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The Royal Couple: A Christian Romance (Royals Book 1)

Page 26

by Nicole Taylor

  “6:30 a.m.,” it read in big red numbers.

  She groaned and dropped her head back down on the pillow. The doorbell rang again and she remembered what had jarred her awake. Trust William Lamport to wake her so early. Everybody else in their right mind knew that when people were on vacation they were allowed to sleep in.

  Barbara’s phone whistled. Again she groaned and felt around blindly for it on the bedside table. Locating it, she opened one eye to ensure that she was depressing the correct button. She brought it to her ear. “Do you have no mercy?” she muttered.

  “You asked me not to wake you too early. It’s now 6:30 am. That’s not too early.”

  “What do you want?” she asked groggily.

  “We have a date this morning, remember? You promised to have devotion with me.”

  “At 6:30 a.m.? Unbelievable.”

  “Will you let me in?”

  “Can’t you let yourself in? Isn’t this your hotel?”

  “Har har. If you can make jokes then you can open the door. Come on don’t keep grown men waiting.”

  Barbara willed herself to get up. She sat on the edge of the bed for a moment and then, with a sigh, stood and padded over to the closet. She pulled on her robe and headed for the door. On her way there she ran her fingers through her hair to bring some semblance of order to it.

  She opened the door and her mouth dropped open. Every last vestige of grogginess disappeared and she was suddenly fully awake. Barbara had expected to see William. She could barely see him. His face was hidden behind a vase with a large bouquet of flowers!

  “Happy birthday, sweetheart!”

  He shifted the vase to a side so that she could see his face. His smile was a mile wide. “You didn’t think I’d forgotten, did you?”

  “Oh, Wills! These flowers are lovely. Come inside.” She ushered him into the hotel room.

  He placed the vase of flowers on a nearby curio cabinet then turned to face her.

  Without thinking she took the two steps to close the gap between them and slid her hands up his chest and around his neck.

  Barbara intended to give William a hug but instead she found herself gazing into his deep blue eyes.

  The attraction she felt for him, the attraction that she fought so hard to keep under wraps every time she saw him, now seemed intent to burst to the surface. She felt dangerously close to giving in to the almost visceral need to taste his lips. The desire was so strong she physically ached. When William’s gaze darkened and his eyes drifted down to her lips she held her breath and her mouth parted in invitation.

  William didn’t need further encouragement. He cupped her face between his hands and his head lowered to meet hers.

  A nanosecond before their lips met the doorbell rang. Barbara jerked away from William in surprise.

  He blinked owlishly, cleared his throat and swallowed a few times. “You should see who it is,” he said in a husky voice.

  Barbara reluctantly walked over to the door, peered through the peephole and then back at William. “I didn’t order room service. Did you?”

  He nodded.

  She opened the door and stood back for the room service attendant. The waiter wasn’t alone. There were two others with him as well as Mr. Chin. They wheeled in the food and broke out into a song in Mandarin.

  Barbara didn’t understand a word but she guessed it was the Happy Birthday Song because of the tune. When they were through, she clapped and said one of the few mandarin words she knew, “Xiéxié”, meaning ‘thank you’. She then got some money and tipped the waiters generously.

  After the waiters left, Mr. Chin asked if she was ready to be served breakfast.

  “No, I’ll take a shower first,” Barbara said.

  She turned to William. He was leaning against the curio cabinet watching her with his striking eyes and she couldn’t read his expression.

  “What do you call these?” she asked, as she fingered one of the flowers in the bouquet.

  “I’m told that they are tree peonies and plum blossoms. They are both native to China,” he said of the large pink flowers complemented by the slimmer light pink ones.

  “They’re very beautiful.”

  Barbara looked from the flowers to William and now took notice of how he was dressed. He wore a white v necked t-shirt, black and white plaid shorts and a white tracksuit top. There were gray low-cut Converse on his feet. “You’re dressed casually. No meetings today?”

  “No meetings today. We’re going touring,” he replied quietly.

  “Oh, Wills, thank you! Thanks so much for…everything. I’ll be back out shortly and then you can help me eat whatever your staff just brought in.”


  When Barbara left, William spent about a minute looking off into space before he pushed himself away from the curio cabinet and walked into the living area.

  As he took a seat he wondered what on earth was going on. Barbara’s body language a few minutes ago had spoken volumes. Clearly she had wanted him to kiss her. But that in itself, placed in perspective, was nothing new. The physical attraction they felt for each other was the one constant in their relationship. That static electricity had been between them from the moment they had met, and though he kept a respectful distance and had tried over the last few weeks not to overstep the boundaries, he knew that, like an active volcano, it was just bubbling beneath the surface.

  Still, the fact that she was going to kiss him had to mean something. She had never struck him as a frivolous woman. He didn’t think that she would take that step if she wasn’t ready to move past friendship. So was she lowering her guard? Was he getting past her defenses? Was she reconsidering the whole ‘friends only’ thing?

  William considered how he should handle things. Should he test the waters or allow her to make the first move? Should he broach the subject or allow things to resolve themselves naturally?

  His impatience started to resurface. Why couldn’t she just admit her feelings for him and allow them to get on with their lives together.

  By the time Barbara emerged from her room looking fresh and pretty in a pink shirt and blue jeans, he had decided to put his ruminations on hold for the time being. It was her day after all and he didn’t want to spoil it by acting out of sorts. Her beautiful hair was bundled up into a high ponytail and she looked 19 not 29. She looked so lovely that he really did forget his concerns and was once again in good spirits.

  “Where’s Mr. Chin?” she asked curiously.

  William pulled back the chair for Barbara to sit then took a seat opposite her. “I dismissed him. I’ll be serving you.”

  William set a small bowl before her “This,” he said, referring to a milky, white rice porridge, “is congee. And these are called crullers.” He said of the twisted strips of deep fried dough.

  Barbara looked at the food and smiled weakly, “Plain old eggs and toast would have been just fine, you know.”

  William laughed. “Yes, but that’s so run of the mill. I want you to experience the culture.”

  The dish was actually quite delicious and Barbara probably ate even more of the crullers than she had intended.

  When they were through with breakfast they had their devotion together. They took turns reading the selected bible passage then discussed the devotional and how they could apply the passage to their lives.

  Immediately after they finished praying, Barbara turned back on her phone and it began going off. She received several calls and countless text messages from family, friends and acquaintances alike.

  William was patient as he observed Barbara field calls. He accepted that this was the life of a celebrity. Still, he was relieved when she turned her phone to silent, saying that she would check her messages and return calls later in the day. “I’m with you. I’m giving you my undivided attention,” she said.

  The two spent the day touring Beijing. William had hired a private tour guide and she took them to Tiananmen Square, the largest city square in the wor
ld, it was also the site for several important events in Chinese history including the 1989 protests where soldiers opened fire on protesters killing an estimated 800.

  “Quite an interesting place to take someone on their birthday,” Barbara whispered to William as they were leaving the Square.

  “I’m so sorry! I didn’t consider how depressing bringing you here might be.”

  Barbara laughed. “You should see the expression on your face. Don’t look so crushed I was only teasing. What tour to Beijing would be complete without seeing Tiananmen Square? I would have been four years old when it happened. My father was posted here at that time too. He had been present during most of the 1989 protests.”

  “Did he witness the actual murder of the protesters?”

  “Yes, my mother told me that it was very emotional for him. He told her when he returned home that he had felt so helpless. He was apparently considering if he wanted to continue covering such atrocities when his boss at Reuters called him and asked him to go to Bosnia. We know how that ended.”

  William took Barbara’s hand in his and squeezed it.

  The tour guide announced that their next stop would be the Forbidden City, touted as the best preserved imperial palace in China and the largest ancient palatial structure in the world.

  “We’re going to the Forbidden City now, so I forbid you to be sad on your birthday,” William whispered to Barbara.

  She burst out laughing, “You are so corny, Lamport.”

  When they returned to the hotel it was late in the evening.

  “I’m going to let you relax a little and get dressed then I’m going to pick you up at six forty-five for dinner,” William told Barbara.


  Alone again, Barbara sighed and slipped the Nike ballet flats off her feet. What a glorious day it had been! It was easily the best birthday in recent memory. And all thanks to William.

  She began to make her way to the bedroom but had to turn back midway when she heard the doorbell ring. She swung open the door expecting to see William again.

  “Oh,” she said when she saw who it was. “Please come in.”

  Kendra Lamport glided into the room with the scent of Chanel No. 5 floating around her. She looked like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s with her chestnut hair pinned up in an elegant up-do, a sparkling, full-length, black dress and a thick diamond and onyx necklace at her throat.

  “Happy birthday, darling,” she said, embracing Barbara. “My son whisked you off this morning before I could even rub the sleep out of my eyes. I came to bring you your presents. One is from me and the other is from Prudence.”

  They went into the living area and sat on the sofa. Kendra sat straight as a rod. Years of finishing school had resulted in her perfect posture. She presented Barbara with a big, beautiful, red gift box tied up with a red polka dot bow.

  Barbara unwrapped the gift and stared at the bundled white satin confection.

  “Go ahead, darling. Take it out and see if you like it.”

  Barbara took the dress out of its tissue and held it up. It was a white, sleeveless, full-length sheath with a crimson satin sash. The V-neck, mirrored at the back where it was deeper, was edged with lace.

  “It’s by a hot new Chinese designer called Jenny Li. Very lovely, I find. Your taste and mine may differ, so if you hate it please let me know. I can have it exchanged for something else.”

  “No, Kendra. I love it. It’s absolutely beautiful.”

  “The sash is optional. You can wear the dress without it. This next gift is from Prudence. She asked me to give it to you on her behalf.” Kendra drew a checkbook from her clutch bag. “She asked me to make it out to your Foundation. What’s the name, please?”

  After Barbara told her, Kendra finished writing then handed Barbara a check. When she looked at it she gasped. “Kendra, this is £20,000!”

  “Indeed it is. That’s Prudence’s gift to you. She said you would appreciate that more than anything else she could give to you. Is that true?”

  “She’s right.”

  “The work of your Foundation must be very important. We must talk some more about it tomorrow, perhaps on that long flight back.” She stood. “I understand that my son is taking you out tonight so I’ll leave you to your preparations. I’m off to the Chinese opera now. Have a great evening, Barbara.”

  They exchanged a final hug and then Barbara was alone once more. She showered, put on a kimono and called Prudence. It was 11:45 p.m. in Paris and normally she wouldn’t call anyone at that hour but she knew that Prudence was a night owl and was usually up until 1:00 a.m. or 2:00 a.m.

  “I received your gift. Thank you so much,” she said when her friend’s voice came on the line.

  “You’re welcome, Barbie. I know how much the Foundation means to you and I wanted to show my support. So, how’s Beijing?”


  “I’ll bet. How’s my cousin.”


  “Hmmm. So anything you want to tell me.”

  “Like what?”

  “Let’s see. I opened my Hello! this morning and what should greet me but my favorite cousin and this American actress who looks very much like you. They look very cozy and intimate in those photos. Have you been holding out on me, Barbie?”

  “You get Hello! in Paris?”

  “You get Hello! anywhere, don’t try to change the subject.”

  Barbara sighed. “William and I are friends – nothing more. Don’t read too much into photos.”

  Prudence retorted, “Well, they say a picture can tell a thousand words.”

  “The only words those pictures can tell is of two good friends enjoying each other’s company. You remember that I told you that we had agreed to be friends. He’s aware that I’m not interested in a romantic relationship and he’s cool with that. We’ve just been hanging out together. There is really nothing to report.”

  “The lady dost protest too much methinks.”

  “Stop, Prunes.”

  “Fine, just tell me one thing, Barbie, and be honest. Are you in love with William?”

  There was a stretch of silence. Finally, Barbara replied softly, “Yes, I am.”

  “Oh my! That’s major. So, why don’t you tell him?”

  “I can’t. What if I’m just the one who got away?”


  “Has there ever been a woman William wanted who he didn’t get.”

  “Yes. You.”

  “Besides me.”

  “Umm. No, I don’t think so.”

  “Exactly. What if the only reason he’s still pursuing me is that I’m the only woman who’s resisted him? You know how he hates to lose at anything, right. Suppose he’s just trying to prove to himself that he can win my heart and then once he’s made the conquest he loses interest.”

  “How do you come up with these scenarios? I swear your imagination just goes into overdrive. You know what I think? I think that you’re just making up excuses. Your feelings for him scare you because you’re afraid he may break up with you again. That’s not going to happen. He’s enamored with you. I might be revealing a confidence but from the minute he met you he’s been crazy about you and that has never changed. He gushes so much about you that at times even I want to tell him to shut up. So stop this crazy talk and do both him and yourself a favor, tell him how you feel.”

  “I’m not quite ready to do that.”

  “Fine, Your Stubbornness. Let me change the subject before you drive me bonkers. How did your day go?”


  William and Barbara dined at a fabulous Beijing restaurant called The Courtyard. It was perched over the Forbidden City’s moat. After the meal, they drove to Shicha Lake where a Chinese gondolier was waiting for them at the pier to take them on a night time ride.

  A musician sat at the front of the boat playing soft music. Barbara sat with William’s arm around her, her hand resting lightly on his leg, and wondered if she had drea
mt the whole day. She didn’t think that it could possibly get any better.

  In the elevator William asked, “Do you mind stopping by my room for a minute? I have a gift for you.”

  Barbara hesitated as warning bells went off in her head. William’s room alone? At this time of night? After such an emotionally charged day? She didn’t think that was a good idea.

  “Umm…can you give it to me tomorrow?”

  He looked disappointed.

  “I would have given it to you at dinner but I didn’t want to bring it with me. I think I understand why you don’t want to come to my room at this hour and I apologize for asking you to do that. Is it okay if I go fetch it and bring it down to your room, then? I don’t have to come in.”

  Barbara thought about this for a minute and decided it would be churlish of her to refuse. “Okay,” she responded.

  She got off at her floor, while William continued up to his.

  No sooner had Barbara slipped off her shoes, unpinned her hair and taken off her earrings than she heard a light rap at the door.

  She checked to make sure it was William. He stood there holding a package and she suddenly felt overcome with the desire to invite him in. She reasoned that after all he had done for her that day it would be impolite to just take the gift and bid him ‘bye’. She decided to let him in for just a few minutes, long enough to see her open the present.

  “Please come in, Wills.”


  Barbara looked so appealing with her hair tumbled around her shoulders that it was William’s turn to hesitate.

  For the entire evening he had struggled to maintain self-control, to keep his hands to himself and not finish what they had been about to begin that morning before they had been interrupted. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to withstand further temptation that night. He struggled between the desire to join her and the niggling feeling that he should leave.

  Barbara tugged on William’s arm. Instantly any fight he had in him disappeared.

  He followed Barbara to the couch and sat beside her as she carefully unwrapped the gift. She stared at the black leather box in her lap for a moment, then carefully lifted the lid.


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