Book Read Free

All About the Zenjamins

Page 16

by Beck Rowland

  “What do mean? You’ve got an idea, don’t you?” Zenaida asked.

  “I think so,” Lara nodded. “When Davey locked us in that elevator, he trapped us somewhere where he controlled the environment. He limited our options in order to maximize the likelihood of a favorable outcome. You need to do the same to Tucksworth. Lure him to a place where you control the environment, then find a way to challenge him on your own terms.”

  And suddenly, Zenaida knew exactly what to do.


  The Ring

  The couch that Zenaida, Lara and Davey sat on had either been designed to seat only two people, or else Japanese furniture was just a lot smaller than they were used to. Takeshi Nomura’s Tokyo apartment was elegantly decorated, with lots of wooden furniture, bamboo, and earth tones. In the windowsill, his wife had planted a dazzling array of beautiful flowers. A faint sweetness filled the air. It was almost too comfortable. Zenaida suppressed a yawn, fighting off the effects of jet lag.

  Nomura’s wife emerged from the kitchen with a tray, then set several small cups of hot tea in front of each of them. She didn’t speak a word of English, so Zenaida thanked her with a warm smile and a subtle head nod. Nomura’s wife returned the nod, then retired into another room.

  Takeshi Nomura sat in a recliner opposite their couch, wearing a comfortable pair of sweat pants and a loose tee. He looked like an entirely different person from the miserable man Zenaida had seen dining with Tucksworth, back when she first learned about the DataVortex program.

  “So…” Nomura said. He glanced from one face to another, then settled on Zenaida. “You are the ones who tried to fight Tucksworth, yes?”

  “I’m Zenaida Ruiz. This is Davey Erickson and Lara Franklin,” Zenaida said. “We had a plan to stop Tucksworth from acquiring DataVortex, and to force Peeper to take better care of user data.”

  “It didn’t work,” Lara added. “Tucksworth has DataVortex on a USB necklace, and he’s hiding out somewhere in the United States until Peeper’s lawyers can make it safe for him to come out.”

  Nomura let out a deep sigh. “There’s no beating Peeper. I left that company after seeing Tucksworth shrug off one privacy violation after another, but they just wouldn’t let me go. DataVortex was supposed to be my redemption; a way to make up for the work I did at Peeper.”

  “I heard you wanted to use it to find missing children,” Zenaida said.

  “Correct. With its revolutionary pattern-recognition and target identification capabilities, millions of trafficking and kidnapping victims could have been saved. Instead, Tucksworth will use it to make Peeper even more of a monstrosity than it already is,” Nomura said.

  “Did Peeper at least pay you for DataVortex?” Davey asked.

  “They did,” Nomura said. “But it was just enough to cover the legal fees I spent trying to keep the program away from them.”

  Zenaida leaned forward on the couch. “I want to help you.”

  Nomura shook his head, a haunted look in his eyes. Zenaida realized this was a man who had seen his lifework used to victimize and exploit, who had fought valiantly but failed to make things right. With DataVortex in Tucksworth’s possession, Nomura appeared to have accepted defeat. He had tried his best, but now that he had lost, there was nothing left to be done. Nomura must have been keen to put it all behind him and move on.

  “It’s not too late,” Lara said. “Zeny has developed a plan to take DataVortex from Tucksworth before he can deliver it to Peeper Headquarters, and to make sure he never comes after any of us ever again. With your help, we can still stop him.”

  Nomura smiled sadly. “I’m afraid Jack Tucksworth is impossible to defeat. He’s simply too rich, too powerful. Nobody wants to risk being on the receiving end of his wrath.”

  “That’s the beauty of it,” Zenaida smiled. “Our plan is to weaponize his greatest asset, to turn Tucksworth’s fearsome reputation against him. Please, take a look at these documents.” Davey stood up and passed Nomura a thin folder filled with papers. “ZenCorp would like to purchase the DataVortex program and use it for its intended purpose. We’d also like you to join the company, so that you can provide the oversight necessary to ensure your program is always used in an ethical manner.”

  “Unfortunately, we will need your decision rather soon. Sometime tomorrow, we expect Peeper’s lawyers to win an appeal. At that point, it will be too late,” Lara said.

  Takeshi Nomura flipped through the documents, then looked back up to Zenaida. The conflict was written plainly on his face. Part of him wanted to forget about Tucksworth, DataVortex, and Peeper. It would be easier just to move on, to look forward instead of backwards.

  Yet another part of him felt continued responsibility for the program he had created. If he joined ZenCorp he could act as its shepherd, not to mention the generous salary Zenaida had offered.

  “This is a very attractive offer,” Nomura admitted. “But before I can decide, I need to know: what exactly is your plan to beat Tucksworth?”

  Zenaida, Lara and Davey explained the plan in careful, explicit detail. As they spoke, the skepticism gradually vanished from Nomura’s face. In its place shone optimism and hope. A small smile slowly spread across his face. They had convinced him, Zenaida realized.

  Nomura asked for a few minutes to discuss with his wife in the other room. The couple emerged together some time later, then approached Zenaida and gave a deep bow. They thanked her in Japanese, and then Takeshi Nomura smiled.

  “I’m very excited to be part of the ZenCorp team. Let’s get started right away,” he said.

  The press release dropped early Monday morning, timed to match the stock market opening. Around the world, headlines proclaimed: Genius Programmer Takeshi Nomura Admits Critical Security Flaw in Famous DataVortex Program!

  The eyes of the world quickly turned to Peeper, which had only just snatched the software from its creator. Would Nomura help Peeper patch the flaw, television analysts wondered? What would it mean for Peeper if he refused? The possibility alone knocked Peeper stock down several percentage points.

  Zenaida flipped through channels on the flatscreen, viewing the coverage with grim pleasure. She was back stateside, sitting at the conference table with the ZenCorp team. Takeshi Nomura had joined them, calmly sipping a cup of hot tea. They watched the television in silence. They had set the bait, and now they waited for Nomura’s phone to ring.

  It didn’t take long. Zenaida let the phone ring several more times before motioning for Nomura to pick up. She could only hear one side of the conversation, but what she heard was enough. Jack Tucksworth was demanding a meeting with Takeshi Nomura. If Nomura refused to fix the DataVortex security flaw, Tucksworth would devote every penny of his billion dollar wealth to Nomura’s utter ruination.

  “There’s no need for threats. You know how important user privacy is to me; of course I will fix this dangerous software vulnerability. My only condition is that I decide when and where we meet,” Nomura said. Everybody around the table waited with bated breath. The silence seemed to stretch forever.

  At last Nomura spoke. “Good. I’ll send you the address later. Be there tonight, at nine sharp.” Then he hung up the phone and shot a thumbs-up to the team.

  “Yes!” Zenaida shouted, pumping her fist. “We’ve got him.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Ortega asked. “This plan is legally defensible, but it’s certainly not legally advisable.”

  “Ortega’s right. This is a dangerous escalation. If you’re having any second thoughts, nobody will blame you for backing out,” Mike added.

  Zenaida looked at them, then turned to Davey and Lara. Both gave her wide, confident grins. Zenaida felt a sudden delirious burst of happiness. No matter how the plan turned out, she was glad to have them both with her. All of them being together felt right.

  “Don’t worry, Zeny’s got this. Jack Tucksworth won’t know what hit him,” Davey declared.

>   Zenaida turned to Lara, who gave her a long, thoughtful stare. Zenaida realized that some part of her was waiting for Lara’s approval. If Lara voiced any doubt, she would probably call off the entire thing. Zenaida met her friend’s stare and waited for her verdict.

  “Final sanity check— what do you think, Lara? Should I move forward with the plan?” Zenaida asked.

  “Hell yes. I’m behind you one hundred percent,” Lara said. “How do you feel? All ready to mete out your first real dose of vigilante justice?”

  Zenaida looked at the ZenCorp team, then walked across to the window. As she stared at the city below, a hard smile crossed her face.

  “I’ve been waiting to do this my entire life,” she said.

  Just after nine that evening, Jack Tucksworth strutted into Murph’s gym. He was closely flanked by two bodyguards in matching suits. The men were brawny paramilitary types, burly thugs in crew cuts and earpieces. The gym was closed, but the rear entrance had been left unlocked.

  As he walked through the building, he peered down his nose at the scuffed floor and faded paint, sniffing with disdain. The lights were all turned off, except for one bright bulb burning directly above the ring. Tucksworth walked towards the light, then ducked between the ropes and stepped inside.

  Tucksworth jumped as a sudden, shrill beeping split the air. The bodyguards scanned the area, hands on their holsters. “Is that the car alarm?” Tucksworth frowned.

  The bodyguards cocked their heads. “Yes sir, I think it might be,” one of them said tentatively.

  “Then what are you knuckleheads waiting for? That car is a Bugatti La Voiture Noire, worth over thirteen million dollars. Go check it out,” Tucksworth snapped.

  The bodyguards took a step, then hesitated and exchanged a glance. “One of us should stay,” one said. “Just in case--”

  “I think I can handle a middle-aged computer programmer on my own. Get going!” Tucksworth snapped. Despite Tucksworth being shorter and smaller, the bodyguards flinched visibly. Without another word, they turned tail and jogged towards the exit. Tucksworth watched them go, shaking his head in disgust. The bodyguards ran outside, and after a few moments, the car alarm fell silent.

  Suddenly a female voice split the air. “They won’t be able to get back inside. The doors are being locked behind them. I wanted us to have some privacy,” Zenaida announced. Her voice echoed through the gym. She stepped into the light so Tucksworth could see her. “Oh, and there’s zero reception in this gym, so don’t bother trying your phone.”

  “You!” Tucksworth spat. “The ZenCorp girl? How many times do I have to teach you the same lesson? You can’t beat me.”

  Zenaida walked a slow circle around Tucksworth. Tucked into his hoody, she could see the USB necklace holding the DataVortex program. She grinned at Tucksworth and cocked her head.

  “I learned, but not the lesson you were hoping,” she said. “I’m not stopping until you hand over that program.”

  “You’re deranged,” Tucksworth said. He shook his head, giving Zenaida a look of pity. “You should have walked away when you had the chance. Now I’m going to make it my personal hobby to ruin your life in every way I can imagine. Got a nice apartment? I’m going to buy land next door and open a pig shit fertilizer factory right outside your window. Your friends, family? I’m buying out their entire companies just so I can fire them in person. Anywhere you go, anything you love, I will devote myself to utterly destroying.”

  Zenaida brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes.”Mr. Tucksworth, are you sure you want to spar with me? If you don’t back down, I’m going all in.”

  “Spar? Spar with you?!” Tucksworth exclaimed, incredulous. “I’m going to fucking DESTROY you. I’m going to hit you harder than you ever thought possible. I’m going to hurt you in places you didn’t even know you had. I’m going to absolutely wreck you, until you regret the day you first heard of Jack TuckswhOOF--”

  That’s when Zenaida kicked him. It was a low kick, driven fast into the soft spot just below his diaphragm. The air was knocked from Tucksworth’s lungs and he doubled over, clutching at his stomach. His eyes were wide with shock as he gasped for breath.

  “You little bitch, you kicked me!” Tucksworth managed. He roared and then lunged for her, throwing a haymaker that she easily sidestepped.

  Zenaida hit him again, a short jab in the nose. It didn’t quite break, but she felt the cartilage grind beneath her fist. Tucksworth staggered back, dazed. His eyes immediately filled with tears, which rolled down his cheeks and vanished into his beard.

  He swung again, a powerful blow that Zenaida almost dodged. It hit her in the shoulder, sending her tumbling off balance. Seeing his opportunity, Tucksworth charged. Zenaida fought back a wave of fear. The man had several inches and nearly fifty pounds over Zenaida. As he barreled towards her, some primal instinct demanded she flee. Her heart thudded in her chest and she forced herself to stand firm.

  Zenaida took a breath, then aimed a kick directly at Tucksworth’s thigh. The blow struck true and the muscle gave out mid-stride. Tucksworth tumbled to his knees with an infuriated yelp. Zenaida was on him in an instant.

  She leapt atop Tucksworth and began pummeling him with a barrage of punches and elbow blows. Every hit carried years of pent-up fury and frustration. Every time she thought about stopping, she remembered another indignity suffered, another shame borne, and her anger surged up again. Zenaida gradually became aware that Tucksworth was yelling something.

  “Puh-puh-please! Please stop!” Tucksworth whimpered. “Please! I’m sorry!”

  Zenaida pulled herself to her feet and staggered, panting for breath. Jack Tucksworth was curled on the ground in a fetal position, arms wrapped over his head in a futile attempt to ward off the blows. Tears and snot streaked down his face as he sobbed quietly.

  “Look at me,” Zenaida said quietly. Tucksworth was crying too loud to hear her, so she gave him a soft kick in the ass and said it again, louder. “Look at me, Tucksworth.”

  He rolled over with a groan, flinching as he looked up to meet Zenaida’s gaze. Not breaking eye contact, she leaned over and snatched the USB necklace from his neck. The chain snapped with a small pop, tiny beads scattering across the ring mat. Zenaida slipped it into her pocket, then turned back to Tucksworth.

  “You’re going to abandon all claims to DataVortex immediately. You’re going to leave Takeshi Nomura alone. You’re going to leave ZenCorp alone. You’re going to leave me alone. And you’re going to issue a public apology for your flagrant disregard for user privacy. So long as you’re in charge, Peeper had better never have another security lapse again,” Zenaida said.

  Tucksworth groaned, then slowly clambered to his feet. He grimaced, holding the side of his torso with one hand. There would be some colorful bruises under his hoody tomorrow, Zenaida knew. He held a sleeve up to his nose, staunching the slow drip of blood.

  “You’re out of your mind,” Tucksworth croaked. “You may have beaten me in here, but outside, in the real world, the world still bends to me. I tell your bank to cancel your account, it’s done. I tell the airline to cancel your booking, it’s done. That’s the power my name wields in the business world, and as long as I have that, you will never be safe.”

  “Do you know why you’re going to follow my demands?” Zenaida asked. She spoke in a calm, neutral voice, as if Tucksworth had never spoken.

  Suddenly several flat screens lit up around the gym. They began playing identical, simultaneous footage: high resolution video of Zenaida knocking Jack Tucksworth around the kickboxing ring.

  “The video caught everything. It starts off with me asking if you really want to spar, and then shows you accepting the challenge. Perfectly legal for two consenting adults to spar in the ring, right? It goes on to show me kicking the crap out of you. The video concludes with you whimpering on the ground, your hoody drenched in tears, your beard caked with snot,” Zenaida said.

rth gawked at her, his mouth working but no sound coming out. For the first time, Tucksworth didn’t look angry at all. Now, he looked scared.

  “Could anybody see this video and still be afraid of Jack Tucksworth?” Zenaida wondered aloud. “I don’t think so. I don’t think anybody who saw this video would ever take Jack Tucksworth seriously again.”

  “You... you wouldn’t dare,” Tucksworth stammered. “Releasing that tape would utterly destroy my reputation, but your gun only has one bullet. Once you fire it, you’d have nothing left to threaten me with. You’d have no way to stop me from destroying you.”

  “That’s a chance I’m willing to take. I would rather go back being broke, knowing I did my best to make the world a better place, than be a millionaire and let you get away with screwing everybody else,” Zenaida said. She was astonished to realize that she meant it. “If you even glance in Takeshi Nomura’s general direction ever again, I will release the video. You ever let Peeper users get hacked again, I release the video. You make the slightest move against ZenCorp, and I release the video. You do anything to threaten me or my friends ever again, guess what I’m gonna do?”

  Tucksworth glowered silently, refusing to answer.

  “I’m gonna kick your ass again, and then I’m gonna release the video,” Zenaida finished. She met Tucksworth’s angry glare with one of her own. For a long moment, they faced each other in silence. In the background, Zenaida could hear Tucksworth’s bodyguards pounding on the gym door. Finally, Tucksworth let out a frustrated sigh.

  “Fine. That stupid program isn’t even worth all the trouble,” Tucksworth muttered. “I’ve got better things to do.”

  “So do we have a deal?” Zenaida asked.

  Tucksworth gave a reluctant nod, muttering angrily beneath his breath. Then he turned out of the ring, ducked under the ropes, and gingerly climbed to the ground. Zenaida noticed him limping as he made his way towards the door. She walked to the edge of the ring and watched him go. Just before he reached the gym exit, she called out to him.


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