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A Breath of Magic

Page 11

by Tracy Madison

  I hesitated, not liking the idea. “I don’t know if I can. It depends on what this is about.”

  She wrinkled her nose, searching for a loophole she could use to get me to agree. “How about this?” she said with a tiny grin. “You make your promise on the contingency that I’ll promise to let them in on the secret when the time is right.”

  “Who decides when the time is right?”

  “Well, I do, of course. Who else?”

  I pressed my lips together so I wouldn’t laugh. “So the time could be a week, a month or never?”

  She snorted. “You’re too smart for your own good. Fine, you win. I promise I’ll spill the beans—if there’s anything worth spilling—within…oh, say no more than two months’ time. Does that work for you?”

  “One month,” I countered.

  “Six weeks.”

  While I still had my reservations, I also didn’t see how I could say no. “Six weeks and not one day longer?”

  Crossing her fingers over her heart, she grinned. “I promise.”

  “Then I promise too. Now, what’s this all about?”

  As soon as I made the vow, her entire body visibly relaxed. “Well, see, now that you have the magic…” Stopping, she rubbed her arms, as if to chase away a chill. “You know the history of the magic, and how Elizabeth was the first in our family since Miranda to keep the gift and also to pass it on, and how that will continue for you, for Alice, for Rose and whoever comes after. Right?”

  “Yeah. No one else will lose the magic by passing it on, but what does that have to do with—?” I clapped my jaw shut. “You want me to try to gift the magic back to you, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” Her frail shoulders lifted slightly. “I know it sounds crazy, and it might not work, but I have to know for sure. The magic was a part of me for most of my adult life. I feel as if I’ve lost a leg or an arm. I look around at my beautiful family, and I rejoice that you girls have our family’s gift…but oh, do I miss it.”

  I understood her feelings well enough, but I didn’t get the secrecy. “Why don’t you want Elizabeth and Alice to know? They’d support you in this. I’m sure of it.”

  “I’m not as sure. Besides, I have my reasons.” Hope shimmered over her, as bright as a starry sky. “Will you try, Chloe?”

  I heard the yearning in her voice, and my heart broke a little. “Why did you pass the gift on, if you weren’t ready to give it away?”

  “I’m old, kiddo. Too old to have kept something that might have gone to the grave with me. I had to give the magic to Elizabeth. It was the only way. But now…”

  “Everything has changed.”

  “Exactly. I’ve tried to deal with the loss. I’ve told myself I’m a silly old woman who has no need for magic any longer. That I’m happy with my life and to let this go.”

  “But you can’t.”

  “Not without knowing for sure. So, Chloe, will you humor me and give this a chance?”

  I reached over to grasp Verda’s hands in mine and squeezed. She was the core of our family, the sun we all revolved around. I could do this for her. No. I would do this for her. Focusing inward, I envisioned my power as a clear, brilliant stream of light. It whirled and bobbed inside of me, mixing with my energy, with my emotions, gaining strength from both until the light swirled and jumped outside of and around me…around us.

  My breath caught in my throat. Energy sizzled along my skin, making the hair stand up. Warmth flooded my body, beginning as a tingle at my toes and then quickly rising through me, until it seeped from my hands into Verda’s. I totally expected to see the sparkling, glittering array beneath my skin, like what had happened with Ben, and I realized belatedly that I should’ve warned Verda about it. But as the power grew, as it pulsated inside of me, my skin remained its normal pale shade.

  I finally formed the words that seemed necessary: “I wish for Miranda’s gift to touch you again, for you to reclaim our family’s magic. This is my wish for you, because you deserve it. Because I love you.”

  I repeated the wish several more times while the energy continued to work its way from me, through me, bleeding into Verda. I felt the power. I knew the wish was working.

  Suddenly, the power stilled in the room, hanging in the air like the heaviest of weights, as if time had been halted by some unknown force. Fear that something had gone wrong overcame me, but I refused to let it take hold. Digging as deep as I could, I funneled every last drop of my energy into repeating the wish.

  I heard a snap. Electricity crackled bright, fast and hot, almost as if bolts of lightning had zapped through the room, through me, through Verda. Another second passed, and then another. Oh so slowly the power trickled out of me, evaporating into the air, and in barely a heartbeat, everything reverted to normal. I collapsed against the back of my chair, even more wiped out than earlier. Verda still sat in the same position, but her eyes were wide, shiny with unshed tears.

  “What do you think? Did it work?” I mentally crossed my fingers and toes.

  Her cheeks became a full shade darker than her hair. “I think so! Of course, a few practice sessions will be necessary to be sure. But thank you, Chloe!”

  “You’re welcome. Just remember our deal: six weeks from today, and absolutely no later.” Because Alice and Elizabeth would definitely want to know.

  “I won’t forget.” Standing, she came to me for a quick hug and added, “Is there anything you want to chat about?”

  Happy to see her normal verve had returned, I grinned. “Nope. I know you’re dying to test your power out. But…uh…try not to do anything too crazy.”

  “That, my dear, is not a promise I recall making!” Retrieving her purse, she just about floated to the door. “Besides, I’m a little old lady. Nothing is too crazy for little old ladies. It’s the best part of aging!”

  She let herself out, and I was once again alone. Dear God, what had I done? Hopefully, whatever craziness Verda planned would, at a minimum, fall into the legal category. Otherwise, there would be hell to pay, and I’d be the one paying.

  I locked the front door and then nearly crawled back to the couch. The extra few feet to my bedroom seemed far too vast a distance. Yes, I really was that tired. Covering myself with a blanket, I closed my eyes and emptied my brain. Exhausted or not, too many thoughts would keep me up.

  My breathing slowed and my body relaxed, but mere seconds before I completely dropped off, the faint scent of roses tickled my nose. Instantly awake, I sat upright, my heart already zipping along at top speed, expecting to see Miranda perched on one of my chairs. Or maybe watching me from the dining room. No…and no. I sniffed again, wondering if I’d imagined the scent, but the fragrance still lingered, reaffirming my belief that Miranda was in my apartment. Somewhere. But a quick search of each room, including the bathroom, came up empty. The ghost wasn’t in residence.

  Shivering, as if I’d caught Verda’s chill from earlier, I wrapped my arms around myself. Every single instinct insisted that Miranda had been here, watching me. So why had she left without saying a word? What could she possibly have wanted?

  Chloe!” Paige hollered from the front of the store the next morning. “You have a delivery!”

  I tossed my pen on my desk and rubbed my temples, a headache already brewing, the result of not enough sleep combined with the sheer agony of balancing accounts. That, along with all of the other strange events highlighting the past several days, had made me solidly cranky.

  I stomped out of the back room in a huff, ready to raise hell. “Why is anything except for the mail being delivered through the front door? That’s why we have a back door: for deliveries! And why are you screa—?” My eyes fell on the huge, blossoming bouquet of flowers that Paige held. I stopped in my tracks. “Oh. Wow.”

  “Yeah.” Paige’s lips curved into a quirky grin. “Wow!”

  In the snap of a finger, a rush of giddy, schoolgirl elation replaced my crankiness. I crossed the rest of the room so fast that my legs pro
bably blurred. “Are those for me?”

  “Unless you know of some other woman named Chloe Nichols at this address.” Paige shoved the bouquet into my hands. I dipped my nose down, smelling the intoxicating fragrances, already forgetting every last worry that had kept me awake.

  “Oh, wow,” I repeated. “These are gorgeous.” And they were. White daisies, purple lilacs, some plum-colored bloom I didn’t recognize and sunny yellow daffodils. Ben. They had to be from him. Who else?

  On the other side of the counter, I shifted items on the shelf that lined the wall, freeing a spot for the large green glass vase. Carefully I set the flowers down, and then stepped back and stared at them.

  “There’s a card,” Paige prodded. “Don’t you want to know who they’re from?”

  “I know who,” I said, my eyes still on the flowers. “Aren’t they beautiful? And so romantic!”

  “I think you should read the card, Chloe,” Paige pressed. “If you don’t, I’m going to.”

  “Of course I’m going to read it!” I slid the florist’s white envelope out of the plastic holder. Pulling the flap free, I carefully pried the card out, shivers of anticipation rolling over my skin.

  Aw…a splash of red and pink hearts covered the front. I teased the card open with my thumb, but read the printed words slowly, wanting to savor the moment.

  Chloe, I can’t get you out of my mind.

  Maybe I was wrong and you are my dream girl?

  I’m willing to find out.

  I did a happy little strut, my eyes still on the message. Ben wanted to move forward in a relationship. With me. After just one date! Somehow, something had shifted inside him, leading him toward me—toward the future we were going to have. Hardly able to contain my excitement, I reread the card, this time noticing the last line.

  “ ‘Love, Kyle,’ ” I whispered.

  I brushed my finger over the writing, trying to ignore the stabbing sensation in my chest, hoping that somehow I’d read wrong. Of course, I hadn’t. Why oh why couldn’t Ben have sent this? These were the words I wanted him to say, not Kyle. My grip tightened on the card, and that annoying little voice inside my head piped up, reminding me that not that long ago, I had wanted this—and so much more—from Kyle.

  “Geez, I’m a bitch,” I said. “A fickle bitch at that.”

  A burst of laugher erupted from Paige. “What are you talking about? You can be a little bitchy sometimes, but can’t we all? It’s like a woman’s prerogative,” she teased. “You just received beautiful flowers from a very good-looking man! Aren’t you all melty inside?”

  “I’m serious, Paige! Look at this.” I held the card out so she could read the message herself. “I broke up with him on Saturday. Sunday, I spent the day with another man. I thought—hoped—the flowers were from him.” I sighed. “I really want them to be from B—”

  Paige grabbed my wrist and shook her head wildly back and forth. With her other, she held a finger over her lips.

  My assumption, based on her odd body language, was that a customer lurked in the recesses of the store and that I should keep my voice down. Nodding, I lowered my tone. “It’s just that I proposed to Kyle, ended the engagement, fell for someone else…and now Kyle’s sending me flowers. He has never given me flowers! So why now…when it’s—?”

  In an abrupt movement, Paige angled herself over the counter and slapped her hand over my mouth. It kinda stung. “Be quiet,” she whispered. I tried to talk, tried to ask what the hell she was doing, but she pushed her hand tighter. “Seriously, Chloe. Shut. Up.”

  I’m not normally so dense. I swear. I blame my lack of understanding on the craziness my life had become. Even so, I finally began putting two and two together, but before I reached four, Kyle stepped out from behind one of the counters in the middle of the shop.

  Paige shook her head again and dropped her hand. “He wanted to surprise you,” she said in a soft tone. “I didn’t know…” She took one last look at me, and then moved toward the back of the store. “I’ll…uh…find something to do so you two can talk.”

  Unfortunately, my foot was now wedged firmly in my mouth, leaving me utterly speechless. Not to mention embarrassed and ashamed. I gripped the counter, my gaze on Kyle, who’d yet to speak. He stared right back, in shock and sadness and confusion.

  Feeling like a heel and willing to bet the word itself was stamped on my forehead, I mumbled, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were here. You didn’t need to hear…”

  “Hey, no big deal.” His was an easy, nonchalant tone. As if he couldn’t care less. “I took a shot and it backfired. Not your problem.”

  I closed my eyes for a millisecond and inhaled. “It is my problem, because I care about you. That hasn’t changed.” And yes, I could still see myself with him. Even knowing it—we—were wrong. “I’m sorry you heard my disappointment. You don’t deserve that. The flowers are beautiful and I appreciate them so much.”

  “Stop, Chloe. This was my call. I should’ve known better than to hang around.” He shrugged, again playing it cool and carefree. I wasn’t fooled, though. The Kyle I knew, the one I’d dated for these last many months, had never, not once, attempted to romance me. This action alone spoke volumes.

  “Listen. Let’s go grab a cup of coffee and talk. Maybe find a way to resolve whatever you’re feeling…what I’m feeling…so we can find our way to friendship. How does that sound?” I put the offer out, hoping he’d agree. Wanting to do something to settle the weirdness between us. “What do you say?”

  Pulling his sunglasses out of his shirt pocket, he slipped them on, hiding his eyes. And therefore, his emotions. “I should go. Sorry for interrupting your day.”

  “Please don’t leave! Not yet. If we could just talk, I’m sure—”

  “Talk about what, Chloe? I put myself out on a limb. I wanted to show you that I’m serious.” He shoved his hands into his pants pockets, the movement quick and jittery. Covered eyes or not, I’d have sworn he was glaring at me. Who could blame him? “I thought showing you that might make a difference. It’s cool, though.”

  My throat tightened, so I swallowed. “I know you don’t believe me right now, but our being together is a mistake. This is better for both of us. I swear. You’ll see that, eventually.” Or at least I hoped he would.

  He came forward in five large steps, stopping abruptly in front of the counter. He tilted his sunglasses up with his knuckles, his amber eyes transfixing me. “This is better for you. Not me. Got it? Don’t confuse the two.” His voice wasn’t so much angry as annoyed.

  “I don’t understand. This isn’t like you,” I murmured, confused.

  Letting go of the sunglasses he said, “Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think.”

  Well, gee. That was kind of apparent. “I understand what you’re going through. I felt this way before. You know that.”

  He chuckled without humor. “No, Chloe. You do not understand. For some reason, I can’t give you up. It’s like I have no choice but to try to win you back. Can you explain that? Do you understand that? Because I sure as hell don’t.”

  My mouth opened and then closed. Oh, dear God. I understood. Completely. It was the magic cake coming back to bite me in the ass. Just as Elizabeth predicted. It had to be that. What else? “Um…no. I don’t know what that means,” I lied. Something, it seemed, I’d been doing a lot of lately.

  “That’s what I thought.” He twisted around and strode toward the exit. Right before pushing open the door, he paused but didn’t turn his head. “I don’t get what’s going on, but don’t call yourself a bitch. You’ve always been good to me. Better than I probably deserved. I’m…sorry it’s taken me so long to recognize that.”

  He left before I could reply. I nearly ran after him, but was quite sure that he’d agree I was a bitch if he knew I’d bespelled him with a magical cake. As it was, I needed to find a way to fix this. Like yesterday. Because somehow I didn’t think his sudden fervor to make our relationship work was goi
ng to go away on its own.

  Chapter Ten

  “Are you and Kyle really through?” Paige asked minutes after his abrupt departure. Idly she picked up one of the spritzer bottles from the counter display and sort of juggled it from one hand to the other. “What happened? And who’s the new guy?”

  “Yes, we’re really through. As to what happened…well, that’s a long story.” I shrugged. “Easier to say that we’re not right for each other.”

  “It’s better to decide that now. Besides, if some other guy has already changed your feelings for Kyle, then he can do better than you.” If she hadn’t said the words gently, without even a hint of censure, I might have gotten upset.

  “I know.” Having that knowledge didn’t mean jack when someone I cared about was going through pain caused by me, by magic. “Anyway, I’m going to get back to work. Finish the…oh, hell, whatever I was doing when you called me.”

  “You didn’t answer my other question.” She replaced the bottle. “Who’s the new guy?”

  “Oh!” My tension eased slightly. “His name is Ben Malone. I took one look at him and felt as if my life had been jumpstarted. And now…well, there’s no going back.”

  “I get that. I totally do. It’s a defining moment, an instant where you know that your life will never be the same. Even if things don’t work out—”

  “Exactly. But things with Ben are going to work out.” I pushed the statement out with total confidence, needing to hear myself say the words, even if the situation was more along the lines of blind hope.

  “Cool. I’m happy for you.” She busied herself with putting new stock out. “Remember, I leave even earlier today than normal. For that class project I told you about.”

  “Yep. Got it.”

  Retreating to my office, I laid my head down on my desk. How in the hell was I going to get out of this mess with Kyle? Magic was supposed to make life simpler, not more convoluted. “Fuck,” I whispered. Maybe Elizabeth would have some ideas on how to fix things. And if not her, then Alice or Verda. Thank God they had more experience with magical mishaps than I did. If I was really lucky, they might even have some advice on what was going on with Ben. What to do, how to make him love me, stuff like that.


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