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The Royal Couple: A Christian Romance (Royals Book 1)

Page 24

by Nicole Taylor

  William grunted. “You sound like John Finley, my Corporate Communications Manager. Listen, I’m pouring millions into the Chinese economy here. If I say I want prayers at my launch then that’s the way it will be. You’re not scared of something happening are you?”

  “No, I was just wondering if you were aware that it might not be welcomed. If you’re prepared to stand up for your faith, how could I do less?”

  “I’d never willingly put you in danger, sweetheart. If I thought that this could pose a threat to you I wouldn’t ask you to do it. The Chinese authorities have been made aware of what we want to do and have granted us permission. I’ll have my security detail with me in any case in the event that anyone gets any ideas. I just really want you there.”

  It had taken them ten hours and ten minutes to arrive in China. Barbara wasn’t unaccustomed to traveling such long distances to shoot scenes for a movie, but to travel halfway across the world just to say an opening prayer at a ceremony seemed a little excessive. She admitted to herself that she hadn’t come that far just to say an opening prayer, though. Her main motivation had been to see William. It had been over a week since she had last seen him and the few text messages they had exchanged had done nothing to compensate for the ache in her heart.

  She looked around the plane as the flight attendant busied herself ensuring that any empty food or drink containers were collected and that the passengers were prepared for landing.

  Barbara had not traveled alone. On the plane was Lamport Holdings’ Senior Director of Commercial Operations Drew Stein, a bespectacled man with receding dark brown hair, who looked to Barbara to be in his late forties; Senior Director of Marketing Laurie Shelton, a slim, middle-aged black woman with short, bleached-blonde hair, and William’s mother, who sat to Barbara’s left.

  What Barbara had enjoyed most about the lengthy flight was the opportunity to get to know William’s mother.

  What a divine woman Lady Kendra Lamport was. At 57, she looked fabulous. Her thick, silky, chestnut hair flowed to her shoulders in big waves and she radiated cool confidence and effortless class in her fitted white pantsuit and exquisite pearls. She had been so warm and engaging that Barbara had instantly felt at ease in her presence.

  They were met by a VIP Meet and Assist airport staff member who escorted them every step of the way between the aerobridge and the waiting limousine. They were soon on their way to the Beijing Waldorf International Hotel and Towers. William had told Barbara that the hotel was not yet officially opened. For all intents and purposes it was complete but there was still work being done on some of the rooms. It was expected that the work would be completed in another three months. In the meantime, however, it was receiving a limited number of guests.

  As they approached, Barbara peered through the car windows and beheld the beautiful hotel that soared above the heart of Beijing’s Central business district. William had told her that it was the tallest skyscraper on Chang’an Avenue and that appeared to be true.

  When she emerged from the limousine she wondered if William would be there to greet them, but she didn’t have to wonder for long. Just as the chauffeur placed the last suitcase in the lobby, she heard the only voice in the world that could give her goosebumps.

  “Finally my girls have arrived.”

  Her head whipped around and she saw him coming towards them looking utterly gorgeous in the navy blue polo shirt and white chinos she had bought him on their foray in New York City a few weeks ago. Suddenly, it seemed as though everyone and everything faded into the background. It was only him.

  Barbara’s body seemed to take on a mind of its own.

  Before she could even consider what she was doing and the message she would be sending to the others, she walked towards William. They met halfway in the middle of the inviting lobby just under a huge, sparkling crystal chandelier.

  Barbara was momentarily at a loss for words but it was just as well because before she could utter a word William enveloped her in a bone-crushing hug, lifting her off the ground. He inhaled her hair deeply then set her down. His hands remained around her waist and they stared at each other, grinning foolishly for what seemed like an eternity.

  Then at about the same time they remembered that they had an audience. William took her hand and led her back the few steps to where his mother and the two senior directors were standing taking in the scene. Barbara noticed that Kendra had a slight smile on her lips.

  William released Barbara’s hand, hugged his mother, and shook hands with his two employees.

  “Welcome to the Beijing Waldorf International Hotel and Towers which, as you are aware, is scheduled to open to coincide with the launch of Lamport Financial Beijing. It will open with limited accommodation and services on Monday but will be completely ready in another three months. That means that we will be back here in July for the grand opening so I sincerely hope that you enjoyed your flight.” There was a tittering of laughter.

  William then turned to a man who Barbara now noticed had just arrived. “Allow me to introduce the general manager of the hotel, Peter Briggs.”

  Introductions were made all around. Peter Briggs briefly chatted with the guests before he introduced them to their butlers.

  The guests soon departed with their attendants one by one and Briggs asked to be excused. Only William and Barbara and her butler were left in the reception area.

  William smiled at her and asked, “Shall we go?” gesturing to the elevators.

  He escorted her to her suite, mentioning that his mother’s suite was adjacent to hers. He also indicated that his room was on the floor immediately above.

  He took a seat on one of the couches in the living area as the butler placed her luggage inside the room, efficiently registered her, and gave her a brief tour of the well-appointed suite.

  When the butler disappeared in the bedroom to pack away Barbara’s things, she joined William on the couch and stifled a yawn. He reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. “You’re tired,” he stated.

  She nodded. “I left home on Wednesday at 6:00 a.m. and I’m only now arriving at my destination at roughly…” She pulled up her sweater sleeve slightly and glanced at her watch, “… 10 o’clock on Thursday night. You bet I’m tired.”

  She poked him playfully in the chest. “You owe me big time, Mister.”

  William caught her hand before she could draw it back and kissed the accusatory finger. “Indeed I do and you are free to collect anytime you desire.”

  Barbara’s heart thudded in her chest. She almost stopped breathing as William’s intense gaze darkened. His eyes drifted down to her lips and then slowly back up to her eyes.

  “Excuse me, Miss Dickson, would you care for me to order you anything from the kitchen and would you like me to draw you a bath?” the Chinese butler interrupted, breaking the spell.

  William released Barbara’s hand as she turned to smile at the butler.

  “I don’t need anything from the kitchen but I would welcome that bath, Mr. Chin, thank you,” Barbara responded.

  Mr. Chin bowed and then headed in the direction of the bathroom.

  William asked, “You had dinner on the flight?”

  Barbara nodded. “All I want right now is a bath and then bed.”

  “Okay, I’ll let you get to it then. Remember, the ceremony is at 10:00 a.m. You can meet me in the hotel restaurant, Fusion, for breakfast. I’ll be there from 7:30 a.m. I’m going to leave at nine o’clock. and head over to Lamport Financials. You can ride with me. Does that sound okay?”

  Barbara smiled happily. Her eyelids suddenly felt heavy. “It sounds doable.”

  “Are you sure you should take a bath when you’re this sleepy. I don’t want you to fall asleep, slip down into the bath tub and drown. I think I’m going to tell Chin to forget the bath. You should take a shower.”

  Barbara burst out laughing. “You are such a mother hen! I’m not going to drown in the bath tub, William. I’m not three years ol

  William held up his hands in surrender. “Fine, but if you don’t answer the bathroom phone when I call in twenty minutes I’m barging in here.”

  She smiled and shook her head at the same time Chin appeared to tell her that her bath was ready.

  William braced his hands on his knees and stood.

  “That’s my cue,” he said, as Chin prepared to exit. He leaned forward and gave Barbara a quick peck on the cheek. “Enjoy your bath. See you in the morning.”

  When Barbara was alone she looked around the suite and began to take off her jewelry. The quarters were certainly impressive and in keeping with the Waldorf standards. It blended the contemporary luxury of other Waldorf residences with exotic oriental charm. There were panoramic views of the city and she paused to glance at the bright lights twinkling from the Beijing streets below, before heading to the spa-inspired master bath. She was inexplicably tingling all over. That forty-hour journey had been so worth it on so many levels.


  When William left Barbara’s room he walked several paces over to his mother’s suite and rang the bell.

  Kendra Lamport opened the door and smiled at her son. William went into the room as Kendra closed the door behind him.

  “Settled in alright?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’m just reading my Bible now then I’m going to get some sleep.”

  William nodded and stuck his hands in his pockets. He swung around to look at his mother, a tentative smile playing around his lips. “So?”

  Kendra hid her smile at her boy’s nervous excitement.

  “So what?’ she asked innocently.

  “So what’s the verdict?”


  William grew impatient. “Mum! Barbara. What’s your impression of her?”

  “Oh. Barbara. Why didn’t you just come right out and say so, Son. I can’t read minds you know,” she sighed exaggeratedly as she removed her glasses and placed them in the pocket of her silk robe.

  She sat in a nearby chair, lapped her legs and pursed her lips. “All I can say is that I find her rather….enchanting.”

  She broke into a smile as she watched William sigh in relief. “She’s terrific. I’ve only known her for less than a day but I already love her and I can see why she stole your heart. Why are you asking me? I didn’t know that you needed my approval.”

  William slowly smiled. “I don’t need your approval but it feels good to know that you approve of my choice.”

  His countenance changed as an expression of frustration reflected on his visage. He sighed and leaned against the wall. “Mum, I crave your prayers. It’s becoming more and more difficult to be just be a friend.”

  “William, I will pray for the two of you but I don’t think you need to worry. It’s clear to me that Barbara has deep feelings for you. I watched her response when you entered the reception area and saw how her eyes lit up. Even on the plane I don’t think she realized how much she mentioned you in conversation. I’d say that she feels exactly the same way about you that you do about her. Besides, she just dropped everything she was doing and traveled for almost two days to be by your side. If that isn’t love I don’t know what is.”

  “That’s good to know, and I won’t deny that it warms my heart that she has done that for me, but at the same time it frustrates me because I wonder how long it’s going to take her to give in to her feelings for me. I think she has forgiven me for breaking her heart and I think she’s starting to trust me again so I thought that when I became a Christian that would have removed the final barrier between us, but I sense that there’s still something keeping her from going all the way. I’m not sure what it is.” He leaned his head against the wall and stared up at the ceiling, blowing out a deep breath.

  Kendra reached up and gently pulled William’s head down so that her blue eyes met his. “Don’t lose faith. God has got a perfect plan for you two, I just know it, and he will bring it to fruition. Just have faith. Remember that His timing is always perfect.”

  William nodded, comforted by his mother’s words. “Thanks, Mum, you always know the right words to say.”

  Kendra shrugged. “That’s what mothers do. Now skedaddle. I need to finish my prayers and get to bed. I need my beauty sleep. I’m not young like you.”

  Chapter 25

  At Lamport Financials Beijing, located in Beijing Financial Street in the 2nd Ring, the launch ceremony went off without a hitch. The international press was well represented and covered the proceedings.

  Barbara asked all gathered to stand for the prayer. Then she closed her eyes bowed her head and prayed,

  “Father God, we come to you in the name of Jesus. We want to acknowledge you, God, as sovereign ruler and owner of everything. We want to confess to you that as your wayward children we have not always sought your face as we made our own plans. God we acknowledge that you are full of grace and even for this you will forgive us if we confess it as sin and seek your pardon. Heavenly Father, we do so now for we want nothing to stand in the way of the blessings that we know that you will bestow upon us this day.

  “And dear Lord we want to thank you. Thank you for what you have done in the life of the CEO of Lamport Holdings, William Lamport. Thank you for what you are doing now with this subsidiary and what you are going to do in the future. As Lord Lamport embarks on this new business venture we pray that you will guide him so that he will build his business in your name.

  “Lord please also bless and guide the new executive manager, Timothy Ward, and all employed here in the way you would have them go. We pray that you will bless this business and provide the resources to build and grow it from strength to strength in your name. We ask that you rebuke Satan as he may try to advance on what God has already set forth. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”

  William then delivered his remarks in which he spoke of the vision and mission of Lamport Financials and the services that would be delivered to the Chinese market through the Beijing operations. He touched on the proven track record of the Lamport brand and the high quality of products and services that would continue with the new operations. Finally, he mentioned the mutual benefit for Lamport Holdings and China from the services.

  Two speakers, the incumbent executive manager of Lamport Financials Beijing and the China Minister of International Business, then gave remarks. This was followed by a clip of William’s father in a press release about seven years earlier speaking of his plans for Lamport’s expansion to the East.

  After the launch, William fielded questions from the press. He was asked to weigh in on the company’s market share; its likely competitors in the Beijing market, particularly other multinational financial companies with equally sterling reputations and services; and his plans for other overseas markets. A question was also asked about the Beijing Waldorf and when it would be fully opened.

  Then a reporter referred to the opening prayer and asked if William was now a Christian. He proudly asserted that he was. This confession led to a bevy of questions from other reporters about the when, where and how of his conversion.

  One intrepid reporter asked him whether Barbara, a well-known born again Christian, had anything to do with his decision.

  William replied, “I would say that she has been a major influence in my life and she has certainly illuminated a lot of things for me.”

  The same reporter pressed on. “We’ve been seeing you and Miss Dickson everywhere together lately and she’s played a role in this ceremony. So is it official? Are the two of you a couple?”

  William’s smile remained in place as he said casually, “Miss Dickson and I are very close friends. With regard to this launch, it was fitting that she be here today because if not for her influence I would have overlooked the role of creator God in this whole process.”

  Before the reporter could ask a follow up question Finley intervened. “I am sorry, time has run out for the question and answer segment. Thank you all so much for coming. The formal proc
eedings are now over and we invite you to tour the new facilities with us.”

  Following the tour of the new offices, light refreshments were served.

  Barbara nibbled on vegetable crudités as she chatted with a reporter from the New York Times who had taken the opportunity to ask her a few questions about The Reaping.

  As soon as she was through, William, who had been talking with a group of people, excused himself and took her aside.

  “Listen, Barbara, I know I’ve said it before but thank you so much for being here. I appreciate your support more than you know. That prayer was the bee’s knees.”

  Barbara was touched. She smiled at William. “The pleasure was entirely mine. I got to pray in China, that was the bee’s knees. Besides, it isn’t every day that I get to see Beijing, right? Speaking of which, I want to get in at least one little tour before I leave. You said that you arranged for the jet to depart on Saturday morning, right?”

  William nodded. “Yes.”

  “Okay, that’s cool. I’m going to ask Mr. Chin to organize a tour for me tomorrow, come with?”

  William looked thoughtful. “I might be very busy with a number of things tomorrow. I’m leaving with you on Saturday so I want to tie off any loose ends here before I leave.”

  Barbara smoothed the left sleeve of her azure blue silk suit. “Okay,” she replied as she tried to hide her disappointment. Tomorrow was her birthday. She thought for a split second about telling William and then changed her mind. She didn’t want to give him the impression that she expected anything from him. He was just a very good friend after all, nothing more.

  “How’s your Bible study been going,” Barbara asked, wanting to change the subject.

  Lamport Financials senior director for the Eastern Hemisphere, Paul Bellamy, who had traveled to Beijing with William, interrupted them to ask William a question.

  Barbara took the opportunity to observe William as he conversed with the other man. She couldn’t help admiring him. He was always so well turned out and today was no exception. He wore a two button shadow stripe black slim fit suit with a baby blue shirt and a charcoal silk tie.


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