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The Devils Fighter (The Devils Soldiers mc)

Page 21

by Cilla Lee

  We sit waitin' for about an hour when the rumble of bikes has us lookin’ towards the road. Once the first bikes move to the gates, we make our way across the road, and around the back of the Kings. A pop, pop, popping noise starts and Kings run in all directions runnin’ from the gunfire our boys run for cover, I lose sight of Widow as a barrage of gunfire has me hittin’ the deck and I scramble towards a tree. I see Tiny and Stryker behind a rock two Kings advancin’ towards them, I aim and hit the guy in the neck the other in the head and run towards them.

  “Have you seen Stoney?” I ask them

  “No fuckers probably at home in bed” I laugh as bullets hit the rock and we duck.

  “Ready I say to them,” and they nod, we come out shootin’ hittin’ as many Kings as we can see, way more than twelve. Blaze is layin’ on the ground a gunshot to the belly, and I stop.

  “You ok Brother,” I ask him.

  “Yeah,” he says, but he's losin’ a lot of blood, I rip his shirt and stuff it into the hole tight.

  “Hold on ok” he nods as I run towards the gunfire, dead Kings everywhere. Tank's arms bleedin’ and I start to panic (where's Widow). I look around as I come to a wall of Devils Soldiers and see Widow holdin’ a gun to Stoney's head, he's surrounded and I take in a deep breath knowin’ she's alive.


  Widow Maker

  As we crossed the road I lost sight of Scythe straight away, he went one way and Magic, and I went the other no idea where Blaze went. “You see Stoney” Magic asks, but I shake my head no, gunfire whizzes past our heads men shouting and gunfire. We move up around the bodies when I see him Stoney the old bastard; he fires everywhere the trees keeping good cover.

  “There Magic!” I tell him, and he turns.

  “I see him” I check my gun as bullets fly past us, I look around for Scythe but don't see him anywhere, and I feel sick (please let him be ok)

  “Move” Magic yells, as we come out of hiding and kill the two men who were protecting Stoney, we both hold him at gunpoint, and he drops his gun

  “You fuckin’ cunt,” he sneers at me, but I just smile as the gunshots stop and men surround us. I move behind Stoney my gun to his head as Preacher and Razor come through the men, I look up and see Scythe with blood on him, but it's only on his hands my quick scan of him not seeing any injuries.

  “Well! Well! Stoney what an honor” Preacher say mocking him.

  “Fuck you, Preacher!”

  “What? No hello to me Stoney!” Razor says, but Stoney spits on the ground at their feet and they both laugh

  “Clean up boys, before the local Sheriff comes out” I watch as bodies are lifted up and shoved into three waiting vans.

  “Boss, there’s nine still in the forest,” Magic tells Preacher.

  “Go help the others,” he says to Magic, and I stand there with my weapon still on Stoney's head.

  “Tell your cunt to move her weapon, wouldn’t want her to shoot me by accident” I look at Preacher and he nods, but I only move it back a bit, and he turns to look at me (if looks could kill). “Didn’t know you pussy's recruited pussy?” Stoney says to Preacher, but Preacher just smiles

  “Stoney if you're dumb enough to think Widow Maker’s a pussy, then you're dumber than I thought.”

  “Widow Maker huh,” he looks at me again “how'd you earn that Cut darlin’ on your back” I punch him hard in the face, he hits the ground spittin’ out blood, but I don't say anything. “You fuckin’ cunt” I don't move just stare at him.

  “Stoney! Stoney! If you wanted a meeting with me, you could have called you know” Stoney looks up at Preacher.

  “Where's my fuckin’ money?”

  “You mean my money” Preacher says smiling.

  “That's my fuckin’ money asshole!”

  “Well, now it's ours.”

  “I'm gonna fuckin’ kill you,” he says, and Preacher laughs.

  “How all you men are dead,” he moves his arm, and I see a barrel of a gun, and I fire. Stoney screams his shoulder blade bleeding, and I reach down, pulling the gun from his hand throwing it to Tiny who's standing next to Razor. Stoney gasping with pain, Preacher kneels down.

  “See Stoney you've lost and this conversation is getting boring” Stoney looks up at Preacher smiling.

  “It's over when I say it is” he moves his hand again, and I fire this time into the back of his head, and he falls forward, I grab whatever was in his hand and look down at it.

  “Boss,” I say holding up a remote

  “Fuck!” Preacher says, looking at the clubhouse.

  “EVERYBODY OUT OF THE FUCKIN’ CLUBHOUSE!!” he yells, and I turn and watch all the club-whores running out.

  “Sniper Boogie go check the clubhouse for explosives” he turns to Razor call all the other Chapters get them to check their clubhouses just in case” Razor walks off, as Preacher looks at me.

  “You did good girl,” he says I just nod.


  It takes a few hours for dad and Boogie to search the clubhouse they find ten packs of C4 enough to take out the whole friggin’ clubhouse and surrounding area. Doc helped all of the injured, and the rest of the guys got rid of the bodies. I watch as Scythe stands talking to Stryker and Tank, Magic coming up placing his arm over my shoulder “You good,” he asks me, and I look up at him nodding. He's not a bad looking guy, his brown eyes almost honey color looking at me his. His square jaw with a cleft in the middle of his chin, his serious scowl he always seems to have watches me.

  “What's wrong Magic?” I ask him

  “You leavin’ to be with him” I look over to where Scythe is as he stares at us with murder in his expression.

  “I don't know,” I say, and he pulls me closer to him.

  “Do you love him” I look up at him (damn, I haven't even thought of that do I love him) I look over at Scythe again, and my heart does a little flutter making me smile

  “Yeah, I think I do,” I say as Magic kisses my forehead.

  “I'm gonna miss ya” I look up at him.

  “Hey, it's not a given, so don't go packing my bags,” I tell him, and he laughs.

  “That's it darlin’ make him work for it” I punch him in the side.

  “Ow! What was that for?”

  “I love you to Magic; you’re the big brother I always wanted,” he pulls me to him holding me tight.

  “I love you to girl” it feels so nice in Magics arms when I'm pulled back by my arm coming up against a hard body.

  “What the fuck are you holding my woman for?” Scythe says, and I roll my eyes but Magic smiles at me

  “She just told me she loves me, why wouldn't I” I’m pulled to the side as Scythe’s fist connects with Magic’s face.

  “STOP!” I yell when others turn towards us as Magic and Scythe punch each other. The guys pull them apart, and Scythe looks at me with so much anger I step back

  “Did you just tell him you love him” I look at Magic and the fucker smiles, and I feel like punching him, but I look at Scythe biting my lip

  “Yes,” I fess up, and he pulls out of Tiny and Stryker's hold.

  “You fuckin’ him to” my hand itching to pull my gun out and shoot him for saying that.

  “Of course not!”

  “So, you go around tellin’ everyone you love them” I take a deep breath to calm myself.

  “Don't say shit you can't take back Scythe?” I warn him holding my ground now that he's fucking me off

  “Oh, I'm gonna fuckin’ say it alright, you and him are always together, how in the fuck can I trust you.”

  “Watch it Scythe, you’re on thin fucking ice” I warn him.

  “Should have known a fuckin’ bitch like you didn't earn your Cut on your feet, but on your back” I pull my gun out so fast and fire, Magic pushing my gun up just in time to miss shooting Scythe.

  “YOU CRAZY FUCKIN’ CUNT!” he yells, and my foot lands right between his legs hitting him right in the fucking balls, and he hits the deck, Magic pulls
me away as I try and kick Scythe

  “GET HER OUT OF HERE!” Preacher yells as Magic drags me away (fuckin’ prick)

  Chapter Forty-One


  It's been months since the show down with the Kings, and everythin’ has gone back to normal, Preacher decided that he would give the club half of the thirty-mill, so we all got a good pay nine-hundred K each and the left over six-hundred goin’ into the club kitty. We upgraded the security on the clubhouse and businesses, and I decided not to buy the house now that Widow and I had broken up, but fuck I think of her all the time. “Hey you,” Bliss says comin’ up to me rubbin’ her perfect tits all over me, and I smile at her, it's become a regular thing with her

  “Hey yourself darlin’” she smiles up at me as I sit at the bar.

  “I'm feeling a little lonely.”

  “You are,” she nods givin’ me a little pouty face.

  “Well, we can't have that now can we” she shakes her head lickin’ her glossy lips that I know taste like cherries.

  “Let’s go to your room” I shake my head.

  “No, I think here’s just fine,” she rubs my dick through my jeans, and I lean forward and kiss her, Widow flashes into my head, and I turn to the Prospect. “Give me a shot” Bliss unzips my jeans and is about to pull my dick out when the door opens, and Niya Lilly and Tink come walking in. I push Bliss’s hands away and zip my jeans back up; I watch as the woman help Tink sit down, she looks like she's about to pop and Widow flashes in my brain again. I wonder how she's doin’ does she even miss me (fuck no she doesn't the bitch almost shot you in the head). As Niya passes me, she smiles but frowns at Bliss but keeps walkin’, I watch Lilly and Tink through the mirror when Tink grabs her stomach, and I turn. Lilly's voice raisin’ in concern for her sister and I get up “You ok Tink?” I ask her as water drips onto the floor, and I look at her legs and freeze

  “NIYA!” Lilly yells, and Niya comes back out.

  “What?” she says walkin’ back in Tink grabbin' her stomach.

  “I think it's time” I look at all three women.

  “It's too early I still have a month to go,” she says cryin’, and I pull my phone out.

  “Yeah,” Sinner's voice says over the phone.

  “Brother get to the clubhouse; Tink's gone into labor.”

  “What? It's too early!” he yells, as Tink grabs her belly.

  “Just get your ass here, your woman needs you” the line goes dead.

  “Can I do anythin’?” I ask the women, but Niya looks at me

  “Did you call Sinner.”

  “Yeah, he's on the way” I watch the new clock above the bar and time seems to slow, Sinner comes runnin’ into the clubhouse Saint next to him.

  “Baby you ok” Tink breathin’ hard shakin' her head

  “It's too early.”

  “Baby it's fine, I called Dr. Hardy, and she says to come into the hospital now.”

  “You called the Doctor,” she asks crying.

  “Yeah baby, come on, let’s get you up” the second she stands up more water falls to the floor in a splash.

  “JAXSON!” she yells, but he picks her up holdin' her close.

  “Shh baby, I got you,” he whispers to her tryin’ to keep her calm.


  As we all sit in the hospital waitin’ room my back aches from sittin’ so long (fuck I need a drink). We sit there for hours when Sinner comes out, Saint standin' up “Well,” he says as Sinner hugs his brother.

  “It's two boys and a girl,” he says, and I smile thinkin’ about Widow (what would our first baby be)

  “Are they ok?” Saint asks his brother

  “Yeah, they're in the NICU for a while, but their breathing on their own”

  “How's Tink?” Lilly asks as he pulls her to him.

  “She good tired, but good” Lilly cries, and Stryker pulls her to him whisperin’ in her ear.

  “How's it, feel to be a dad,” I ask him, and he smiles

  “Scary man,” I slap him on the back pullin' him in for a hug.

  “Well congrats anyway man.”

  “Thanks,” he says

  “When can I see Tink?” Lilly asks him.

  “You can see her now they were just cleaning her up.”

  “Was it really gross and messy?” Saint asks and Sinner laughs

  “Brother it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen,” he says, the biggest smile on his face.

  All the rest of the guys congratulate him then leave him and his family, Lilly Stryker and Tiny stanyin’ behind while the rest of us head back to the clubhouse to wet the baby’s head.


  As I lay in bed that night like most nights I think of Widow, her beautiful eyes, her perfect mouth and her fuckin’ smokin’ hot body, my dick getting hard thinkin’ about her. Bliss moves beside me, and a twang of guilt hits me, is Widow back home in bed with Magic (stop fuckin’ thinkin’ about her it's over)

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Widow Maker

  I stare at the two pink lines on the fifth pregnancy test and cry; that fucking asshole. I knew last week when I missed my period that I was pregnant, you can't have that much-unprotected sex and not expect it. “Fuck girl what are you going to do?” Mel asks me.

  “I can't have it, not now.”

  “Really! Can you do that?”

  “No,” I say feeling deflated, tears running down my cheeks.

  “You gonna tell him” I look up at her.

  “He called me a cunt Mel, said I earned my Cut on my back.”

  “So! What you’re never going to tell him?”

  “I don't fucking know I just found out myself; I don't even know if I'm going to keep it.”

  “Would you give it up for adoption or just get rid of it” I stare at the five sticks two with two pink lines, one with a big blue cross, another with the word pregnant another with the words six weeks

  “FUCKING FUCK IT ALL TO FUCKING HELL!!” I yell throwing the stupid sticks at the wall making Mel duck

  “Damn girl,” she says as I sit back on the toilet.

  “Sorry!” I say as she kneels down in front of me.

  “Well, we don't have to do anything about it now ok” I smile at her pulling her in for a hug, her perfume making me feel sick, and I push her back.


  “Your perfumes, making me sick,” she sniffs herself.

  “Hey, this is Beyoncé bitch, it smells divine,” she says all posh like

  “Yeah, well, it smells horrible to me.”

  “Ava are you gonna tell the guys at the club” I look at her shaking my head.

  “No, not until I know what I'm gonna do.”

  “Do you think he misses you” I laugh at her

  “He probably had the whores in his bed the second he got back” Mel frowns at me, and the pain of that thought I had gotten over rips through me, and I burst into tears. Mel grabs me as I cry so hard that her perfume and that thought has me jumping up and throwing up in the sink.


  Two months go by, and I missed the appointment, I had to have a termination, I was sitting there in a nondescript office with pamphlets about STD'S protection babies and all other baby related things when the nurse had called my fake name that I gave her. I was laying there ready to have it done, but I couldn't, I got dressed and left not even looking back at the building as Mel drove. As I lay in bed, I wonder what Scythe was doing or who he was doing was it Summer Saffron Bliss (fuck stop thinking about him). Already feeling pissed off knowing I have to go in and tell Preacher tomorrow that I was three and a half months pregnant, had my nervous even more on edge. I’d dreamt of the same thing over and over, grey stormy eyes and a mouth so mouth-watering I wanted to cry.


  As I head into the clubhouse Magic and Hammer are out the front talking, he's only just started coming back to the clubhouse. He was in the hospital for a good month, and his wife Maria kept him home for the other month. He's still limping
, but he seems to be getting back to his former self “Hey darlin’ how you feelin’” he asks me as he pulls me in for a hug.

  “I'm good how are you feeling.”

  “Better now I'm back at the clubhouse.”

  “It's good to have you back,” I tell him.


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