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Eric Olafson: Space Pirate

Page 2

by Vanessa Ravencroft

  Besides, even without armor and psionics, the numbers were against me, and the only sensible thing for me to do was get as far away as possible. However, I hoped to hear some clue as to where I actually was and perhaps get some idea who it was that wanted me so bad that they abducted me.

  Who were they and what did they want of me?

  The next possible cover was a pile of Duro-Crete pieces, but it was at least one hundred meters from my current position; I glanced back once more. No one looked in my direction, so I risked it and dashed as fast as I could, then dove behind the pile, skinning my knees in the process.

  The still-floating tank crew started to scream in agony. One of them was ripped apart in mid-air by invisible forces in a gruesome display of what could be done with telekinetics.

  At the same time, the tank fired again, and the powerful energy beam vaporized one of the armored men and tumbled the other two through the air. Only one of them got up right away; it seemed the one who had limped would not get up again.

  Another speeder arrived at high-speed, firing at the tank, melting much of its front section. More armored men scrambled from that speeder, and I could hear one yell, “Where is the Narth friend?”

  The Narth friend? All this had to do with my friendship with Narth?

  However, reinforcements had arrived, and there was no reason for me to wait any longer and give them time to search for me. Maybe they had scanners or some psionic way to search.

  The tank was burning now and if its energy source was antimatter or a reactor and containment failed, that possibility was another good reason for me to split. I ran again, toward the end of that trash-littered landing field and toward the alien city in the distance.

  Chapter 2: Dent’s Last Stand

  Interlude Part I

  The inquest into Eric’s death had already lasted more than two hours and continued behind closed doors. So far, no one had called any of them to make a statement.

  Har-Hi held a PDD; he wanted to write a eulogy. He was sure he would be asked to find the final words after the inquest was over and the memorial ceremony would start.

  He had not written more than Eric’s name. “He became the best friend I ever had. He was like a real brother to me; even though he was not Dai, I am sure he would have been among the first warriors in my tribe.”

  Wetmouth said with a dry voice, “You should simply write that then. I just realized how little I knew about him. We all talked about our origins and where we came from, but we never really asked Eric.”

  Har-Hi said, “He has beautiful sisters and an uncle or grandfather who is the representative of his world.”

  Mao wiped his eyes. “We should all go there, to his planet, I mean, and bring his remains to his family.”

  Krabbel spread his upper arms. “Yes, we should go there, but I think he would want to be released into space.”

  Wetmouth worked her PDD and said, “They gave me access to his personal file; maybe there are some things we can use.” She switched to field screen output, and Eric’s file was displayed on a larger forcefield screen they all could see.

  Hans and Wetmouth started to cry again as Eric’s image came up, and Har-Hi said, after reading a few lines, “We don’t need a file to remember Eric. Turn it off, Wetty.”

  The door opened, and Admiral Webb came out and motioned them to remain seated after Har-Hi got up and wanted to announce the presence of an officer. He approached the group and said, “Sorry, kids, but the inquest is still on. They are waiting on the Devastator to arrive. Admiral Stahl and General Lichfangh are on their way and should be here within the hour.”

  Shaka finally spoke; he had not uttered a word since he learned that Eric was dead. “What will happen next, sir?”

  Webb the Ult had spent most of his life among humans and non-Ult, and had adopted a few distinctive human mannerisms; he sighed and tried to put empathy into his voice. “I personally am not convinced that this was an accident, and it was me who insisted on PSI Corps presence. So, it might take a little while longer, but if we rule it was an accident, then there will be a memorial service and we all go back to where we came from. In your case, it will be the Devastator, of course.” Webb pointed to an empty seat and added, “There is a short recess now. Would you mind if I sit with you a little? I did know Midshipman Olafson personally.”

  Har-Hi, who became the speaker of the group, said, “Of course, Sir, please join us. We are trying to phrase a eulogy for the memorial service.”

  Webb looked at them. “You are indeed quite a diverse group, just as they say. Your friend, Eric, managed to stand out the first day he was at the academy, you know.” He told them about how Eric organized a chain to fetch water for his moisture suit.

  That made Har-Hi smile. “Yes, that sounds like him, all right!”

  Krabbel said, “He hated unfair situations, you know. That was the reason he got in the middle of things so often.”

  Across their seating group was a bank of IST tubes and a tall Shiss appeared from one of them. He wore Captain’s black on his sleeves and was followed by a Klack Commander.

  Webb got up and greeted the newly arrived officer, “Captain Zezzazzzzz, what a surprise to see you here.”

  The muscular four-armed Shiss growled, “We were only seventy light years from here when my Takian Comm. Officer heard the news on Chit Chat channels. Is it true Eric Olafson is dead?”

  Webb could not nod his head, so he declined his upper torso to imitate that human gesture. “Yes, the inquest into his death is still going on.” The Ult made a sweeping gesture over the midshipmen. “These are his teammates and friends. We are just talking about Eric.”

  The Shiss captain motioned to the Klack and said, “This is my XO Lt. Commander Xt’nartoo and I am Captain Zezz. We are friends of Eric, and we are here to pay our respects.”

  Not long after that, another Ult, also wearing Captain’s gold, followed by Olia and Limbur, joined the growing group. “I am Captain Wenn, of the Avalon and these are one of my finest crew members and the best midshipmen I ever had the privilege to have aboard my ship. They have been friends to the deceased, and I am here to ask if they could remain until the ceremony is over?”

  Everyone started talking about how they met Eric and what he did. When Har-Hi told how Eric busted a chair over his back thinking he was an intruder, there were the first giggles and Zezz made a hissing sound as he started to laugh. “Yes, that sure is the Eric I remember. He saved my life and that of my brother in an incredible display of courage and fighting skills, and I wish I could tell you about it, but I was there when he earned his Medal of Honor.”

  A new voice said with an amused tone, “This is how he should be remembered, with laughter and tall tales.”

  Everyone turned; Admiral Stahl was there. No one had really noticed him coming and with him was Captain Harris. “I have lost many individuals. Some in battle and some to time, as it is the curse of an immortal, but I truly feel the loss of this remarkable young man, who in a short time impacted so many lives and made such a deep impression on all those he met.”

  There was nodding and agreeing expressions. Admiral Webb updated the Immortal and concluded, “It may matter little in the great scheme of things, but I would really like to know what really happened. I did not agree on what form that final challenge took in the first place; these are Navy cadets and not Marines.”

  The Immortal’s expression was stoic, but his eyes did show regret and even sorrow. “General Lichfangh came with me, and she has already begun her investigation. She will be here shortly, and if anyone can get the truth and find out what really happened, it will be her.” He sat down, and so did the captain of the Devastator. Har-Hi got up, took the Reagan Trophy, and handed it to Harris. “Sir, we know Eric wanted you to have this one.”

  Harris took the bowl and said with a dry voice, “You all made me very proud.”

  A black-robed being, completely shrouded, came over from the IST bank and saluted, looking at St
ahl. “Midshipman Narth reporting as requested, Sir.”

  The Immortal made a sad face. “I am sorry Midshipman Narth, I completely forgot about you.” Then he looked to Har-Hi and the others and said, “This is Midshipman Narth; he was supposed to join your group. He, too, was a friend of Eric.”

  Mao got up and went to the newcomer, put his hand on his shoulder, and said, “Eric told us often about you, and we know he considered you something like a brother. Come sit with us; we are talking about Eric.”

  Elfi sniffed and said, “Narth, do you want to know how he died?”

  The voice of the mysterious being had cold, emotionless character, and it was as if there was a slight echo when he spoke. “One wishes to know the identity of the being that ceased to live before one wants to know how this being died.”

  Elfi actually felt a little afraid of the mysterious Narth, but she came closer nevertheless. “There is no easy way to say it, Narth, but Eric is dead.”

  “One was under the assumption this gathering was to discuss his rescue. One can assure you, Eric is not dead.”

  Shaka said with thinly veiled anger in his voice, “Denial does not bring him back, and he is not a supernatural Narth that cannot die. We saw him burn up!”

  “I must apologize if one caused anger; however, this Narth is an all-natural Narth. I do know about the existence of a supernatural Narth. Perhaps your definition of nature is not the same as the definition Narth understands.”

  Wetmouth touched Shaka. “Don’t be mad at him. Eric loved this Narth deeply, and everyone grieves differently.”

  The shrouded being was silent for a moment and then said, “I have not interacted with humans and other beings like I did with Eric for many months. I do not understand many of the emotions and feelings that motivate you, but I assure you, Narth can die, as I almost did if Eric had not risked losing his life to save mine.”

  Olia and Limbur nodded at the same time. “That is true; we were there when it happened. We thought you were dead!”

  “I was very close to this state of non-existence, and the reason for my long absence was that my physical body had to be reconstructed so my Huhgavh could reincarnate. Eric and Narth shared the Huhgavh, and for this reason, there is a bond between Eric and Narth that is not easily explained, as it is beyond what you define as Psionics, but I assure you Eric is not dead. He is alive!”

  A stun grenade could not have had a greater effect on the group. It was the immortal admiral who first found words. “I saw Narth do things I believed impossible. If he is not dead, then where is he? Can he be saved?”

  “That I do not know. Eric is well-shielded against psionics even for Narth, and he has not learned yet how to control his abilities. I do know that he is quite far from here and he is fighting for his life and in great danger.”

  Har-Hi slammed his fist on the low coffee table, making the Reagan Trophy jump. “If he is alive then who died in that suit and how did he get to wherever he is?”

  Alyica Lichfangh, the commandant of the feared PSI Corps, arrived, stepping into the room through a glowing portal of red light that disappeared as fast as it had flashed into existence. While most of those present still marveled at her method of arrival, she said to Stahl, “I am done, Richard. I know what happened.”

  The Immortal got up. “Then let us go in there and end this, and then we go to find Eric.”

  He went to the conference room door and made a motion with his hand. “I meant all of us; you deserve answers just as I do.”

  The inquest into the death of Eric Olafson was chaired by Dent, of course, as it was his Academy. He lorded over the proceedings and enjoyed the attention and the fact that he had accomplished what his associates wanted.

  The other officers present were commandants of other Academy branches and his inner staff. If it were left to him, the procedure would have been over; the incident declared an unforeseeable accident and everything would be back to business. Most of the other commandants even agreed with him; for them, it was just an accident. The evidence provided was good, the eyewitness accounts solid, the Poly Analyzer well-rigged, and even McElligott with all his detailed questions appeared ready to call the verdict, but it was Admiral Webb who stalled the proceedings, had the evidence reanalyzed and personally questioned every witness, and had even asked for a recess.

  Dent had enough, leaned forward, and said, “I don’t see any reason to prolong these proceedings any longer. My esteemed colleague of Arsenal Academy seems to have different ideas about what a short recess is. We agreed on twenty minutes, and he is gone now for almost an hour. This is still my Academy, and I call for a resolution. We all agree it was an accident and by God’s name, it was just a cadet. We’ve all had men die under our commands before.”

  He saw most of them nodding or agreeing. McElligott glanced to the door, probably waiting for Webb to reappear.

  And the door did slide open; Admiral Stahl walked in. Dent did not expect the old warrior to be here before the verdict was made. Somewhere deep inside him, fear started to grow. He had little respect for McElligott, who he considered an old fool, but the man who had just walked in was a different story. He’d never met Stahl in person before. The man they often called the Eternal Soldier brought an aura into the room that was not explainable, but almost touchable.

  Other beings followed Stahl into the room. He recognized Webb, of course, and he smirked as he saw Harris. The woman in the black catsuit and the long silver hair—he knew he should know who she was, but he could not remember at the moment.

  “Even though it is an honor to greet you, Admiral Stahl, this is an orderly proceeding and we are about to come to a verdict. I will gladly give you a briefing afterward.” He then pointed his gavel at the cadets. “You need to leave; this is a closed hearing.”

  Stahl crossed his arms. “General Lichfangh here has conducted her own investigation, and she is going to enlighten us all, and these proceedings are far from over.”

  All blood left Dent’s face and a cold fist clenched around his stomach. General Lichfangh—he should have recognized her right away. There was a rumor that no one could lie in her presence, and everyone knew she was among the most potent Telepaths known.

  Commander Decker actually got up before anyone else could say anything, “I’d like to confess—”

  Stahl’s voice had a razor-sharp edge, “Sit down, traitor. It is far too late for that!”

  Alyica said, “Eric Olafson is not dead. He was abducted. All you saw burn up was a rigged, remote-controlled Quasimodo, and the charred biomatter you found was manufactured bio-tissue with Olafson’s DNA. The lab technician manufacturing the evidence has confessed.”

  Dent’s hand slowly disappeared underneath the desk. All his plans, all his future had ended, and he knew it.

  The Psi Corps General continued, “While you all saw the accident and the sabotaged suit explode, Eric was stuffed in a message capsule and sent on his way out of the system at the same time the Orbital Assault began. No one noticed because the officer on the ship’s sensors was an accomplice to Commander Becker. Eric was collected by Lt. Zyzahan at the outmost orbit; Zyzahan, also an instructor at this Academy and part of the criminal conspiracy that is the dark secret of this so called Elite School.”

  Wetmouth could not stop herself and said, “Where is he? Where is Eric?”

  The Psi Corps General who had faced the petrified audience of Academy commanders and officers said, “No one here knows. The destination was only known to Lt. Zyzahan.”

  Dent hissed, “He will suffer for what he has done to the Worm! He will be sold to the Togar for flesh food!”

  Alyica said with a warning tone, “He is under the influence of a very strong Hypno implant.”

  The PDD projected a field screen into the middle of the room, and a purple-clad being appeared. It had the basic proportions of a human being, but its head was that of a faceless worm, segmented, and with an ugly ring mouth. “I am the Purple Worm, and my plan has succ
eeded. You are all here. Admiral Stahl, Admiral McElligott, the famous Alyica Lichfangh, and a host of high-ranking officers. With one single strike, I am going to accomplish what no one has ever dreamed of doing. I am going to kill you all! Don’t try to flee or leave. You have one chance and one chance only. You are to order Centron of the Devastator to accept Dent as its commanding officer. You are immortals and old enough to know that I am not bluffing.”

  The projection paused for a heartbeat and continued, “I have the means to kill you all in an instant and you, Mr. Stahl, will give Centron the Natrahee Command. I know this is the same command that made this alien ship your ship so long ago.”

  Again, there was a minute break as the projection of the creepy alien seemed to gloat. “This old Celtest sequence code overwrites all others and will make it Dent’s ship and opens all the legendary X decks filled with working Celtest weapons and technology. You’ve got ten minutes to think about it.”

  The field screen went dark.

  Interlude Pt II

  The being in the purple suit leaned back. He’d known he had to act when Dent told him that the Admiral of the Fleet himself would show, and the Devastator was on her way as well. There was a chance that both Immortals would be on the same planet, feeling safe with their ships in orbit, on a Union fleet installation. A planet, however, he controlled through Dent and his other minions. Setting up the trap was easy; Dent was an admiral and had free access to any weapon, including the 1000 kilo AM Bomb he had them place in the basement of the administration building.

  The Worm had crawled for almost as long as the Union had existed, through every crack and hole in its shiny armor and burrowed deep, finding information and learning secrets.

  What would the eternal soldier say if he ever found out who the Purple Worm really was? The being chuckled silently at that, since it would never happen. Stahl would never use the Celtest command code, so they all had to die.


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