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The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc)

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by Cilla Lee


  The Devils Fighter

  Cilla Lee

  Copyright 2018 Cilla Lee

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locals is entirely coincidental and are the product of the authors imagination. All rights reserved except for use in a review, the reproduction or use of this work in any part is forbidden with the express written permission of the author.

  Due to the explicit language, acts of violence and sexual content, this book should not be purchased by readers under the age of 18.

  This book is not a stand-alone but the Fifth book in The Devils Soldiers mc Series

  The Devils Fighter © 2018 by Cilla Lee

  Cover design by Les Solet

  The Devils Soldiers mc Series

  The Devils Daughter

  The Devils Baby

  The Devils Stripper

  The Devils Apprentice

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five





  As I watch all the guys pull into the compound my heart races, the vibrations and the roar of the engine making me smile. I watch as all the guys smile and the women run to their men embracing them as the guys give each other back slaps, the Brotherhood the camaraderie all of it makes me envious. My whole life I’ve watched this, and every year I’ve yearned for it myself. Every year I watch as the guys roll into the compound, and I love it, I want it, and nothing is going to stop me from getting it no matter what I have to do. I Ava Lancaster, will be the first women Devils Soldier come hell or high water…


  Chapter One


  The roar of the crowd has my body on pins and needles, blood coursing through my veins. The atmosphere is electric; you can feel the raw power the ring holds and how it brings out the animal in us all. I’m waiting for my bout when I'm hit in the head, and I look up “You fuckin’ listenin’ to me!” my dad says, and I nod yes. I fucking heard him; it's the same damn thing he says every time I step into the ring “Keep your eyes up, arms in and fuckin’ win!” I roll my eyes at him and look out into the crowd. I've been training for this fight for the past two weeks, up at the crack of dawn, ten-mile run and then into the gym for the rest of the day. Then into the pool for one hundred laps, my intact of calories alone could feed a small country. I've worked hard for this, I'm undefeated, dad even talking about maybe going pro but that's not what I want. I've got a plan for my life, and it doesn't include fighting in a ring, I'm smacked again, and I ball my fists up, and dad notices smiling “Keep that shit for the mat” he smiles walking toward the door of the ring with me. I jump up and down warming up cracking my neck and loosening my arms and legs. The door opens again and in walks my opponent Zelda Remeriaz, I've watched a couple of her fights, she’s new to MMA. Something I've been training for my whole life as well as wrestling, Muay Thai, Jujitsu, Taekwondo and any other form of defense, I've also had a gun in my hand just as much, my dad making sure I would be able to look after myself. But really, I’ve done all of those things so I can prove myself to the club, show them that I may be a woman, but I’m an asset just like the guys are.

  The bell rings, and we walk around each other waiting for the right moment, I'm solidly built but in a feminine way. I work hard to maintain a good physique, but with a scarier edge with my tattoo's and piercings. They've always been a way to express who I am as a person. My full sleeve tattoo on my right arm with waves cherry blossoms and stars are more feminine compared to the avenging angel tattoo on my back. I also have a beautiful Buddha head on my right thigh, and the whole left side of my body is a tattoo of a tiger walking towards a pond with a Koi fish within the water. Two lace bows just on my thighs under my ass cheeks, and a saying on my ribs. When I'm not in the ring I have piercings in my cheeks, tits, belly button and pussy the typical Goth look but I fucking love it, it's me, and every piercing and tattoo has been chosen to represent me as a person. I watch Rameriaz move and notice a little limp on her left leg; I know that in her last fight she got kicked hard just above the knee. She also turns her leg just before she swings a punch. The first round goes fast, and she gets a good punch to my ribs, I know I'm gonna feel it tomorrow, the bell rings, and we head to our sides dad wiping my face.

  “Stop fuckin’ around Widow AND TAKE HER DOWN!” he yells at me; the fights are three rounds of five minutes each. I look up at him as he squirts water into my mouth.

  “Can you not see me fighting” I yell back at him pissing me off

  “No! I can see you dickin’ around now fuckin’ get this shit done, YOU FUCKIN’ HEAR ME!” he yells, and I nod. “Good, watch her left leg she's limpin’, so she's hurtin’” I nod again, as the fights gone on she's limped more. “Kick in the leg and take her out” I nod as he squirts more water.

  The bell rings, and I'm up, I kick out fast and hit her right where I knew it would hurt and she goes down to the mat. I act fast and get her into a sleeper hold; the crowd roars louder when I feel her tap my arm. I push her away as dad comes into the cage, picking me up “You did it darlin’” he says smiling.


  As we pull up to the clubhouse after my fight, mom is waiting at the door. The usual worried look on her face, she runs straight to me hugging me tight “Oh god why do you do this?” she asks, holding my face in her hands, and I wince at the bruise on my cheek.

  “Because I like it, mom, stop hovering” I try to push her off, but she’s like a leach holding me tight.

  “Ava,” she says worried, and I look at her as dad comes up.

  “Leave her baby she’s fine,” dad tells her pulling her to him.

  “But…” she says, letting me go.

  “She’s fine,” he says again, and mom looks at me, and I smile at her.

  “I’m fine, Mom, but I could use a drink” dad laughs, but mom just scowls at me, you’d think I was sixteen not twenty-three for Christ sakes at the way she still treats me.

  “Go on Ava; we’ll be in in a minute,” dad tells me, and I leave the both of them making my way into the clubhouse.

  “You did good Widow, made me a packet darlin’,” Magic says as he rubs my head and I push him away, the guys always treating me like a little kid as I give him the finger making him laugh.


  Walking into the kitchen the next morning mom’s sitting at the table reading the paper, she's a beautiful woman. Her African American heritage, making her look exotic; she’s slim with amazing curves. Where my dad is a proud American Irish man, six-foot-two with a Viking look to him blonde hair, green blue-eyes with the typical biker beard tattoos and leather. My brother Justin looks like him a lot, where I have more of my mom’s features just not the same coloring. When you look at the two of them being completely opposite ranges of the spectrum, they look odd, but if you watch them, you can see the love they both have for one another and woo and behold anyone who disrespects my mother, me or Justin. “Morning honey, how’d you sleep,” mom asks me as I sit wincing in pain

  “Good thanks, mom, where’s dad?”

  “Club meeting honey are you ok do you want something to eat” just then my stomach growls making mom smiles “I take that as a yes” I smile nodding.

  “What club meeting?” I ask her

  “Oh, honey, you know your dad never talks to me about those things.”

  “Doesn’t that piss you off never knowing” she turns to look at me frowning.

  “No! Why would it?”

  “Because we're always in the dark and never know what’s happening.”

  “Baby if your dad thought we were in danger he'd let us know and if something did happen your dad and the boys would sort it out” I roll my eyes at her (clueless)

  “It's about pussy,” my brother says as he comes in and mom throws a dishtowel at him (she hates it when we talk like the guys), but I just look at him.

  “How do you know?” it fucks me off that my seventeen-year-old brother knows this shit and me being a lowly woman aren’t privy to that information.

  “Heard Boogie and Magic talkin’ about it yesterday when I was in the clubhouse” I look at him.

  “You just overheard two members talking club business,” he nods.

  “What? You know I start my Prospecting soon, so they were telling me about it.”

  “I can't fucking believe this shit!” I slam my hands on the table, and they both look at me

  “What?” Justin says, looking at me. The shit I've done for the club, and I’m still kept in the dark until they need me, but my stupid dumbass of a brother gets to know shit just because he’s a man. I’m so fucking pissed off if only my mom new the things that I’ve done for the club.

  Ok, the first incident was by accident when dad Justin a couple of the guys and I were hunting when another club the Dragon Kings ambushed us up at our cabin and dad throwing my brother and I a gun each and yelling at us “Shoot to kill.” I was only twenty, and Justin fourteen, but I still remember the wood splintering through the logs in the cabin. My heart was pumping so fast through my system. Justin had a freaked out look on his face, but held his own, as I looked out the window I'd seen a guy aim where Radar the clubs’ VP was crouched down; I push him out of the way just as the wall splintered standing up and firing. I fired two rounds out the window and watched like it was in slow motion both bodies fall to the ground with a thud. Bullets flew through the cabin, and I stood up again firing three more times missing two but hitting one more. Shots rang out over and over until there was silence my ears ringing, six dead Dragon Kings lay on the ground and Bear was shot in the leg. Radar calling Doc to come to the cabin and patch him up and for the others to come up and dispose of the bodies.

  “Fuck darlin’ good shootin’” Radar said, patting me on the back, I was still in shock, but the adrenaline was coursing through me so fast.

  “You two, ok?” dad asked checking both Justin and I

  “We're good?” I told him as I stood in front of the men I had just killed, Radar comes up next to me, placing his arm around my shoulders. “Thanks for the shove darlin’ I owe you one” I look up at him, then back down at the two dead men “Look at you ya little Widow Maker,” he said and from then on all the guys called me Widow Maker. That was my first real taste of what being in the club was really about, and I loved it.

  Chapter Two


  The clattering of large doors always puts me on high alert; this place could strip away your soul, you no longer belong to you. The white walls so stale, the beds that are built into the wall and the small stainless-steel toilet and wash basin with a few shelves have been my home for the past four years. Everything in here is so regimented, you're told when to sleep, when to wake up, when to eat, and I've been in here for four-fuckin' years. Four years of my life’s gone by for the club, am I pissed, fuck yes. Do I regret it, not for a fuckin’ minute, I'd die for my club my Brothers and the colors I wear on my skin and leathers? They were my saving grace as a kid, and no one can tell me that living a life I do is wrong.

  I step through the gates and take a deep breath, smiling, freedom, no motherfuckers’ tellin’ me what to do “Yo motherfucker you just gonna stand there” I smile I'd know that voice anywhere.

  “Yeah, I am fucker just gimme a minute,” he laughs as I hear his boots walk across the asphalt and I look at him, he drags me in for a hug slappin’ my back hard (fucker)

  “Fuck man, you takin' steroids in there or what? Your fuckin’ huge!” I smile liftin’ my arm

  “Nothin’ else to do other than jack off or work out man” we both laugh as he pulls me in for another hug “Alright, let me fuckin’ go, people are gonna think were fuckin’ gay.”

  “Come on, I know you got some in there, some little bitch suckin’ ya dick.”

  “Fuck off, the only action my dick got was from my own hand, and before you ask, no I wasn’t bent over and fucked in the ass,” I tell him, and he laughs.

  “Sure, sure” I swing at him but he ducks punchin' me in the stomach, and I double over grabbin’ my stomach.

  “Still punch like a woman I see,” I tell him and he laughs givin’ me the finger headin' towards his bike. When I see my baby sittin’ there I smile, fuck I've missed her so much. I walk towards her rubbin' my hand over the tank doing a three-sixty around her, her chrome shinnin’ in the sunshine.

  “Kept her tuned up for ya Brother,” he tells me, and I smile lookin’ at him.

  “Thanks, man she looks good” I sit on the leather seat, smilin' (fuck I've missed ridin’) the feel of the leather seat feels like home.

  “You gonna pull out ya dick and rub it all over her or are ya gonna start her up so we can get the fuck out of here,” he says, and I laugh startin' her up, the rumble between my legs gettin' me hard instantly (fuck I've missed this)


  Pullin up to the clubhouse my heart was racin’, the first time I came here flashes through my mind. Even though I was shittin’ my pants at the time, I knew I fuckin’ wanted it. The gates, slide open, and I ride in backin' my bike in next to Cookie. “Fuck that was a long ride, I need a fuckin’ drink,” he says, as I look around takin’ it all in. The bikes, trucks, the clubhouse; everything as it was “You comin’ or not fuckhead” Cookie says, as I get off my bike and he pulls me in for another hug

  “Dude, are you into guys now or what?” I ask him, and he laughs, shakin’ his head lookin’ at me

  “Fuck off! Just missed ya that's all” I raise my eyebrow at him.

  “You sure” I look him up and down, his clean-shaven polished nails, clean clothes the all-American boy hair cut very metrosexual.

  “Fuck off, I just like to look good,” he says, and I smile tryin’ to bite my tongue.

  “If you say so.”

  “Fuck off, women love it” I laugh so hard, and he just stands their arms across his chest, feet apart “Fuck you, asshole, you wish I were gay,” he says smilin’ at me.

  “Yeah you look good,” I tell him.

  “Come on, four years in jail and the first thing you see is me, who wouldn't want this” I
laugh harder (fuck it's so good to be back)

  “Fuck off; I'd rather fuck my bike than you,” I tell him.

  “The way you were lookin’ at her, I thought you were gonna whip ya dick out and fuck her tailpipe” I give him the finger smilin' as we walk into the clubhouse

  “Fuck it's good to be home,” I tell him and Cookie smiles.

  “Brother it's fuckin’ good to have you home” we walk towards the bar, and a drink is placed in front of me.

  “Drink up Brother plenty more of that to come,” Cookie says smilin'.


  As night came all the Brothers showed up and the night turned into a fuckin’ hell of a welcome home party, drinks pussy more drinks and a lot more fuckin’ pussy. I had four years of fuckin’ to make up for, and I was plannin’ on using every minute with a drink in my hand and a woman on my dick.


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