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The Royal Couple: A Christian Romance (Royals Book 1)

Page 21

by Nicole Taylor

  “Why not? It’s not like you do this every day. Besides it’s the last night of their tour. If you miss this opportunity it may be months before you get the chance to see them perform live again.”

  Barbara tried to think logically. It was very difficult. She was feeling giddy with excitement. She wanted to say yes so badly it hurt. But going to a Third Day concert was one thing. Jetting to it with William Lamport was quite another.

  “After what you said the other day I went on iTunes and I downloaded the song, Born Again. I bought the band’s last two albums too. You’re the only friend I have who’s a fan of this group. If you don’t come with me I’ll be forced to go alone and that would be quite a waste of a perfectly good front row ticket,” he said temptingly.

  Barbara bit her lip and watched him. His blue eyes looked so irresistible that she could imagine how easily his mother must have capitulated when he looked at her like that while asking for a cookie before dinner.


  Barbara seemed hesitant so William played his trump card. “Barbie, when I told the lead singer, Mac Powell, that you might be coming he was very excited about the chance to meet you. You can’t disappoint him.”

  Barbara grasped William’s hand and looked at him bug-eyed. “You spoke with Mac Powell?” she breathed.

  William laughed. “I did. He’s actually the one who sent me the front row tickets after I explained that you were a big fan.”

  “How early would we have to leave anyway? I’ve got an interview with a reporter from Christianity Today tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m.”

  “What time will it be over?”

  “It’s not expected to last more than an hour and a half.”

  “You need to board the jet by 10:30 a.m. so that could be cutting it a bit close. You may want to reschedule that interview.”

  “We’ve got to leave that early?” she asked.

  William was aware that Barbara had pretty much agreed to accompany him and while his expression remained nonchalant, inside he was doing the victory dance.

  “The show starts at 7:00 p.m. but since we have VIP early entry we arrive at 5:00 p.m. and meet the band first. It’ll take us about five and a half hours to get from here to Baton Rouge and then another 15 minutes from the airport to the River Centre so we should leave New York by 11 a.m. latest.”

  “That’s a lot of travelling. We’ll probably get home around six o’clock in the morning. Maybe we should overnight in L.A.”

  William shrugged. “Entirely your call. I’m completely flexible. I’ll tell you, however, that my jet is extremely comfortable. The seats can transform into beds. So you can sleep like a baby during the return flight.”

  Barbara nodded. “Okay, I think I’ll come straight back then. That might be best. Staying over adds an additional hassle that I don’t want.” She paused and shook her head. Then she met his eyes with a smile of delight and gratitude. “Two front row tickets to a Third Day concert. Oh, Wills, you are so sweet.”

  He felt warm and fuzzy all over. How was it that one smile like that from her could make him feel ten feet tall?


  The next day was a mad dash for Barbara to meet the Christianity Today reporter, have Frank drive them both to the Brooklyn Changing Lives Community Center for the interview and photo ops and then drive her back home to change her clothes and grab her bag. Then Frank broke several traffic laws to get her to Teterboro on time. When the limo drove onto the tarmac, she checked her watch. It was 10:29 a.m. She had barely made it.

  William was already aboard the aircraft when she boarded, calmly watching the news. He looked at her and then glanced at his watch. “You enjoy cutting it close don’t you?” he commented drily.

  She stuck out her tongue playfully at him as she shrugged out of her black leather jacket and sat in the seat next to his.

  “You are so smug with your ‘always on time’ self. Well, the point is I made it and I kept my commitment to Christianity Today. So there.”

  “Fair enough,” he smiled. “How’d the interview go?”

  “Super. They took lots of photos of the community center and spoke with some of the people who run it. Seeing that it’s spring break they were able to speak with some of the kids who are benefitting as well.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “It was.”

  “Listen, is that offer to take me to visit the community centers still on the table because I wouldn’t mind going.”

  Barbara’s mouth almost dropped open. “Really?”


  She immediately consulted the calendar on her phone. “How’s this Thursday and Friday looking for you?”

  “I’m wide opened. Still on holiday remember?” he replied, giving her a wink.


  William wasn’t sure what he had expected. Truthfully, when the idea to take Barbara to a Third Day concert had begun to form in his mind he’d just seen it as an opportunity to spend more time with her.

  The concert, though, accomplished more than that. Similar to the experience at the church in Paris, he started off just thrilled to be there with Barbara, both proud and elated to have the most beautiful, most wonderful girl in the world by his side. Then, as the night wore on and he became immersed in the atmosphere of worship to God, it became a profound experience.

  Upon arrival, they were immediately ushered back stage to meet the band. It was clearly a mutual admiration society, Barbara was as enamored with them as they were with her. He was happy to sit on the sidelines and just be the British dude with Barbara as she stole the show.

  Then they were seated in the front row for the concert. The center was filled to capacity. William looked around and could not see a spare seat. Mac Powell was humorous and uplifting during the show. Early on, he acknowledged Barbara’s presence and invited her to make a request. She stood and asked for Born Again, to approving applause from the audience.

  It was a night filled with passion, energy and emotion. William glanced around at the faces of those around him who were completely carried away as they submitted in worship to God.

  Over the years, he had been to a few secular concerts, but this was somehow different, the atmosphere was different. It was clear that, as much as the fans enjoyed the music of Third Day and the lyrics of the songs, they were not worshiping them. They were worshiping a being greater than all of them. They were paying homage to creator God. For the last song, Agnus Dei, it seemed to William that the whole center was singing along with the band. It was a powerful moment. He felt the stirring in his heart again.

  After they left, William was in a thoughtful mood as he contemplated all that he had experienced that night. So much so, that Barbara commented on his silence on their trip back to New York. She was so buoyed and excited that she had been happily gushing about the concert, meeting the band, and about how wonderful the experience was when she finally noticed that he was not as verbal as usual.

  She touched his arm. “What is it? Why so pensive? Didn’t you have a good time?”

  William looked at her in surprise.

  “Are you kidding? I had an amazing time. It was really wonderful. I guess it provided a lot of food for thought, that’s all.”

  Barbara nodded and watched him in a strange way. Then she did something that made his heart soar, she reached over and intertwined her fingers with his. “Thank you, Wills. That was a little piece of heaven I experienced tonight all because of you.”

  He didn’t respond he just swallowed hard and smiled. He was afraid that if he spoke she would hear the depth of emotion in his voice and jump out and run in the other direction as soon as the plane touched down on the tarmac.


  Barbara took William on the promised tour of the three New York Changing Lives Community Centers located in the Bronx, South East Queens, and Brooklyn.

  William met the managers, the cooks and several volunteers. He also met the kids.

  He saw kids of all races and
hues, but mainly Black and Hispanic, who were benefitting from the programs. He spoke with some of them and was profoundly moved by the struggles they were facing at such young ages and the difference the center was making in their lives. He saw how many of them responded to Barbara and how she responded to them and knew that she had a personal connection with the communities. This was not a case of helping from afar. She was getting her hands dirty. Getting personally engaged with the lives of these people she was ministering to.

  William was moved by the whole experience. He now understood what Barbara had meant when she had said that he should not detach himself from the people he helped. Seeing how the work of the Foundation was helping them not only inspired him to give more but made giving so much more rewarding.


  On Saturday night Barbara flew to Philadelphia with William to attend the Franklin Institute Awards Ceremony. She initially had her reservations about going. After all, there was really no other way to describe her than his date, but she allowed him to convince her that it was more event planning committee work than a date.

  “How so?” she’d asked.

  “We’re going to be among a well-heeled crowd who we can speak to about the Foundation. A crowd likely to show their support in tangible ways. This is not an opportunity you should overlook.”

  She had no idea that William was actually receiving an award until they were seated and she perused her program. She noted that the Bower Award for Business Leadership was to go to Lord William K. Lamport. She leaned over and whispered excitedly to him, “You didn’t tell me you were getting an award.”

  He grinned at her. “How did that slip me then?”

  “What’s the ‘K’ for?”


  “Your middle initial?” she pointed to his name on the program with her index finger.

  “Oh, Kenneth.”

  She nodded. Her eyes returned to the stage where the Master of Ceremonies was giving the welcome. Her eyes suddenly widened and she leaned towards him. “Kenneth as in Ken?”

  He looked at her curiously. “Yes? So?”

  “Barbie and Ken,” she deadpanned.

  He looked at her blankly and then almost laughed out loud when the understanding of what she said dawned on him. “Can’t let the press get wind of that or they’ll have a field day.”


  After the hour long flight from Philadelphia to New York, Barbara got home close to midnight. They had chatted intermittently throughout the flight, but during the limo ride from the airport they had traveled in comfortable silence because Barbara was all tuckered out. She leaned her head on William’s shoulders and his arm came around her to steady her as she dozed.

  When they reached her home he gently nudged her awake. Barbara awoke and rubbed her eyes with her fists. “Oh we’re here. Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at church, right?” She asked as she gathered up her bag and jacket.

  “Sure,” he replied. “Guess what? My management team provided me with an analysis of your business plan and recommended that we invest in Israel. Of course, I fully agreed with their recommendation. The contract will be ready by Monday. Once you sign, the money will be wired to your account.”

  Barbara gave a squeal of excitement. Impulsively she hugged him. “Thank you so much.”

  William smiled and watched her as she sat back. “Don’t thank me yet. I’m afraid that being a major investor in your film means that you’re going to be seeing more of me than you planned because when I put my money into something I ensure that I oversee how it’s being used.”

  Barbara smiled. “That’s fine, William. I’d be happy for your interest and input. Just don’t get in my way. I’m the boss, remember that.”

  He held up his hands in surrender. “I would not be so crazy as to attempt to get in your way, Miss Dickson.”

  She hesitated for a moment then leaned over and kissed him on his cheek. When she drew back he leaned forward and kiss her on hers. He cupped her cheek in his hand and caressed it. “Sleep tight and dream of me,” he said intimately.

  She alighted from the vehicle and headed into her building feeling as though she was walking on air.

  Chapter 21

  When Barbara arrived at church there were five minutes to spare before service started. She slipped in beside her mother and greeted her. She was surprised to see that William wasn’t already there. He was always early. She wondered if he wasn’t going to show given how late they had arrived home the previous night. He had promised to come, though, and in her experience it was unusual for him to break a promise without some explanation. She checked her phone to see if there were any missed calls or text messages from him. There were none.

  She sent him a quick text. “Where r u?”

  He didn’t respond.

  During the song and worship session, twenty minutes into the service, William arrived. He didn’t appear to be his usual intrepid self. He seemed unsettled. Barbara moved down to make room for him in the pew.

  He stretched over her to greet her mother and briefly squeezed her hand, then he whispered in Barbara’s ear, “Sorry to be so late.”

  “What happened?” she asked, curious not only about his tardiness but about how out of sorts he seemed.

  “Over slept,” he responded and gave her a tight smile. Then he turned his eyes to the front of the church.

  Barbara watched him briefly, she didn’t know what had transpired but she was glad he was there. That was a blessing. She squeezed his arm and whispered back in his ear, “Well, thank God you made it anyway.”

  “I made a promise to you. There was no way I could break it and add to the offenses you have against me.”

  She playfully elbowed him in the ribs and smiled as she looked back at the screen and resumed her singing.

  Barbara sensed William gradually relax throughout the service. She also noticed that he seemed thoughtful and focused. He barely looked at her. He was fully participating in the proceedings. She sent a silent prayer of thanks to God. It was certainly his divine intervention that was making such a difference in William’s approach to worship.

  The message was delivered by a visiting preacher from the Caribbean, a Rev. Davis. Barbara was impressed. Barbara found his Vincentian accent quite interesting but more than that she found his sermon to be powerful.

  His message was based on Romans 7 which addressed the law of sin. She noticed that as Rev. Davis spoke William appeared to become unsettled again. He had taken several deep breaths as the minister spoke about the war between the flesh and the Spirit. He said that while we may have the desire to do what is right we do not have the will to carry it out. Even delighting in the law of the Lord was not enough because there was a war making us captive to the law of sin that dwelled within us. So what was the solution? There was only one. There was only one who could deliver us from this body of death. Jesus Christ our Lord.

  Barbara nodded in agreement and said, “Amen”.

  She turned to William to remind him that this was what she had being speaking to him about a few days ago in relation to submission to Christ when she realized that his face was wet with tears.

  She was shocked.

  William? She had never seen him cry before. Her stomach clenched. She looked away, her mind racing. She was overcome with the implication. It was clear that he was moved by the message. Was it time? Would he go all the way or would fear keep him from taking that final step? Barbara looked back at him, afraid to even reach out and touch him because it could break his focus. She began to pray furiously.

  The minister made an impassioned plea for persons to yield their lives to Christ. He asked the organist to play And Can It Be. The whole church began to sing.

  One by one, people trickled up to the altar as the congregation sang. William didn’t move. He placed his elbows on his knees and buried his head in his hands.

  “Father Lord,” Barbara silently prayed. “I pray that you will work in William. May your
Holy Spirit impress on him the urgency of choosing you now. Dear Lord, please rescue him. Amen.”

  A few minutes had passed. No one else made a motion to join the seven people kneeling at the altar. The preacher was now praying for them individually, placing his hand on each bowed head.

  He had reached the last person at the altar when suddenly William stood.

  Barbara looked up at him, holding her breath. Hope soared in her chest as she watched him leave the pew and walk slowly, yet purposefully, up the aisle. When he reached the altar he fell on his knees.

  She saw William’s shoulders shake and tears began to run down her own cheeks. She couldn’t stay there. She needed to be with him. She needed to support him. She got up and quickly made her way up the aisle. She knelt at the altar, her body close to his and took his hand. He didn’t look at her but the gentle squeeze he gave her showed that he was grateful for her presence. Rev. Davis reached them and placed his hands on William’s head and prayed for him.

  Barbara prayed too. She thanked God for what he had done. Another soul had been won for him. Another brand plucked from the fire.

  Chapter 22

  The next day, after his work out in the Waldorf gym, William began reading 1 John during breakfast at Fifteen. He was in the middle of chapter three when his phone gave a message alert. After he finished reading the chapter he checked the message. It was from Sean Boyd, CEO of Boyd, the website developer for Lamport Holdings. He and Sean had formed a friendship since William had first hired him six years ago. William found him to be a fun guy to be with and since he was also a member of the Brighton Sailing Club they often went sailing some weekends.

  Sean was in New York and was inviting him out for drinks at District Nightclub later that night. William messaged him back, “Sure”, then resumed his reading.

  When he was done his breakfast and headed back upstairs to his condo his mind drifted to his decision to accept Christ as his Lord and Savior.


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