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The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc)

Page 6

by Cilla Lee


  I wake the next morning and stretch, Hawk lying next to me. I didn't get to bed until late last night playing pool with a few of the guys and just shooting the shit, the second my head hit the pillow though I was out. Preacher had made sure that his fighters got a bed instead of finding a place to squat, I shared a room with Hawk, and the others shared their rooms. With so many people here, we had to double up.

  I stand up and head to the bathroom, where I have a quick shower grabbing my sweats. As I come out, I notice Hawk had turned to his back, his dick laying in between his legs (motherfucker, I try to rain it in but fuck it). I pick up my boot throwing it at him, hitting him right in the junk, and he screams (he literately screams like a girl). The door is thrown open, and Magic is standing there in a pair of shorts “What the fuck?” he asks watching Hawk double over in pain grabbing his dick.

  “The fucker was naked in bed with me,” I tell him and Magic laughs.

  “What'd ya do to him” I walk over to where my boot landed, picking it up, Hawk still bent over in pain on the bed

  “YOU FUCKIN’ BITCH!” he yells at me through his teeth.

  “Yeah, well, next time where pants” I pick up my iPod.

  “You heading over to the gym,” Magic asks, and I nod.

  “Yeah man, you coming.”

  “Yeah, give me a second” I walk into the hallway and wait for Magic, he comes out with his bag, and we head downstairs.

  “Was that Hawk that screamed?” he asks, and I laugh.

  “Yeah, like a little bitch,” I tell him, and he laughs louder.

  “I thought it was you,” I look at him.

  “Have you ever heard me scream” I can see he's thinking about it

  “No, not once,” he says

  “That's cause I'm one tough motherfucker,” I say, and we both laugh as I flex my muscles.

  “Dumbass” Magic says, making me laugh again. Walking into the main room of the clubhouse there are people everywhere, tables have been set up so everyone can have some breakfast, I go to sit down when I notice Scythe sitting next to Viper, so I make my way over there.

  “Morning,” I say to Viper, and he smiles.

  “Mornin’ darlin’ sleep well,” he asks me.

  “Great,” I look at Scythe his eye's feel like they're looking into my soul and I calm my heart, so I look normal and not like some swooning idiot

  “Scythe,” he says, holding out his hand, but just as I'm about to grab it, I'm picked up and flung over a shoulder.

  “Ha-ha, got ya, bitch,” Hawk says, slapping me on the ass, people laugh and cheer, but I yell


  “No chance,” he marches me outside to the pool that was filled with ice last night and I know what he's about to do, I throw my iPod to Magic who's laughing his ass off next to Viper Crash dad and Scythe.

  “DON'T YOU DARE!!” I yell, but he hits me again this one has a bite to it “Hawk I'm warning you!”

  “Like you warned me this mornin’.”

  “You were naked in bed with me assho.......” is all I get out when I hit the water, I come up sputtering water “YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!” I yell at him he just laughs and walks into the clubhouse (fucking prick)

  “Here darlin’ let me help ya,” Viper says as I step out of the pools, soaking wet, Scythe’s eyes turn dark when he looks at me, his eyes travel downwards, and you can see my pierced nipples through my bra and white shirt.

  “Shit,” I say as they all laugh.

  “What'd ya do to piss him off.”

  “He fucking slept in the bed naked with me, so I threw my boot at his junk” Viper dad and Crash laugh, but Scythe just storms off into the clubhouse… ok then

  “Go get changed darlin’ I'll wait for ya,” Magic tells me.

  “Thanks, Magic I'll be a minute,” I run through the clubhouse seeing Hawk laughin’ with a couple of guys, as I walk past him I give him the finger and pray I get him tonight.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I noticed her the second she walked into the room; it was like my body came to life my dick getting hard. I watch out the corner of my eye, as she walks toward us “Morning,” she says to Viper, but the urge to grab her bend her over the table and fuck the ever-lovin' shit out of her has my head both of them screamin’ to do it, but I just sit there.

  “Mornin’ darlin’ sleep well,” Viper asks her and I feel an uncontrollable urge to punch the motherfucker in the mouth, in fact, I've never felt this volatile before in my life, pussy's always just been pussy.

  “Great,” she says, her voice makin’ my body hum.

  “Scythe,” I say holdin' out my hand, as she's about to take it, she’s picked up and flung over Hawk’s fuckin’ shoulder.

  “Ha-ha, got ya, bitch,” he says, and fuck my instincts to fuckin’ put a bullet in him has my hand itchin’ to reach for my gun.

  “PUT ME DOWN HAWK!!” she yells, and I follow them out the back.

  “No chance,” he tells her, they yell back and forth and then she's flyin’ through the air landin' in the water.

  “YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!” she yells as Hawk walks into the clubhouse laughin’’’ his ass off

  “Here darlin’ let me help ya,” Viper says, but when he grabs her hand, I feel that urge to kill again (fuck what the fuck is wrong with me) as she stands up my dick hardens more, my eyes travel down her body landin' on her tits. Fuck her nipples are hard with piercings in them, my dick strains in my jeans, I'm sure the zipper is imprinted on it.

  “Shit,” she says as she lookin' down.

  “What'd ya do to piss him off,” Sniper asks her, but all I can concentrate on, are her tits

  “He fucking slept in the bed naked, so I threw my boot at his junk” everyone laughs but me, I turn walkin' back into the clubhouse. If I don't get away from her, I'm gonna fuckin’ do somethin’ I'll regret. I sit my ass down next to Cookie Stryker and his women, Lilly, I watch as she comes back in walkin' past Hawk and givin' him the finger and I smile (women’s got spunk). I head over to the gym and get things set up; today is gonna have most of the Brothers in here trainin’. Today is the first day of fights; it's a four-day event. Each day people are eliminated either by knock out or tap out until two remain.


  I'd been trainin’ most of the mornin’ with everyone else, when I see her walk out of the ladies changin’ rooms dressed to workout (fuck) I had to go into the showers and rub one out but it still didn't help, her toned, tattooed fuckin’ gorgeous body called to me. I watched her run, lift weights, skip and just torture the fuck out of me the whole time, I deliberately walked past her twice just so she'd look at me. But she'd her earbuds in and just kept on with her workout not even lookin’ which pissed me off. Even later in the clubhouse when I'd seen her, she still didn't say anythin' to me. I watch every move she made and watched as she sat watchin' everything and everyone around her “Dude, you gonna go over there and say somethin’ to her or what?” Cookie asks me, and I turn and look at him

  “Fuck off!” I tell him makin' him laugh.


  By the time the fights were ready to start, I was pumped and ready. Everyone fit into the space we had for the fights, chairs were set up, but most people were standin’ taken bets. The names were up on the board, and the first ones up were Digger from Nevada vs. Magic from Oregon. The bell dings and people were yellin’ and screamin’, the atmosphere electric. Magic won in the first round; Digger tappin’ out.

  More fights more wins, and more losses, when the fourth fight was called my heart jumped into my throat. Widow Maker was up against Loki, they're both sort of the same build, but Loki was at least a foot taller than her. Loki swung hard and fast, but Widow was controlled, able to block punches. Her feet were planted evenly apart, where Loki was waistin’ energy by swingin’ wildly. Widow ducks gettin' Loki with an uppercut to his jaw and he flies back landed on the mat with a thud, the crowd goin' wild whistles boos and cheers ring
out. I watch her closely, she's not even out of breath or even worked a sweat up (umm maybe she's got a chance).

  When my fight comes up I smile, I've drawn Hawk I can't wait to fuckin’ annihilate his ass. I'm fuckin’ pissed he got to sleep in a bed with Widow, and I'm even more fuckin’ pissed he got to grab her ass this mornin’. My body was primed and ready to go, he was a big fucker. He stretches crackin’ his neck as the bell rings and we move together, his first punch misses, but the second connects with my ribs (fuck). I move back as he moves forward, we go blow for blow than the bell rings and we go to our corners. I see Widow off to the side her face expressionless (fuckin’ woman’s hard to read) Tiny comes in givin' me a drink.

  “What the fuck you doin’ man take the fucker out?” he says, and I nod.

  The bell rings again, and we walk around each other, he moves to the left, and I swing with my right hittin’ him on the left side of his jaw. He stumbles, and I grab his head liftin' my knee and pullin' his head down at the same time as my knee breakin' his nose. I feel it break, but I bring my fist up twice in quick succession nailin' him square in the face, and he stumbles back fallin' to the mat, and I go to jump on him but Shadow one of the Nomads pulls me off of him. Hawk is out, and my arm is lifted as the winner. Everyone cheers, but I watch Widow's face a look of concern on her face as she's watchin’ the boys help Hawk up, her eyes squarely on him and I'm fuckin’ pissed (why the fuck does she give a shit about the cocksucker). I step out of the cage watchin' as she follows Hawk and his boys (I wanna fuckin’ grab her, take her to my room and fuck the shit out of her). I'm slapped on the back and congratulated; the rest of the day goes by fast and with each fight more are eliminated. As I'm sittin’ in the main hall a small hand wraps around my arm and I look down at Bliss, she's been hangin’ off me like a fuckin’ leach lately.

  “Hey, you want some company?”

  “Maybe later,” she pouts her lips at me.

  “Not even a little taste,” she says like a little baby, I look over to where Widow is and see her sittin’ next to Hawk and Magic and there all laughin’ my dick fuckin' hard as fuck for her.

  “Fuck it come on.”



  I watch as he walks past me with the whore, but I don't look. Even though everything in my body is screaming at me to turn my head, I don't, I see the look on the bitch’s face, and I want to get up and put a fuckin’ bullet in her. After watching him fight today I had to have a very cold shower my body ached for him, I mean my pussy literally ached for him. I'd been wet from the moment I saw him; every fiber of my being was screaming at me to touch him feel him taste him.

  I've always been able to hide my emotions, my father always telling me that emotions make you weak and when people see your weakness they'll use it to take you down. I’ve had years of practice never letting anyone see that side of me; sometimes I drive out to the mountains sit in my car and just cry, scream and just let out all of my frustrations. It's a great form of therapy I recommend it to anyone, and right now all I wanted to do was go somewhere and scream.

  I sit back and just listen to the guys talk, I'm really not much of a talker. I just love sitting watching people; I find when you just sit and watch people you can find a lot out about them (observation is key). I watch as one of the club-whores comes over to our table and goes to sit on Magic's lap.

  “Fuck off!” I tell her and she frowns, looking at me than Magic, she goes to say something, but I repeat myself with a much harsher tone, and she walks off.

  “What the fuck?” Magic says, and all the guys look at me

  “You need to keep it in your pants; you wanna win tomorrow, don't ya,” they all look at me “what all fighters do it,” I tell them.

  “No, they fuckin’ don't,” Knuckle says annoyed.

  “Oh yeah!”

  “Fuck yeah, it can relax you and when you can relax you concentrate more your minds sharper” (fuck maybe he has a point I could use a good orgasm) I look at him and smile.

  “Maybe you’re not as dumb as you look,” I tell him and the others laugh. I look around the room to see who I can have a bit of fun with pissed that Scythes out the back fuckin’ the whore.

  “Don't even think about it” Magic whispers and I look at him.


  “You’re not fuckin’ any of the Brothers” I smile.

  “Who said I was looking at the Brothers,” he looks at me, then around the room, I've never been one to discriminate. I love women just not as much as men (so when you’re in a pinch). I see a little blonde standing next to one of the guys from Grand Junction and smile (bingo). “Well, gentlemen, I'm going to test the theory of releasing some pent-up energy.”

  “You go get 'em darlin’,” Boogie says as I walk across the room, and make my way into the conversation the Utah boys are having.

  “Bosse, good fight today,” I tell him, and he smiles.


  “Who is this?” I ask looking at the blonde rubbing my fingers up her arm

  “Summer,” she says, smiling.

  “You want some company Summer,” I ask her as all the guys turn their heads to look at me, but I only look at Summer, she smiles nodding. “Gentlemen,” I say taking Summer’s hand and leading her upstairs to the room I'm sharing with Hawk, when we get into the room Summer turns to me.

  “I haven't been with a lot of women before,” she says a little nervous.

  “Don't worry honey; there's nothing to it?” I tell her, I walk around her, she's a little taller than me, but that's only because of the stripper heels. “Take your clothes off honey,” I tell her kissing her on the spine, I watch as she reaches up untying the tiny bikini top. Her tits are a nice size just a nice handle full; I reach up tugging on her nipples her breath hikes. “You like that,” she nods her head “take the rest off,” I tell her as she shimmies out of her shorts that are high cut and barely there, and her tiny g-string that covers nothing. She steps out of her shoes, bringing her eye to eye with me. I look down her body, smiling (nice) “You got a sexy body honey,” I watch as her eyes dilate and her breathing becomes a little choppy, her nipple stands up and my mouth waters. I lean forward taking her nipple into my mouth, and she moans. I run my hand down her stomach rubbing her clit, and she reaches up grabbing my shoulders. I slide my fingers lower finding her wet; I suck on her tits more licking her hard buds.

  “Yes!” she moans as I walk her back towards the bed, and we fall onto it. I lean up kissing her juicy lips, her tongue invading my mouth and she rotates her hips. I just use my middle finger to run up and down between her lips into her pussy and then back up to her clit. She's riding my finger hard, when I lean back down and take her nipple back into my mouth, I suck hard and soft building her up. “Yes!” is all she whisper-moans as I rub just inside her pussy finding that perfect little spot when I find it, I put a little bit more pressure on it rubbing and sucking on her nipple. “Yes!... god!... yes, fuck!” I rub her g-spot a little more feeling her pussy quiver, her movements become more demanding, and I insert another finger she comes screaming riding my hand. I slow down my movements rubbing her pussy juices all over her, she looks at me, smiling her face flush red and a bead of sweat on her brow, “God that was nice” she says, and I smile

  “I aim to please.”

  “Can I do anything for you?” she asks me, and I smile (fuck yes, she's going to do to me).

  Chapter Fourteen


  When I come back to the main room it's late; people are still drinkin’ and havin’ fun. I search the room for Widow, but I can't see her anywhere, maybe she went to bed “What you lookin’ for?” Tucker asks me, and I shake my head

  “Nothin’ man.”

  “You ready for tomorrow,” he asks, and I nod.


  “Who are you fighting next?”

  “Hellboy,” I tell him.

  “You think you can take him” I look across the room at the dumbass, who'
s got a woman in one hand and a drink in the other.

  “Fuck yes!” Tucker slaps me on the back.

  “Good I'm puttin’ a shit load on tomorrows fight, so don't fuckin’ loose,” he tells me walkin' off. When I don't see Widow anywhere, I go back to my room to crash. Bliss fast asleep, but every time I close my eyes Widow's face flashes in my mind (damn). I think of the fight, she was in today, the way she moved; then I remember her nipples and my dick gets hard. I pull my boxers down rubbin' my dick nudging Bliss awake.

  “Scythe what's up?” she says as I tug on my dick.

  “Come here and suck me off,” she moves over me, and I close my eyes, imagining Widow's mouth suckin’ my dick. Her mouth opens more, and she takes me in further her tits swayin’ as she moves up and down her pussy wet from suckin’ my cock. I come hard thinkin’ about Widow as Bliss moans swallowin' my load, I push her off now that I’ve finished with her “Alright get out” I tell her, and she frowns at me.


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