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The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

Page 14

by Andrew Wood

  Mikel gave a wry smile, "I don't think we mean to cause trouble Sir...It kind of finds us," he added, pleased with his witty remark.

  Ramon stood and stared at Mikel for a few moments. "I will give you the credit at least, that you did not involve your wolf in the incident. In future, if you have a problem with another student, see me. Kurtis Raston is a powerful young man," he added pointing at the other lad disappearing from sight down the corridor.

  "What did you do to him?" Mikel asked still unsure.

  Ramon smiled, "I have a few tricks of my own. How else do you think I manage to keep you lot from killing each other? Now go and help Maxim back to your room, I'll be round to have a word with you three later."

  Mikel nodded and walked off to join Zack, Maxim and Shadow, before heading back to their room. Once back inside, Mikel stood and took a sharp intake of breath. "Ah! You weren't joking when you said you set the room alight were you?" he grinned looking at the blackened table and scorch marks on the wall.

  "Sorry," Maxim said rather sullenly.

  "What for? Aside from the burning smell, the water everywhere, and the fact we don't have a bedside table anymore, I doubt anybody would notice," Mikel replied, trying to lighten the mood.

  Maxim did have to smile, "Thanks," he said. "I am lucky to have such good friends. I am truly sorry Zack," he said once more. Once more Zack told him, no harm was done and to forget about it. Maxim nodded, and although he doubted he would forget it anytime soon, he was glad that as things stood no permanent damage had been done. His biggest concern was next time; what if he lost control again and caused somebody serious injury, or worse killed them. It was this thought that troubled him now more than any.

  With such good people around him, could he risk a next time. Perhaps it was best if he returned to the streets, or maybe crawl away, and find a cave to hide in. At least somewhere like that, he wouldn't be able to harm anybody else. His mind was set, when the time was right, he would slip away.

  Chapter 14.

  Ramon sat at his desk, looking up at the young man stood before him. Kurtis Raston was already a powerful magician in his own right. Fortunately, Ramon had certain abilities to counter most things his students could muster up. One of the most important rules in Pitford, was not using magic against another member of society, but this young man before him had attempted to do just that.

  It was now left for Ramon to decide what punishment to administer. He could, under the rules, written by himself and approved by the king have the lad executed. Probably a little harsh in this instance, but Kurtis still needed to be taught that what he had tried was wrong. "Why did you try and use magic against another of my students?" he asked the lad

  Kurtis Raston, although still a little dazed by Ramon's magic, just shrugged, "He pushed me...," he finally said sounding more like a child than a young man.

  "He pushed you...and why did he do that?"

  "Dunno, I didn't do anything,"

  Ramon grinned, "You did not do anything? So you did not shout names at his friend perhaps?" he suggested.

  "Maybe...but that ginger boy is a freak," Kurtis replied once more showing his immaturity.

  Ramon scoffed, "That freak as you call him, has enough power to wipe you from existence at the mere flick of his finger, if he so wished. You were lucky it was only his friend you upset and not him, because even I would not have the power to stop him, if that is what he wanted to do."

  The young lad was not sure Ramon was just saying it to frighten him, or whether it was true.

  "Moreover, the boy you were picking the fight with is more than a match for you. Did you not see that huge wolf?"

  Kurtis nodded to the affirmative, "It belongs to the freak doesn't it?"

  Ramon slammed his hand down on the desk, making Kurtis jump.

  "No...It belongs to the boy you were about to try and cast magic on. Only the lad had told the wolf to stay out of it. Had you injured the boy, the wolf would have defended him," Ramon shouted.

  He stood and leaned forward, "And trust me young man, that beast would have torn you to pieces, and deservedly so."

  Taking a deep breath, Ramon sat himself back down, as he had thought of a suitable punishment for Kurtis. Tapping his fingers on the desk, he looked up once more, "First thing in the morning, when we have all calmed down, you will find Maxim, the one you think a freak." Kurtis made a groaning sound, but Ramon hushed him immediately. It was time he thought, that people like Kurtis learned just how hard life had been for Maxim.

  The youngster was made to listen as Ramon told him of the conditions Maxim had been forced to endure. The thought that each day might just be your last. The chance of starvation or freezing to death, an everyday risk. He then told him of the danger's that lurked the streets, and that youngsters such as Maxim, were often found the following morning with their throats slit, often after being sexually abused. "You will spend one hour each morning, before lessons, for the next month, helping Maxim with his reading and writing," Ramon finished off. Kurtis nodded, suitably humbled, realising that compared to the boy he thought a freak, his life had been a breeze.

  After supper, and the chance to clean some of the mess in their room, the three were preparing to settle down for the night. After apologising to Zack, several more times for burning him, and after being told several more times it was okay, Maxim closed his eyes; he thought it best to go in the early hours. At least when he left no one would be suspicious of him leaving, as he would just use the excuse he was going to have an early start having lessons with Darion.

  As he lay there in the hours of darkness, he ran through his mind, the events of the day. The more he thought how lucky it was he had not killed somebody, the more sure he was, that running away was the right answer. The fear that he had felt when he realised he had hurt Zack, still gnawed away at him, and it would be best for everyone concerned for him to leave.

  As the first light appeared in the room, shining through the small window, Maxim quietly got up. He dressed as quickly as he could, making as little noise as possible. "Where are you going?" he heard Zack say, lifting his head off his pillow.

  "I have to go and see Darion early this morning," Maxim lied.

  The reply seemed to placate Zack, who grunted something before closing his eyes again, pulling his blankets tightly.

  Maxim gave one last look at the two people still in their beds, before quietly leaving. The corridor was empty outside their room, and he put his cloak on, before setting off towards the main doors. The guards their paid him little heed as he slipped past them, and out into the chilly air. There had been a slight dusting of snow sometime during the night, which now covered the yard outside and beyond.

  Bracing himself, taking a deep breath he set off for the gates. He had decided to use the gate from the keep, as one normally would, but slip down from the ruined outer wall like Mikel had done, rather than risk the outer gate.

  There were surprisingly more people about than he had expected, but he kept his head low as he headed for the outer wall. After checking no one else was around, at the part he thought best to cross, he started clambering over the huge fallen stones. Unsurprisingly they were slippery, and after losing his footing several times, did eventually get over.

  He dropped down the other side, back out into the wilderness and beyond. He had not given much thought about where he should go, so just decided to walk wherever his feet carried him. He was surprised at how much pain he felt at leaving his new friends behind. Zack especially had been so nice to him, especially when you considered he was a royal. Even Mikel, after the initial few days, had stood by him.

  With a tear in his eye, and a heavy heart, he strolled slowly away from the outer wall. His boots left prints in the fresh layer of snow that had fallen, as Maxim thought how beautiful the soft white layer covering the ground looked. As if somebody had placed a thin blanket across the land, it covered as far as he could see.

  Kurtis Raston knocked at the door. He realised
he had probably been a bit hasty yesterday, and to a lesser degree, unnecessarily mean. It was Zack who answered the door.

  "Oh what do you want?" he said clearly not overly pleased to see him there.

  Mikel peered up from his seated position, thinking the lad had turned up for a continuation in their fight.

  Kurtis, peering into the room could see Mikel preparing to make his way over to the door. "I don't want any more trouble...I have come to apologise for my behaviour," he said with placating hands.

  Mikel positioned himself beside Zack at the doorway. He thought about reminding Kurtis how much his face resembled that of a pig, but for once in his life decided on discretion.

  "I have been told by Ramon that I must it?" he asked unsure he had gotten the name right.

  Zack nodded, "Yes Maxim...what about him?"

  "Well I have been told I must help him with his reading and writing...for an hour every morning before he starts lessons."

  Mikel nearly laughed, and realising the lad at the door was no longer a threat retreated once more inside. "He is not here. He started lessons early," Zack said.

  Kurtis looked puzzled, "Why would Ramon send me here at this hour?"

  Zack suddenly had an inkling that something was awry.

  "Sorry, he is not here, Perhaps try again later," he said closing the door on Kurtis.

  "Why would Ramon send him here, knowing that Maxim would be in lessons at this hour?" he said to himself, as much to Mikel.

  Mikel, sat on his bed stroking Shadow, just shrugged his shoulders. Zack suddenly thought something was wrong, "I am going to check with Ramon," he said hurrying out of the door.

  Almost breaking into a jog, Zack quickly moved down the corridor and headed up towards the offices of Ramon. He knocked the door, and was surprised to be told to enter almost immediately. "Hello Zack, what brings you bursting into my office so early in the morning?" Ramon said looking up from his desk.

  Zack explained Kurtis coming round to see Maxim, "Yes I sent him, I thought it a suitable punishment. An hour practicing reading and writing before his lessons at nine o'clock with Darion."

  Zack informed Ramon, Maxim had gone out much earlier. "He said his lesson was to start early today...Only at the time I was still half asleep and thought no more of it." He further explained how sullen and remorseful Maxim had been, since the incident yesterday.

  The man in charge, tapped on the table, "Strange I did not foresee anything happen...Yet somehow ...I feel something has changed...and not for the better..."

  Zack watched on as the man before him seemed to go into some kind of trance-like state, before Ramon jumped to his feet, which in turn made Zack jump back in shock. "We must find him, before they do," the man said almost running for the door.

  Zack tried to ask who, but was left trailing behind as Ramon sprinted out of the office. "Get Mikel and his wolf, he may be able help track him down." Zack, did not argue, whatever Ramon had seen was not good, and it involved Maxim. Without further ado, he sprinted back to his room. "Get your boots and cloak on. We need to find Max...Now...Oh and Ramon says to bring Shadow," Zack shouted as he burst back in through the bedroom door. Mikel jumped up, startled, and seeing the seriousness on Zack's face did not dawdle.

  Within just a few minutes, Zack, Mikel and Shadow were out in the yard. Several horses were being readied, and Ramon & Danton were there waiting. "What the bloody hell is going on?" Mikel asked Zack, who was still breathing hard. "I'm not sure, but whatever it is, it scared the hell out of Ramon. He said we must get to Max before they do...but who they are, I do not know." Another much older faced slowly trudged over. Darion grumbling and mumbling to himself, just got on the horse that had been prepared for him, and started moving off.

  Maxim trudged in the snow, already his feet were cold, and the leather on his boots wet. He looked back, surprised at just how far he had managed to walk in the relatively short time. He could still see the outer walls off in the far distance, and the thought he had seen his friends for the very last time, saddened him.

  Gorius sat excitedly listening to the news he had wanted to hear. The magician who controlled the creature known as an Eken was stood before him "I have just spotted a young boy matching your description your Highness. I am tracking him as we speak." Gorius quickly ushered the man into the room next door, and asked to point out the area on the map. The man did as was asked, pointing out an area far to the south of Kothia.

  He needed to think quickly, and capture his prize whilst the chance was there. He now had a few magicians with the ability of teleportation, although none was powerful enough to cover such distances. He needed to locate his small hunting party he had sent there, and guide them towards their target. Gorius knew that from the air, the Eken could scout miles and miles of land in just a few moments. He gave instructions for the man before him to find his small band of soldiers, on seeing the creature they would follow. If all went well, within a few hours his prize would be captured.

  News had just reached King Oran, of the atrocious attacks on his borders. Already he had received several complaints from the government suggesting he give them more powers to act. His father may have seen fit to allow them the day-to-day running of the nation; he had however, retained the majority say on who controlled the army. Although it was clear that even that, was controlled by one party as much as the other.

  Oran sat in his study, sipping at a small cup of coffee. He had also recently received word that rumours were spreading of his nephew. This gossip, he knew was dangerous for both himself and the royalty as a whole. With many people afraid of magic, he needed to keep a watchful eye on what people were saying and doing. Moreover, he could not let any of the government officials, start whipping up hysteria over the matter. News that his nephew was somehow involved in killing some soldiers, had certainly come as a surprise, although it was rumoured, that it was another boy travelling with his nephew that had been the one responsible.

  Oran knew that if this other boy was indeed travelling with Zack, then they were no doubt heading for the relative safety of Pitford. At least there, his nephew and this other boy would be well looked after and catered for. He sat back in his chair and sighed. Were these border raids on his lands, the first signs of the war that the seer Ramon had predicted? If so, then he knew this was the start of something that would very likely spread. Soon the fighting would escalate, and war would once more grip the land, and innocent people would suffer as they inevitably got caught up in the troubles.

  Chapter 15.

  Maxim decided to sit upon a fallen log to rest for a while, as he could see the waters of the Great Lake in the distance, and a town just before it. Quite what the name of the town was he was unsure, although he hoped he could reach it before nightfall. He was cold and hungry; feelings he thought he should be accustomed to.

  He looked skyward to try to judge the suns position, hopefully giving him an idea of how many hours light he still had left. He reckoned it was probably early afternoon, and that he must have been walking several hours already. He felt down to his pocket, and found the coins he had still there, given to him by Zack, and he was now glad he had not spent it all. He knew it would not last long, but perhaps, it may at least give him enough time, to perhaps find a job in whatever town it was he was heading for. He was smartly dressed, and neatly presented; surely, somebody would be willing to at least give him a try?

  His eye was caught by a strange looking bird, which appeared to be circling overhead. It was like nothing he had ever seen before, and he wondered what it might be. He observed it a while longer, before he realised he needed to be getting a move on. If he was to make the town before dark, he needed to start walking again.

  Without realising it, he had wandered onto what looked like some sort of track, and although the layer of snow covered most of it, he could see tracks of wagons and horses along it. All he need do now was follow them, and they would lead him right up to the gates. With the thought of
warmth and food, he quickened the pace just a little.

  Maxim stopped as he noticed a group of riders, all wearing the same clothing. He thought at first they must be soldiers, and he thought about running, however, he decided to pull his hood up and keep walking. Perhaps he could walk by them without incident. As he neared the group, he kept his head low, trying to remain as inconspicuous as he could. It clearly did not work however as he heard the sound of hooves alongside him. He could feel his heart rate increasing, and he thought trouble had found him again.

  "Need a lift sonny," he heard. Surprised as much as anything, he stopped, and looked up at the man who had spoken. Dressed in some kind of dark uniform, he did not look like any soldier he had seen before. Perhaps he thought, these men were something else. "I don't want to burden you," Maxim replied.

  "It is no problem my young friend, me and my men are going to Denley anyway."

  Maxim at least had now learned the name of the town to which he was heading. "Are you soldiers?" he asked, not sure, he really wanted the answer.

  The man chuckled, "No friend, I admit we probably look a bit like soldiers, we are after all dressed similarly. No, we are just King's Rangers."

  Maxim did not know the king even had rangers, but it all seemed plausible enough. The man told him they were on their way to Denley to collect the taxes from the town. Apparently, that is what the rangers were used for. Shrugging his shoulders, Maxim took the hand of friendship that was offered, and lifted himself up onto the man's horse. He sat behind the rider, and glanced around at the others. All eight appeared normal enough, none had threatened him in anyway, and not having to walk was surely a bonus.


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