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Side Swiped By My Step Brother

Page 12

by Ward, Scarlett

  “Yeah, but it’s not like it’s a real sausage. A vibrator’s a vibrator, right? So long as it gets you off, who cares what it looks like.”

  “And do you apply that same logic to the men you date?”

  “No. Well, sometimes, depending on how many drinks I’ve had. Emma, if he bought you a vibrator, you should use it. I assume you left yours here?”

  “Yes. I still haven’t gotten new batteries for it.”

  She giggles. “That’s pretty funny, if you think about it. Honestly, that’s the kind of man you want to hang onto—I don’t know many guys who would go and buy a sausage vibrator.”

  “I know plenty.”

  “I don’t mean gay ones. You should use it.”

  “I’m going to take a nap after I get off the phone with you.”

  “What better segue into sleep than an orgasm.”

  “Yes, yes, I know that’s like your life philosophy, but not everyone shares that view.”

  Megan clears her throat. “Listen, Emma. This is what you’re going to do. You’re going to get off the phone with me and take that nap. As you drift off to sleep, you’re going to tell yourself that you need to stop feeling guilty about having amazing sex with one of the most gorgeous men to grace the face of the planet. Repeat it over and over, like a mantra if you need to. If the sex you’re having is really as good as you’re making it sound—and I actually bet it’s probably even better—then that is not something to be taken for granted. This is coming from someone who has a lot of experience with this sort of thing, so, please, just trust me. Think of it like your reward for all the bullshit you had to put up with when you were with Tom.”

  Tom. He seems like a long and distant memory, the months that I spent wanting him back, wishing that things had worked out differently, those seem like someone else’s experiences, someone else’s emotions.

  “So you’re telling me,” I say, “that you would be totally fine sleeping with your stepbrother?”

  “I’m telling you that incredible sex with a beautiful man is not something that comes along all the time.”

  “But it’s not like he’s the only good-looking guy there is out there. Surely there are others. Guys who wouldn’t be my stepbrother.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Megan says. “I didn’t realize you had a surplus of gorgeous men who wanted to sleep with you. If that’s the case, care to share? I’m going through a serious dry spell here.”

  “The only thing I have to share is this vibrator, which, did I mention? Looks like a fucking sausage.”

  Megan sighs. “I wouldn’t talk shit about it until you’ve tried it,” she says. “And you know what? If you really don’t want it, then, hell yes I’ll take it off your hands. I don’t care what it looks like.”

  “I’d be totally fine giving it to you, except I no longer have it. Who knows what he’s going to do with it? I doubt those things are returnable.”

  “He’s probably going to give it to some other chick,” Megan says. “That’s another thing, Emma. You’re kind of playing a dangerous game here. If you keep denying him, he’s going to lose interest and find someone else. It’s not going to be that difficult for someone like him. And I know you might think that’s what you want, but have you actually, really thought about it?”

  “What? Him not trying to get into my pants every time we’re in the same room together?”

  “No—what it’s going to be like to see him with another girl. Are you going to be able to handle that? It’s not like once the wedding is over you’re never going to see him again. Yeah, he might be going back to London and you might not see him as often, but what about holidays? Family vacations?”

  “I think this is the first and last family vacation we all take. And do you hear what you’re saying? He’s going back to London. I’m not going to London. So even if I were to just keep sleeping with him and not care that we’re going to be stepsiblings—even if that wasn’t a factor at all—he lives thousands of miles away! I’m not going to relocate, and I highly doubt he is. So it’s just better this way.”

  “But maybe you could. You don’t even want to be an architect. You could go to London. Travel internationally. Get lots of life experience. Go to all those world famous museums, focus on your own art.”

  “That’s a really nice little fairy tale you’ve conjured up there, but that’s not happening.” I can feel that pressure starting to build behind my eyes again. “Listen, Megan, I’m going to go lie down for a little bit. I think I got way too much sun today. Thanks for talking. I do miss you.”

  “I miss you too, sweetie. And everything’s going to be all right. Have fun with that sausage!”

  Instead of replying, I hang up the phone. I understand her point of view, but it’s really a completely unrealistic one. There’s no way that I’m going to drop out of school, just take off and go somewhere that I’ve never been before. But the idea is tempting, and as I lie down and close my eyes, I let myself imagine that when I wake up, Jai and I will be getting on a plane together and traveling to a faraway place to go on many spectacular adventures. You’d think that with thoughts like that right before I drifted off to sleep, I would’ve at least had an interesting dream that would’ve included going to a new place, but when I wake up, I can’t remember dreaming anything at all. In fact, it almost feels like I didn’t sleep at all as I open my eyes and stretch. The house is still quiet, so I figure I haven’t been asleep for that long. I wonder how the spa day is going. I wonder if Jai and Zack and their friend Josh are all getting totally wasted on the boat and falling into the lake.

  I lie around for a little while and finally get up, thinking that a shower will be nice. It’ll be a good time to take one, with Jai not in the house. When I get out of bed though, I see that the sausage vibrator is right there on the bedside table, still in its package. Which means Jai must’ve snuck in here while I was asleep and left it.

  I glance at the bedroom door, which is shut. I go over and open it, stick my head out into the hallway. Everything still and quiet. No one’s home.

  I shut the door again and go pick up the vibrator box. The picture on the outside is the most ridiculous looking thing I’ve ever seen, though funny, too. And really, Megan’s right: a vibrator’s a vibrator, so long as it gets you off, right?

  I open the package, and my hand stills on what’s inside, surprise rolling through me. Oh. Oh! I was expecting the same weird looking article on the packaging, but instead the contents of the box is very different. No sausages here. This vibrator…the vibrator in my hand is sleek and silver, made out of metal. It’s long, just the right thickness, and has four speed settings that, according to the paper tag tied around the handle, go from ‘just a tickle’ to ‘scream the house down’. The weight of it is perfect. The shape of it is perfect. If this vibrator were a car, it would be an Audi. Vorsprung Durch Technik, motherfucker.

  As I hold it up, I can almost hear a choir of angels singing somewhere.

  Jai, that sneaky bastard. The whole thing was just a farce. Inside, I’m freaking cheering, more than a little glad that even he could be so gross. Sausage vibrator, indeed. He must have bought and paid for both and switched out the boxes.

  I take my new very shiny, very silver vibrator—in my head I’ve already nicknamed it Arnie, after Terminator—into the bathroom, turn the shower on and undress, waiting for the water to get warm. If I’m going to not have sex with Jai anymore, I should probably try to get myself off as much as possible. Perhaps that’s what he was thinking when he bought me this; if I was orgasming with a vibrator I wouldn’t need to orgasm with him. If that was his intention, that he was actually being rather considerate. And even if I’m not going to have actual sex with him, I can still think about him, right?

  I step into the shower and put the vibrator on the ledge, next to the bottles of shampoo and conditioner. I close my eyes under the warm spray of water. I run my hands over my body, trying to feel it as Jai might; squeezing my nipples, cupping my bre
asts, massaging a finger over my clit. I do this for a few minutes, then I reach for the vibrator. It’s curved perfectly and easily slides right in. I press one of the buttons and it begins to vibrate gently, a steady hum that tickles my inner thighs. I press the button again and it kicks up in intensity. I bring my other hand back up to one of my breasts and start playing with the nipple, pulling it, pinching it, like Jai did. The water on my back is a warm massage. I breathe slowly, deeply, pushing the vibrator in deeper. I think about Jai, his hands all over my body, his cock in me instead of this vibrator, the way he moves his hips, the muscles in his arms, the—

  “May I join you?”

  My eyes fly open and I shriek, whirling around so fast that I almost slip and fall. I let go of the vibrator and it slips a little ways out, but not all the way. Jai is standing there, one arm propped against the wall, looking at me, head cocked.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says. “I knocked but no one answered.”

  “Asshole!” I pull the vibrator out, unable to not shiver in pleasure as it slips out, briefly rubbing across my clit. “When someone doesn’t answer the door, that means they’re not there. Or they don’t want you to come in.”

  He sees the vibrator and a grin spreads across his face. “I see you found a good use for my present.”

  “Yeah. About that. You punked me.”

  “I sure did. But, you had to open the box to find out, didn’t you?” He is way too pleased with himself right now. I feel like punching him right in his smug face.

  “Urgh! Jai, why are you even here? What are you doing? I thought all the guys went out on your dad’s boat. I didn’t think that anyone else was home.”

  “We did. And now we’re back. They had to heed the call of the golf course, so that’s where they all are. And your mom and sister are still at the spa.”

  “You weren’t gone for very long.”

  He shrugs. “Three hours is about as long as I can take being in a confined space like that with my dad and his friends.”

  I blink. “Three hours? It hasn’t been three hours.”

  “Sure it has. You’ve just been asleep for much of it. Stands to reason, though, you haven’t gotten that much rest as of late. And you looked so peaceful when I came in here to return your present to you. I had a feeling you were going to want it, and it looks like I was right.”

  He pulls his shirt off, and just the sight of his sculpted torso sends a shiver through me. He pushes his pants down and his cock springs out, hard and ready to go.

  “As much as I liked watching you, I really need to be in here with you,” he says, stepping into the shower. My mind and body, it would seem, have separated completely, because my mind is vehemently screaming NO but my body is moving toward him, pressing into him, my hands finding his cock, moving up and down the shaft, grabbing his balls. I drop down to my knees, water cascading over me. I close my eyes as I take him into my mouth, letting it go all the way to the back of my throat.

  “Fuck yes,” he says, stroking my wet hair.

  I pull my head back slowly, pressing with the tip of my tongue on the ridge that runs along the backside of his cock. I do this over and over—taking him in to the back of my throat, moving slowly back. Then I suck on the head of his dick like a lollipop, swirling my tongue in lazy circles.

  “That . . . feels . . . so . . . good,” he says, groaning. I look up, water from the shower blurring my vision, but I can see him clearly enough—the way his head is leaning back, eyes closed, face scrunched in that familiar expression that could be either pain or pleasure. “You’re such a good girl,” he says. He’s opened his eyes and is looking down at me. “But now I want to do something that good girls don’t do. Stand up.”

  He helps me stand and then he takes the vibrator and slides it between my legs. He turns me, so I’m facing the wall and he’s the one under the spray of water. He holds the vibrator, sliding it further and further inside. He moves it in and out a bit, fucking me with it too. He takes it out completely and presses it against my clit, then slides it back into my pussy. His other arm has reached around and is holding my breast, his fingers pinching the nipple just as I had been doing before, thinking of him.

  “That feels nice, doesn’t it?” he says, his voice close to my ear.

  “Yes,” I say, as the sensations start to build. “Yes, that feels really fucking good.”

  “And the nice thing about a vibrator is that it means the cock can be used for other things. Like putting it in your arse—or your fanny, as you like to call it. And that’s what I’m going to do.”

  I tense.

  “No,” he says. “Relax. This will feel as good as anything you’ve ever felt—I promise you that—but you need to relax. So you keep that vibrator right there in your fanny—I mean, pussy—and you concentrate on that. Close your eyes if you want to. Take deep breaths. I’ll go slowly. I also picked up a very nice lubricant when I got you the vibrator. I’ll use plenty of it, okay? Just relax.”

  He pulls my hips toward him a little, so my back is arched. I brace myself with one hand against the cool tile, the other holding the vibrator in place. His hand slides between my ass cheeks and it’s instinct to tighten up, but I listen to what he said and focus on the vibrator, on the delicious swirling sensation that’s spiraling through me. He moves slowly, his fingers slippery with the lube. It feels good, him touching me there, which surprises me at first. He slides one finger into me.

  “Breathe,” he says.

  I try to take deep breaths, which is difficult because I want to be panting, short and fast, as the pleasurable feelings roll off me in waves. He moves his finger slowly, stretching me, and it doesn’t hurt at all; in fact, it’s like this continuation of pleasure, this extension of amazing feeling that I didn’t even know was possible.

  “I’m going to come soon,” I gasp. My pussy muscles quiver, tightening and relaxing, tightening and relaxing, over and over.

  “Relax,” he says, and I realize that I’ve tensed my ass, quads pulled tight, abdomen flexed. I take a deep breath and relax all those muscles and I feel the orgasm ebb just a little. “Good. Now breathe.”

  His cock is a lot bigger, but so long as I stay relaxed, I can stretch around him. There is a little pain, but it’s easily obliterated by the pleasure. I breathe. I’m not sure how far in he is, but he stays still for several seconds, one hand steady on my hip, the other moving in long strokes down my back.

  “Good girl,” he murmurs. He starts to move, slowly. The vibrator hums inside me, and with him there behind me, fucking me in the ass, it’s as though the Holy Grail of sex has been obtained. It’s almost too much. I don’t want to come so soon but it’s going to happen now regardless of how much I relax. He claps his hand over my mouth and it’s only then that I realize how loudly I’ve been screaming.

  “Shhhh,” he says, his voice rough right next to my ear. He moves faster, and I go rigid against him, right at the peak of my orgasm, but instead of ebbing after a few seconds, it continues. Each time he pulls his hips back, it’s like he’s stretching the sensation out, and when he thrusts back in, the sensation gets bigger, higher. It doesn’t recede, it just continues through me like rolling thunder. “You’re so fucking tight,” he says. “Your arse is so tight and so good. You’re going to make me come. Do you want that?”

  I try to say something but it seems my voice doesn’t work anymore, so I only nod, the orgasm still rollicking through me.

  His body rigid behind me, he comes, a strangled, anguished sound escaping from his throat. He falls against me and I lean against the cold tile, the warm water spraying down on us, my orgasm finally receding to a residual tingling all over my entire body.

  Hot. Damn.


  Chapter Seventeen


  I hadn’t planned on the whole shower scenario, I swear. In fact, I really was going to respect what Emma wanted and lay off on the sexual advances. It was going to be difficult as fuck to do s
o, but if that’s what she really wanted . . .

  Our shower experience wouldn’t have happened, either, if she hadn’t taken that vibrator in there with her, and happened to be moaning loudly enough that I was able to hear in my room, where I was simply trying to decompress after spending two and a half hours on Dad’s boat with his pals and several coolers of shitty American beer.

  But I think of it as the universe’s way of saying that certain things are just meant to be. And even when I got up from my bed and went to investigate what these sounds were, I wasn’t actually planning on getting into the shower. I thought maybe I’d just watch for a moment and then slip away, undetected. A bit of voyeurism, if you will.

  She looked so fucking hot, though. It was like porn, or a live webcam, but better, because she was there in person. Standing under the spray of water, eyes closed, feeling herself up with one hand, the other working that vibrator between her legs. I was rock hard in about two seconds flat. And she was more than happy to let me just come right into the shower.

  Ah, but now. We’re dried off, my hair still damp and spiky, her own brown tendrils dripping water onto the shoulders of her t-shirt. She’s come into my room, which at first I think is a good sign, but one look at the expression on her face and I know we’re about to get back on the same merry-go-round we’ve been on since finding out our parents were going to be married.

  “Jai,” she starts, but I hold up a hand.

  “I already know what you’re going to say.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. You’re going to tell me how you can’t believe that you let this happen again, that we shouldn’t be doing this, that we’re going to be stepsiblings and should anyone find out that we’re doing this, we’ll likely be burned at the stake . . . Am I close?”

  She gives me a pouty look. “If you knew all that, then why did you come into the shower?”

  “I really wasn’t planning on that. I wasn’t.”

  “But you did.”

  “I suppose one could ask why did you let me in? But,” I say, as she starts to respond, “I’m not actually going to ask you that. Because the main problem we’re having here is that you’re over-thinking it. All of it. And this shouldn’t be an intellectual matter.”


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