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Wolf Creek Alpha (Texas Pack 1)

Page 11

by Ellen, Jo

  Colin had brought them back to the castle after the meeting, thinking they would be safest there. His parents were still fierce wolves, but there were more guards at the castle.

  After learning they were down at the pond, Lisa went to her room to get Kiki. The kitten would enjoy getting out of the bedroom for a while, she thought.

  She found Stephanie chasing the girls through the grass out front. Lisa sat down, releasing the kitten to play. It wasn’t long before they all came and sat down with her.

  “I thought Colin took the girls to his parents?”

  “Robert gave us the all clear after learning Anna was probably Dunstan’s sister. Isn’t that a kicker? Threw me for a loop. Anyway, after he dropped them off here, he went back to the house to get more of the girl’s things, He thinks we may be here awhile.”

  “I think that’s a good idea, since they’re still worried about this prophecy. I’m at a loss to what I’m supposed to do now. Just hang around, waiting until Rafe’s free to spend time with me? I don’t think so.”

  “How about tomorrow we take the girls to the zoo? They love seeing the animals and we can get away from here for a while.”

  “That sounds great. Too bad Colin will be back at work. I know he’d love going along too,” said Lisa.

  “Yeah, he does love those girls. Well, and me too,” she laughed.

  Deciding they had been out in the heat long enough, they all went inside for a cold drink and for them to cool down. After putting the girls down for a nap, they relaxed in the great room.

  “I’ve got some questions for you,” Lisa paused. “What if I’m not the right one for Rafe? I mean, he tells me it’s forever and I keep thinking, what if he’s made a mistake? With all that’s happened, my mind is just too confused right now.”

  “Then it will be good for you to get away tomorrow. We’ve all been on tightropes these last couple of days. We’ll enjoy the zoo and not worry about anything else. As far as you not being the right one, these wolves don’t make those kind of mistakes. They know instantly when they meet their mate. Make him take you on a date. Get away from here and all his responsibilities so y’all can just talk.”

  She was right. They’d only had a short time alone together. There were always others around. They hadn’t had an opportunity to spend time just learning about each other.

  “Now, on to the good stuff. Is he a sloppy kisser, all slobber and tongue? Or smash your teeth kind of guy?”

  “Neither,” Lisa laughed. “He was very smooth, no bumping noses at all. If it wasn’t for all this wolf stuff, have sex and you’re mates for life thing, I’d be a happy girl right now.”

  “Ohhh, so now you’re just frustrated? I heard what you can do with a rock, I’d better be careful,” Stephanie said grinning.

  “Yeah, watch out, I’m dangerous. Seriously, though, it did scare me to see what I could do. Although after practicing a bit, I could feel the magic, you know? I could send out a little, or a lot. It felt better once I understood how to control it.”

  “Show me something.” Stephanie looked around the room. “Make that remote on the table come to us.”

  Lisa looked at the remote. Okay, this shouldn’t be too hard, just concentrate and float it over. She raised her arm, pointing at it and gently sent a surge of energy out. The remote lifted, shakily moving over to the couch where they sat.

  “That is so cool! “ Stephanie clapped her hands in delight.

  “I’m still learning what all I can do, but yeah, it is cool. I keep wondering what superpower I’ll find next,” she said laughing.

  Stephanie used the remote to turn the television on. They found a Sunday afternoon baseball game. They were both baseball fans.

  Watching the game, Lisa asked casually, “Are there a lot of single women in the pack?”

  “A few. Why? Oh, I get it. I’ve never heard of Rafe dating, or sleeping with any of them. He may have and word just never got out, but I don’t think so. One thing I’ve learned about him is he is very ethical. Being alpha of the pack, I bet he would see it as taking advantage of his position. I do know he was seeing a woman from Chase’s, um, pride I guess. I’m not sure of the word for cat groups. Anyway, her name is Cindy but they broke it off a few months back, I think.”

  “Cindy? How very cute.”

  “Oh, that was so snotty! Boy, I’ve missed you. You don’t need to be jealous; he won’t even look at another woman now.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Rafe went to see Chase. Wonder what the odds are she’ll be there? I should have gone with them. I could have zapped her or something,” Lisa said peevishly.

  “Wow, you are getting mean. I thought I was the hothead in our little group,” Stephanie blew on her fingertips then brushed them across her shirt, looking superior.

  Lisa picked up a decorative pillow from the sofa and tossed it at her.

  Devlin walked in right as the pillow hit Stephanie in the face.

  “Hey, aren’t you two supposed to be in cute little pajamas when having a pillow fight?” he asked grinning.

  The girls looked at each other, and then in unison, threw pillows at him.

  “You know, I could have flashed us to Chase’s and gotten here instantly,” Robert said.

  “I remember. Thanks, but no thanks. That moving faster than the speed of light freaks me out. I may be alpha of my pack, but I’ll admit that scares the shit out of me,” Rafe said shuddering.

  “Yer a big wuss. I’ll bet you don’t ride those roller coasters I’ve seen either,” Robert mocked.

  Rafe just ignored him. He was used to Robert messing with him. He’d much rather enjoy a relaxing drive than move through space at a ridiculous speed.

  “I guess since you like moving so slow, Lisa must be getting really frustrated.”

  “Are you determined to annoy me today? Because I don’t see that sword on your back.”

  “Ah, lad, it’s always there. You just can’t see it. I’d be naked without my weapon,” said Robert.

  “Thanks for the visual image. I am now concentrating on anything else but that.”

  “Let me think, what image could possibly replace mine? Could it be a certain lady with red hair?” Robert asked innocently.

  “Yeah, thank God, I have a good memory. I’ve already replaced your hairy ass visual.”

  Robert laughed. “So what’s holding you up? I can see the bond is still not completed. I’ll guide you. You know the lasses all love me. Take her to a nice romantic dinner. Candlelight, music, dancing. Get her away from everything going on in yer den.”

  “I do know what to do with a woman, you know. The hard part is getting away from all this. I have to give her time to accept my life, but I’m working on it,” Rafe said as he pulled into Chase’s driveway.

  Getting out of the car, Rafe saw Cindy coming out of Chase’s front door. Oh crap, I don’t need this right now.

  Whistling, Robert asked, “Who is she?”

  Cindy walked down the steps wearing tight skinny jeans with a tank top. Seeing Rafe, she squealed and jumped into his arms. Grabbing her under her bottom to support her, Rafe widened his stance to keep from tumbling backwards. Cindy started kissing him all over his face, finally settling on his lips.

  Rafe tried to pull back without dropping her. He managed to untangle her legs from his waist, setting her back on her feet. As usual, Robert was laughing his ass off.

  “Rafe! It’s so good to see you. Have you missed me?”

  And that reminded him of why he’d broken it off with her. She was self-absorbed and if it didn’t affect her, she didn’t care about anything else going on around her.

  “I’ve been busy. This is Robert and we’ve come to see Chase,” he stated baldly.

  Finally noticing Robert, she turned and eyed the handsome fae up and down. Cindy was the type of woman who thought all men instantly wanted her. She was a beautiful blonde, and she knew it.

  “Pleasure to meet you, lass,” Robert said. He wanted nothing to do with t
his one. She was a viper. Glancing at Rafe, his look said I cannot believe you dated this woman.

  “It could be,” Cindy said winking at him.

  “Later, Cindy. We have a meeting with Chase.” Rafe turned, expecting Robert to follow. He didn’t have to wait. Robert practically ran to keep up with him. Rafe knew if you didn’t cut Cindy off, she would never let them leave.

  Cindy was also somewhat oblivious. She could never have believed anyone wouldn’t want to be with her.

  “Okay, I’ll catch you two later. Nice meeting you, Robert. Come and find me when you’re done here,” she said walking away.

  Muttering, “Not on yer life, lass. What did you see in her, besides her face and body?”

  “That was the problem. That’s all she had going for her. Personality wise, well, you just saw it.”

  Chase had been standing on the porch, watching the exchange. Grinning, he waved them into the house. Chase had known Robert almost as long as he’d known Rafe. Giving them both a beer, they sat in his living room.

  “Stay away from that one,” he warned Robert. “I didn’t get to Rafe in time to save him from her,” he joked.

  “No warning needed. She scares me,” Robert said seriously.

  They all nodded in agreement. Some women were just not to be messed with, and she was one of them.

  Rafe was remembering how difficult it had been to end it with her. She couldn’t believe someone would actually break up with her. He finally just ignored her calls, glad when she quit trying to contact him.

  Rafe told Chase all about Dunstan and all that they had learned. Chase agreed that the threat was still there. Obviously, Dunstan had not been the darkness his seer had talked about. They discussed possibilities, while waiting on the seer to show up.

  Hearing footsteps on his porch, Chase got up to open the door. Expecting to see an old gypsy type crone, Rafe and Robert were surprised at the young woman that stepped through the door. Both men stood, waiting for an introduction.

  “Guys, this is Melissa, a member of my pride. Melissa, this is Rafe, Alpha of the Scott pack, and Robert, the Queen’s guard.”

  After introductions were made, they sat around making small talk. Rafe was still surprised at seeing a modern young woman that wasn’t the free spirit hippie he’d been expecting. Robert started his usual flirtations upon seeing the pretty brunette.

  “Melissa, we were hoping you might be able to tell us more about the prophesy you saw,” said Rafe. Telling her about Dunstan, she agreed that he was not the one she foretold.

  “I haven’t had any more visions. I’m sorry you’ve wasted time driving out here, but I can’t force one. They just come randomly,” she said regrettably.

  “My mate is a witch. She’s able to see things when she connects with another person’s mind. I wonder if you would agree to have her try with you? But you should know she is new at this. She just found out she was a witch yesterday,” Rafe said.

  “Now that sounds like an interesting story. I’m not sure if it would actually work, but I’m willing to try.”

  “If there is any danger to you, I can pull Lisa’s magic back so yer not harmed,” said Robert.

  “Thank you,” she answered coolly. She could tell he was a Casanova, so she wanted nothing to do with him. She didn’t need a player in her life.

  “I’ll bring Melissa to your place, once she clears her schedule. She’s part of my clan so I need to make sure she’s safe,” said Chase.

  Rafe understood, as he would have done the same for anyone in his pack. Melissa told them she had errands tomorrow, but she would try and come out on Tuesday.

  Seeing the meeting over, Melissa got up to leave. Robert stopped her to ask if she would like to have dinner with him.

  “Thank you, but no. I’m busy,” she said shortly as she walked out.

  “Man, that was cold. What did you do to her?” asked Chase.

  “Nothing! I just met the lass,” Robert said, confused.

  After saying their goodbyes, they were on the highway before Rafe spoke. “So laddie, would you like lessons in wooing a woman?”

  Arriving back at the house, they found Ian and Dunstan in the great room. Ian informed him everyone else had gone to bed.

  “It’s late, Dunstan you can stay here tonight. In fact, why don’t you get your things tomorrow and spend some time here. You can get to know Anna better and possibly help us with the threat, if you’re agreeable. In the meantime, we need to know everything about your father. Especially any weakness he has,” said Rafe.

  “Let’s not be blinded by assuming that Dunstan’s father is the threat. We need to be ready for any eventuality,” said Ian.

  “I tend to lean towards Ciar,” said Robert. “I don’t believe in coincidences. When Dunstan happened to see Lisa in town, and then learn he has a sister through her, is just too incredible. The fae are strong believers in fate. It looks to me like everything is coming together as it should be.”

  “If it is my father, you need to know that he is very powerful. I don’t mean just physically. His magic is very strong, and he will not be defeated easily. He has no scruples about using whatever weapon he has available. Don’t trust him. He would use me or Anna to get what he wants.”

  “We’re assuming he wants to use the pond for its magic. What else would he want?” asked Rafe.

  Dunstan thought for a moment. “My mother. As I’ve stated, if he hasn’t killed her, he wouldn’t let her go. He would consider her his property, along with Anna and me. After talking with Anna, I think my mother got Anna away to save her from him. With her being afraid of any fae, without knowing why, convinces me of that.”

  Rafe told Ian to go and bring Anna up to the house. He did not want her left alone in her cabin. They could protect her better if she were close.

  Dunstan told Rafe that he and Ian would be going to speak with Stephen tomorrow. Thinking he had nothing on his agenda for the next day, Rafe was hoping he could spend some time with Lisa. If he could just get her alone for some private time, they might be able to move this relationship along.

  Seeing Colin with his girls made him want to start his own family. He thought Lisa would be a great mother and have no problem fitting in to his pack. She could assist him with all the work that came with running a pack, or find a job teaching in the area.

  The difficult part would be persuading her to leave her life behind in Dallas. With Stephanie being here, he was convinced she would choose them over her old life.

  Ian had returned and shown Anna to a room. She already looked more relaxed and happier than she’d ever been. It must have been like having a weight lifted off her to no longer worry about her secret.

  “When was the last time you went for a run?” Rafe asked Dunstan.

  “It’s been a while. I have a place outside Denver with a few acres where I like to run. I’m not there very often though, since I’ve spent my time searching for my mother.”

  “I need to run off some energy. You need to run with a pack. Ian, go wake Devlin,” said Rafe.

  Rafe and Dunstan started removing their clothes for the shift. Ian and Devlin padded in, already in wolf form.

  “I’m going to bed after I check in with my men. Don’t forget to wipe yer paws when you get back,” quipped Robert.

  Instantly changing from man to wolf, Rafe snorted as he led them to the kitchen. The back door had a handle they could swipe with a paw to open.

  Crossing the patio, they paused to sniff the air. Rafe glanced up at the room where Lisa was sleeping. He noticed her standing by the window, watching them. He gave a small woof before loping off into the woods.

  They ran for about an hour, dodging trees and running through streams. Dunstan rarely had the opportunity to run with the Denver pack. Although he was a friend of their alpha, Ben, he never became a member of his pack. He never felt like he fit in with their pack.

  Scenting a deer, Rafe stopped to signal the others. He and Dunstan followed the trail while Ian a
nd Devlin circled around. Seeing the deer in the clearing ahead, they crouched down in the grass, slowly moving forward. Knowing his brothers were in place, Rafe charged up from the grass, setting the deer in flight with Dunstan fast behind him. Ian and Devlin sprinted out, startling the deer into a quick turn, heading for the trees. They all gave chase, zigzagging through the forest. Eventually, they let the deer run off, exhilarated by the chase.

  Turning towards home, they nudged and shoved each other playfully as they ambled back. Arriving at the house, Rafe saw Lisa lying on the patio chaise in her robe. He slowly approached, wondering if she was frightened of them.

  “Have fun?” she asked quietly. “Wait, don’t answer that. Go put your clothes on first, or not,” she grinned.

  Rafe yipped at the others, sending them inside. He followed, making sure they didn’t change until they were out of her sight. His brothers and Dunstan shifted and grabbed up their clothes, heading for their rooms. Knowing they would all go and shower, he pulled his jeans on and went back outside.

  Sitting down in the chair next to her, Rafe asked why she wasn’t afraid when she saw them.

  “I knew it was you, I saw you guys leave. After seeing Stephanie as a wolf, I knew there was nothing to fear.”

  “I’m glad you’re comfortable around us, but always be aware of any strange wolf. Eventually, you’ll recognize our pack, but until then, be careful.”

  She nodded her acknowledgement, asking how it went with Chase. He told her they hadn’t learned anything new, but the seer, Melissa, was coming Tuesday.

  “Robert and I thought that maybe you would be able to help her with her vision. I know you haven’t done this before, but the experience with Dunstan made me think it was possible.”

  “All I can do is to try, if she’s agreeable.”

  Rafe let her know Melissa was willing and wanting to learn more if she could.

  Lisa was about to go back to bed when she remembered Stephanie telling her about Cindy. She just couldn’t help herself. “Did you see your girlfriend, Cindy, while you were there?”

  Rafe just looked at her. “She’s not my girlfriend. We went out a few times. It didn’t take me long to realize the most important person in her life was her. This is the last time I will say this. You are my mate. There will never be another for me.”


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