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The Royal Couple: A Christian Romance (Royals Book 1)

Page 37

by Nicole Taylor

  “We can have them there. We can jet everyone important to us to the Caribbean to celebrate with us at our intimate wedding on the beach.”

  “Tempting…but there’s also another reason. I want to have a good relationship with my mother-in-law and I don’t think that Lady Kendra Lamport would ever forgive me for denying her the pleasure of helping to organize the wedding for her one and only son.”

  “You may have a point there,” he conceded. “But if I’ve got to drag this out for the next six months I think that for the sake of my sanity we should keep as far away from each other as possible. Separate continents please.”

  Barbara laughed. “Does that mean that I can’t spend Christmas with you? I came prepared to spend the holidays with you and your family.”

  “Of course you can spend Christmas with me. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll only let you go back to the States after I show you off to everyone I know first. I will finally have the pleasure of being able to tell everyone that we’re more than just friends. Hallelujah!”


  Four days later, Barbara and William, blissfully happy, sat side by side on a love seat in the London Waldorf’s rooftop restaurant, The Goran.

  It was a beautiful space complete with scenic gardens, white-birch trees decorated with hanging lights, burbling fountains and romantic, picturesque views of London’s major landmarks.

  The floor to ceiling angled glass windows of the restaurant gave the appearance of alfresco dining but without the added blast of frigid winter winds. As it was the dead of winter the glass ceiling was also closed to keep the cold at bay.

  The restaurant was usually fully booked, but tonight William and Barbara were the only diners. William had reserved the restaurant exclusively for a romantic dinner for two.

  There was a young and dynamic ten-piece live swing and jazz band playing romantic music at one end of the room.

  It was during dessert that William suddenly got off the love seat, dropped to one knee, reached into his breast pocket and whipped out a black velvet box. He slowly opened it to reveal the ring inside. It was a platinum ring showcasing a cushion cut diamond in the center, so huge it looked like a chunk of ice, and two trapezoid cut diamonds on each side. Barbara gasped when she saw it, not only because of how breathtakingly beautiful it was, but also because she instantly recognized it as the ring he had given her the first time he had proposed.

  “Barbara Paloma Dickson, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” William asked softly. Barbara stared into his eyes and was surprised to see that, even though for the last few days they had spent every waking moment secretly discussing plans for their wedding and for their lives together, William still looked slightly unsure of her response. She felt a pang of regret that she had caused him such turmoil over the last several months.

  “Oh, honey, yes, yes and again yes,” she said with tears shining in her eyes. She waited for William to place the rock on her finger and then launched herself at him, wrapping her hands around his neck and raining his face with kisses.

  “Wills, you kept my ring. I was so sure that you’d returned it or given it to Victoria Compton.”

  He sniffed. “Given your ring to Victoria? Never. Truthfully, I don’t know why I didn’t return it. I just didn’t have the heart. Somewhere in the back of my mind I couldn’t believe that that was the end for us. Couldn’t accept it. I put it in my safe and that’s where it has been all these years. Barbara, I think that was a sign from God that we would be together eventually. Do you know that you have made me the happiest man in the world?” he asked when they were seated side by side again.

  “Ditto, my darling. Isn’t it remarkable that the ring that I bought you matches so well with this one? Divine guidance.” She looked down at her hand and then glanced over at his. “We should wear our friendship bands on our right hands so that they don’t clash with my engagement ring and our wedding bands on our wedding day.” William agreed and they took turns removing the rings from each other’s fingers and placing them on their right hands.

  “Did you ever take off the friendship ring that night after the gala,” Barbara asked him.

  “No, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I kept thinking about the commitment I made to you. You?”

  She shook her head. “Me neither.”

  William looked across at her and gently cupped her cheek with his hand and covered her mouth with his. The depth of emotion wrapped up in that kiss made them both breathless.

  “Oh sweetheart,” William moaned against her lips when the kiss ended. “Are you sure you don’t want to elope with me tonight?”

  Barbara smiled and ran her hand over his hard chest then up over his shoulders and around his neck. “As tempting as that is I think it’s good for you to learn to delay your gratification.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve learned to do that in spades, believe me.” He dropped a kiss on her lips. “Just two days before Christmas now. What a blessing it is to be able to celebrate the birth of our Lord with the woman who has brought me to know Him. God has blessed me in countless ways, Barbie, most notably by allowing me to be able to share my life with you. I just want to spend my life serving Him with you by my side.”

  “Amen to that.”

  Just then the band began to play a familiar song. William started crooning softly the words of Let’s Stay Together.

  Barbara gasped as tears sprang to her eyes. “Oh, Wills. It’s our song,”

  He smiled but didn’t stop singing as he took her hand and, standing, pulled her to join him in the middle of the room to dance with him to their song.

  William inhaled Barbara’s hair and wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her closer. Staring deep into her eyes, he sighed contentedly. “What did I do to become so blessed?”

  Barbara shook her head. “I was wondering the same thing about myself. I know it’s unmerited, God’s grace and favor.”

  “I meant what I just sang to you, sweetheart. Please don’t ever doubt that. I will love you forever, whether times are good or bad, happy or sad. You can trust in that because ever since I met you, even though wrong choices separated us, I have always loved you.”

  “I realized a few months ago that I never stopped loving you either. I tried to snuff out the flame we had but it was always there, sometimes burning low like smothering embers, but always there.”

  “I love you, sweetheart.”

  “And I love you. Always and forever.”


  This article appeared in the London Telegraph on June 14th the following year:

  The wedding of Lord William Lamport III, Baron Lamport of Luton in the County of Bedfordshire, President and CEO of Lamport Holdings, and Barbara Dickson, American movie star, took place on June 13th at Westminster Abbey, London.

  Hundreds of people lined the streets of London to catch a glimpse of the couple.

  The Rolls Royce carrying the bride arrived at Westminster Abbey at 11:00 a.m. as church bells rang out.

  The bride, exquisite in an ivory strapless Chantilly lace ball gown with a Basque waist and a cathedral train by Vera Wang and a breathtaking yellow diamond and white diamond necklace and matching earrings, beamed as she walked down the aisle escorted by her minister and close friend, Rev. Ezra Fulbright.

  Barbara and Rev. Fulbright led the procession with the bride’s sister, Ms. Dana Dickson, the maid of honor, carrying the train and assisted by two bridesmaids, the bride’s younger sister, Miss Ronalda Dickson, and the groom’s first cousin, Hon. Prudence Konstantinos. The maid of honor and bridesmaids wore strapless gold dresses.

  Walking through the avenue of trees, Barbara processed past delighted guests seated facing inwards before moving through the intricate golden quire screen and into the quire.

  William awaited his bride at the Lantern standing next to his best man, CEO of the website development company, Boyd, Mr. Sean Boyd. He was resplendent in an ivory three-piece suit, custom made by his Saville Row tailor, Mr. Gra
nt Lewis.

  In the south transept stood William’s grandparents, the Duke and Duchess of Westminster, his mother, Lady Kendra Lamport, and other members of his noble family. There were several members of the royal family there as well, including Elizabeth, the Queen, Princess Anne, a close friend of Lady Kendra Lamport’s, the groom’s dear friend, the Duke of Cambridge, who read one of the scripture passages, and Prince Harry.

  The congregation also included heads of state, including Prime Minister David Cameron, diplomats, charity workers, movie stars, and family members and friends from both sides.

  In the North transept was the mother of the bride, Mrs. Erin Dickson, her brother-in-law, American Movie Star Mr. Robert Cortelli, and many of William and Barbara’s close friends.

  The Archbishop of Canterbury presided over the service. As the couple signed the register, the Christian Rock Band Third Day’s lead singer, Mac Powell, crooned the song Born Again.

  After the Archbishop pronounced the couple man and wife, the two shared a deep kiss.

  Following the affair, the approximately 1000 guests enjoyed champagne and canapés in the grand ballroom of the nearby London Waldorf International Hotel and Towers.

  Then the newly married couple departed in the Rolls Royce for an hour and a half long drive to Rother Hill Manor in West Sussex where they and 100 close family and friends dined on a sumptuous banquet dinner followed by an after party. The party was kicked off by the couple who performed the rumba to a live rendition of Let’s Stay Together performed by the Rev. Al Green himself who had reportedly been flown in by the couple for this special occasion.


  Barbara and William reclined on board the deck of William’s huge yacht which he had lately renamed Barbaroula. They were on their honeymoon and on their way to Barbados. It was the obvious choice as a destination when Barbara told William that her grandfather, Lennox Dickson, had been a Barbadian and she’d always planned on visiting the island to explore her Barbadian heritage.

  Barbara cuddled up next to William and wrapped her arms around him. “You smell very, very nice, Lord Lamport,” she said as she slipped a hand inside his mostly unbuttoned, light cotton shirt and ran it over his bare chest.

  William smiled at his wife. “You smell nice too, Lady Lamport…and look nice…” He ran a hand over her long light brown leg. “…and feel nice.”

  Barbara moaned softly.

  “Let’s go below deck, shall we?” William suggested softly, meaningfully.

  Barbara laughed lightly and tilted her head to drop a kiss on her husband’s lips. “We just came from below deck,” she pointed out.

  William trailed kisses down her neck. “What’s your point?”

  Barbara laughed again and playfully slapped Williams’s arm. “That you’re insatiable.”

  “I waited for you for almost ten years, you bet I’m insatiable. Are you complaining? Because we could take a break.” He shot her a disarming smile.

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Don’t you even joke about such a thing.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “That’s what I thought.” He made a motion to stand.

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him back down. “We’ll go back to the cabin in a minute and we won’t be returning up here for the remainder of the night so let’s watch the stars for a bit longer,” she said, looking up at the beautiful starlit sky. “The stars are so bright and beautiful. They remind me of my ring.” She held out her hand and admired her wedding ring. “This looks like jewelry fit for a queen.”

  “You are a queen – my queen.”

  “You make me feel like a queen and I’m also a princess because my daddy’s the King of the universe. I guess that makes you a prince too, Wills.”

  “Yes, I’ve gone from being the crown prince of Lamport Holdings to being the son of the King of the universe. That’s some promotion. Hey, that must make us a royal couple!” he said drolly.

  Barbara giggled. “You’re as corny as ever but, you know, that sounds just about right.”

  ~*~ THE END ~*~


  Second Chance

  Book 2 – Royals Series

  Chapter 1

  A fashion show?!

  Robert Cortelli could not get over the fact that his agent, Sandy Brown, had just asked him to model for a fashion show.

  And to think, the day had begun with such promise. The wee hours of that morning had found him in the swing of the surprise birthday celebration his closest friends, Corey Elsom, Matt Feldman and Brian Brooks, had thrown for him at Los Angeles’ latest hot spot, Sundown Club. Then he’d been awoken from a deep slumber after midday by a courier delivering a script from Sandy, entitled The Asylum.

  Out of curiosity, he’d turned to the first page of the document with the intention of only reading the opening lines. Those few lines had quickly become several scenes.

  The story was mesmerizing. From the outset, the characters had swept him up and captivated his emotions. He had been looking for that one role to propel him into the stratosphere. The Asylum could be the one.

  Then Sandy had called.

  “Robert, just checking in to make sure you got the script,” he’d said.

  “Sandy, man, this script is really good.”

  “I knew you’d love it.”

  Robert had never been one to let grass grow under his feet, so he’d cut right to the chase.

  “I want the lead role. When can I audition?”

  “After Don Juan, you don’t have to worry about auditioning. The producers already like you for the lead role. We’ll need to find out how much they’re willing to pay to get you. Auditioning days are likely a thing of the past for you. You, my friend, are one of the hottest actors out there right now. From henceforth, as long as you’re my client, you can be assured that you’ll only be having meetings to negotiate terms.”

  For a moment, Robert had felt humbled. Wasn’t this what he had been working towards ever since he had left the University of California acting school four years earlier? Becoming a leading man in his own right, gaining recognition for more than just his looks or being the son of legendary Italian actor Michael Cortelli. The mere fact that the producers would want him for this role, even though he had never done a psychodrama like The Asylum, had to mean they had either seen something in his previous performances to convince them he was capable or it was divine intervention. Maybe it was the latter. Who knew? He kissed the crucifix which hung on the chain around his neck just in case.

  “Yes, it is. By the way, Assante’s creative director called. They want to shoot that commercial in Naples, as well as some stills for the new fragrance. What’s your schedule like for the next few weeks?”

  “Check that with Anna, but remember, I’m still promoting Train Crash so they’ll have to work around that,” Robert said.

  “Sure. One more thing...”

  And that was when Sandy said it, “…seeing as how you’re the new face for the menswear line, Assante wants you to make an appearance at L.A. Fashion Week.”

  “What do you mean ‘an appearance’?”

  “Walking the runway.”

  “What! Are you out of your mind?”

  “Bobby, just one short appearance, that’s all. Besides, it’s in your contract. You don’t have a choice.”

  Robert didn’t answer for a few minutes as he clenched and unclenched his fist in an attempt to keep his cool.

  “I distinctly remember asking you if I was going to have to actually model the clothes and you assured me all that was involved was posing for photographs. I can deal with commercials and the photo shoots for the ad campaigns. But this! Walking a catwalk. I am a serious actor, Sandy, not some pretty boy.”

  “Will you relax? It’s not going to make you any less manly if that’s what you fear. They want to launch you as the new face for the menswear line with this runway appearance. The plan is that the ad campaign will roll out immediately after that. You’ll be escorting one
of the models down the catwalk for the womenswear show’s finale and then you’ll return with Assante when he makes his appearance at the end. That’s what, not even twenty minutes work for fifty grand. I don’t think that’s a bad deal at all.”

  No, Sandy wouldn’t consider it a bad deal since he received ten percent of every cent Robert made.

  “When is it?” Robert ground out.

  “Next Wednesday. You just have to show up, walk the model down the runway, pose for a few photo ops at the end, and then you can leave. Painless.”

  Robert expelled a short, annoyed breath.

  “You know, I had my misgivings about this business from the start and I allowed you to convince me it would be good for my career. But I can’t see how modeling clothes can bode well for my image. I may be locked into this right now but as soon as this contract is over I’m through. Do you hear me, Sandy? Finished. Finito.”

  “Fine, Bobby. It’s like I told you from the start, we would just do a contract for the year and include an option to renew. No biggie. In life you try stuff; see how it suits you. But I’ve gotta tell you it hasn’t been as bad as you make out. Being Assante’s brand ambassador will rake in millions of dough for you while increasing your visibility. There’s a cultural obsession with celebrities in America, in fact across the western world, right now. People can’t seem to get enough of their favorite stars no matter what they’re up to. It’s a win-win situation. Assante can use your huge fan base across the world to get maximum attention for their products while you apply minimum effort and just use your God-given good looks to rake in the moolah.”

  “I accept that it’s lucrative, Sandy. I’m not disputing that. My concern is distracting people from my acting ability. I’m a serious actor. I don’t want to be eye candy.”

  “I’m sorry to break it to you, Bobby. You can’t help but be eye candy.”


  “Isn’t he handsome?” Heather Lawrence sighed as she waved the magazine under Dana Dickson’s nose.


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