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Blood Slave

Page 13

by Syra Bond

  Nervously, she looked back to the door.

  ‘We all have nightmares. I can help you escape. There’s someone in our way though.’

  ‘Who is it? Who is it?’

  ‘Nurse Roslin. She has more influence here than anybody. With her out of the way, there’s a chance I can get you out. Syra, what do you think?’

  ‘Why Nurse Roslin? What about Dr Collins, or the man in the suit? Caroline, I’m so confused.’

  ‘Take my word for it, sweetie. She’s the one to deal with. The rest are nothing compared.’

  She put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it. I felt so much safer when she was about.

  ‘I’m so lucky you’re here,’ I said. ‘What must we do?’

  ‘We must put Nurse Roslin out of action. Capture her and stop her. Perhaps we need to kill her. Syra, are you willing to try?’

  I hesitated. She squeezed my shoulder again. I looked into her eyes and she smiled broadly.

  ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘Yes! Anything!’


  ‘There we are, Syra. I’ll leave you in safe hands. I have things to do, Syra, you know.’ Caroline bent and whispered conspiratorially in my ear. ‘Things to do, Syra, you know? Nurse Roslin, you know?’

  She turned her face to mine, winked at me and left.

  I wanted to call after her to stay; I felt safer when she was with me but, by the time I turned towards her, she had gone.

  I heard breathing behind me and the wheelchair moved forward propelled by unseen hands. My attendant didn’t speak; I knew it was a man because of his heavy footsteps and his long, low toned breaths.

  He pushed me under the covered veranda and outside. It was just getting dark; the sun was setting in the West. I looked towards it - it made my eyes ache. I could just hear the sound of crashing waves - a heavy rolling thud followed by a long chattering ripple. This was the first time I had been taken outside since finding myself here. I breathed in deeply. The air was fresh and clean - a faint mimosa scent entered my nostrils and made their linings tingle. I felt a wave of elation - being outside was almost like being free. I closed my eyes and sucked it in. I saw in my mind the distant waves breaking over a naked blonde haired girl. The water washed over her glistening taut body, her tanga briefs pulled up tightly against her cunt, its indentation accentuated by the wetness of the salt water that caressed it.

  The wheelchair went over the bump.

  He pushed me along the top of a raised grassy terrace to a small cedar shingled summerhouse. One side was completely open. Inside there were several easy chairs, a small table and, along the back wall, a sink and refrigerator. It looked a perfect place to sit on a balmy summer’s evening.

  He parked the wheelchair in the open side so that I was looking out. I shivered when again I realised my situation - captive and no longer in control of my life. I took a deep breath in the hope of invoking again the image of the girl in the water. I smelled the evening dew. My senses seemed extraordinarily acute. Vivid flashes of red danced in front of my eyes but I saw nothing else.

  The man moved to the side of the wheelchair and stood at ease in a military fashion - his hands behind his back, staring forwards into space as if waiting to be called to service by a superior. I thought of licking my tongue out at him to see if he would respond but I did not dare.

  A steep grassy slope led down from the terrace where I sat. Several large trees were spaced out on well tended grass. One or two other patients sat isolated in wheelchairs; one woman - completely naked- struggled pointlessly against the bonds around her wrists. A man came to her and smacked her across the face but as opposed to stopping her it made her more excited and frantic. He smacked her again, but they were in a different world - she believing she must keep trying to free herself, him thinking he could alter her behaviour through punishment. A white coated orderly threw a beach ball lazily to a slim, small breasted woman dressed only in a white bra. When she bent to pick it up from the ground I could see the neat crack of her naked cunt squeezed at the base of the buttocks. Several others walked around placing burning torches in the ground.

  Two muscular men in white coats pulled a young woman out into the centre of the grassy area. She had short black hair, was bare footed and wore a loose blue smock. She fell over once and I saw the fleeting shadow of her black pubic hair. I was excited to see she was not wearing panties. Each of the men held one of her wrists on powerful outstretched arms. She dug her heels in the grass as they pulled her along. They dragged her to an open space and forced her down on her knees. Her smock twisted around the tops of her thighs and again I saw the neatly trimmed delta of her pubic hair. More torches were placed in a ring around her; their red flickering light filled the steadily darkening air with a bloody red hue.

  To start with, the woman tried to get up and run away but, squeezing her wrists tightly, the two men held her in place. She looked surprised that they had stopped her then, shaking her head in resigned despair, she gave up under their domination. It was as though she knew what was going to happen to her - as if the path of her life was destined. She looked up and with a hopeless act of defiance spat at them both. They laughed and, when they wiped the spit off their trousers and jackets, they rubbed it back into her eyes and over her mouth. I could see it glistening on her cheeks and mouth - a shimmering blood-red smear in the light of the flickering torches. She looked forlorn, defiled and helpless.

  Some of the others gathered around her. One woman poked at the kneeling woman’s breasts with her fingers. Her probing fingertips left red indented spots on the kneeling woman’s skin. The tormentor danced around her victim then lifted her skirt and thrust her own slit in the woman’s face. I wanted to roll the wheelchair forward, to get closer and see more clearly. For a moment, I looked at the man who stood behind me; he had not changed his posture and was still staring ahead taking no notice of me or what was going on below us on the grassy area. I thought of breaking free and rushing down the slope to the woman. My stomach filled with nervous excitement - I knew it was impossible.

  Suddenly, the woman on her knees screamed. One of the men was pinching both her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. He gripped them tight and pulled them forward, extending her red spotted breasts and making her bend forward. More spit ran from her mouth as she fought to absorb the pain. The other man laughed.

  Some of the women who were gathered around became excited. One lifted her smock and ran her fingers along her crack. I could see its edges and centre were wet - the red torchlight glistened on her fingers. She threw up her eyes with delight as she found her clitoris and opened her mouth joyfully as she massaged its edges and pressed against its base. Some of her moisture ran down onto her bent wrist.

  The two dwarves who had been in attendance when I had been forced to feed on iron filings came tumbling out onto the lawn. They wore different costumes; this time the diamonds that decorated their tight fitting suits were made up of glittering silver and gold. Their silver tights were hoisted up and the form fitting material outlined their fleshy genitals. They were dazzling as they frolicked and cavorted in the crimson torchlight. They pushed at each other playfully and somersaulted and rolled amongst the small group that had gathered around the woman. They took turns pulling their tights down and rubbing their flaccid cocks against the woman’s face. One forcibly opened her mouth and dropped his flaccid cock inside. He pushed it in so that his heavy testicles hung against her chin. He kept it there as it hardened and when he pulled it out I could see he was withdrawing its full length from her throat.

  They ran and fetched some placards, throwing them between each other as they ran back. They stood between the kneeling woman and the crowd and held the placards ready to show.

  The muscular man who continued pinching the woman’s nipples shouted to the dwarves.

  ‘What’s first? Show your sign!’

; One of the dwarves held up a placard and showed it to everyone who was gathered around. The woman who was masturbating, craned her neck to see the placard, but did not remove her fingers from her glistening wet slit. One of the orderlies standing behind her pressed his hands between her buttocks and opened them. She pressed back against his hands and lifted her bottom eagerly. He presented his finger to her anus, pushed at it for a moment then drove it in up to the knuckle. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened as it entered her rectum. I watched her gulp and breathe in deeply as she continued massaging her clitoris even more vigorously.

  The dwarf lifted his placard.

  ‘Quinine and soap’ was painted on it.

  ‘And what does it do?’ shouted the man.

  The dwarf held up a second board.

  ‘Cleanses the system and purges foreign bodies’ read the sign.

  ‘And how do we apply it?’

  The dwarf jumped up and down excitedly.

  ‘Consumed directly’ it said on the next board.

  ‘Then administer the purging spirit! Rid the patient of the terrible toxins that flow within her body! She must be pure for the master.’

  The dwarf dashed away and quickly returned carrying a galvanised bucket. The green frothy contents sloshed around inside and once, as he spun around in a showy and giddying twirl, some of it splashed over the side. The other dwarf kicked him in admonishment and, acting out the part of a master to the other one’s slave, he sent him to refill the bucket to the brim.

  ‘Well done!’ shouted the man in congratulation. ‘She needs every drop if she is to be fully purged!’

  The dwarf who had brought the bucket held up a curled up length of rubber tubing. He grinned with excited anticipation. The woman who was masturbating yelled with excitement. Spit sprayed from her mouth and formed a red rainbow in the spluttering light of the surrounding torches.

  ‘Begin!’ shouted the man as finally he stepped back and released his hold on the woman’s nipples. She dropped forward in relief.

  Both dwarves ran in decreasing circles around the woman. They knocked some of the spectators aside as they pushed and tumbled in a spiral towards their victim. Everyone encouraged them. Finally, they stopped in front of the kneeling woman. She looked up at them fearfully, her breasts and nipples reddened and bruised by the ill treatment they had received, her face daubed with spit, and her mouth gaping as she tried to soak up the pain of release which still flooded through her throbbing nipples.

  ‘Bend over!’ shouted the dwarf. ‘Bend over for your treatment!’

  The woman hesitated for a moment. The dwarf pressed his face against the woman’s, grabbed hold of one of her nipples and repeated his command.

  ‘Bend over!’ he said angrily.

  She curled forward in agony and dropped down onto her hands and knees.

  The dwarf unravelled the length of rubber tubing. He fixed a metal funnel into one end and clasped it tightly to his chest. The other dwarf took hold of the other end, bent on his knees behind the woman and held the end of the hose against her exposed anus. He turned back and grinned to the man expectantly.

  The man nodded.


  The woman who was masturbating dropped forward. She bent at the hips, holding her head upside down against her knees wtih her anus still plugged completely by the orderly’s penetrating finger. She turned her head sideways and I saw her eyes roll upwards as spit started running from her open mouth and into her flaring nostrils. Her heavy breaths sucked it in.

  The dwarf pressed the end of the rubber tubing against the woman’s anus. He circled the dark ring slowly then, finding the centre, he pushed the end hard against it. It dilated involuntarily, he pressed the end of the tube harder and it went inside. She gasped as it entered; gripping the grass with her hands and throwing her head first down then up again as she felt it entering her rectum. He stuffed more of it in then tested it was fixed inside her by tugging at it sharply.

  He turned back to the man and nodded.

  ‘Start the consumption!’ instructed the man.

  The dwarf holding the funnel to his chest picked up the bucket and started pouring the contents into the mouth of the funnel. The dwarf on the ground peered at the tubing that entered the woman’s anus. He ran his finger around the entry point, checking that none of the fluid which now ran down the tubing was escaping or being lost.

  The dwarf tipped the bucket more. The contents slopped around the inside of the funnel and ran freely down the tubing. The woman opened her mouth and cried out - it was a mixture of delight and fear. Spit frothed over her lips and with each exhalation her spit sprayed in a mist around her face. In the red torchlight, it looked as if she was drenched by a halo of liquid fire. Except for her head and her clawing fingers, she did not move and she stayed on all fours as the bucket was completely emptied into her.

  Like a magician, the dwarf held up the bucket with a flurry to show all the liquid had gone. The man flicked at the tubing, checking there was none left inside; he smiled approvingly.

  The dwarf that was holding the funnel suddenly drew it out of the tubing, pinched the end, and dropped to the floor. He lay on the ground and held the end of the tubing above his face. He licked out his fleshy tongue and released his grip on the tubing. The liquid squirted out. He opened his pulpy lipped mouth and drank the flow eagerly. The other dwarf got down with him and they shared the liquid, fighting each other for the right to let it splash on their faces or, like suckling animals, to be able to suck at its teat like end.

  The woman lifted her face. She looked exhausted and hopeless. The dwarves fed ravenously, quenching their thirst with the liquid that flowed down the rubber tube from the woman’s rectum. The man who had pinched her nipples stalked around her checking that everything was being done correctly.

  Suddenly, it was all gone - they had drunk it dry. Both the dwarves jumped up together and again began running around the woman in frantic circles. Both dizzy and reeling as if drunk, they stopped - gasping for breath and sweating profusely.

  One grabbed a placard and held it up. He swayed from side to side as he showed it to everyone.

  ‘Vinegar’ was painted on it in large red letters.

  ‘And what does it do?’ shouted the man as before.

  The dwarf held up a second board.

  ‘Dissolves foreign bodies’ read the sign.

  ‘And how do we apply it?’

  ‘Soak the head and rub it in until absorbed’ it said on the next board.

  ‘Then begin!’ shouted the man. ‘And do not delay! The purging treatment may be rendered ineffective if it is not continuous and we would have to start our labour again!’

  One of the dwarves yanked the tubing from the woman’s anus. She yelled as it came free. Some excess liquid trapped in her rectum, streamed from it and ran down the inside of her thighs. She hung her head low; it seemed to be in shame but I could see that she was biting her lips as if restraining a need for more.

  The dwarf picked up another bucket, drew it back then threw the whole contents over the woman’s head. It splashed in her hair and over her shoulders. She yelled out in pain as it stung her eyes.

  Both of the dwarves started rubbing the liquid into her hair and over the naked skin of her shoulders and back. They massaged it into her buttocks and down the insides of her thighs. They reached down eagerly and rubbed it around her cunt and into the soft moist slit. She tried to squeeze her thighs together to prevent them touching her crack but one of them smacked her buttocks hard until she gave them easy access. One of them squirmed on his back beneath her and rubbed it into her breasts and around her bruised nipples. He reached up and clasped his pulpy lips around her hard nipple. She drew back in pain, but he held on with his teeth. Straightaway she dropped her chest to ease the cutting pain. He held on t
ight and sucked hard. She shrieked in agony as the other one drove his fingers into her cunt.

  The man who had been giving instructions walked around the woman pensively; she was moaning now, and pushing her hips down to get more of the dwarf’s fingers in her cunt. The man seemed to reach a decision. Suddenly, he reached down, grabbed her hair and lifted her head. He stared into her frightened eyes and grinned.

  ‘It does not look to me as if you are responding to the treatment. I think we will have to start again. Yes, I think another purging is needed.’

  The woman’s eyes were lit up in the glow of the flaring torches - red, encircled with black, filled with terror. She stared straight at me - fixed me with her fear, pinioned me with her desperation.

  The man snatched the rubber tubing from the dwarf and brought it down sharply across the woman’s upturned buttocks. She screeched with surprise and pain. She kept staring at me with her tear filled eyes. I reached out to her with my eyes - I wanted so much to help her, to rescue her from the torment she was being subjected to, to put my head between her thighs, to lick my tongue out and slurp it along the crack of her beautiful moist cunt.

  The man brought the rubber hose down again. The woman flinched as it cut across her buttocks. The end reached around the side of her hip and, when he drew it back, it left a thick red line. The woman crouched lower, still fixing me with her wide-eyed gaze. The hose came down again - this time harder, more angrily. It slashed across her bottom. She tightened her cheeks, squeezing them together tightly, trying desperately to bear the pain and the humiliation that came with it.

  He drew the hose back again. He ran his thumb and forefinger along its length - pinching it together, readying it for another slashing blow. He lifted it behind his head, waiting for a moment, allowing it to uncurl so that it would snap back along its whole length when finally he released it.

  He brought down the tubing. Suddenly, and without any warning, she crawled forward - just enough to make him miss. His face reddened with anger. He drew the hose back again - this time with an urgency inflamed by rage. It curled behind his shoulder as he started to sweep it down.


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