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Angelina [Orchidea: Love on the Bayou 5] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She swallowed hard and sat forward. She looked directly at Mike.

  “The guy from last night…was he, did he take Vera?” she asked hesitantly.

  She felt Lucifer squeeze her knee.

  “We don’t know, Angelina,” Mike replied.

  “Well, won’t the police want to talk to me or the detectives or something? I can give a description of the guy who was driving the car, too.”

  They were quiet a moment and she felt like they weren’t telling her everything.

  “What? Why wouldn’t they want to talk to me?” She sat forward, but Lucifer didn’t remove his hand as she uncrossed her legs.

  “Honey, there were surveillance videos from the nearby bars. They got a good shot of both men, including the one driving the vehicle,” Terrance said.

  “So the police are going to see if the guy driving the car or the guy who tried to take me were the ones the witnesses saw take Vera?”

  “They’re looking into it,” Mike added.

  She had a funny feeling inside. What weren’t they telling her?

  “Why are these guys doing this? What are they after?” They all appeared straight faced, and she knew they were keeping secrets. “Okay, spit it out.”

  No response.

  “What is it that you’re not telling me?” she asked, feeling herself getting angry. Was this the kind of relationship they were going to have? Would these guys choose what she needed to know instead of sharing information with her? Were they really that chauvinistic?

  “It’s not for you to worry about. You’re safe and one of us will always be with you,” Lucifer said very seriously. Then he looked her body over, which seemed to intensify his expression before he turned away. They were confusing her.

  She pulled his hand off her leg and stood up. Carefully she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “In case you haven’t realized it yet, I’m a big girl and I happen to be right in the middle of this situation. I’ve given each of you my trust as well as a part of me. The least you can do is be honest and tell me what you know. Is this the type of relationship you want? I will not be bossed around or treated like a child.”

  Jacque took her hand and then swallowed before looking at his brothers then back at her.

  “The investigators believe that these women were taken by individuals running a cartel.”

  “A cartel? Like what kind, drugs, guns? What do they need women for?” she asked, but her gut clenched as if she knew the answer would be terrible. She looked around at each of them. None looked ready to answer her.

  “Sex slaves,” Jacque told her.

  It took a moment for his words to sink in. What did that mean? Wait, she knew what it meant.

  She took a step back and shook her head slowly.

  Vera. Oh God, Vera.

  Her second thought was about herself and how that man nearly took her. Angelina covered her mouth and turned away from them. She couldn’t even imagine such a thing could happen in this day and age.

  “Angelina.” Jacque went to touch her, and she pulled away, then raised a hand up. She wasn’t angry with them. She was upset and she needed a moment alone.

  “If you’ll please excuse me a moment.” She walked out of the room and back to her bedroom.

  As she sat on the bed, a thousand thoughts scrambled through her mind. Her friend could be anywhere. She could be drugged, injured, scared out of her mind, or even dead. That brought tears to her eyes as she sniffled. Then her heart began to race. She remembered last night. The way the man attacked her, tried to force her into his car. She fought so hard. She hadn’t been drinking, she wasn’t drugged, she was fully aware of the danger and what she needed to do, so she fought. But Vera was drinking and having a good time. She had flirted with Jacque and made a move on him. She went willingly with the man, and he took advantage of that.

  She closed her eyes and immediately saw her attacker’s image in her head. The man with big muscles and a mean face. The way he held the knife to her throat and her thoughts of needing to survive. She hadn’t even heard the bedroom door open, but she knew they were there.

  Lucifer knelt down in front of her on the rug. Even down on his knees, his face was eye level with hers if she were to look at him. She felt herself shaking. Then his large, warm hands caressed her.

  He pulled her against him, and she opened her thighs to accommodate his waist and the way he hugged her. She inhaled his cologne and she found safety in his arms. She felt safe in all the men’s embraces and of course their presence.

  “I can’t stop shaking,” she whispered, and he squeezed her tighter.

  “You’re safe here, sugar. You’re our woman now and we’re going to protect you.”

  “Oh, Lucifer, what about Vera?” Her voice cracked and she clung to Lucifer tighter.

  “Pray for her, Angelina. Pray that she’s still alive.”

  Chapter 9

  “He’s not talking. His lips are sealed,” Detective Floyd told the federal agents after releasing him to the guards so they could escort the prisoner to processing before he was shipped by bus to a high-security prison.

  “He has information that we need. He matches the description of one of the individuals that grabbed Ms. Vera Florence. The driver of the getaway car was probably involved as well. We need to question this guy and find out why he was trying to grab Miss Angelina Aubert. That was a second attempt on Miss Aubert,” Agent Phillips stated.

  “We don’t know if the man who drugged Miss Aubert at Dominate was associated with these men,” the detective replied as if the agents didn’t know what they were talking about.

  “Put it together, Detective Floyd. Coincidence? I don’t think so and neither do my superiors. I’m giving you another hour to try questioning him again. If you don’t get any information out of him, then we’re taking over. We’re trained in interrogation.”

  The detective was about to respond when a fellow detective interrupted their conversation.

  “That guy who drugged Miss Aubert at Dominate was found and arrested for rape in Las Vegas. I’ve got the detective on line six.”

  Detective Floyd was excited as he reached for the phone.

  “Detective, get us some answers, or as I said, we’ll be taking over.”

  * * * *

  Michael Fromm was sitting at his desk in the office at headquarters when his cell phone rang.

  “Hey, Mike, got an update for you.”

  His good friend, Agent Gus Phillips, explained where they were in the case and about the arrest of Charles Winston.

  “You said he raped a woman?” Michael asked, and his friend explained the situation and the fact that he would more than likely be taking over the case in a matter of an hour.

  “Well that’s great news. Do you really think that you’ll be able to get some information from this guy and maybe he’ll rat out his associates?”

  He continued to talk to Gus then hung up the phone. He leaned back in his chair. Mikayla could hardly sleep last night she was so concerned over her sister. He explained about the Bouchet men and their claim to Angelina. That seemed to settle her down. But now, he would call Terrance and tell him about this character Charles. That piece of shit could have grabbed Angelina from Dominate and raped her that night. He felt his own anger rise. He wanted in on this case. He’d love to get into a room alone with one of these assholes and make them talk. But he knew that wasn’t an option. He was personally involved now. He would rely on Gus’s ability to get the answers they needed. He had to be patient. He opened up his cell phone and dialed Terrance’s number.

  * * * *

  Angelina was folding laundry and hanging up some blouses on hangers to dry in the small laundry room. She heard Jacque’s cell phone ring and then him answer it, but then she heard the sound of the front storm door slamming. She knew he went outside to take the call. It must be important and he obviously didn’t want her to hear. Her mind began to wonder about starting a commitment as complicated
as a ménage relationship with men set on being secretive.

  Sure, they were all just getting to know one another and allowed their sexual desires to take precedence over traditional courting procedure, but she wasn’t complaining or regretting the sex. She was glad she had waited and she was thrilled to be with such amazing men. But having the shadow of negativity and danger surrounding their new relationship, it seemed that the men and she were balancing on a thin line between losing control and maintaining flexibility.

  Sure she was younger than them, but she was set in her ways and used to her own way of thinking and handling things. Them being men, being older and being such dominant control freaks, they were bound to butt heads with her and she with them. Perhaps she would learn more about the makeup sex her sisters often talked about. She smiled then placed the last set of wet towels into the dryer and started the machine.

  Carrying the laundry basket out of the room toward the bedroom, she noticed that Jacque was still outside on the phone. She walked closer toward the front window because his back was toward her as he paced along the driveway. He looked very upset. Her first instinct was to go to him, but then she remembered that he obviously didn’t want her to hear the phone call. That was why he went outside.

  She headed toward the bedroom and hallway feeling concerned and stopped to place the towels into the linen closet by the bathroom. As she stood on tiptoes, she felt the ache against her arm and winced.

  “Why didn’t you wait for me?” Jacque asked, scaring her as she gasped and dropped the towels onto her head.

  “Oh shit, baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He took the towels and helped her to refold them and place them on the shelves.

  “I thought you were still outside on your secret phone call,” she stated with an attitude she hadn’t consciously meant to give.

  She left him folding the last towel as she lifted the basket and carried it into her bedroom.


  She heard the firm tone of his voice and her pussy swelled with need. She was getting off on making Jacque angry. What in the world? She swallowed hard. This was all new to her. Relationships. Sex. Intimacy and sharing. Did it really matter that Jacque took that phone call outside in private? What did she think? That he was talking to another woman? That thought made her pause in her actions of distributing clothing into the drawers. The basket was empty and her belly felt empty just thinking of Jacque or the others with another woman. She took a deep breath as Jacque’s hands gripped her shoulders.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, pulling her back against his body.

  She closed her eyes and absorbed the feel of his arm as it wrapped around her midsection. The feel of hard muscle from his forearm pressed firm against the underside of her breasts. She reached her hand back and placed it against his neck.

  “I don’t know. A lot I guess.” She felt his mouth against her hand.

  He released her, turned her around to face him, and pulled her against his chest.

  Staring down into her eyes, she could see that intensity but also something else. Instinctually, she felt he wasn’t over the phone call he took.

  The feel of his palms rubbing up her thighs then across her backside was her main focus. They stared at one another, their breathing almost sounding identical and hitched.

  He moved his hands along her skirt to the front and undid the zipper. He pushed it down along with her panties then lifted her up to place her on the bed.

  “I need you, Lina. I don’t want to explain right now. I don’t want to think about anything but making love to you.” Jacque was a tough guy, a retired soldier, a fighter, literally in and out of the ring. She knew that about him and it was another reason she felt so attracted to him.

  Placing her palm against his cheek as he knelt between her bare legs, she smiled at him.

  “I want you, too. I feel so content when you or your brothers are inside of me.”

  He pulled off his shirt then pulled his leg off the bed to push off his pants and underwear. He grabbed a condom from the pocket and tossed it next to them on the bed before lowering his face between her thighs.

  “But first, I need to taste you.”

  She closed her eyes the moment his warm breath collided with her sensitive, wet folds. One swipe of his tongue and she shook and tingled with need, wanting his mouth, his tongue full force against her pussy.

  “I need it hard, Jacque. Please.”

  Then she felt his thick digit press up and into her, making her gasp. He stroked her pussy then nipped at her clit.

  He was relentless until she began to thrust upward, meeting his fingers and counterthrusting.

  She felt his arm reach across her thigh and grab the condom as he sucked and nipped at her pussy and clitoris.

  He somehow maneuvered the condom into place, another sign of his experience and abilities. He was so much more seasoned at this than she was. He must have sensed her uneasiness as he pulled his fingers from her pussy, grabbed her hips, and looked down at her.

  “What is it? Is something wrong?” he asked with concern for her.

  “You’re so handsome and so…”

  “And so?”

  “Much more experienced than I am at this. I want you so bad it hurts inside and I feel like crying or screaming. I want to reciprocate what you do to me, but I don’t know how,” she admitted, rambling on.

  He cupped her face between his hands as he began to slowly push his cock between her pussy lips.

  “You are perfect because of your lack of experience. There’s nothing you need to do but love me in return and show me that my touch, my cock, excites you.” He pushed the rest of the way into her.

  “I feel desperate.” She grabbed ahold of his shoulders.

  “Good, because I do, too.” He pulled out then shoved into her deeply, making her body tighten as she gripped onto his shoulders. Jacque was relentless in his strokes. He lifted her thighs higher, could feel his balls slapping against her ass, and then she felt his finger press into her anus.

  She felt so aroused and needy.

  “That feels so naughty and yet good. I feel tight,” she admitted as he stroked her anus with his finger.

  “It’s going to feel even better when my cock is there instead of my finger. You’re so wet right now,” he whispered then thrust his cock. She could feel how thick and hard he was.

  She nibbled her bottom lip. She wanted to try it with him. She wanted to feel him possess her like that.


  He thrust into her harder, faster. Her body reacted to his movements and, she believed, her own thoughts.

  “I want to try.”

  He held her gaze as he leaned down over her.

  “Try what?” he asked, continuing to stroke her pussy as he kissed along her neck. She ran her hands up his shoulders and down his back, feeling all the dips between muscles. He was so fit and sexy.

  “I want to try it now, with you.”

  He paused a moment then looked down into her eyes.

  “You want my cock in your ass, sugar?” he asked.

  She could see how his eyes lit up in anticipation. She nodded her head then licked her lips.

  “Fuck, baby, you make me so crazy. I won’t last in your ass. I’m already so close.”

  “Please, I want to.”

  “You’re amazing,” he whispered then pulled from her pussy. His finger was still stroking her ass as he eased his body off of her. He bent down between her thighs and added a finger to her pussy, stroking her cunt.

  “Oh, Jacque,” she moaned as he licked and sucked along her inner thigh. She couldn’t stand it. He had her so sexually aroused she didn’t care what he did just as long as she came.

  He pulled his finger from her ass and the other from her pussy as he held her gaze.

  “Nice and easy. Keep those thighs open wide for me. I want to watch this ass suck my cock right in.

  His words aroused her. She felt the gush of cream drip
from her pussy. Then his cock swiped against it and dragged the moisture over her puckered hole.

  “So fucking beautiful.” His eyes were locked on her pussy and anus as he began to push his cock through the tight rings.

  She felt that burning sensation again, but deeper as his thick cock pushed through.

  “Just breathe, baby,” he directed her, and she tried her hardest to relax. This was something she’d always wanted to try and knew that she would one day. As he pushed his cock further, her pussy felt so needy.

  She reached down and ran a finger across her cunt.

  “Oh fuck, baby. You’re touching yourself.” He shoved the rest of the way in.

  He moaned and she pressed a finger into her pussy, feeling how wet and warm she was.

  “Keep doing that. Oh fuck, Lina, that’s it, keep finger-fucking that pussy.”

  He made her feel so excited and aroused as he pulled out then thrust back into her ass. Her pussy felt tighter, her juices flowed as she began to reach that peak. She was moaning along with him as he grabbed her hips and pumped into her ass three more times. He pulled her finger from her cunt and pulled it up to his mouth to suck on it. Then he reached down and thrust two fingers into her pussy as he stroked her ass again and again.

  She never felt so on fire, and she exploded, releasing his fingers as she screamed and shook. Jacque followed as he thrust deep, held her hips in place, and moaned loudly.

  “Incredible,” he whispered then leaned down and kissed her on the mouth as he slowly pulled from her ass.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and held him against her chest.

  “Thank you.”

  He chuckled. “Hell no, woman, thank you. That was perfect, just like you.” He kissed her nose, and then they heard voices coming from the front of the house. She tightened her hold.

  “That’s Mike and Tye. They texted and said they were on their way.”

  “You didn’t tell me.”

  She kept her legs wrapped around him and he held her in place, obviously not ready to let her go despite the fact that his brothers were there.


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