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Passion, Vows & Babies_Unbearable

Page 5

by Kristen Hope Mazzola

  I hated that Bear didn’t even ask about what I had wanted to tell him, but I knew he was distracted by work and had no idea how big of an issue I had built the situation up to being in my head. I reminded myself that I would get another chance to talk with him about everything, but it kept gnawing at the back of my mind.

  As Bear pulled into the parking lot of the shop, my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. I couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. I slammed my eyes shut and buried my face deep down into Bear’s back, praying Jasper hadn’t seen me from the front seat of his car, which was parked out in front of the garage.

  “Pull around the back,” I was finally able to scream to Bear.

  “What?” he yelled back over his shoulder.

  “For the love of all things holy, pull into the back of the building.” I screeched.

  Thankfully, Bear was able to hear me and parked the bike behind the large building.

  “What is going on?” He threw out the kickstand and twisted to look at me.

  “J-Ja…” I stammered a few times. “Jasper is in the fucking parking lot. How did he find me?”

  Bear pulled me off the back and into his lap with little effort. “Take a deep breath, darlin’. You have to breathe and tell me who the hell Jasper is.”

  “He’s my husband.” My head fell onto Bear’s shoulder as I started to sob in his arms.

  Bear whistled at an ear-piercing volume and within seconds, two men in cuts were running around the corner to our aid.

  “Scarlett, which car is his?” Bear’s hands were gripping my shoulders as his eyes locked with mine.

  “The blue sedan parked in the far corner,” I muttered.

  “Are you positive it’s him?”

  I nodded.

  “He ran you off the road, didn’t he?” His words were sharp.

  All I could do was nod some more as my sobbing took complete control over me.

  “Scarlett, this is Knox. He is going to take you on my bike and get you out of here.”

  I gripped at the sides of Bear’s cut. “You can’t.” I violently shook my head. I was in a full-blown panic attack.

  “Do you trust me?”

  I nodded.

  “Scarlett, you have to say the words. Do you trust me?”

  “I trust you, but you can’t leave me. He knows. He’ll find me. Please, Bear, you can’t let him find me.”

  Bear wrapped me in his arms. I slammed my eyes shut, silently begging for this to all be a bad dream. I prayed to wake up on Bear’s couch with a silly movie on and a half-eaten pizza sitting on the coffee table.

  “Knox, Brock, I need you two to keep him distracted while I get Scarlett out of here. I’m going to take her away for a couple of days. Get Jaxon back here no matter what the fuck he is doing. I want you guys to find out everything you can about Jasper and how he found us. I will be calling you in a few hours. Do you understand?”

  Both men agreed right away, and that was that.

  Chapter 8


  It wasn’t the best plan I had ever come up with, but it was all I had. I drove as fast I could back to my house, packed a bag as quickly as I could, and had Scarlett in my truck, driving north to Vilas.

  Exhaustion and pain took over and within thirty minutes of driving on the highway, she was snoring softly in the passenger’s seat. I had made the five-hour drive to and from Atlanta so many times, I was on autopilot.

  Once we were more than halfway to our destination, I shot off a text to Ryder.

  Heading your way. Minor emergency. Will explain at Crickett’s in two hours.

  It only took Ryder a minute to send a message back.

  Make it the bar and we’ll be waiting.

  I didn’t need to respond. The read receipt would be enough for him to know I got and understood the message.

  Right as I was about to dial Jaxon’s number, he was calling.

  “I’m two hours out from the bar in North Carolina,” I said in as low a voice as I could.

  “What the hell is going on? No one here can give me a straight fucking answer to save their damn lives. All I know is there is a dude named Jasper calling the sheriff in our damn parking lot.”

  “He’s Scarlett’s husband. He figured out she was with us or saw her motorcycle, I have no damn clue, but he needs to be dealt with. He was the one that ran Scarlett off the road that night.”

  “Fuck. All right. Consider it handled. Stay up there for at least five days.”

  “I’ll call you tonight.”

  Scarlett rubbed her eyes as she shifted in the leather seat. I reached for her hand, but she yanked it back.

  “Where are we?” she barked.

  I pulled off onto the shoulder. I knew I needed to have a conversation with her, and we both needed me to not be driving while it was happening.

  “You need to tell me what happened that night.” I turned the truck off along with my cellphone.

  “You need to tell me where the fuck we are first,” she bit back. I could see her fight mode taking over as fear started to course through her veins.

  “Scarlett, I’m taking you to a safe house. We’re a little more than three hours away from Atlanta, and we have about an hour and a half left to go. There’s a small town up in the mountains called Vilas where another chapter of the Unaccpetables is located. They already know we’re coming.”

  Her chest was heaving as she sucked in sharp breaths. “Did he follow us?”

  “No. My guys have eyes on him. He’s still at the garage. I just got off the phone with Jaxon, and he confirmed that information.” I put my hand on hers. Thankfully, that time she didn’t pull away.

  Scarlett told me everything she remembered from that night, from walking in carrying grocery bags and hearing her husband fucking her friend, all the way to blacking out after being thrown from her motorcycle.

  “That’s what I was going to tell you this morning before you got that call.” She wiped tears from her cheeks with the bottom of her tank top.

  “I am so sorry I let myself get distracted from something that was so important, darlin’.”

  She sniffled. “It’s all right. You had no way of knowing.”

  I ran my thumb over her damp cheek. “Next time, make me listen. You can tell me no. You’re allowed to be strong around me. I want you to be—fuck, I need you to be. If there is going to be anything in our future or even in our present, you need to speak your mind and break through my thick skull from time to time. Club business, at some points, can wait when it comes to something as important as what we are dealing with. Your safety will always be at the forefront of my mind and my top priority. I will protect you. I will always keep you safe.”

  She pursed her lips before they slowly twisted into a smile.

  “What is it?” I asked before leaning over to kiss her forehead.

  “I’m that one girl for you, aren’t I? The woman that can be your old lady?”

  I nodded while turning my phone back on and letting the diesel engine of my Denali grumble to life. “Let’s get through the next five days, sweetheart, but I have a sneaking suspicion you’re right.”

  Chapter 9


  I slept for the rest of the drive. It wasn’t until we were just outside of our destination that the vibrating of Bear’s cellphone on the dash woke me up again. He ignored the call that came right as we were passing a road sign that said Vilas – 5 miles.

  Relief washed over me. Even though I was still scared shitless of Jasper and what he would do if he ever saw me again, I knew he would never be able to find me this far up the side of the mountain in such a little town. Add in the fact that now I was not only just under the protection of Bear, but his entire club, and I was in the safest situation I had been in since my father was alive.

  “I wonder what club my father was in,” I muttered to myself under my breath.

  “What’s that, sleepyhead?” Bear’s fingers brushed my hair behind my ear. />
  “My dad was in a motorcycle club, I just can’t for the life of me remember which one he was in.”

  As we pulled off onto the exit, Bear smiled at me. “Your old man was a biker?”

  I laughed a little. “Why do you think I have such an awesome bike? And not to mention my understanding of what you need in a woman?”

  “Touché.” His smile spread across his face. “What was his name? Did he have a nickname?”

  “Shane Morgan. I think everyone called him Gunner.” It was hard to think back to it all; it felt like a lifetime ago. My father kept my brother and me as far away from his buddies and the club as possible.

  “No fucking shit. Your old man is a legend.” The excitement in Bear’s voice washed over me as I bounced a little in my seat.


  “Yeah, Holt is going to flip his shit. Rave used to talk about your daddy a lot when he was alive.”

  “I think I remember that name.”

  We pulled into the gravel parking lot of a worn-out bar.

  “We’re here, sweetheart.”

  Hand in hand, Bear walked with me into the bar where two kind-faced women and five men in cuts were sitting on barstools.

  Bear beamed as he introduced me to everyone. “Scarlett, this is Crickett, Raine, Ryder, Holt, Red, Jesse, and Trent.”

  As each one’s name was said, they nodded or raised their hand.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. Bear said some of you might have known my daddy.”

  Bear cleared his throat. “Ladies and gents, we are in the presence of MC royalty at its finest. Scarlett is Gunner’s daughter.”

  Red nearly choked on the wad he was chewing on. “Did I just hear that correctly? Your last name is really Morgan?”

  “Yes sir—well, my maiden name is anyway.”

  The older of the two women, who had been introduced as Crickett, grabbed my hand, pulling me away from Bear. “Honey, take a seat. You look like you need to relax a bit. You’ve been through hell, haven’t you?”

  Bear kissed my cheek. “Crickett and Raine will take good care of you while I fill these guys in on what is happening down south. I won’t be long, and I’ll just be on the other side of that door.” He pointed to a closed wooden door that said Employees Only in big block lettering.

  Raine took the seat next to me. She had the most adorable little pregnant belly. Crickett made her way behind the other side of the bar and asked, “Want a beer or something, sweetheart?”

  “Mom, you know I can’t drink in my condition.” Raine giggled as she rubbed her baby bump.

  Crickett threw a coaster at her. “Scarlett, what’ll it be?”

  “Just a water please.”

  She poured three glasses of ice water and two shots of bourbon. “Trust me, after the day you’ve probably had, you need at least one of these. I sure as hell know I’m going to need at least one to hear the story.”

  Raine put her hand on my shoulder. “You don’t have to tell us anything if you don’t want to. Those men will keep their lips sealed. Ryder doesn’t tell me a damn thing that has to do with other members’ old ladies.”

  “Bear said I was his old lady?” I grabbed the shot, throwing it back quickly.

  Crickett followed my lead before asking, “Are you not?”

  I fiddled with the straw in my water cup. “I don’t really know if I can be. I’m still married to a man that tried to kill me.”

  In unison, both Raine and Crickett gasped, and before I knew what was happening, I was telling them the entire story, even describing the fireball of clothing I dumped out the apartment window.

  “You really said her cunt was a gaping hallway?” Raine’s jaw was still on the floor.

  I shrugged. “Something like that.”

  Crickett poured us two more shots. She clanked her glass to mine. “Good for you, sweetie! More women need to stand up for themselves like you did.”

  Bear and I spent the next few days pretending like we were on some sort of vacation. Raine and I even went shopping for all new clothes and makeup. It was nice to pretend like nothing was wrong for a while.

  Crickett let us stay with her, and we had family dinner every night. It was nice to be part of a real family again.

  Sunday night rolled around and I realized it my brother’s usual call time. “Bear, can I borrow your cell?” I asked as I lay wrapped in his arms on Crickett’s couch. She had just left to do the closing paperwork for the bar.

  “Of course, darlin’.” He handed it to me.

  I stared down at the screen. “I’m going to call Iraq. That’s okay, right?”

  He kissed my cheek. “Call Mars for all I care.”

  Still in Bear’s arms, I dialed the long-ass number my brother had while he was overseas.

  “Morgan.” Just that one simple word sent my heart racing. It had been too long since I’d heard my brother’s voice.

  “It’s Scar.” My voice cracked as I fought back tears.

  “Scar! Thank God! I’ve been trying to reach you for days. I even put in a call to the Red Cross.”

  “I left Jasper. I had to kind of flee, but I am fine and safe. I found some of Dad’s old motorcycle buddies and they have been helping me out.”

  It sounded like Liam choked a little as he said, “Excuse me, you’re in the protection of a motorcycle gang?”

  “Just trust me when I say that I’m safe.” I tried to keep my voice as calm as I could.

  “I guess I’m going to have to. I don’t know what I would do if anything bad happened to you, Scar.”

  “You’re never going to have to find out,” Bear chimed in before he kissed my forehead.

  The biggest smile took over my entire face. “Did you hear that, Liam?”

  “Yeah. Look, I have to go, but can I call this number when I get some more time?”

  Bear nodded and I replied, “Yes, you can. I love you, little brother.”

  “Scarlett, I love you. Please stay safe.”

  The call ended and I beamed up at Bear. “Everything is really going to be okay, isn’t it?”

  “I have even better news for you, darlin’.”

  I cocked my head to the side, waiting for Bear to elaborate.

  “Jasper is no longer any threat to you or any of us.”

  I narrowed my gaze. “What do you mean, what did you do?”

  He kissed the top of my head. “That’s really all I can tell you, but he will never breathe the same air as you again.”

  I knew I needed to take what he said at face value. I knew I couldn’t ask any more questions, but that was going to be extremely hard for me to do.

  Bear pulled me into his arms, carrying me up to the bedroom like he had done every night since I’d been staying with him. “We didn’t have him killed, darlin’. I can see that pretty mind of yours jumping to the worst-case scenario. He’s been put away for life.”

  “How is that possible? It’s only been a few days.”

  “I told you, I can’t say. Jaxon is a mastermind. Just trust in his abilities like we all do and don’t ask any more questions. If I can fill you in on anything else, I will.”


  I set Scarlett down on the quilt-covered bed. She looked so small, sitting in the dimly lit room trying to wrap her head around what I had just told her.

  “I know that I need to just trust you. It’s just hard to believe that there is nothing to worry about any longer.” She leaned back on her elbows, watching as I peeled my cut off.

  I threw the leather onto the top of the dress next to me. “Darlin’, he’s never going to be a free man again. He is never going to be able to come near you. You’ll have divorce papers waiting for you when we head back to Atlanta in the morning. Isn’t all that enough?” I sank down onto the soft mattress next to her.

  She leaned her head on my shoulder, drawing circles on my knee. “Yeah. It’s more than enough. Thanks for not killing him.”

  “What?” I chuckled.

’m glad that he is going to have rot in a prison cell and doesn’t get off as easily as dying.” Her words were level and cold.

  “You really are something else, darlin’.” I kissed down her neck.

  The slightest moan escaped her parted lips as I ran my thumb over her soft cupid’s bow.

  With my fingers, I pulled at her clothing, tossing them along with mine into a pile on the floor.


  “Yeah, sweetheart?” I traced her thin collar bone with my tongue.

  “Am I your old lady?” Her question struck me.

  I shifted on top of her to make direct eye contact. “Yes, if you want to be. I feel like you are.”

  “I feel like I am too.” She leaned up and kissed me gently.

  “Good. Scarlett, I am about to tell you something that I have never told any other woman. I know it is fast. I know you might not feel the same way or say it back and that is all right, but I love you. I think I have since the moment I first took a seat in that hospital room with you. I truly, madly, and deeply love you.”

  Scarlett’s face softened as a knowing smile consumed her features. “I love you, too. I am honored to be your old lady.”

  Chapter 10

  Bonus Chapter


  After getting home from Vilas, life started to get to a sort of normalcy.

  Like Bear has promised, divorce papers had been waiting. They were signed and processed. It was all too surreal that I was no longer tied to my dirtbag of an ex. I finally got a new license, bank account, credit cards. It was crazy to think how much of my life had been tied to Jasper. Divorces were messy, even when one of the parties was unable to protest from behind the metal bars of a prison cell.

  The apartment was being sublet. I sold everything that I could as far as furniture and belongings that reminded me of my former life and the rest was donated to charity. I truly was getting a fresh start in life and I could not have been happier.


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