be a dumb question, I mean… with the wings and all, but… can you fly?”

  “They are functional wings,” I admit to her, laughing.

  “Why don’t you ever use them? It almost seems there’s been a lot of opportunities for you to fly, but I’ve never seen you do it.”

  “Hmm, I suppose it is another thing about growing up and being different from everyone else. For much of my youth I wanted… No, I longed to be like Tennir and then on Javan I longed to be like my friends. All of the galaxy told me I was different, that I was an outcast. Because of this I tried very hard to fit, to show I was an equal member of a group--not below anyone, not above anyone. Besides, what is the point of flying if you must leave all others behind?”

  “Whoa, Seriously? You didn’t fly because you wanted to fit in? That might be the most tragic thing I’ve ever heard. Flying is a super power. If I could fly I would literally do it all the time,” she says with passion creeping into her voice.

  “Let me say it differently then, I did not fly because I had no one to fly with me, but now I have you Kate. Now and forever. I will take you, when I am all healed. We can fly to the shore, if you like,” I tell her, finding myself surprisingly excited to share this with my mate. I am pleased by the eagerness written on her face.

  “I would love that,” she whispers to me, leaning in for another kiss. Sliding my hands up her thighs I grip onto her thick hips, grinding against her core. She lets out a little gasp of surprise before I deepen our kiss.

  “I am tired of waiting,” I tell her.

  “Here?” She jolts upright, eyes wide. “Shouldn’t we at least sneak out to our room? I thought you wanted it to be… I don’t know, ceremonious or something?” She eyes me as if attempting to find deception in my eyes.

  “Anywhere with you is special my mate. You were correct, it does not matter where we are. I am ready to begin our forever now.” A smile spreads across her lips and her mouth finds mine, she is as hungry for this moment as I am.

  Chapter 52


  As I lose myself in Rennek’s kisses I have this amazing sensation wash over me. It is this deep and penetrating knowledge that all
is right with the universe. I have finally found my home and it is here in Rennek’s arms. It doesn’t matter where we end up, whether it is here on Elysia, back on the Mother Planet or traveling through outer space--as long as this wonderful alien is in my life, I am complete.

  Even in the beginning with Rennek, I knew I felt drawn to him. But in retrospect, I see all the little ways I was still holding on to my tired old hang-ups--my fears about love and relationships, about letting go and trusting in another person.

  Getting abducted by aliens probably led to me learning life’s greatest lesson--it isn’t about your career or your education. That stuff adds to you, but it doesn’t complete you. In the end, life is about the people you love and the people who love you right back.

  I blink back tears of joy and dig my fingers into my mate’s thick hair, savoring him entirely. To think I held him at bay, I laugh. To think I nearly lost him… I kiss him more fiercely. His hands start to pull at my clothes and I help him before his claws can do any damage to the material. We are both giggling like a couple of high school kids as we struggle with the ties.

  “Is it possible that you become even more beautiful every time I see you,” he asks once my body is exposed to him.

  “Promise me you’ll still feel that way in 20 years,” I tell him.

  “Kate, I will feel that way in a hundred,” he says, taking my breasts in his hands. In every caress I feel pure adoration.

  “And after we have a few kids… or fledglings, as you guys call them?” I question.

  “Even more so then,” he vows.

  At first, I think to tease him a bit with foreplay before we make love, but I find that thought holds little appeal to me. All I want is him inside me, all I want is for us to be one. I give Rennek one last kiss and I fill it with all my love. Pushing him back onto the bed I take his cock in my hand and position myself over him. I slide his tip through my folds, making him slick with my desire. He breathes heavily, his eyes never leave mine.

  “I love you, my Kate,” he tells me as I push myself down onto the head of his cock. He is impossibly thick and I have to pause a moment before I continue.

  My breaths are as heavy as his and I slide up a bit before I come back down, sinking him a little deeper into my core. I feel myself stretching to accommodate his thickness. I want more. I want all of him, deep inside me. I slowly slide up again and his hands go to my hips. He kneads my flesh and this time when I push my body down he helps guide me. I grind against him and finally feel he is fully sheathed in my warmth.

  I can feel the obvious differences between his cock and a human one right away. We move slowly, delighting in the feel of each other’s bodies. He is definitely bigger than anyone else I have ever been with, but as we move in rhythm to one another I can feel all the other differences as well. I find myself extremely sensitive to the ridges on the underside of his cock, with every movement I shudder with pleasure at the sensations they send shooting through my body.

  I lean forward, sliding my hands up over his muscular shoulders--have there ever been sexier shoulders anywhere in the galaxy, I wonder? As I lean into him my clit brushes against the ridges that trickle down below his belly button and it’s like a lightbulb goes off over my head--or perhaps it’s more like fireworks… Now I get what he meant when he said these ridges were for my pleasure. When I grind against him they stimulate my clit.

  I grab at his hands on my hips and help him push me down harder. He takes my lead and arches into me while pulling me even closer to him than I ever thought possible. I roll my hips like a wave against his body. I can feel my heart beating out of control. The place where our bodies meet becomes increasingly wet with every movement until our we are slapping against each other.

  “You feel… it is so good Kate, it is beyond words,” Rennek grits out. All I can do is smile. He runs his hand along my cheek, sliding it up into my hair. Grabbing a fistful, he pulls me down to his mouth and we kiss through panting breaths and moans of pleasure. I am enthralled by the sounds he makes--the masculine growl of his arousal.

  I dip my mouth towards his neck, planting ravenous kisses there as I inch closer and closer to his earlobe--tonguing it upon arrival.

  “Mmmm,” I whisper a breathy moan. His hands go to my ass and he alternates between driving me down hard against his cock and teasing my sensitive flesh with his claws. “I love the way you feel inside me,” I mummer against his ear and he growls at my words. I moan and give little squeals of pleasure with every pump of his hips--my sounds seem to be spurring him on and I decide to try and up the ante.

  “I love the way your hands feel on my ass,” I tell him and he grips me tighter, driving into me harder in response. The sensations are maddening, I feel myself getting closer and closer to cumming. I’m shocked because I’ve never been able to cum from just sex before, but Rennek has me right up against the edge.

  “I love what you do to me, Rennek. You’re making my pussy so wet for you,” I moan against his ear. He pulls me into another kiss and I can sense how unhinged he is becoming. His kiss is fascinating to me--he is like this wild and hungry predator and I have no defense against him. I struggle to find more words, but all rational thought is escaping me in the very best of ways. He is so deep inside of me and our bodies move in time with one another. He sucks and bites at my tongue and lips, I feel myself turning to jelly in his arms. It is like every cell in my body is lost in the euphoria that is my mate.

  “My mate…” I whisper into his kiss and that pushes him over the edge. A growl builds in his throat until it is an ear-splitting roar that I’m sure rocks the whole ship. He rolls me onto my back and pauses for just the barest of seconds over me. His eyes are wild with lust and love. He is looking at me as if I am the Goddess who hung the stars.

  “You are so perfect, my Kate. I am the luckiest male,” he tells me as his eyes make love to my body. Any other time in my life I would have felt so exposed in this moment, but with Rennek I feel emboldened. I have never felt more sexy and desired than right here, right now. His hands roam over my body as if he will not be satisfied until he touches every inch of me and I lean into his touch, giving myself up freely.

  He begins to pump into me again, slowly at first. Between each thrust he pauses and I can feel my cunt throbbing with the need for release. I spread my legs further apart for him, welcoming him deeper into my body. I find I need to touch him just as much as he needs to touch me. My hands seem to have a mind of their own as they skate over his body.

  “I love you Rennek,” I tell him as I arch my hips towards him. His wings splay out over us, protectively encircling our expression of love. It almost feels like we are the only ones here on this planet, it belongs only to us and this moment. I wrap my legs tightly around his hips and rock into him as he thrusts.

  “I’m going to cum soon Rennek.” With those words he works me with everything he has and my clit grinds against his ribbed abs. I can’t hold my orgasm back any longer. It hits me like a force of nature and I can feel my pussy clenching around my gargoyle’s huge cock. He pumps into me hard and slow, rocking into my clit in perfect rhythm with each and every wave of pleasure that passes over me. I can tell my mate is not far behind me.

  My pussy seizes him once more and I feel his coiled body release. When he cums he digs his fingers into my hair and speaks my name through gritted teeth. I can feel his warmth filling me and his cock pulses with every burst of his seed. He continues to pump into me, riding out every last bit of his orgasm and bringing a second wave to my own. Never in all my life have I ever cum twice. Not even with my trusty old vibrator. Consider my mind blown.

  Rennek collapses next to me and wraps his massive arms around my small body. He kisses my shoulder while trying to catch his breath. I lie there, limp--my body has no strength. A dazed and silly smile is plastered to my face. I am human jello. I try to speak, but nothing comes out beyond a few sighs. I could lay like this forever, I think to myself as my eyes begin to close.

sp; Beep. Beep.

  The door suddenly whooshes open. A strangled scream comes from my throat and I move to cover my body, but Rennek is faster. He is up and his wings are spread, he lets out one of the most menacing growls I have ever heard come from him. I peek around his massive frame just in time to see a doctor turn and run from the room.

  “I’ll come back later,” he shouts over his shoulder. The door closes again and I burst out laughing.

  “Oh my god, Rennek! That was so mean! He probably needed to check on your vitals or something!” I scold my mate.

  “He can do so later, after we have had the chance to enjoy our time together,” he says but the wry smile on his face and twinkle in his eye tells me he thought it was funny.

  “Okay, I’m getting dressed before anyone else stumbles into your room and sees me naked.”

  “I will simply lock the door,” he protests.

  “No, I don’t want you bullying all your doctors away. I need to know you are back at a hundred percent.” I tell him, and I’m not willing to budge on that one. It was too scary over the past week, constantly feeling so unsure of whether or not Rennek was going to pull out of it.


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