Book Read Free


Page 22

by Phil Armstrong

  “That would be great, I’d really like to talk with you about Anwar and get to know you a little better. You must be an extraordinary woman for Anwar to give you the reins of his business,” said Sakura brightening up her expression.

  “Sure, and I’d like you to tell me why you chose the name Kaigara, it’s an unusual name,” prompted Beth.

  “Shall we say 7.00pm in the lobby bar?” asked Sakura.

  “Sounds good, I’m staying at the InterContinental on Front Street.”

  “I know it, see you at 7.00pm. I look forward to our chat.”

  Beth shook her hand firmly. Sakura did not let go and twisted her hand to expose Beth’s wrist. The sly fox tattoo was in plain view and Sakura smiled a genuine smile before releasing Beth’s hand. Beth left the reception area and walked out into the hallway. She noticed the difference between the thick carpet and the hard marble under her feet. She pressed the elevator button and waited for the elevator to arrive. Beth entered the empty elevator and rode to the ground floor. Glancing at her watch it was 12.05pm. Beth felt good about her meeting with Kaigara; she felt she held her own.

  “Not bad for a scrappy lass from Yorkshire,” she thought.

  She felt even better about the interaction that she had with Sakura. It was a gorgeous day and the lunchtime crowd flooded out from every skyscraper. Beth headed south on Bay Street exploring, she wanted to see the lake. She walked through a noisy traffic tunnel and across a couple of intersections before she reached Queens Quay. This was the entertainment district on the shoreline of Lake Ontario. Beth could see a beautiful building with an inviting entrance. Inside were stores of all varieties selling, food, clocks, puppets, souvenirs, clothes, jewelry, watches and coffee. Beth browsed the stores of the old terminal building and exited from the back near the water. A wide promenade was bustling with people talking, whizzing by on rollerblades, walking the dog and showing off there taught bodies. The lake was calm and a green blue color. The sun was relentless and uniformed people were shouting in excited voices as they tried to sell harbor cruises. A tall ship was moored at the dock.

  It was not the Swan of the Pacific but the blue hull and three large masts belonged to the schooner “Kajama.” A sign said it was launched in Spain 1930. Beth was enjoying the day and the light cool breeze blowing in from the lake. She continued along the boardwalk until she came across a crowd of people. On a cement floor clearing she saw about 20 people dressed in the same green colored tee shirts. At the front she recognized the distinct accent of an Irishman organizing the group, his grey hair blowing in the wind. Lines formed quickly and Beth perched on a low wall to watch. An announcer was piped in over the loudspeaker system.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls we have a special treat today. We are honored to welcome the Burlington, Ontario, chapter of the Taoist Tai Chi Society.”

  His voice made way for gentle oriental music and the group moved in harmony transitioning gracefully through the Tai Chi moves. Beth noticed a small-framed woman on the end of a row. She was a little over five feet tall with shoulder length blonde hair. She emitted tremendous positive energy. She was a beautiful graceful woman as she moved in time with the music and smiled to the crowd. Beth was attracted to the strong aura surrounding her; she stood out from the rest. Her energy was different from the group with strong spokes of Gold and Blue. Her inner strength and beauty shone through her vibrant aura. Beth felt a connection and caught her gaze as she smiled enthusiastically. Her green eyes flashed at Beth as she gracefully pushed an imaginary force away from her. The group moved and swayed to the music, it was calming and beautiful. Beth felt strong. The demonstration was over too soon. The crowd applauded before surrounding the performers. Beth hopped off the wall and headed back to the hotel. She saw a store that sold spirits and wine. She knew she could not drink but she felt compelled to go in and look around. The store had products from all over the world. Inside it was spacious and painted in a calming hunter green. A small label caught Beth’s eye. She stooped to read it more closely, “Ice Wine.” Beth recalled seeing this in the promotional film she watched on the plane. It showed people picking the grapes in the cold of winter. Leaving the grapes to be harvested in winter meant they would contain more natural sugar and would be sweeter. The result was the world’s best dessert wine. In front of her was a row of miniature-sized bottles with enough for a single glass.

  “Perfect,” thought Beth. “I’m going to buy this, it’s a good size for packing and when I find the portal I’ll celebrate with some Ontario Ice Wine.”

  After buying the wine it was not long before the doorman was welcoming her back to the hotel. Beth paused at the gift shop and bought a small teddy bear dressed in a Mounties uniform. She moved towards the elevators noticing the lobby bar Azure on her left. It was about half full as the lunchtime crowd drifted back to work. Beth entered the hallway from the elevator on the 7th floor and headed for her room. Her mind wandered to the woman in the Tai Chi demonstration and how happy and energetic she looked with Gold spikes in her aura. She entered her room. The hotel cleaning staff had been, it was neat and smelt fresh. Beth reached into her backpack, moved the newly acquired items to one side and found Lord Ganesha. She placed him on the desk.

  “I need you to make this conversation with Sakura go well my friend,” said Beth looking at his elephant trunk. “I need you to help me find a clue that’ll help me locate the portal. Not just for me but for Subra,” she said placing her faith in the little wooden figure.

  Beth was not tired perhaps it was the lake air, the strong sunlight or the determination she felt in finding the portal. She was ready to have her meeting with Sakura now. The afternoon was spent drawing a bath and soaking in her body shop Coconut Foaming Bath. She relaxed and concentrated on her breathing to calm her mind and reenergize. She replayed conversations with Sanjeev, Anwar, Amba, Mituraj, Rose and Kaigara over in her mind analyzing where she felt she could have done better.

  She recalled the sights she had witnessed over the last few days. She remembered Anwar telling her that she would grow from this experience. She still felt dirty after the long flight from India the bath rejuvenated her. She was pleased that she found the time to buy the Foaming Bath product at Heathrow. Beth felt cleaner outside and more energized inside having spent some time reflecting. She watched some local television, the news and a couple of sitcoms. It was getting darker outside. The clouds had moved in and the city lights seemed brighter. A local news anchor informed Beth that the time was 6.45pm. Beth removed her robe and headed for the bathroom. She combed her hair and left it loose. She looked into the mirror at her face; she had changed. She knew she was wiser but all she could see visibly was a darker tan.

  A month ago she would not have been able to hold her own with Kaigara. Having Subra as a safety net made her feel confident. She was going to miss him. Beth dressed in the usual fair runners, jeans and a white tee shirt. She stuffed her old tee shirts into a laundry bag in her room and marked the instruction form appropriately. She included some socks and underwear. She hung the laundry bag on the back of the door as instructed by the form. Beth had one foot out of the door when she purposefully turned and marched towards the desk.

  “You’re coming with me mister,” she said softly. She took the little wooden Lord Ganesha figure and pushed him into her front right jeans pocket. “For luck” she said as he disappeared into the denim.

  Beth locked her door, slipped the plastic key into her back pocket and located the elevators. She was alone and pressed the ground floor. Looking at herself in the mirror she was surprised. She looked good, almost sexy. Her long flowing hair reflected the light from above her head. Her face was tanned and highlighted her eyes, clear white with emerald green centers. The white tee shirt made her tanned arms look darker.

  “I could quite easily attract a man looking like this,” she thought.

  Her self appreciation was interrupted by the elevator stopping and the doors opening to reveal a couple in their
sixties waiting patiently to get into the elevator. Beth exited in a hurry with a tinge of embarrassment. She walked the thin strip of Oriental rug and then onto the harsh polished marble floor.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 12: Sakura’s Family Secret

  Beth confidently approached the desk at the entrance to the Azure lounge. “Good evening, do you have reservations?” inquired a well-dressed man.

  “No reservations, I’m meeting a friend for drinks,” said Beth without thinking.

  “Are you a guest of the Hotel Miss?” inquired the man.

  “Yes,” answered Beth flirting with her eyes.

  “Certainly, please follow me I think I have a wonderful window table,” said the man smiling at Beth.

  Her thoughts went back to the last time she tried to use her sexuality and flirt a little. That wiped the smile off her face for a few seconds. Before she had realized she was standing next to their table at the back of the restaurant. The window table offered a great view of the busy street outside. The backdrop was the city with its lights and buildings. Beth sat and thanked the man with a polite nod of the head.

  “I’ll let your server know that you’re here for drinks and if I can have your name I’ll use it to direct your guest to this table,” said the man waiting.

  It took a while for his message to register and Beth responded, “Martindale, Beth Martindale.” The man nodded his head and retreated.

  “Bond, James Bond,” thought Beth trying to recall ever using that format to address herself. She laughed inwardly as a young lady working the tables approached her.

  “Good evening, would you like a drink now or perhaps wait for your guest?” she inquired.

  “I’ll wait, thank you,” responded Beth with an earnest smile.

  The smile was returned and the young lady moved on to wait another table. Beth glanced at her watch, 6.58pm. Sakura was not late yet. She felt a little nervous she knew she had one chance to make this conversation a positive one for Subra. She had recognized the desperation in Sakura’s expression and the need for a private conversation; this intrigued her. Beth glanced forwards to a table in front of hers. Two men in their early thirties were talking in low voices. Both wore classy suits, crisp shirts and brightly colored ties.

  “The business crowd,” thought Beth.

  The man facing her caught her gaze and smiled. He had a clean-shaven face, warm inviting smile and seemed interested. Beth immediately looked down at her place setting. Her peripheral vision saw the man with his back to Beth turn and glance at her over his shoulder.

  “Why does this always happen to me when I don’t want it?” thought Beth smiling to herself.

  She flicked her hair back over her shoulders and immediately recognized that she was flirting with the men. Another man approached her table pointing to the empty. Sakura followed the man to the table. She had changed her clothes; she looked more casual yet still refined and elegant. Beth admired that. Sakura wore a sleek fitting black sweater, matching black trousers, small black purse and black heels with a hint of silver. She wore silver earrings and a silver necklace with black pearls forming a wispy design.

  Sakura smiled and outstretched a hand, “Beth, so kind of you to see me, I know you must be tired.”

  Beth rose to shake Sakura’s strong hand. “My pleasure,” was the response reminding her of Sanjeev.

  Sakura sat and looked at a young woman whom appeared out of nowhere. “Have you ordered Beth?” inquired Sakura.

  “No, I’d like a Perrier,” said Beth sheepishly. The young woman scribbled into her note pad and looked at Sakura.

  “Gin and Tonic, Bombay Sapphire with ice please,” said Sakura assuredly. “So, we are here and have a chance to chat, that’s good.”

  Beth thought Sakura looked a little nervous perhaps uneasy. She felt her best course of action was to be open and blunt. “You really wanted to talk with me, what was so important?” asked Beth.

  “Straight to the point I like that. I don’t know where to start really but I did need to talk with you about a few things. I just hope you don’t think I’m crazy,” said Sakura with an apologetic tone.

  “I’m sure I won’t but you’ve intrigued me,” responded Beth leaning in. She could see the man in front of her smiling and thought, “Pay no attention.”

  Sakura leaned back and waited. She could see the young woman approaching with the drinks. She raised her finger to Beth as if to indicate she needed a moment. The drinks arrived and Sakura reached for her Gin and Tonic. She positioned the lime wedge into her drink, stirred it and took a long drink through a straw as if to gain some courage. “I have a tale to tell you that’s incredible. I wouldn’t blame you if you just dismissed it as the ramblings of an old woman. When you listen I hope it resonates with you. I just wanted to give you the information. I felt compelled to, but I don’t know what you’ll do with it?” was Sakura’s opening line.

  “Go on,” said Beth curious.

  “First let me start with Anwar. I loved him as a friend and was shocked to hear of his untimely death. He was a great man. I don’t know if you realize just how generous he was?” said Sakura with a tear in her eye.

  “I’m just starting to find out.”

  “I first met Anwar in London. He didn’t live in London but he was visiting and doing some business in the city. We met at a lecture and went for coffee and talked for hours. We had a lot in common but we were not attracted to each other sexually, just really good friends. I lent him some money once when his bakery business nearly went under. He repaid me by lending me a vast amount of money when I needed to setup the Reika Foundation. Nobody knows that. He also smoothed the path for my Foundation’s registration through the intricacies of Indian politics. He was well connected.” Sakura flattened out a wrinkle in the white linen tablecloth. She continued, “Anwar was in London one night when I came into our local watering hole with a friend I met at the university; Amba Chawla.

  “Amba Chawla the lady I met at the orphanage,” thought Beth.

  “Amba was younger than I and was struggling to complete her studies. She was drop dead gorgeous and every man in the pub was staring at her. She was so bright, sorry I mean intelligent. She was on the brink of packing it in and I was trying to reassure her. I couldn’t help her financially; I was just making ends meet myself. Anwar took one look at Amba and it sent him crazy,” she said staring out onto the street.

  “What happened?” asked Beth kicking herself for interrupting.

  “We talked as a group of friends do and Amba talked of her frustration of not realizing her dreams of helping orphans. London was so expensive. Anwar sat and listened with the rest of the group. Much later he told me one night that he’d fallen in love with a girl in India and that she’d been his soul mate. He’d lost her and didn’t know where she was. Amba looked strikingly similar to his girl and she reminded him of her so much,” said Sakura staring at Beth and taking a sip of her drink.

  Beth recalled how much Amba looked like Rose; she could see the resemblance a generation apart.

  Sakura continued, “What I didn’t know until much later was that Anwar contacted Amba a couple of times and helped her with her studies. Amba felt she needed to repay this act of kindness by fulfilling her promise to help teach orphans. That’s what she’s still doing today. Last I heard she was at the Calcutta Muslim Orphanage. It’s a labor of love. I think Amba tried to start a relationship with Anwar but he kept his distance knowing that her looks weakened his promise to stay true to his one true love. I can’t remember her name,” said Sakura.

  “Aklina Akhter,” thought Beth.

  “The Generosity Account made Anwar a fabulously wealthy man. He went out of his way to help Amba before he was rich. He gave me a lift when I needed it. He stimulated the funding and helped revive the work that the Calcutta Muslim Orphanage was doing. Let’s not forget the help he brought to the Reika Foundation. I named it the Reika Foundation after Anwar. He always had a thing about roses, I ne
ver knew why? Reika is Japanese for “lovely flower,” Anwar was my lovely flower,” said Sakura tearing up again. She composed herself and continued, “Over the years we’ve remained close and Kaigara through Swan manage most of his investments. My husband and Anwar grew very close. Kaigara knows that Anwar is a special client; he is afforded the best choices and is given preferential treatment. I know this irks Kaigara but she wouldn’t be as comfy today if it wasn’t for the steady hand of Anwar.” Sakura gazed out of the window again. Sakura spoke as if a thought pushed its way forward, “Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.”


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