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Wolf Creek Alpha (Texas Pack 1)

Page 6

by Ellen, Jo

  “Lisa, this is my brother Ian. In human terms, he is the chief of police. The runt there is our younger brother, Devlin. He’s our investment guru. Takes care of the pack’s money.”

  “Nice to meet you, Lisa. We’re happy for both you and Rafe. If you have any problems with him, just let me know. He’s not so big that I can’t take him,” said Ian, as he stepped forward and kissed her cheek.

  “Too bad you didn’t meet me first. Sorry you had to settle for the ugly one,” Devlin said as he kissed her also.

  “Pleasure to meet you both.”

  She was surprised they welcomed her so easily. Also, they treated her as if the mating was a done deal. She was afraid she might disappoint Rafe’s family. Now she really was nervous about meeting the parents.

  “Just ignore them. They know you got the better brother,” Rafe said smiling.

  He was acting as if they were a couple already too. She didn’t want to say anything in front of his brothers. Later, when they were alone, she would have to put the brakes on.

  “Come on inside. I’ll show you your room,” said Rafe.

  Okay, she thought. He didn’t say my room. I’ll shut my mouth until I see where he puts me.

  Entering through the large double doors, she saw a great room with large sofas placed in a C type pattern. The room held plenty of seating areas for a large group of people. There were beautiful rugs placed strategically around the room covering hardwood floors. She had almost expected to see rushes, but thankfully, the inside wasn’t authentic like a fifteenth century castle. As he was showing her around, she noticed a beautiful blonde woman coming down the hall.

  “This is Anna. She has the difficult job of taking care of the place. Anna, this is Lisa, my…”

  Lisa interrupted. It was time to stop him from introducing her as his mate.

  “Friend. Or I should say acquaintance, since we’ve only known each other for a day. It’s nice to meet you, Anna. I cannot imagine how difficult it would be keeping this huge castle clean,” Lisa said smiling.

  “I learned long ago to keep it organized. Good thing the boy’s mom made them pick up after themselves, or it would be a lot harder,” she smiled.

  “Hey, we’re not messy. I hang up my towels,” Rafe said jokingly.

  Anna winked at Lisa, saying she had more work to do as she left the room.

  “She’s very pretty. Is she married, or mated?”

  “No, at least not that we know of. My dad hired her about twenty years ago. We don’t know her story. Just that she needed a place so dad brought her here. She’s sort of our adopted little sister now, at least that’s how we think of her.”

  “Wait a minute. Twenty years ago? She only looks to be around twenty-five now.”

  “That’s one of the things the pond did for us. It slows down our aging. My parents are over two hundred years old,” he stated, waiting on the inevitable question.

  “That’s just about the most impossible thing I’ve ever come across. Well, besides shifters and fairies. So, are you a dirty old man? I mean, if your parents have seen a couple of centuries, then you must be really old.”

  He had no idea she was messing with him. She looked up at him curiously.

  “Um, I’m one hundred and twenty-two, but that’s normal for us. Some shifters don’t mate until they’re over three hundred. It all depends on when they find their One.”

  He saw she was biting her lip to keep from laughing. He was relieved. He’d never considered his age being a factor with her. He had forgotten how short a human’s lifespan was. He decided it was time to do some of his own teasing.

  “So yes, I’m a dirty old man. Want to know what I’m thinking?” he leered at her.

  “I think I could probably guess,” she said deliberately.

  She found she was enjoying their time together, getting to know him. Maybe this would work out. Staying here didn’t seem like such a bad idea anymore.

  He opened one of the doors off the hallway, telling her it was her room. She went in and noticed there was an en suite attached. There was a huge king-size bed in the middle of the room. I could get lost in there, she thought. The room was decorated in soft pastel colors, her favorite. Seeing her bags by the bed, she went over to lift them up onto the bed for unpacking.

  Rafe moved quickly to assist and moved them for her.

  “I need to speak with Ian and see if Robert has arrived. As you can see, your bathroom is over there. If you’d like to rest, feel free. Mom will be over to cook dinner around six. If you need me, try the great room or kitchen. Ask around if you don’t find me. Someone will know where to look for me.”

  “Thanks. Where are Colin and Stephanie’s room?”

  “They have a room, which they usually stay in when here. It’s just across the hall. Just so you know, my room is down the hall a little bit further, on your left,” he said smiling.

  “Good to know. I’d hate to end up in the wrong room if I go wandering at night,” Lisa smirked.

  “Don’t worry. If you wander, I’ll find you,” he warned.

  Before he turned to go, he grabbed her to pull her towards him. Sliding his arms around her waist, he leaned down to kiss her. Lisa reached up to put her arms around his neck.

  She closed her eyes as she tilted her head back for his kiss. As his lips moved over hers, his hands slid up caressing the soft skin under her breasts.

  Lisa moaned when he released her mouth to run kisses along her jaw. He stepped back and let her go. It took her a moment to realize he was leaving the room. Darn, just when she was enjoying herself.

  “I’ll see you later,” he said as he left the room.

  Rafe moved down the hall quickly. If he didn’t leave now, he would be carrying her off to his room. He didn’t want to scare her or give her any reason to leave. He reminded himself humans moved slower, so he would have to wait until she was ready, even if it killed him.

  Lisa was berating herself. Lord, if he hadn’t left when he did, I would have tackled him onto the bed. Running her finger over her lips, she was remembering that kiss. Wow, I am in so much trouble, she thought. Here not even an hour and I already want to jump his bones.

  As she lay down on the bed, she decided that she would give this, what, relationship…mating…a chance? She wasn’t sure what to call it. Drifting into a light sleep, she found herself dreaming about the dark haired stranger.

  She was standing at the edge of the pond. There was a man across the pond, staring at her. She recognized him as the man in town who was watching her. His arms were stretched out, reaching for her. “What do you want?” She yelled to him. He just stared, beseechingly. She could feel him, wanting something from her. He didn’t seem to be evil, yet there was a darkness surrounding him. He slowly faded away as she went deeper into sleep.

  Someone was knocking on her door. It took Lisa a second to realize she was not in her own bed or her apartment. As she lay there remembering, the door opened.

  “Hey, I just wanted to check on you. Make sure you weren’t having a nervous breakdown or something,” Stephanie said smiling.

  “You are just soooo helpful. No breakdown yet. I was just taking a little nap. What time is it?”

  “Around four-thirty. Want to come to check out the place? I think Rafe is busy in his office, so I thought we could go explore outside.”

  “Give me minute. I need to splash some water on my face to wake up.”

  Lisa entered the bathroom, thinking about her dream. Another weird thing to add to my day. Washing her face helped clear out the cobwebs. Finishing her business, she came out to see Stephanie sitting on her bed.

  “Come on, I thought we’d go out back. Colin’s parents brought the girls over, so I thought we could take them for a walk through the woods.”

  They went down the stairs and entered the great room. Hearing laughter from the kitchen, they headed there. Amy and Sarah were sitting at a smaller table in a nook at the window.

  “I hope you don’t mind, I
gave them a cookie. And don’t worry, I didn’t make them,” Anna said smiling.

  Stephanie laughed. “Not at all, thanks for looking out for them. I hope they weren’t bothering you.”

  As Anna assured her they were no bother at all, as she smiled over at Lisa.

  “Come on, girls, we’re taking Aunt Lisa for a walk through the woods. You’re welcome to come with us, Anna, if you’d like.”

  Anna declined saying she had some work to do. With the girls hopping around excitedly, they left through the kitchen’s back door.

  Watching Amy toddle down the path, they laughed as she tried to go faster to keep up with Sarah.

  “Amy looks like a little drunk at this age. She just wobbles from side to side,” Stephanie said.

  Laughing, Lisa agreed. They were too cute. Then she started thinking and couldn’t help questioning her.

  “Are they wolves too?”

  “Yes, it’s in their blood from birth, not changed by the waters. Shifters seem to have the dominant gene. They can start shifting around the time they start walking. And no, I did not give birth to a puppy,” Steph cracked up, anticipating the question.

  “Okay, that would have been just too strange. What’s it like? I mean, how do you handle all this?”

  “First, I love my life, my family. It scares me to think about what ifs. What if the day Colin came to the station, I had been off? Or sometimes I remember the moment he told me he was a wolf. Let me tell you, Lisa, I was ready to run. I really do understand what you’re going through right now. I can only tell you to trust your instincts. If you don’t give Rafe a chance, I promise you it would be the biggest mistake of your life,” she said solemnly.

  “I have decided to stay and get to know him. Beyond that, I don’t know.”

  Stephanie picked Amy up while Lisa took hold of Sarah’s hand. They made their way around through the woods to the other side of the castle. Finding the stables, they went inside to see the horses.

  “Can we go for a ride, please, Mommy?” asked Sarah.

  “May we go riding, not can, and maybe tomorrow. We need to get back and cleanup for dinner.”

  Rafe entered as they were leaving. He swung Sarah up into his arms, smooching her cheek loudly as she giggled.

  “Can, I mean, may we ride the horses tomorrow, Uncle Rafe?”

  “If your mom says it alright, then yes, but wait for an adult. Never go near the horses alone.”

  They were too young to be left unsupervised, but he knew how fast pups could run off. Rafe walked alongside Lisa as they returned to the house.

  “Mom is in the kitchen making dinner. Don’t worry about meeting her. She’s not an ogre, trust me,” he grinned.

  “Oh thanks, you’re just so reassuring,” she said smartly.

  Entering the kitchen, Lisa saw a woman with auburn hair standing at the stove. This was Mom? She looked so young, and pretty.

  “Mom, this is Lisa. Lisa, my mother, Elizabeth.” He kept the introductions short, as Elizabeth was already talking to Lisa.

  “I am so happy to meet you. Please make yourself at home,” Elizabeth said taking her hands.

  “Thank you, Elizabeth. It’s a beautiful place.”

  “Please, call me Liz. We’re pretty informal around here. Go have a drink and relax. Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes.”

  Both Stephanie and Lisa offered to help, but she shooed them out of the kitchen. They ran into Colin in the great room.

  “I’m going up to bathe the girls,” Stephanie gave Colin a pointed look.

  Laughing, Colin said, “I think I’ve been summoned. See you at dinner.”

  “Let me get you a drink, I’ll be right back,” Rafe said.

  Lisa settled herself on the sofa. Looking around the room, she was admiring a huge painting above the fireplace. In the painting was a castle, which looked like the one she was in now. Trees surrounded it with mountains rising in the distance. The sun was shining off the water in front of the castle. Looking closer, she realized there was a pack of wolves in the forest. Of course, she thought. It wasn’t like there would be a herd of elephants in the background.

  Rafe returned, handing her a glass. Taking a sniff, she recognized her favorite soda. He sat down next to her, his thigh touching hers.

  Sheesh, these wolves did not recognize personal space. She almost told him that he was in her bubble and for him to scoot over.

  “How did you know to get me Dr. Pepper?” she asked.

  “Stephanie told me. She said it was the way to lure you here. If I tell you I bought a case, will you stay? Or would it take the whole bottling company?”

  “Oh, you don’t have to buy the company, I’d take stock,” she said deadpan.

  Ian came in and flopped down across from them. He stretched out his long legs and leaned back with his arms crossed behind his head.

  “Robert hasn’t shown yet. We’ve been patrolling all the way to the edge of our property. No trespassers. No one has seen or scented anything out of the ordinary.”

  “Can you smell fairies?” Lisa asked, mystified.

  Both men burst out laughing. Lisa crossed her arms, glaring at them.

  “I’m sorry,” Rafe said between snorts. “It was the way you phrased it. We would notice a scent that wasn’t pack. But no, they don’t have their own special scent.”

  Ian was still laughing. “He’s wrong, faeries smell like a rose garden.”

  Just then, the front doors opened and Robert walked in; followed by two of his warriors.

  “I heard that. We’re going to have to kick your ass, laddie, for lying to the pretty lady,” Robert said, noticing Lisa sitting there.

  Lisa sat there, simply staring. Oh, my God, three gorgeous men wearing kilts. She touched her mouth, checking for drool. She heard Rafe growl bedside her. She glanced at him and shrugged her shoulders.

  “What? I’ve never seen a fairy before,” she said innocently.

  Rafe stood and introduced Robert. As Robert told them the men’s names, each nodded their head.

  Before they could report their findings, Liz walked in, saying dinner was ready. She greeted all the warriors and said there was plenty for everyone.

  Liz was used to feeding large groups of people. As Colin and Stephanie returned with the girls, everyone went into the dining room. They had a long, bench-like table set up so that they could all eat together. Colin went to set up the high chair for Amy while Sarah ran to Mack with her arms up.

  Mack picked her up, giving her a hug. He had just come in through the kitchen, helping Liz put dishes on the table.

  He immediately zeroed in on Lisa. Walking over, he moved Amy around to his back, making sure her arms were secure around his neck. Her little feet were all you could see, as he was so broad. With one hand behind his back, he held her bottom firmly so she wouldn’t fall.

  “You must be Lisa. Welcome to the family. I’m this pup’s dad, Mack,” he said as he hugged her with one arm.

  Lisa stuttered, not expecting to be considered as family. Knowing it would be rude to argue in front of everyone, she meekly hugged him back.

  “Thank you, nice to meet you.”

  Anna was already seated, quietly staring at the warriors. She seemed somewhat intimidated by them. She noticed Robert staring at her and knew her secret would soon be out.

  After everyone settled in, Devlin came in and sat on the other side of Lisa.

  “I knew you wouldn’t miss a meal,” said Mack.

  “Not when Mom’s cooking,” he grinned.

  Dishes were passed around, with Rafe making sure that Lisa had plenty on her plate. There was no way she could eat all this food. She nibbled quietly as conversation flowed around her. No one was asking questions of Robert. She assumed the war talk would come after dinner.

  Rafe glanced at her plate and frowned. “You’re not eating much. Aren’t you hungry?”

  “I’m half your size, Rafe. I simply cannot eat this much food.”

�t worry, it won’t go to waste. I’ll help you finish,” said Devlin, getting closer to her.

  Rafe reached behind Lisa and popped Devlin on the back of his head. Grinning, he moved a couple inches back to his spot.

  “Why do I get the feeling you’re an instigator?” Lisa asked.

  With a modest look, Devlin replied, “Who me?”

  With everyone finished, the warriors left to speak in the great room. The brothers started to take plates to the kitchen when Liz stopped them. She knew they wouldn’t begin without her sons. Appreciating the gesture, she told them to go, and they would handle the cleanup. Stephanie led the girls into the kitchen to clean their face and hands. Anna and Lisa were gathering up dishes when Rafe came over and softly spoke into her ear, thanking her.

  Chapter 9

  Crazy fae. I research papers, artifacts, and not living people. Stephen started searching from his laptop. He was surprised at just how much information you could find, just by having a little to start with. He worked all afternoon, and by evening, he had names and addresses. He grabbed his papers and knocked on the connecting door.

  The door opened by itself. Stephen didn’t think he could ever get used to seeing such casual use of magic. He found Dunstan lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

  “I found out basic facts. If you want more personal information, you’re going to have to talk to someone who knows them.”

  Dunstan said quietly, “Start with what you know about the red head.”

  Stephen proceeded to give him her name, address, and job. He also told him what he knew about Stephanie. Watching him, Stephen wondered what exactly he wanted with the woman. He was realizing he had put the woman in danger. He was drawn into Dunstan’s blue eyes as he turned to speak.

  “I release you from my service. You are free to go. You will not remember summoning me, or any of our conversations. Reading your papers, you realized it was wrong. Shifters are not real. You will remember that you came to this area to visit an old college friend. Now go to your room and rest. Forget you ever saw me.”


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