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The Royal Couple: A Christian Romance (Royals Book 1)

Page 32

by Nicole Taylor

His mouth slowly went agape.

  Alfred looked quite composed and matter of fact as though these kinds of deliveries were made every day.

  “I’ll have it removed to the games room, Sir,” he said.

  “Yes, of course,” William replied as he watched the men heft the gift up again and follow Alfred. He turned to Barbara. “Thanks. What a thoughtful gift. Explain to me the car and winning connection, though. I don’t get it.”

  “Well, I know you love to win and every time we play pool I win. So, I figured that you’d probably like to spend some time practicing and what better pool table to do that on than one shaped like a car.”

  “Ahh! You really put some deep thought into that one. Okay, let’s start now, shall we?”

  Barbara laughed. “Oh, you don’t mind getting whupped on your birthday I see.”

  “Now, now. No trash talking.”


  The noise of cue stick on cue ball and cue ball on cue ball went on for over an hour. Barbara won most of the games, as was expected, but William won quite a few. Barbara noted what a quick learner he was. He seemed to have improved since they last played in New York all those months back.

  Following the game, the two sat on a deep, comfy, black leather sofa in the games room chatting as they sipped bottled water. There were a variety of games throughout the room including a games console. There was also a mounted 90-inch TV. There was even a bar and a small refrigerator stocked with every type of drink.

  While she’d had a cursory glance in the room when William had given her the tour in April, this was the first time Barbara had opportunity to really see the room up close.

  She commented, “So is this your man cave?”

  William smirked. “This whole condo is my man cave. I live alone or have you forgotten?”

  Barbara shifted her body slightly. No, she hadn’t forgotten that he lived alone. Every time she allowed her thoughts to drift to William, she’d daydream about what it would be like to share his space and his life with him.

  Thankfully, he didn’t seem to require a response to his remark. He continued, “How’d you even know I’d have space for this pool table in here! It fits perfectly.”

  “Remember when I was here in April? Well, during the tour I took note of everything, so I knew that spatially it could fit very well. I conspired with Alfred to make room for it yesterday.”

  “Oh, you did? He didn’t let on a bit. Interestingly enough, I had a ping pong table in here up ‘til about two years ago. It was really for when I got together with my mates. When I took over Lamport Holdings, though, I had fewer opportunities to hang out with them. So since I hadn’t really been using the ping pong table I donated it to a boy’s home two years ago. The pool table fits nicely into the space it vacated,” he replied.

  “What about that?” Barbara asked pointing to the foosball table. “That requires a partner too.”

  William’s smile was pensive. “I don’t really get the opportunity to play that game either but I can’t get rid of that one. It has sentimental value. My father bought it for me when I was 12 and we used to play whenever he got the chance. I still treasure those memories.”

  Barbara examined his face and then rested her hand lightly on his arm. “You’re a really sentimental guy, you know that?”

  He smiled. “You have no idea. So, how about a game of foosball?”


  “And after I beat you we can shoot some hoops,” he said, gesturing to the basketball redemption game at the back of the room.

  Barbara lifted an eyebrow. “After you beat me, huh? So you’re trash talking now?”

  He shrugged as he rose and held out a hand to her. “Just stating facts. We’ve already played the only game you can beat me at – for now. So we’ll just return to the right order of things.”

  Barbara took his hand and when she stood face to face with him she wagged a finger in his face. “Oh, it is so on!”’


  Barbara cooked for him. William still couldn’t get over that. It had never occurred to him to ask if she could even cook. It was not something he was used to the women in his life doing. To his recollection, his mother had probably cooked on about two occasions and that had constituted heating up canned soup – so that probably didn’t count. Lady Kendra Lamport did not cook.

  The women he’d dated in the past hadn’t either. Although Elizabeth had cooked breakfast for him a couple of times she had been really horrible at it so he’d discouraged that particular inclination as gently as he reasonably could.

  But Barbara. Wow! Barbara Dickson could cook!

  He moaned around the last delectable bite of vegetarian lasagna (who knew that such an oxymoron existed) and exclaimed, “Heavenly. Explain again how a dish without meat could taste so good. Are you sure there was no meat in there,” he asked eye balling her.

  Barbara laughed. “No meat, I swear. I seasoned the beans with chopped chives, onions, and peppers. You watched me most of the time didn’t you see what I was doing?”

  “I wasn’t watching you all the time and you forbade me to step into my own kitchen so I can’t be sure that you didn’t sneak some meat in there when I wasn’t looking.”

  “Sneak in meat? From where? You hardly have anything in that fridge aside from drinks and condiments.”

  “I don’t know what Alfred bought you when you sent him shopping. The two of you have been conspiring against me all day.”

  “You are certifiably crazy you know that?”

  Crazy about you, William thought. He quickly arrested that thought. He had to resign himself to just being Barbara’s friend. Thoughts like that would get him nowhere.

  After Alfred had cleared away the dishes they returned to the games room. William grabbed the remote and switched to the sports channel where a soccer game was in full motion.

  “I’ve been waiting to catch this game,” he said as he sat forward with his elbows on his knees.

  “Who’s playing?” Barbara asked, drawing her feet under her and shifting so that she sank comfortably into the sofa.

  “Manchester United vs. Liverpool.”

  “Who’re we rooting for?”

  “Man U,” William replied, taking a bite of the apple pie that Barbara had made. “Umm, this pie is champion.”

  “Thanks. I’ll leave the recipe with Alfred.”

  William’s eyes shifted from the screen to Barbara. They were twinkling with amusement. “Alfred doesn’t cook, sweetheart. He orders my meals from the Waldorf’s 24-hour kitchen.”

  “Oh, my mistake.”

  “So it means that the only way I’ll get to savor your apple pie is if you make it for me.”

  Barbara smiled. “Point taken.”

  “Are you returning to Morocco?” William asked.

  “No. Didn’t I tell you? We wound up shooting last week. I was just finalizing a few things down there. I’ve left Beverly to coordinate the removal of the set, collection of props, equipment and so on. There are a number of things I need to deal with in New York, including overseeing final arrangements for the gala, so I’m going to leave London tomorrow.”

  “Where are you staying?”

  “Here of course.”

  “Here?” William repeated, thinking for one insane moment that she was referring to his condo.

  “The Waldorf. Is there any other place to stay in London?”

  He smirked, despite the fact that his heart rate, which had spiked a few seconds ago, was still stabilizing.

  “So what have you got planned for the rest of this day,”

  “Nothing really. I was planning to just be lazy today, lounge around and watch sports. Then you showed up and I was able to do all the above with my best friend. This is shaping up to be my most wonderful birthday yet.”

  “Terrific! Good thing I showed up then or you’d have spent your birthday all alone.”

  “Actually, I had a few invitations out, but I declined.”

  Barbara lean
ed her head to one side. “So my tactic was really the best.”

  “What tactic?”

  “I didn’t invite you out, I showed up on your doorstep and strong-armed my way in, pool table and all.”

  “You always were an audacious girl.”

  “It worked. After all you’re hanging out with me not with all those people who politely asked first.”

  William shook his head. “What am I going to do with you? You have no shame at all.” Just then his phone began to vibrate. He looked at the screen “Excuse me,” he said to Barbara and then answered the phone.


  Barbara got up as William chatted and signaled that she was going to the bathroom. In the guest bathroom she washed her hands and checked her appearance. She released her hair from the tight chignon and finger combed it so that it hung loosely around her shoulders. She reached into her large hand bag and took out her makeup case and then proceeded to lightly touch up her makeup.

  She glanced at her watch, she had been at William’s condo for almost five hours and she had enjoyed every second in his company. As she ran the lip gloss tube over her lips she couldn’t help but think how she had almost missed this opportunity to brighten his day – and hers.

  She had been planning to go straight to New York when she had felt the Holy Spirit urging her to stop off in London and deliver William’s gift in person instead of having it shipped to him.

  She had relented but she hadn’t been sure that she would be doing the right thing showing up on William’s doorstep unannounced. The once a week calls had dwindled to once a fortnight and even then the calls were short and often rushed. Soon after his brief visit to Marrakech back in September the distance seemed to have grown between them. Now she was lucky if she even got a WhatsApp message.

  She had sensed a difference in his attitude toward her. It wasn’t as though he was cold or angry but it felt somehow like he had pulled back. Like he was deliberately putting an emotional distance between them and while it should have been a relief to her it wasn’t. She felt a real sense of loss. She’d tried to convince herself that she was fine with how things were going but she knew deep down that was a lie. Being with him like this today just emphasized how much she’d really missed him.

  When Barbara returned to the living room, she saw what looked like artwork turned down on the seat she had vacated. “What’s that?” She gestured to it as she watched William closely. He had a strange expression on his face which she couldn’t read.

  “It’s Prudence’s gift. It was delivered a few minutes ago. Take a look.”

  Barbara lifted the frame, turned it right side up and gasped. “Oh my!”

  Her eyes flew to William’s as her whole face heated up.

  “What do you think?” he asked as he searched her face intently.

  Barbara sat beside him, the frame clutched in her hands. “It’s very, very good. The likeness is remarkable. But…”


  “But it wasn’t appropriate for Prudence to do this.”

  The frame held an artist’s sketch of Barbara and William. A sketch they obviously had not posed for because they were locked in a sensuous embrace. The drawing was so intimate, so full of love and passion, it took her breath away.

  Barbara felt tears burn her eyes and she willed them not to come. She summoned all of her acting prowess and then shrugged and glanced at William.

  “She’s got great talent though. You’ve got to give her that,” she said nonchalantly and scooted around to place the frame between them on the couch.

  William pushed a small card into her hand. “Read this.”

  Barbara immediately recognized Prudence’s delicate penmanship, “My wish for you on your birthday is that life will imitate art,” the words said.

  Barbara cleared her throat a few times. When she felt she could trust her voice she said, “Well, this sentiment isn’t really a surprise. She’s always wanted to see us together.”

  He didn’t respond. He sat there and said absolutely nothing as he stared blankly out the window. Barbara couldn’t figure out if he was angry or pensive or both. And if he was angry who was he angry at? Prudence or her or both? The whole business was beginning to make her feel suddenly weary. She decided that it might be time to return to her hotel room. She reached for her handbag and stood up.

  “Wills, I’m going to go to my room to shower and change.”

  “Barbara, sit down.”

  Barbara blinked at his commanding tone. She raised an eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest.

  “Sit down,” he repeated more gently. “Please.”

  Barbara rejoined him on the couch. He quickly moved the painting to his left side and scooted closer to her. “Sweetheart, don’t run away. We need to talk about this.”

  Barbara looked down at her hands. The diamonds in the friendship band seemed to wink at her, mocking her. Her heart was so full with the need to just give herself to this man, to just surrender to her feelings for him, to wrap her arms around him and pepper his face with kisses. Why did life have to be so complicated?

  He draped a hand around her and drew her close. “I’ve missed you so much. These months apart from you have been so difficult. When I saw that sketch I felt such longing to be with you like that. Didn’t you feel the same way?”

  Barbara looked deep into William’s blue eyes and couldn’t lie. “Yes. Yes, I did.”

  “Oh, sweetheart.” When he grabbed her shoulders it almost stole her breath. He covered her mouth with his and she put her hands up to resist him but instead of pushing against him she grasped the front of his shirt and pulled him closer.

  They kissed long and deep. When they drew apart William caressed her cheek. “We can be like that in a heartbeat, Barbara. Just say the words.”

  She ran the back of her hand along his chin. “I just need more time that’s all. Please be patient with me.”

  He pushed away from her and watched her for a long time. He seemed to be deep in thought. Finally, he gave a short nod. “Okay. How much more time?”

  Barbara blinked in surprise. “What?”

  “You said you need more time. I’m willing to give you not only time but space. You need to make a decision about this relationship once and for all. Either you’re going to trust me with your heart and go all the way with me or you aren’t and I won’t pursue you anymore. I can’t continue with this emotional roller coaster ride.”

  Barbara’s eyes widened in alarm. “William, are you giving me an ultimatum?”

  “I am.” His blue eyes were dead serious. “I’ve come to realize that I’m just going to have to trust God to give me the strength to go on without you if you don’t want me but I can’t go on like this anymore. So you decide. Tell me, when are you going to give me your answer?”

  Barbara felt her blood grow cold. Lord Jesus, is this what you want. Is this why you told me to come here? She didn’t like this whole ultimatum business. She felt like she was being forced into a corner. But she didn’t have a choice but to play along. She sensed that if she refused to play by his rules William was determined enough to walk out of her life forever, even if it killed him. She was seeing a side of him that made it clear why he was such a hugely successful businessman.

  She sighed. “Okay. The night of the gala. When it’s over I’ll give you my answer.”

  “Okay. There’s something else.” He took a deep breath here and seemed to struggle with himself for a few seconds. Then he plunged ahead. “When I told you that I’m going to give you space I didn’t mean just physical space. I mean I won’t even message you before the gala. In other words there will be no contact between us.”

  Barbara’s eyes widened in alarm. “But the gala is several weeks away!”

  “I know.”

  “We’ve already been so far apart for months. You’ve hardly communicated with me and the times I called you seemed to be rushing me off the phone. Do you really think it’s necessary to limit all contact no
w? I think that’s a little extreme.”

  “When I was in New York and even after I returned home I did everything possible to win your heart, to make you fall in love with me again. If you don’t love me enough by now to risk everything to be with me then you never will and I’m just fooling myself. The reason I’m distancing myself from you is because I want you to experience what it would be like not to have me in your life anymore because, honestly, if you don’t choose to go beyond friendship with me that’s what’s going to happen. I can’t simply be your friend anymore. It’s all or nothing.”

  “What about your commitment to me. To be my friend no matter what.” Barbara squeaked. She felt as though she was going to have a panic attack.

  William gave her a sad smile. “I have to admit something to you in the interest of full disclosure. When I made that commitment to you, Barbara, I was sure that I could have it all with you, be your best friend and also be the man that you want to share your life with. I left New York confident that if I placed a ring on your finger that was a visual reminder of how much you meant to me then it wouldn’t be long before you gave into your feelings for me. Maybe I was wrong. Time will tell. The point is that I can promise you that I will always love you and that I’ll always be here for you if you ever need me.”

  William paused and glanced down at their linked hands. “I can’t promise to be the friend who hangs out with you like we did today or who shows up with you on his arm at events or who whisks you off to exotic places at a moment’s notice. It feels a lot like someone dangling something I want really badly in front of me and then saying I can’t have it. I can’t do that anymore without the knowledge that you’re mine or even the promise that you’ll be mine. I think you need to pray and make your decision. I’ve given you the freedom to decide when. You’ve chosen the night of the gala. I’m going to hold you to that. I’ve been inordinately patient, at least by my standards. It’s left to you now to decide where we go from here.”

  Barbara gulped. The next six weeks were going to be very hard indeed.


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