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Rose Red (Once Upon a Happy Ever After Book 4)

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by Jewel Killian

  Memories from our first time together flashed through my head— two chests pressed against me, four hands exploring my flesh, teasing, fingering, and two mouths sucking, biting, whispering. The way the two of them worshiped me, giving attention to even the most “taboo” parts of my body and the sensations they opened me to, all of it came crashing down on me.

  With each step I took towards Chase and Luca, pressure built and a heavenly weight descended on my lady parts as the film behind my eyes kept rolling. Chase’s hands spreading my legs as Luca devoured my neck and breasts. Chase’s tongue teasing my thighs then swirling around my folds before making me come with just the tip of his tongue and a single, thick finger. Luca pulling out his magnificent hard cock, putting it in my hand and whispering that he wanted to see me put it in my mouth. Chase grabbing my hips and flipping me over to my hands and knees, then burying himself in me while Luca guided his huge dick between my lips.

  Being craved and ravished so intensely by two men was the highest high I’d ever experienced.

  A shiver crept across my back and down my legs as I remembered the three of us peaking in near unison. But the delightful shiver quickly turned to a cold chill of dread as I remembered what happened next.

  A glare of blinding light I’d only later realize was a camera flash. Chase and Luca yelling, running nude after whoever took the photos and me so high on endorphins I couldn’t make heads of tails of the situation. I’d find out the next day that my father was only able to keep my face off the front page because his former classmate was the content editor for the trashy magazine. He’d given my father a cursory call and made him a deal. They’d blur the faces of everyone involved if he agreed to pay the GDP of a small nation.

  He did. And that’s why I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t risk getting caught with two men again. I turned away from the men I so desperately wanted to be with and headed out of the ballroom.

  I hated what I was about to do to them. I hated giving them up. I hated that it took me so long to figure out what I needed to do. And I hated the sick feeling in my stomach as I walked further and further from the only men in the world who’d ever made me think, and laugh, and love as hard as they made me orgasm. I made my way through the ballroom to the lobby and all the way in the elevator before I lost my composure.

  Tears rolled down my cheeks as the gravity of what I was about to do slammed into me. I leaned against the back of the elevator, trying my best not to slide down the wall and sob into my arms. The last thing I wanted was to leave these men. But what other choice did I have? Before the elevator dinged at my floor I’d pulled myself together, wiping away the tears and smudged mascara. Luckily, the floor was deserted and I was able to get to the room without anyone noticing me.

  I’d booked the room under a pseudonym, no had one noticed me leaving the ball, and my floor was empty. With a little luck, I’d be able to get through this without causing another scandal. Ending things with Chase and Luca would be hard enough. I didn’t need the whole of the Upper East Side knowing about it and judging us.

  That’s what this is all about, isn’t it? Other people’s opinion of you. Fearing their judgment if they knew— what? How fiercely you loved and were loved? Doesn’t that seem ridiculous?

  “Well, yes but I can’t cause another Page Six scandal for my father to fix,” I said out loud to my thoughts.

  I let myself into the room, crossed the living area and opened the door to the balcony. Standing there, thirty-five floors above street level and looking out at the New York skyline let me breathe easier for the first time since I’d arrived at the ball. Being so high and away from the noise had a calming effect on my thoughts.

  I took a deep breath of cool night air and looked up at the starless sky. Never in a million years would I have thought I’d be in this position— falling for two men and having to break their hearts. I wrapped my arms around myself but before I could, someone else’s arms slipped between, pulling me against their chest.

  I sighed and leaned in, breathing in the cedar and orange scent I knew so well. “Luca,” I whispered as he held me tighter. He said nothing as he pressed the broadness of his muscled chest against my back.

  It broke me. I cried softly and Luca hugged me tighter and closer. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t “shhh” in my ear, or tell me it would be okay. He just held me and let me cry.

  Chapter Four


  I hated seeing her cry. I hated, even more, thinking about what might be causing her tears. Her whole body shook against me as she sobbed silently and I did the only thing I could. I held her and let her cry until she was done.

  A few moments passed and Chase joined us, giving me a “what’s going on look” when he took in the scene. I shook my head, but the way I figure there were only two reasons she’d cry. One, she decided she couldn’t be with us. Or two, she missed us as much as we missed her and those were happy tears.

  I wasn’t holding my breath on that last one.

  Chase touched her face. “Hey, why all the tears?” He smiled at her and Abby let out a tiny, tortured laugh.

  She pulled away from me, eyes glancing back and forth to both of us. “Because this is all so stupid! You two are the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I don’t want to give you up. But I just can’t handle being secretive anymore, and I definitely can’t put my father in a position to save me from Page Six again.” Abby sighed and collapsed into Chase’s arms. “I just don’t see how this can work.”

  The fist in the center of my chest loosened at her words. It wasn’t the best news, it wasn’t what I wanted to hear but it wasn’t a rejection either.

  She wanted us. She wanted both of us as much as we wanted her. Chase and I shared a look as he stroked her hair. “Abigail, that’s music to my ears.” Abby pulled away and gave him a questioning look.

  “What do you mean?”

  I stepped closer, running a finger down her exposed back. “He means that’s not a no. That’s a ‘we need to figure out how’. And I’ll take that any day.”

  Abby’s eyes left mine and focused on the skyline. “But don’t you see? I’ve thought about this from every possible way. There’s no way we can make this work. We can’t keep it a secret forever.”

  It was Chase’s turn to give Abby a quizzical look. “Is that the issue? That we can’t keep us a secret?”

  Abby sniffled. “Well, that’s the only way to keep Page Six from sniffing around us. Isn’t it? If they don’t know there’s a scandal then there is no scandal. Right?”

  “That’s one of many ways to subvert a scandal, Abby,” I chimed in and pulled her close. “And that we can work out later.” I looked down into her still teary eyes and let my hand trail down her back. Chase came up behind her and nuzzled her neck. “But right now,” I continued, “we need to celebrate.”

  Heavy-lidded and shivering under our touch Abby asked, “What are we celebrating.”

  “Well,” Chase said smoothly. “It’s been a year since we met. And correct me if I’m wrong but I did not hear you say you were ending things. Did I, Luca?”

  “Nope, I didn’t hear anything of the sort. So, I figure that means we have an anniversary to celebrate.” Abby looked at me, all the questions running through her mind clear in her eyes. “Shhhh,” I said, stroking her face. “Let us show us how much we missed you.” We led her back inside the room and took off her backless ball gown. Chase found the zipper and let the dress slowly fall to the ground as I helped her step out of it. I let out a whistle as she stood before us completely bared. “You’re not wearing a stitch of under clothes.”

  Abby blushed and looked downward. “I couldn’t wear a bra with a backless dress, Luca.”

  Fuck! I loved how she said my name. She whispered it, letting the sounds drift out of her mouth. It was dead sexy.

  “But you could have worn panties,” Chase smirked. Abby blushed even brighter as he knelt before her and kissed up her legs. From behind, I took her should
ers and leaned her against me, then moved her hair off her shoulders so I could claim her neck. She moaned, arching into my kisses and lifted her arms to wrap them around my neck. I let my hands explore the exposed sides of her body, her heavy, full rack, the dip of her waist and the flare of her hips as I continued finding every sensitive spot on her neck and throat. I looked down to see Chase pick up her leg and dive into her sweet pussy. It didn’t take long before she was moaning and writhing against Chase’s face. She screamed, coming and twisting against me as I held her waist to keep her steady. Chase looked up at her panting against me. “Fuck, Abigail you taste just as sweet as I remember.” The only response Abby could manage was a shiver. “You wanna get in on that?” Chase asked me.

  “You bet your ass I do,” I said and in one smooth motion I’d picked Abby up and threw her on the bed. She squealed mid-air, and as she got comfortable on the bed, Chase and I stripped out of our clothes. “My turn,” I said as I crawled on the end of the bed. I grabbed her by the backs of the knees and yanked her flat on the bed, making Abby gasp and yelp. She looked at me, fire and heat in her pretty eyes and whispered my name. Fuck! I wanted to devour her, ravage her, to absolutely feed on her but I also wanted to relish this. It had been so long since we’d been together. So long since I’d seen her. I wanted to go slow and savor feasting on her but looking at her laid out on the bed like that, pussy still dripping with desire, I just couldn’t resist. I spread her legs as far as they would go and dove in, opening her lips even further so I could taste every last bit of her. I sucked on her swollen clit and she bucked under me. Chase saw and pressed her hips back down on the bed with one hand, gripping his cock with the other. I pushed two fingers into her and rubbed against her g-spot. Then, I let a finger graze the star of her perfect little ass. She bucked again but Chase held her firm. It only took a few moments of working all three spots for her to come again, screaming once more at the ceiling.

  I gave her no time to recover. I wanted her now. I hopped up to my knees, grabbed her hips and lifted her level with my pulsing cock. Chase knelt on the side of the bed and she took his cock in her mouth. I groaned at the sight of her lips around him and plowed into her. She screamed around Chase’s cock and I held onto her hips for better leverage. I fucked her hard enough to make her gorgeous tits bounce around. The moment I felt her insides clamp around me I slid two slick fingers across her clit and went at it even harder. She wailed. Spasming around me, pushing me over until I came so hard I thought I might die.

  I collapsed next to her. Chase did the same on her other side.

  “Happy anniversary,” I said.

  Chapter Five


  I laid there cuddling with the two men that made my whole world spin, high, a little fuzzy around the edges and kind of sticky. Chase propped himself up on an elbow and looked down at me as Luca pulled me closer into a spooning position. “I missed you so much, Abigail,” Chase said and brushed the back of his hand against my face. I leaned into his touch, relishing the look in his eyes and the way his slight southern drawl played with the syllables of my name.

  Luca thumbed down my arm. “Our world just isn’t right without you in it, love.” I reached back to touch his face and felt Luca’s manhood pressing firmer and harder against my ass. We needed another round. But first, I needed to not feel sticky. I untangled myself from the mess of hot men on the bed and beckoned them with a finger to the shower.

  I hadn’t booked the nicest room but I had made sure the bathroom would easily accommodate all three of us. I guess on some level I always knew I wasn’t ending things with them. It’s why I hadn’t worn any underwear and made sure I was scrubbed and plucked and waxed to high heaven. I’d wanted them to convince that we could make this work because I did want it to work. Luca fiddled with the water temperature while I threw my hair into a quick bun. Chase leaned against the door frame watching me. “You are the most spectacular creature I’ve ever encountered, Abigail.”

  I sighed, letting his words seep into me as I looked at him in the mirror. I let my eyes rover over him, long muscular legs, narrow hips, massive cock, and rippling chest, finally ending on his chiseled face. I couldn’t help sighing again.

  “Careful there, Abigail. A look like that could make a man blush.”

  I smiled at him in the mirror. “You know, you’re the only one I let call me Abigail.”

  Chase smiled at me, perfect dimples flashing and eyes twinkling. “I did know. And why is that?”

  I turned around, tucked myself into his arms and said, “Because it sounds so nice the way you say it.”

  Chase tangled his hand in my hair and pulled my head up to meet his gaze. He lowered his head until our lips were barely touching and whispered, “I love you, Abigail.” The words bled into a kiss that stole my thoughts, made me dizzy and took my breath. By the end of it Chase was holding me up because my knees no longer would.

  Luca touched my arm and as I turned to face him he spun me around, letting my body collide with his. “And I love you, Abby.” He lifted me up by the ass, settled me around his hips and kissed me like he was trying to out-do Chase. I moaned into him, pelvis rocking against his as I felt myself growing hotter and wetter all over again.

  Chase came up behind me and slid his finger into me as I ground myself against Luca. “Do you want to come again, you greedy little thing?”

  I mean— I wasn’t going to turn it down.

  Luca continued kissing me, letting his hand slide down my back and down my ass until he found that very sensitive, very naughty spot. While he teased my ass, Chase made himself busy playing with my soaking pussy.

  “Jesus fuck, woman you’re so wet!

  “Only for you two,” I managed to utter as they toyed with and stroked my body like they had a goddamn handbook. The pressure built within me. Subtle at first, then growing and growing until it finally crashed into me. “Oh GOD!” I screamed, riding my orgasm out on their fingers.

  Luca set me down, led me into the shower and we all took turns lathering each other. Each of us paying way more attention to the other’s fun parts than strictly necessary. At one point I had a soapy cock in each hand, sliding my way down the length like a damn porn star. Luca made me stop though.

  “You’re too good at that, Abby. You’ll get me off before I get to have you again.”

  And with that, we quickly rinsed any residual soap and got out. Chase and Luca both took towels but instead of drying themselves, they both dried me off. Then Chase picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

  “Ew, you’re still all wet,” I squeaked as he carried me back to the bed.

  “That’s right. And pretty soon I’ll make you just as wet.” Chase said and smacked my upturned ass earning him another little squeak. I really squealed when he pulled me off his shoulder and bounced me on the mattress. Chase and Luca were on either side of me in moments. Chase pulled me to face him, cupped my face and whispered, “You’re really going to like this.” He came in close, barely brushing his lips against me, teasing and tempting until I grabbed the back of his head and forced him to kiss me harder. I drank in his kisses and as he paid attention to my front, Luca laid kisses down the back of my neck and across my back, working his way down until he reached my ass. He bit each cheek, gently but enough to make a small yelp leave me. Then, as Chase’s hand slid down my body and found my aching slit, Luca’s tongue found my ass. “Oooooh!” I leaned into the divine, taboo pleasure— Luca tonguing my ass as Chase flicked and swirled my clit around. Just as I started to rock my hips into them and things built again both men pulled away.

  “I think she’s ready,” Luca said to Chase.

  Chase smiled his dazzling smile at me, lifted my leg and rested it on his hip.

  “Jesus, Abby, your ass it just fucking perfect,” Luca said as he rubbed his cock all around my now slick hole. He pressed it slowly into me, filling me full in such a delicious, naughty way. I threw my head back and moaned as Luca slowly worked his way in an
d out of my ass.

  “Do you like his cock in your ass?” Chase rumbled in my ear. I could only nod in response. “And how about this?” He slid the head of his cock up and down my folds, teasing and making me wiggle and moan and grind against him. “Fuck, Abigail, you’re so damn wet,” he said and groaned as he finally slammed balls-deep into me.

  I screamed at the sheer euphoric, other-worldly pleasure of being filled so full. Both my men found a slow and steady rhythm, rocking me back and forth as they each kissed and nipped at whatever parts they could reach. And before I knew it I was screaming again, my whole body racked with wave after wave of pleasure. I felt both their releases. Chase’s first and then Luca a moment later. We collapsed in a tangle of limbs, panting, stroking, whispering to each other.

  The last thing I remember was falling asleep in the arms of the men I love.


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