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The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

Page 18

by Andrew Wood

  "I'll be watching you like a hawk," he whispered as he did so.

  Kurtis gave him a wry smile and stepped into the room, as Maxim looked up from his seated position, before standing and gesturing to the table. Mikel walked over and sat alongside them, keeping his promise of keeping an eye on Kurtis to the letter. Not only did he do that, but he also had Shadow sit on the bed, so he could stare from a different angle.

  "I'm guessing Mikel does not like your guest?" Danton whispered over to Zack.

  "Whatever gives you that idea?" he asked grinning.

  "Ooh just a hunch."

  Whilst Maxim started on his writing with Kurtis, Zack continued his own practice. However, now they had someone else in the rooming talking, he found it much harder to concentrate.

  "You make it look so easy Danton," he grumbled, finally deciding it was probably best he gave up and try another spell.

  "Don't give up Zack. Like I said before, if you can create even a small flicker of light, then you can go the next step."

  Zack nodded. He knew Danton spoke the truth. This though, was proving much more difficult than he thought it would be.

  Kurtis surprisingly showed a good aptitude for teaching, as Maxim was asked to write out the letters, over and over. Kurtis then had him read them out and make the sound of each. After he had done that, he asked Maxim to think of a word that began with each letter. Even Mikel had to admit, that Maxim had probably learned more in one small lesson with Kurtis, than he would have done in twice the time if he had been teaching. That still did not mean he trusted him anymore than he did before.

  Mikel sat and spent the entire hour glaring at Kurtis, and only when the older lad had left the room did he feel he could relax his guard. Despite his lesson being over, Maxim decided to keep practicing his letters. Using the pen and ink that Zack had given him as a gift, he wrote out his own name, then that of Zack's, Mikel's and Melia's as well.

  The three youngsters were sat in the dining hall, eating their evening meal, with Shadow was once more afforded a large slab of meat, which he devoured on the floor beside Mikel. Melia and her ever-growing group of friends sat at the table beside them, and this ultimately meant most of the boys time was spent having to listen to girly giggles.

  "Why do they keep doing that?" Maxim asked.

  "I think we are being scrutinised," Mikel replied giving the girls a smile and a small wave.

  "Don't try to understand the mind of a female Maxim, they are very complicated creatures," Mikel added, trying to sound like the voice of wisdom in such matters.

  A young boy, whom they did not know came running up to their table. "Which one of you is Zack?" he asked catching his breath.

  "I am? Why?"

  "Ramon has asked you go to his office immediately...umm... Can I stroke your wolf?" he added veering completely off topic.

  "Why does Ramon want me?" Zack asked

  The youngster shrugged, still awaiting Mikel's reply.

  "Help yourself, Shadow say hello", Mikel eventually added realising the lad was not going away.

  Zack shook his head, clear he was not going to get any further information. "I'll come with you Zack," Maxim said standing up with his friend. After a few moments Mikel made the same remark, and the messenger was left watching them all walk off, shadow included. Not quite sure what he had done wrong to warrant being summoned to Ramon's office, Zack picked up the pace. "Slow down," Mikel grumbled, "His office isn't going anywhere."

  The door to Ramon's office was already open, and the man stood waiting for them. "Oh I see you have all come," he said waving Zack inside.

  "You told us to stay together," Mikel replied.

  "It's up to you Zack, the news I have to tell you is personal, although I guess word will spread soon enough."

  Zack just shrugged, "I don't mind the others hearing."

  After asking the last through to shut the door behind them, Ramon walked around and sat behind his desk. He firstly explained the news he had was not very good. A bird had just delivered a missive directly from the king. It was brief but to the point. The government had attempted to arrest the King, and he had been left with no choice but to leave the palace at Berxsley. "He is on his way here, with a small army," Ramon concluded.

  The room remained silent for a few moments, before Zack sighed. "This is my fault...I knew I should not have said anything...I never thought..." he mumbled placing his hands up to his head. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he knew it would be Maxim's. "No don't blame yourself Zack," Ramon said. "I think it is this place. Although I am unsure how the Bosarians we dealt with got word to the Kothian governors," he added more as a question to himself as the others in the room.

  "Perhaps they are in cahoots with each other," Mikel replied. "My Dad always used to say there was not one amongst them you could trust." Maxim remained quiet; he had no knowledge of how government or the monarchy worked. He did leave his hand on Zack's shoulder though as a small show of his support. Ramon lifted his eyebrows and looked Mikel's direction. "I think you might be right...but how did they know we were here. Maxim told them nothing, and Darion dealt with them all...which means..."

  "There is a spy amongst us?" Mikel added excitedly.

  Ramon shrugged, "Well maybe...although I am not sure who..."

  "I bet it's that Kurtis...the sneaky conniving git..." Mikel added.

  Ramon held up a hand. "Careful Mikel, you cannot go round making accusations without proof."

  "What more proof do you need...He is a git...and he looks like a pig," Mikel responded try to defend his earlier statement.

  Ramon could not help a small chuckle, but did tell Mikel that did not necessarily constitute to someone being a spy. "It won't be Kurtis; he has been here almost since the start."

  Mikel appeared almost disappointed that it was not Kurtis. "Do you want us to try and track down the spy?" he asked.

  "I am not sure we even have one...but let us say we should all keep a watchful eye open," Ramon replied, still deep in thought.

  Zack lifted his head, "How long before they get to safety?"

  "Several days I would imagine. I am unsure as to whether they are being pursued," Ramon replied noticing the concern on Zack's face.

  After a short pause, Ramon told them to listen carefully. There was a method that could mean they could teleport much longer distances. In days of old, magicians used something called linking. This apparently allowed one magician to utilise the energy of another, or even several others. With magicians being almost eradicated from existence, the practice had not been seen or used for some years.

  Ramon explained that although Zack was a reasonably powerful lad, his abilities at teleporting were still in their infancy. Due to that fact, he wanted him to practice with Darion. He told him, that if the two linked together they should be able to teleport further. If that method proved successful, they could then link with somebody more powerful, and make jumps as far as they were able to see. "The third person would merely be a power source," Ramon added looking at Maxim.

  He went on to explain, that if it worked as he wished they would be able to teleport out, and back again. As long as they held on to each other, Ramon hoped to bring the king to Pitford much quicker.

  "If you are happy to try I will send for Darion. We don't have much time to practice."

  Zack nodded, despite not liking Darion a great deal, any chance he might help his uncle needed to be taken.

  "What about you Maxim?" Ramon asked diverting his attention.

  "If I can help Zack in anyway, then yes of course."

  "Excellent. Now what would you like me to do?" Mikel added.

  Ramon looked at him. "Ah yes...Go fetch Darion would you.

  After Mikel reluctantly left the others, he walked off to find Darion as requested. Once he was out of the room, Ramon tried to explain how linking worked. If Maxim was to act as the source of power, it needed him to be both willing and able. Ramon told him he must control the flow of power or else
risk harm to those he was linked to. "I am not sure," he said clearly worried about the thought he might once again be the one hurting Zack.

  The young royal however was not concerned. "Please Max...for me."

  "I don't know what I am doing," Maxim replied hoping he might be able to talk his way out of it.

  "Well we best get you started then," Ramon intervened. "Come on, practice on me first, until you are sure you feel in control."

  Maxim looked concerned, at the man, "Don't worry, Maxim if I feel you losing control I'll stop you before you can do any harm," Ramon reassured him.

  Maxim looked at Zack, and his friend gave him a smile, before he then turned to face Ramon and nodded. Ramon had to admit to them, this was something he had not done for quite a number of years. This naturally did not fill Maxim with confidence, and he once more looked concerned.

  After checking Maxim was ready, Ramon asked him to concentrate. He needed to clear his mind, and sense the power inside. Once Maxim had achieved that state, he was to imagine that power trickling down his arm in to his fingertips. The youngster nodded, feeling he was happy he had control. Ramon then took a hold of his hand in his, "Now you need to push that trickle of energy out of your hand, slowly mind."

  Ramon stood there, at first nothing happened, but he could sense the massive energy source emanating from Maxim. He felt a sudden burst; this was not a trickle but more like a river, and Ramon quickly had to pull away. He gasped; he had never felt so much power. He was glad he had suggested it being he and not Zack that Maxim had practiced on. Had it been Zack, he would probably not have known to break the link. With so much power being sent through, Maxim would likely have killed him.

  Ramon re-gathered his composure, before instructing Maxim again. "I want just a trickle of that power, think of it as a drop of water running down a window pane," he said. "Now think of a small drop of power rolling down to your fingertip," he added. Maxim nodded once more, hoping this time he had gotten it right. Ramon took a deep breath and took a hold of Maxim's hand one more time.

  He waited, the power just bordering out of his reach, but he prepared to disengage again just in case Maxim could not control the flow. Ramon felt Maxim finally let the power transfer over, and this time it was much less, although still a little more than he wanted. Whilst connected he felt completely energised, as if he had the power to do anything, but he disconnected again, as he had no way of releasing the power being transferred.

  He had Maxim repeat the procedure a few more times, asking him to decrease the power being released each time. Only when he was satisfied Maxim had some modicum of control, did he suggest Zack try. It was clear Maxim was still unsure, and Ramon warned Zack to release immediately he felt too much energy being transferred.

  Zack nodded his understanding, and took hold of Maxim's hand. "Once you start teleporting do not let go, as you'll be taking Maxim with you." Only when he was certain both fully understood their parts he asked Maxim to begin.

  The youngsters looked at each other. Zack nodded and smiled, as if to say he was ready and that he trusted Maxim. He slowly moved his hand nearer until he felt it touch that of his friends. He gently held on, and could immediately feel the torrent of energy being sent through his body. He knew he needed to release that power before it overwhelmed him. He focused across the other side of the room, and within a split second both he and Maxim were stood where he had envisaged. Ramon clapped his hands, "Excellent," he said walking over. "Well done both of you," he added as Zack let go of Maxim's hand.

  Back out in the corridor, Mikel was having far less success in getting Darion to hurry. The old man had taken an age, and was shuffling along at a snail's pace.

  "Come on Darion, we'll be missing all the fun," he turned and said in an attempt at hurrying him along.

  "Pfft. You wait until you're as old as me...see how bloody fast you walk..." Darion mumbled back.

  Mikel just shook his head; he knew the old man could move far more quickly if he wanted too. It had taken an age to even persuade him to come along at all.

  When at last they reached the others, Mikel was disappointed to see them just sat around talking.

  "What the bloody hell do you want with me?" Darion snapped as he entered the room.

  "Ah, good to see you as always," Ramon smiled, ignoring the remark.

  "I need you to do something. I want you to link with these two and show Zack how to teleport into the far distance," he added.

  Darion scoffed. "I am not linking with that pair. Sissy boy there would hold me back, and that ginger one would have me on fire the moment we did."

  Ramon shook his head, he wished Darion would at least try to be nice. Fortunately, neither Maxim nor Zack took offence to the mark.

  "Too bloody dark to see far anyway," Darion scoffed.

  "Well I was thinking you might be able to use the a kind of practice area."

  Darion grumbled and mumbled curses under his breath, before finally grabbing hold of Zack. Mikel noticed how much quicker the old man was now walking, even though he was dragging Zack behind him, as the others followed out into the corridor.

  Darion let go of Zack's arm. "Take my hand...and do not under any circumstances let go," he snapped.

  Zack just nodded.

  Darion turned to Maxim, "You can control your power to me?" he asked unsure of the youngster's abilities.

  "I think so," he replied.

  "No bloody good thinking so. Do it, or me and pretty boy here will get our brains fried," Darion cursed in his usual sardonic tone.

  It was evidently clear Darion was not helping Maxim, so Ramon stepped forward and gave him some words of encouragement, "Just like we were practicing Maxim," he said. "Keep the flow of energy as small as you can keep it," he added patting him on the shoulder. Maxim nodded, took a deep breath and stood the other side of Zack.

  "Not there...Bloody idiot...Here you need to take my other hand," Darion grumbled again.

  Mikel was finding himself having to bite his tongue. The old man was certainly brash and very rude. It was only the fact he did not fancy another smack around the head, that he kept his thoughts to himself.

  No sooner had Maxim stood the other side, than Darion grabbed his hand.

  "Now..." Darion said as his sentence was cut short. The old man suddenly felt the power being sent to him, but that was not what had stopped his words. He could feel the massive pool of energy at his disposal if Maxim wished him to have it. Although he knew only too well, that too much to quickly would likely kill him.

  With a flash, the three of them disappeared and quickly re-appeared some fifty yards down the corridor. Darion let out a loud roar of laughter as he sent them back the other way. They shot back and forth several more times, so quickly Zack had barely time to get his bearings before moving again. Darion eventually released both their hands, still chuckling away to himself, as if it were some big game. "Bloody hell, I could travel hundreds of miles in just a few minutes with that much energy," he said with a grin.

  Ramon nodded, he was clearly pleased Maxim had done well. Although, if he thought he had finished he was wrong. "Right you...wolf boy...hold pretty boy's hand...he'll probably like that," Darion chuckled at his own witty comment. Noticing nobody else was laughing he stopped.

  "Why do I need to practice...I don't know how to teleport," Mikel said unsure of what he was supposed to do.

  Ramon explained they needed to practice with a non-teleporter. If they were to bring the king back, they needed two. One to carry Maxim, who was their power source, would be Darion. The second teleporter, Zack, would be needed to bring back the King, and Mikel was just there to play the part of the king. It would also mean they would likely have to do several trips to fetch each royal member back to Pitford. That was not a huge concern, as Ramon was certain Maxim had enough power, and plenty to spare.

  Eventually Mikel was talked around. He tentatively took hold of Zack's hand, as Maxim took a deep breath, knowing he needed to
remain calm. Both his friends were now at risk if he failed to keep control.

  "Well hurry up then," Darion snapped, waiting for Maxim. The youngster ignored the comments and kept his calm. Quick as a flash Mikel found himself down the other end of the corridor.

  After several more journeys, mainly with Mikel closing his eyes, Ramon was happy that both Mikel and Maxim were comfortable making the link. Now all he needed to do was try to plot a rough course that the king might travel. Happy his young pupils and the older Darion could do what he needed, he told them to have a good night's sleep. First light they would be heading off to find and bring the royal family to safety.


  Thank you for reading.

  If you wish to share your thoughts and verdict on the book, please email me :

  Book Two : The Elementalist : Battle of the mind, is now available.




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