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Rogue Angel

Page 2

by Stephani Hecht

  What do you want, Ana?

  He sounded very grumpy.

  I’m up to my eyeballs in this stupid empath leader crap. All they do is call or come to me and bitch, bitch, bitch. Remind me again why I ever agreed to be their leader.

  Because they needed you and you know it.

  You’re never going to believe what two of them did. They posted a video of themselves dancing to Justin Timberlake on YouTube. That’s a freaking human web site. Michael just about had a coronary and angels are immortal.

  Ana scoffed softly under her breath. After their parents were mentally destroyed by demons and rendered catatonic centuries ago, she took on the task of raising all eight of her brothers herself. She constantly picked up the pieces after one of their latest escapades. It was good to see Cam on the receiving end for once. I need your help, Cam. His telepathic snort of disgust was so loud it was if he did it for real right in her ear.

  Take a number. Everyone seems to want a piece of me lately. Shit, I can’t even eat a full meal without someone bugging me.

  Watch your mouth! She admonished. Angels generally didn’t use profanity and, to hear her brother utter words like that, still shocked her even after all this time.

  Okay, I’m coming. You owe me.

  Cam flashed into the room and gave her his usual tight-lipped grin. He always smiled like that to hide his fangs the same way he always wore sunglasses to hide his cat-like eyes. When he was taken prisoner three years ago, the demons injected him with demon’s blood in order to turn him into one of them.

  However, they hadn’t counted on Cam being as strong as he was. He was able to resist turning completely, but was changed forever. Part angel, part demon, he was one of a kind.

  His hair was blond like hers and he wore it in his usual spiked fashion. He was almost as tall as Appolion and just as built. Cam wore a pair of black leather pants and a long sleeved black tee shirt. His long sword was strapped to his back and he had a set of Glocks at his sides.

  “I can’t stay too long,” he said in a harassed voice. “Michael is still up my ass like nobody’s business.”

  “What did you do this time to make Uncle Mike mad?”

  “I just took off for a few hours to have some alone time.”

  She snorted in his face. “I’m sure you were alone.”

  “Okay, maybe the evening did involve some succubi, but I have needs.”

  The tied-up Ephron unwisely added his two cents. “You’re a sick freak. What kind of leader are you, having sex with female demons?”

  Cam turned to look at him, acting surprised to see him.

  Ana knew it was all an act, nothing ever got by her brother who was always alert and aware of his surroundings.

  He squatted down and whipped off his sunglasses to glare at the justice angel. “Be nice.” Cam snapped his fangs together. “I haven’t had my dinner yet and I just might make it you.”

  The angel paled and gulped loudly. “So it’s true, you do drink angel’s blood.”

  “Yes, and if I don’t get it, I get very, very cranky. It’s been awhile since I’ve had some, too, so I wouldn’t push me too far.”

  “You’re an abomination that should be banished to Hell. The only reason why you haven’t been already is because of Michael.”

  Ana gave the justice angel a swift kick to his ribs. Cam’s eyes widened in surprise at her uncharacteristic act of violence, but she didn’t care what he thought. Nobody insulted her brothers. “I need you to read his mind and see how he found Appolion. Jackass here is blocking me so you are going to have to rip it out of him.” Cam balked, just like she knew he would.

  “Ana, I can’t mind fuck him. You know what they did to me in Hell. I won’t do that to another angel, not even this idiot.”

  “Please, Cam, you know I wouldn’t ask you unless I was really desperate. They almost got him this time and we can’t afford for that to happen.”


  “Do it for me.” She felt horrible asking him, but really was desperate. Ana had to get to Appolion before the others did. She breathed out a sigh of relief when Cam pressed his lips together and reluctantly nodded his head.

  Squatting down, he placed his hands on the justice angel’s temples and closed his eyes. The tied up angel tried to struggle, but soon he stilled and went into a trance. After several minutes Cam opened his eyes and stood. “They know how you have been tracking him.” He glanced down at Ephron who was panting and sweating.

  Cam’s brow creased with concern and what she was pretty sure was guilt. “So they finally figured out he’s going around the country hunting down serial killers,” she mused. “Well, it was only a matter of time before they did, I was just hoping to find him before them.”

  The justice angel finally come to and was pissed. “Wait until the council hears about this. You and your freak brother are going to be banished.”

  That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Ana spun around and kicked the bastard full in the face. She knew she broke his nose when blood spurted out. Cam cursed before he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the house. They left the injured angel behind, bleeding and still tied up.

  “What had gotten into you?” he asked.

  “He was asking for it.”

  “Ana, don’t let what happened to me change you. You’ve never been one to use your fists before, don’t start now.”

  “I didn’t use my fists, I used my feet.” She knew she was being snarky, but didn’t care.

  “Let’s review how things work. I’m the psychopath with the hair-trigger temper and you’re the diplomatic one.”

  “Maybe I’m tired of being the Good Lehor all the time, Cam. Did it ever occur to you I’m sick of doing the right thing all the time?”

  “Ana, you just frigging kicked in a justice angel’s face.”

  She knew he was getting angry because his blue eyes darkened. “And you spent all last night screwing some female demon so it looks like we’ve both been bad little angels.” Ana flashed out of there before he could argue with her anymore.

  * * * *

  Cam stared at the spot where she had been standing for several minutes, still shocked. Ana was always so calm and collected and what she did back in the house was totally unlike her. It worried the hell out of him.

  He wished his family could go back to the way they were three years ago. Before he was turned into some freak and before they even heard about The Order of Four. An ancient angel prophesy stated there would be four angels with extraordinary gifts that would someday save the world and help maintain the balance of powers in Heaven. They now knew that Rachael, Abdiel and he were the first three members of the Order. Appolion was the last one, the most powerful, The Destroyer.

  Cam went back into the house to untie the justice angel. While in there he was going to have to find some diplomatic ways to convince the angel not to blab about what Ana did. The justice angels and warrior angels were only one step away from open war and things needed handled very carefully. He let out a frustrated sigh as the true irony of the situation hit him. For once it was him cleaning up after Ana instead of her picking up his mess.

  Chapter Two

  Six months later

  She was dying. She was an innocent seven-year old girl who hadn’t even begun to live life yet and she was going to die before they got her to the hospital unless he did something. The girl was no gangbanger or criminal, she was in her bedroom playing with her dollhouse when a stray bullet came through the wall of and hit her in the head.

  Appolion gazed up to his partner Frank. The last thing he needed was a human witnessing what he was about to do. Frank was busy driving the ambulance. They were running hot to the hospital so his partner was focused on the traffic and not paying any attention to the back of the rig. Good, that meant he could do what he was born to do.

  Appolion placed his hands on the human and closed his eyes. He softly chanted the healing songs under his breath. Not that there was
any danger in Frank hearing him, the sirens were going full blast. He mended the girl’s wounds from inside out, stopping all the bleeding, repairing all the torn tissue. Her little heart went from a fluttering dying rhythm to a strong healthy beat.

  Humans were always the easiest to heal and it only took him a few moments. Soon the small child opened up her big chocolate eyes and stared at him. She seemed to be looking straight into his soul, seeing him for what he really was. Humans were funny that way, their children were often able to see angels. Even when the angels shielded themselves.

  “Are you an angel?” she asked in a froggy whisper.

  “No.” He chuckled at her words. “Just go to sleep, you’re going to be all right.”

  “You are an angel,” the child persisted.

  “No, kid.” He adjusted her oxygen mask. “I’m a nobody.”

  It was true, too. He was a nobody. There was nowhere on Heaven, Earth or Hell that he truly belonged. Almost as if she sensed his melancholy mood, the little girl reached out her tiny hand and grabbed his large one. They stayed that way all the way to the hospital.

  * * * *

  Appolion was at the hospital, finishing up his paperwork when Jean came over and gave him a big hug. He turned to put his arms around the human, happy to see her. Although she didn’t know it, she was the closest thing he ever had to a mother.

  “How is my favorite paramedic doing tonight?” she asked, her light blue eyes dancing. Her salt and pepper hair was pulled back in a bun. Light blue scrubs seemed to dwarf her thin frame.

  “Great, how is my favorite nurse doing?” He gave her a tiny peck on her cheek before releasing her.

  “Better than Dr. Lawrence. He was all hyped up for a major trauma and instead you bring in another stable patient.” She put one hand on her hip and gave him a shrewd look. “How is it all your patients always seem to get better once they get in your ambulance?”

  “Pure luck, sugar.” It’s not like he could tell her he was an angel born with the gift of healing. That would earn him a room on the psych floor. Lucky for him, she let the subject drop.

  “Did you enjoy the dinner I sent home with you last night?” She sat on the edge of the table, facing him.

  “You know I did, you spoil me.”

  “What you need is to find some pretty young thing to take care of you. I know of at least six nurses here that would volunteer for the job.” She patted his cheek.

  “Now, now Jean, you know I’m holding out for you. But you keep refusing me and breaking my heart,” he teased.

  “You couldn’t handle all this,” she said saucily.

  “You’re killing me here.” He put his hand over his chest.

  After they were done laughing, she fixed him with a stern glare. “You are coming to my daughter’s wedding this weekend, aren’t you?”

  He opened his mouth.

  “I know you’re not working, I already asked Frank and he said you have it off.”

  He laughed in spite of himself. “Okay, you win, I’ll be there.”

  “Good, you need some take some time for yourself. You work like a demon.”

  You have no idea. He watched her leave the room.

  * * * *

  Later that night, Appolion decided to play hero and go out patrolling for demons. Since he knew Cam’s and Ana’s little brother, Barakiel, lived in Flint and was probably out hunting, too, he made sure to keep his psychic sense open for angels. While he did have the ability to shield himself from both demons and angels, he couldn’t do so for long periods of time and stuck to lurking in the shadows. But then that’s what he did best, hiding from other angels and demons as he had for centuries.

  Soon enough he caught a whiff of the scent he searched for—decay. Almost all demons carried the disgusting smell, which made hunting them all the easier for angels like him. But you’re not an angel remember? “Shut up, Appolion.”

  He stopped short in the middle of street as it dawned on him he was actually arguing with himself, much like an elderly married couple would bicker. All the centuries of living alone must have finally made him lose it. He told both of himselves to stifle it and continued hunting.

  He followed both the stink and telepathic vibes the demons were sending off until he found them lurking in an alley. There were five of them and they looked like they were ready for a pissing match.

  Appolion might want to be hero, but he wasn’t suicidal. Deciding the odds were against him, he started to slowly back away. His foot caught an empty soda can and the aluminum container skidded noisily down the street. All at once, the demon’s heads snapped up as they spotted him. Shit, why did his luck always have to swing this way?

  He could have easily just shot off one of his energy balls and vaporized all of their demon asses, but that would be like announcing, Hello, Mr. Destroyer here, and that was the last thing he wanted to do. With a huge bounty on his head, thanks to that title, he wanted to keep who he was a secret. It was better they just thought he was some plain archangel and that was how he was going to have to fight them—fists and blades without any special magic tricks.

  Appolion barely had time to bring up his sword before they were on him. It was easy enough to fight the three in front of him, it was the two pounding on his back that posed a problem.

  Then all of the sudden he wasn’t fighting the demons alone. A tall willowy blonde female angel charged down the street and took on the nearest demon. She fought with two small daggers, one in each hand, moving so fluidly and quickly it were as if her body was made for battle.

  “Ana?” he said incredulously, right before a demon cold-cocked him in the back of the head. She flashed him a smile before she pulled out a gun and shot the demon that hit him. As soon as the bullets infused with holy water hit the bastard, it flashed back to Hell. He pulled out his own weapons and they stood back-to-back, ala Mr. and Mrs. Smith style, shooting the remaining four demons. Soon they were the only ones in the alley.

  Appolion turned to look at her and it felt like someone slammed him in the chest. He knew she was beautiful, but he didn’t know she was that beautiful. Her hair was not just blonde, it was every shade of blonde, light streaks mixed in with darker ones and it was swept up in an intricate knot. Her eyes were a light blue and stared back at him with just as much interest as he gave her.

  Ana wore the same leather all the angels seemed to like, but hers was black and so tightly molded to her body he had a full view of her curves. They were a nice set of curves, too. She was thin, but not too thin, her breasts were just the right size. Appolion balled his fists up as he thought about how they would feel cupped in his hands.

  When she reached out and wrapped her arms around him, he was surprised, but didn’t resist. Normally he hated when anyone touched him. After centuries of being abused in Hell in every way possible, any physical contact repulsed him, but with her it was different. Appolion even let her kiss him. If you could call what she did a kiss. Her lips were tightly clamped shut as she pressed them to him. It was obvious she never kissed before and it annoyed the hell out of him when the thought gave him satisfaction.

  It wasn’t until he heard the snap of the angel harness around his wrist that he realized she duped him. He even stared down at it, dumfounded, for several moments. The fog lifted. He was good and pissed off at her. “Take it off. Now.” He stalked her until her back was pressed against a brick wall.

  “No.” She lifted her chin haughtily. “It you think I’m going to let you slip away from me after I have chased you for three years, you’re off your rocker.”

  “And if you think that after centuries of dodging every demon my father could think of to throw at me, I’m going to roll over and be taken in by some little female angel, you’re off your rocker.”

  Ana opened and closed her mouth a few times as her cheeks flushed with anger. “You have to come with me. The only one that can take off an angel harness is the one who placed it there and I’m not taking yours off until we get to Heaven

  “No, I’m not going anywhere with you, let alone Heaven. Look here, female, I’m not one of your brothers so I don’t have to listen to you.” Appolion pivoted and strode back to where he left his bike parked, but wasn’t surprised when her boots clicked on the pavement behind him. Once he got to his bike, he turned and fixed her with a hard stare. She was out of breath from following him, but still looked as determined as ever.

  “You have to listen to me,” she panted.


  * * * *

  Why? Did he just ask her why? Well, because that’s what everybody always did, whatever she told them to, that’s why. Ever since her parents were mentally destroyed by demons, she took care of her eight younger brothers. Even though they were all technically adults now that didn’t make her job any easier, but in the end, they always obeyed her. She didn’t know how to handle Appolion’s stubbornness.

  Ana raised a hand and patted down her hair while she tried to think of an appropriate answer. When she felt something shifting on her wrist, she looked down to see what it was. A cold wave of disbelief went through her. That son of a bitch, he slipped an angel harness on her, too. When she growled in frustration, he had the gall to smile at her and shrug his massive shoulders. “How…when…you arrogant jerk.” She gaped.

  “All’s fair in love and war, sugar.”

  “I don’t love you, I loathe you.”

  “You sure could have fooled me with that kiss you just gave me.” He gave a crooked grin.

  She tried to ignore how cute it looked on him. Good God, dimples that adorable ought to be outlawed. The pictures she had of him really did not do him justice at all. His hair was so dark it was almost black and it looked so soft, all she wanted to do was run her fingers through it. He towered over her and, when she’d pressed her body to his, she felt every inch of pure muscle. “That kiss meant nothing, it was just a trick.” Ana didn’t think she’d ever been this angry with anyone before in her life.


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