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Barefoot Chaos (The Beach Squad Series Book 3)

Page 15

by Marika Ray

His eyes opened, showing me bright green irises. I brought my hand up to his face, finding his beard scruffy in the best way. The kind of scratchy that has a girl thinking of other places she wanted that beard. "Good morning," he whispered.

  "Hi!" I cleared my throat, searching for better words. I wanted to leave inarticulate, drunk Hessa a distant memory. "I-I know I was a total mess last night and I'm so sorry. I'm not sure what all happened but it was inexcusable. Thank you for taking care of me."

  He smiled, rubbing his hand along my arm, tracing his finger over my collarbone. "You were actually hilarious, but I am concerned still about your rash. Looks like the Benadryl knocked it out."

  I looked down at my chest, confused. "Rash?"

  "When I got your coat off, you were covered in a nasty rash. Have you worn that coat before?"

  "I wore it once last winter, but with clothes on underneath." I blushed, remembering how I'd been naked the whole time.

  Kai's smile got bigger. "Yeah, I really liked that. Maybe next time, don't use a wool coat.""

  I huffed out a laugh. "There won't be a next time! I think I embarrassed myself enough."

  His smile turned into a pout. "Will you at least wear the heels again? I really like the idea of you in the heels. And nothing else." He thrust his hips into mine, reminding me of our naked states.

  "Does this mean you forgive me and we're good?"

  "Depends. Does this mean you want a relationship with me? You agree that we'd be good together?" He wasn't going to let me off the hook easily, which I understood. I did brush him off pretty hardcore last time.

  I wanted to be as honest with him as I could. "Absolutely. I'm still scared, but I'm willing to give you my best try."

  The words had barely left my lips before he rolled on top of me, lips pressed to mine, sealing the deal. Then he pulled back, trapping my hands above my head, pressing my wrists into the soft mattress.

  "Just so we're clear, nothing happened last night. I gave you Benadryl and put you to bed. I know you've been hesitant to take this further, but I've been clear from the beginning. You mean everything to me, Ono. I respect you and value you. I'll never take your trust in me for granted. And I'll never just walk away from you."

  Having no words to respond, I lifted my head and kissed him instead, hoping it conveyed all I felt for this man.

  He broke the kiss again, not yet done though he was breathing heavy. "There's a word in my culture called Ku'uipo. It means sweetheart. But it's stronger than the English equivalent of girlfriend. It means lover, best friend, the one you want by your side for a lifetime." He paused to search my eyes. "You're my Ku'uipo, Hessa."

  There wasn't much more my wine marinated brain could handle. I had no witty reply, just tears as I realized how lucky I was to be in this man's life. He even kissed those away before moving down my body, waking up every part of me with lips, tongue, and teeth.

  And when he filled me, bringing me over the edge, it wasn't his name I cried out. It was Ku'uipo.



  I discovered morning sex was the best cure for a hangover. It was sweet. It was slow. And it blasted through the remaining fuzz in my head. As we lay wrapped around each other in post-coital bliss, I listed out all the ways to say how I felt about him. Together, we came up with quite a few.

  I was head over heels for Kai. Enamored. Boy crazy. Crushin' on him. Lovesick. Infatuated. Sweet on him. Basically, all the words and phrases that circled around what I was actually feeling for him: in love. I wasn't ready to say it yet. I wanted more time to just be together. The words would come later when I was absolutely certain. When I said it to him, I would mean it to the depths of my soul. I didn't take those three little words lightly. When I said it, it would be forever.

  Saturday melted into Sunday. We drove to my house to pick up papers I needed to grade, along with some actual clothes. I couldn't keep wearing one of Kai's t-shirts with no undies. He said it was too distracting, but secretly, I think he loved the easy access. I struck a compromise by putting on a matching bra and lacy thong set Bailey had picked out for me at Nordstrom. If I couldn't be naked, I'd at least be in something better than worn out granny panties.

  Kai had to run down to the garage to pick up his VW van. He'd had some repairs done to it and from the way he went on about it, I was excited to see it. He was my beach hippie, through and through. I was learning to love that about him, rather than equate it with something negative.

  While he went to the garage, I sent a group text to the Beach Squad letting them know where I stood with Kai. I heard back instantaneous congratulations, along with several pleas for details on the sex. Those girls made me laugh.

  I even updated my Instabook profile to 'In a Relationship'. Then I grabbed my laptop and formatted some fliers advertising my upcoming fundraiser concert. Esa got back to me saying she'd talked to the powers-that-be at Pacific City and she had the courtyard booked next month and several stores had already promised to pitch in.

  Kai was grinning ear to ear when he came home, his VW keys swinging around his finger. In his other hand, he had a bag with Chinese take-out. We ate and talked all about his van. It was a vintage VW that hadn't had any work done on it for many decades. Kai was adamant about fixing it up to its former glory and taking us for drives up the coast of California. He said originally he didn't care about fixing it up, but said he realized he needed a spruced up carriage for his princess. I eye-rolled hard at that line, but I did appreciate the fact that he was fixing it up. I didn't want to take drives with the engine breaking down and the springs in the seat poking me in the ass.

  After we finished eating, Kai grabbed the keys again and pulled me out the door. We were going to do our meditation down at the beach, a habit I wanted to pick up from now on too.

  We pulled up into a parking lot far south of the pier on the Huntington Beach State beach, parking the van so it faced the ocean with the side door open. I was impressed with the work that Kai had done on the vehicle so far. It looked clean and safe, so that was a relief. I'm sure all the decorative touches would come later. We sat down in the van, our legs dangling out the door.

  "I just had the carpet replaced back here. I've had a certain fantasy about this van and a beautiful woman." Kai was looking at the sunset, but his hand was on my thigh, stroking up and down. I didn't know what his fantasy was, but if he kept touching me like that, I was thinking I'd like to find out.

  "Mmm...what fantasy is that?"

  He swung his gaze to me and I saw his eyes were looking a shade more green than hazel, a tell-tale sign he was turned on already. His hand slid up higher, almost underneath the hem of my shorts. "I want to make love to you in this van, with the roar of the waves right outside, the only light coming from the moon over the water." He cupped his hand over my jaw, threading his fingers into the hair at the nape of my neck. "Ready to be my fantasy come to life, Ono?"

  My stomach dropped while my heart lodged in my throat. I wanted to give him his fantasy, but I also was nervous about being in public. An act so intimate seemed out of place here in a public parking lot. My indecision must have showed on my face.

  "Hold that thought. Let's enjoy the sunset, do our meditation, and then decide. I think when you see how quiet it is out here, you'll see why I chose this spot." He brought me in for a kiss, his tongue doing a fine job of convincing me. He pulled back and settled further into the van, resting his back on the inside wall. He pulled me between his legs and brought my back to rest on his chest.

  "Close your eyes and relax," he whispered in my ear. His hands moved my hair to one shoulder then traced down my arms, leaving goose bumps in their wake. Lips found my shoulder, kissing their way up my neck before nibbling on my ear. His hands massaged up my thighs, then my arms, never going under my clothing. With my eyes closed I was able to focus on his touch, enjoying the way he used his hands and forearms to rub down my skin. The long, sweeping strokes seemed to keep time with the waves crashing on the shore, au
dible from our man-made cave.

  When his hands finished with my limbs, they curved up to cup my breasts, lifting them and pinching my nipples through my shirt and bra. My eyes flew open, thinking someone would see us. I was surprised to see that the sun was down, pitching the parking lot in complete darkness. No other cars were around us and not one person was walking on the paved path along the beach. The closest street light was half a mile down the lot.

  "The beauty of the off-season, baby. I get fewer shifts, but there's no one on our beach at night." Kai was still playing with my breasts, but I knew he was holding off on going further until I made up my mind. I felt like I was sitting at the top of a roller-coaster in that moment before the ride pitches down into a stomach lurching drop. My heart was pounding and I wanted to do it. I don't know why I hesitated, other than a lifetime of conditioning that what we were about to do was irresponsible and possibly illegal if caught.

  But the spirit of the Care Dares and Kai's 'you only live once' mentality was starting to rub off on me. How often in life would I get a hot lifeguard wanting to make me see the stars inside a vintage VW while we listened to the ocean crash in front of us? I wanted to live in the moment for once and forget about the future.

  Before I could change my mind, I drew my hands to the waistband of my shorts and slid them down my legs, shimmying to get them completely off. The ocean breeze tickled along my skin, reminding me of my nakedness. I clenched my legs together, making sure I wasn't flashing anyone who might just happen to be out on the beach in the darkness. Kai's hands tightened on my breasts, knowing my answer was yes.

  Then his hands left my breasts to strip my shirt up and off. The clasp of my bra was released and Kai slowly slid each strap off my shoulders and down my arms, whipping it off entirely.

  I sat frozen, knowing I was completely naked in full sight of anyone who could see in through the side door of the van. Kai's arms came around and covered my breasts.

  "I won't let anyone see you, I promise. I'll make this good for you," he whispered, a hitch in his voice.

  I closed my eyes, hoping that would block out our public environment and let me relax. I could tell how much he wanted this and I wanted to give it to him. I decided to trust him and trust myself to enjoy this experience. Time to try new things.

  All that courage fled when he used his feet to spread my legs apart and hold me spread eagle in front of the door. All I felt now was a rush of sensations as one hand left my breast to travel over my stomach and down between my legs. He continued to tweak my nipple while his other hand moved up and down my slit, spreading the wetness I didn't even know was there. I may have been apprehensive about this public display, but my body was all in.

  Kai continued to trail his lips along my neck and shoulder, whispering encouragement to me in the form of dirty talk. I freaking loved it.

  "You're so wet for me, Ono. I can't imagine how beautiful you'd look right now if someone were to walk by and see you spread for me."

  I groaned out loud, turned on by his both his words and his hands playing my body like a human ukulele. The groan was followed by a gasp as one finger entered me, thumb brushing across my clit. His other hand left my breast and joined the party in the Netherlands. He spread me open, while his other hand continued to pump in and out.

  "Touch your breasts for me, Hessa."

  I didn't argue or waste time being embarrassed. I reached up and cupped my warm breasts, making sure to copy the pinching and squeezing he'd started. Between the two of us, I was close to the edge, ready to fall and not sure I could contain my moans. Hoping to keep the noises to a minimum to avoid attracting attention, I bit my lip.

  "It's okay, no one is out there. Let go, baby," he whispered, the words nearly strangled in his throat.

  He thrusted with two fingers, thumb keeping time on my clit for just a few more seconds before I exploded. I writhed on the floor of the van, hands abandoning my breasts to hold his magic hands to my center.

  "Kai, oh God, yes..." I was groaning and talking, unaware of how loud or quiet I was. Frankly, I didn't care anymore. All that mattered were the waves of pleasure rushing through my body as his fingers kept up their rhythm.

  And then Kai was laying me down, reaching over to slam the door shut. He opened the windows running along the top of the van, letting in the ocean breezes. I was too out of it to ponder what he was doing. Before I knew it, he'd ripped his shirt off and was pushing down his shorts in great haste. I wanted him to slow down so I could enjoy the show. His body was magnificent and I wanted to take my time perusing it.

  "What's wrong?" I managed to ask. I feared that maybe someone had seen us, but then why would he be getting undressed? My brain was addled by the orgasm and nothing was making much sense.

  Finally naked, he lay down between my legs, his forearms on either side of my head. "What's wrong? I just watched my woman enjoy the orgasm I gave her in my VW on the beach, no inhibitions left, spread eagle for anyone to see." He kissed me quick. "Nothing's wrong, other than the fact that I need to be inside you before I blow."

  I didn't even get a response formulated before he thrust into me in one powerful push. He groaned into my mouth as his tongue pushed its way in, intent on possessing me in all ways possible.

  His fingers had felt wonderful only moments before but paled in comparison to the hard length pistoning in and out of my body, filling me completely. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my toes almost brushing the roof of the vehicle with each thrust.

  Here in his favorite place, he seemed so much more alive, his face intense, his eyes lit up with a passion I hadn't seen before. I'd made fun of his barefoot habit prior to knowing him, but I could see that he just loved to be out of doors, like that was his natural state. If the strength of his thrusts were anything to go by, I was happy to take it outside any time he wanted.

  Kai abruptly pulled out and sat back on his haunches. He pulled me upright and instructed me to sit on his lap. I slowly sank down onto his cock, locking my feet behind his back. He felt even bigger in this position and I loved it.

  Sweat beaded on his brow, the heat in the van ratcheting up as we kept our bodies in motion, breathing the same air. He locked his gaze on mine, staring into my eyes silently, the act just as intimate as our lovemaking. In slow motion, he leaned his head down and sealed his lips to mine, his hips finally thrusting, impaling me fully on his shaft. Ribbons of pleasure wove through my body causing my legs to contract and pull me into him, helping to set a faster pace.

  Moisture formed between our bodies, our skin slipping and sliding across each other. We were desperate for each other. Too involved in the moment to slow down or open another window. Kai's arms loosened around my back, sending me sliding down his thighs. I had a moment of panic at the loss of our rhythm. That is, until he rose up above me and laid me against the back of the driver's seat. He used his hand to guide himself back in, sighing as he slid home, as if he too, mourned the momentary loss.

  I lifted my arms and placed them above my head, grabbing hold of the seat behind me to keep from slumping down the slick vinyl. His hands joined mine right before he slammed into me again and again, using the leverage of the seat to dominate me. I lost all track of time and setting, focused only on the coil of sensation at my core, desperate to break free.

  "Come with me, Ku'uipo," Kai managed to grit out from above me. One hand left the seat and zeroed in on my clit, like he knew my body perfectly. Every muscle contracted and my body was strung tight right before an explosive orgasm rocked through my veins, shutting down all thought as I rode it out.

  Moments later, I felt Kai slump down on top of me. My hands, now robbed of their strength, let go of the seat, causing our bodies to slide down to the carpet in a crumpled, sweaty heap. Neither of us seemed to care as we settled into each other, the frenzy from earlier simmering down to a low buzz of awareness and bliss.

  After what could have been minutes or hours, Kai stirred, kissing his way across my stomach, e
ach breast, and into the crook of my neck. I squealed, finally rising out of my sex-drunk stupor to giggle and playfully push him off.

  Kai pulled me up and rubbed my neck, which had been lying at a funny angle jammed up against the seat back. I purred my thanks, taking stock of my limbs, coming back to the moment. Remembering where we were.

  "Oh!" A hand shot up to my mouth. "How loud were we?" I whisper-yelled to Kai.

  He took one look at my shocked face and burst out laughing.

  "I realize my concern is a bit belated, but you don't need to laugh at me, Mr. Kāne." I was still naked as the day I was born, seated criss-cross applesauce in the back of a VW van after being thoroughly fucked by a hottie lifeguard in a public parking lot, but I could pull off righteous indignation any time. I put my hands on my hips and gave him 'the look'. The one all teachers had, either born with or developed over the years of dealing with unruly kids.

  Unlike my students, the look didn't seem to have much effect. Or at least, not the one I was going for. Kai's eyes heated right before he leapt on me, tackling me back to the floor. His lips opened mine roughly and his tongue plunged in, commanding my acceptance. I didn't even think to put up a fight. I may play the role of a pearl-clutching rule follower, but one kiss, one look, one touch from Kai, and I was willing to toss my virtue aside for a shag or two in a parked car.

  I guess I was finally living up to my nickname Hessa the Hussy. And the hussy I was just smiled wickedly as we went for round two.


  The sex was beyond mind-blowing. I was speechless, completely flabbergasted that Hessa had allowed us to go that far in my VW at the beach. I honestly didn't think she'd go for it, and I was okay with that. I'd take Hessa any which way she'd have me. But after that display? I'd never be able to top that. Ever. Hell, I was never going to let anyone else in this vehicle again, lest they taint my memories here with her.

  "How loud were we?" Hessa shouted. She was staring at me, her eyes wide, the fear evident. My eyes trailed down from her disheveled hair to her heaving breasts, then her beautiful pussy on display for me as she sat in my van.


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