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Rozalyn (Includes Tamar Preview)

Page 26

by Shan

  "Tamar, don’t fuck this up. Just calm down and we will take care of her later," Dmitri said through gritted teeth.

  "No, you need to take care of this shit now. Got my girl all upset and shit. You supposed to know who you invited up in here!" Tamar yelled

  "Tweek said that he was bringing a guest, but he didn’t tell me who. Hell you know if I had known it was her I would have took care of her long before this damn party."

  "Take care of it now Dmitri. I need to take her to the hospital." Tamar said fanning me with his hand.

  "No, No, No. You cannot leave now. My father’s partners are on their way. You wanna meet my fucking father then I suggest you stay here. You know how important this is."

  "You know how fucking important it is that we don’t lose this baby!"

  "Okay, let Brandon or Key take her. If something is wrong I’m sure they will call you."

  "I don’t want them taking her, I will take her. It’s my fucking child."

  "Tamar, are you really about to do this right now? Really? You know how hard we’ve worked over the past few months! If they don’t see you here they will tell my father and he’s gonna think that he can’t trust you. I do not want you to lose this connect."

  "Shit!" Tamar yelled.

  "I’ll put Shalea out and have my men follow her and we will take care of her tonight," Dmitri walked away to Shalea and Tweek and Tamar brought me to a chair to sit down and catch my breath.

  "What the fuck is going on? You told me I can bring whoever I wanted!" Tweek voice was so loud that everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at him.

  "Don’t raise your fucking voice at me if you know what’s good for you! Now like I told you she ain’t welcome here. You can put her ass in a cab and send her on her merry little way or you can take her home with you, but either way it goes this bitch gotta go!"

  I looked up and caught the stare of Shalea. Tamar was rubbing my stomach with one hand and fanning me with a paper plate. The longer she stared at me the more I began to sweat and hyperventilate. The emotions and pain that I felt the night I lost my son began to take over my body.

  "Mmgh, I think I may be having contractions," I rubbed on my stomach, but still unable to take my eyes off of Shalea.

  Tamar nodded for Brandon to come over. Once he did, he asked Brandon to drive me to the hospital and to call him every ten minutes to let him know what was going on. Brandon took my hand and led me through the kitchen to the garage.

  35: Shalea

  "Sha, what the fuck was that all about?" Tweek yelled. I was looking in the mirror trying to put my hair back into place. I know Tamar's punk ass had Dmitri throw me and Tweek out. I finally found out whom Tweek’s new business partner was.

  He never mentioned him by name before just by ‘young nigga’. It just so happens that, that young nigga was Tae. I couldn't believe he was down here and I don’t why I didn’t put two and two together when Tweek was talking about him all the time.

  I looked back at Peaches who’d fallen asleep on the drive home. We‘d picked her up from Tweek‘s brother house as soon as we were kicked out of Tamar‘s party. I took a deep breath and grabbed a hold of Tweek’s free hand. "I gotta tell you something just promise me you will not be mad at me."

  "I can’t make that promise Sha until after I hear what it is that you gotta say. You embarrassed me in front of a lot of very important people only making Tae look that much better than me!"

  "Why didn’t you tell me that Tae was your partner?"

  "You know him?"

  "That’s what I need to tell you Tweek."

  Tweek snatched his hand away from me and I began to tell him about my relationship with Tamar from the beginning all the way to the end. I told him about how I went to jail for Tamar, how he left me for that Chink bitch Rozalyn and got her pregnant, and how I sought out my revenge against them which led me to Miami.

  "So, I did hear you call me that nigga name that night in the Jacuzzi?" Tweet said. I could see every vein in his neck popping out, so I knew he was mad that I hadn’t been truthful with him.

  "Yes, but it was an accident Tweek. I won’t lie and say when I first started talking to you that I didn‘t think about him. I was madly in love with that boy and he broke my heart, but I don’t love him anymore. I wanna be with you. I’ve fallen in love with you."

  "Why the fuck didn’t you tell me that shit from the start Sha? You told me you were from California!"

  "Because not only was he looking for me, but so are the police. I made a deal with the DEA by giving them information on Tamar’s drug ring in Atlanta. The information I gave them didn’t pan out because he’d changed everything up. I tried giving them information about murders I knew he committed but that shit didn’t pan out either so now I have to go and serve the rest of my sentence."

  The look on Tweek’s face softened as we continued to cruise down the highway to the house. He reached for my hand, grabbed it, and brought it to his mouth giving it a peck. He told me that everything was going to be alright and that he was on my side. He said that he wanted to help me bring down Tamar.


  We made it back to Tweek’s house after a long drive; Peaches found her way into one of Tweek’s many guest rooms calling it a night. I poured me a shot of patron and then a glass of Alize.

  I found Tweek unwinding in the bubbly, warm Jacuzzi. His favorite place to be. I stripped down to my bra and panties and joined him, immediately went to pleasing him in any way I could. He said that he was on my side, but that was because he didn’t know Tamar well and wasn’t fully aware of what he was capable of.

  I didn’t want him to find a reason to get rid of me so giving him the best shot of head and pussy was the first thing that came to mind.

  Tweek and I were so involved in our little sexcapade that we didn’t notice the two gunmen that were standing over us with a pair of M-16s. I was just about to sink under the water to please Tweek.

  Tweek didn’t look scared, but I could feel by the way his body was shaking along with the vibration from the Jacuzzi that he was just as frightened as I was. The first gunmen removed his ski-mask and revealed his face.

  I shook my head and folded my hands across my chest. I don’t why Tweek didn’t mention that Tamar was aware of where he lived. How did I forget that fight we had at his front door when he told me he and his business partner was discussing an important matter? Why the fuck didn’t I tell this dumb ass nigga to let’s get a room or something?

  "I ain’t got no beef with you, Tae. I don’t know what the fuck is going on and I don’t want no parts of it," Tweek said before he held up his hands and begged for his life like a little bitch.

  "You should’ve let this bitch get kicked out the fucking party and handled your business instead of sniffing behind the stench of her pussy like a whipped little puppy," Tamar said with a devilish grin.

  "She didn’t tell me what the fuck was going on until we got back here. I thought this bitch was from California. She has been lying to me this whole time," Tweek said.

  "That’s not my fault. I’m killing any and everything that’s affiliated with this bitch and sorry my friend that just so happens to be you."

  Tamar stepped back and aimed his rifle at me while the other gunmen aimed his at Tweek. I closed my eyes and quickly asked God to forgive me for all that I’ve done wrong, even the things that I’ve done to Rozalyn.


  36: Tamar

  Dmitri begged me to let him handle things as far as killing Shalea, but he had to know how deep this went and understand how important it was for me to handle everything.

  Keylan and I quickly made our way inside of Tweek’s house. I needed to get to the CD that he used to record the surveillance of his home. He showed me how everything worked one time I came over, so I knew exactly where he stored all his disk as well as the backup system that was hooked up in case the main storage system went out.

  Right as Keylan and I were
about to leave, I heard a loud crashing sound coming from upstairs. I handed everything to Keylan and told him to take it to the car while I checked around. I took out my .45 and slowly crept up the stairs. As soon as I made it to the top of the stairs, I saw Peaches emerge from one of the back bedrooms towards the back staircase.


  I fired one shot, but missed her. She ran down the stairs and I followed her firing another shot this time hitting her in the shoulder. She went down, but quickly got back up and ran out the backdoor into the arms of Keylan.

  "Oh, my God—Please—Please don’t kill me," Peaches cried.

  I shook my head at Peaches' fine ass. She was a good worker, but she always put her nose where it didn’t belong. I brought the gun up towards Peaches’ head and quickly pulled down on the trigger bringing her to a quick death.

  Keylan and I ran to the stolen car that was parked a little ways down the road and made our escape. Police sirens could be heard from around the corner so we had to hurry and get the fuck off the block and over to my car that was waiting a few miles down the road.

  It took us less than five minutes to get to my truck, burn the stolen ride, and make a clean getaway. It took another thirty minutes to make it home.

  I went to the fridge and grabbed two beers, one for me, and the other for Keylan. I grabbed one of the pre-rolled blunts from the ashtray sitting on the coffee table and fired it up.

  I was so happy that I finally got rid of that bitch Shalea and now I could finally sleep peacefully at night knowing that was one less person I had to worry about.

  There were some other obstacles that I had to overcome such as getting at my father. I would save that shit for later because there was some major money that had to be made and I wasn’t about to let him stop me from getting it.

  "Hey, I’m about to check up on Rozalyn. I guess B left her here since I didn’t see his car outside. I told that nigga to stay here when they left the hospital and to stay with her," I said and passed the blunt to Keylan. I made my way upstairs to the bedroom. "Yo', Roz! Where you at baby girl?"

  I walked into the bedroom and expected to see Rozalyn lying in the bed, but everything was the same as we left it earlier. The bed was neatly made with the pillows still arranged across the top of the bed. The TV was still muted and on the same station that we’d left it. I walked over to the bathroom to check and see if maybe she was taking a bath, but nothing.

  This shit was starting to feel a little weird. It had been almost four hours since I had Brandon take her to the hospital. I called the hospital and was told that she wasn’t there so they should have been home by now.

  I ran back downstairs and grabbed my cell phone from the table and dialed Rozalyn’s number, but it went straight to voice mail. I then dialed Brandon’s number, but it just rung and rung. I continued that cycle over and over for the next hour still getting nothing from either of them.

  All kind of thoughts rushed through my head of what could be wrong. The first thought that came to mind was if they were messing around somewhere at a damn hotel fucking and shit. I tried not to think like that, but I knew how Brandon felt about my girl and I knew Rozalyn had some sort of feelings for him even if she said they were the brotherly type.

  "Tae, here," Keylan passed me the blunt pulling me from my thoughts. "What’s up? Where Rozalyn at?"

  "She’s not up there. Her phone going straight to voicemail and B cell just ringing. I don’t know what’s going on, but I know they better pop up real soon," I said.

  "Did you check the hospital? Was everything alright?"

  "Yea I guess so. I called and they said she wasn’t up there and Brandon didn’t call me so I assumed everything was alright."

  "He probably just took her somewhere else, don’t start thinking negative."

  "I can’t help but think negative 'cause I told him to bring her home. I didn’t say go nowhere else."

  "They gone pop up. Just wait it out. They’ll be walking through the door real soon."

  That real soon Keylan was talking about never came. It had been two whole days and I haven’t heard from Brandon or Rozalyn. Keylan suggested that I went to the police and filed a missing persons report, but I didn’t agree.

  I decided to check the hospitals all over the city and that’s when I found out that Brandon was sitting in the hospital in a coma due to multiple gunshot wounds. He had no I.D. on him or a cell phone, so the hospital didn’t have a way of contacting anyone to notify them of what happened.

  I asked about Rozalyn and if he’d came in with a female, but was told that the ambulance was called and told of the location of where he’d been shot but no one was with him.

  Keylan and I went to sit by Brandon’s side at the hospital hoping and praying that he would wake up soon and tell us where Rozalyn was and how the hell he’d gotten shot. Each hour that passed felt like a damn day, each day felt like a month and it seemed as if this nigga was never going to wake up.

  We did our best trying to pull information from the streets to see if anybody knew of what happened, but everything we were given was useless being nobody really knew who Brandon or Rozalyn was.

  37: Tamar

  Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days and days turned to months. We waited and waited for Brandon to come out of his coma. The doctors kept explaining to us that it was his way of giving his brain a rest while his body recuperated from his injuries. I ain’t ever done so much damn praying in my damn life.

  I prayed for my homey that was laying here, but more than anything I prayed for my girl and my unborn son. I was starting to think that maybe I shouldn’t have killed Tweek and let him make it. I knew this had to be his people. But he’s been a problem since he found out I was going to be running the show and I just felt it was better to take care of him now versus later.

  It had been six weeks since Brandon was shot and Rozalyn came up missing. I can’t believe this shit is happening again; I thought as I sipped on a cup of lean; my third cup in less than three hours.

  "This nigga still ain’t woke up?" A familiar voice from behind me said. I turned my head around to see my brother, Taron, standing in the doorway with a couple of bags at his feet.

  I smiled and shook my head. I walked over to him, and hugged him. It’s been five years and although I said I never wanted to this face again. I was happy that the man behind this face wasn’t the one that betrayed me.

  I was pissed as hell at Kevin's bitch ass. He was all in my face about getting back at Tavon for killing Zavier, but he couldn’t even go through with getting back at Von. I sent Keylan to go ahead and take care of that shit for me, but unfortunately Tavon had already been released from the hospital and disappeared all over again. I should have taken care of the shit myself; I thought.

  "Damn, today the fifteenth already?" I asked Taron as I looked him up and down. He gained at least fifty pounds since the last time I saw him and the braids he wore before he went in had been cut all off.

  "Yea, I caught a cab over to the address you gave me and one of your neighbors told me I could find you up here."

  "Fucking nosey ass neighbors," I reached in my pocket and pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it over to Taron for cab fare.

  "Nah, I already paid him. I still had a few hundred dollars on my books when left," Taron said.

  He took a seat next to the bed and just stared at me. I ran my hands over my clothes, and then across my face. Honestly, I didn’t know how to feel around him. I hadn’t seen him since I was fourteen years old and the person I was then is not the person I am now and I’m sure it was the same for him.

  "My bad lil bruh, you just—shit you taller than me now. I barely recognized you."

  "Yea you look different too."

  "Old man now," Taron laughed.

  "What the fuck ever. How you like the smell of this free air?"

  "Smells good, smells real good. So much so I promise you I ain’t ever going back into that damn place."

I feel you. I spent some unwanted time in that muthafucka' myself and I commend you on doing that bid ‘cause Lord knows I couldn’t do it," I said.

  "Yea, it was tough, but you just gotta stay busy up in that bitch. You worry too much about the time and day the shit just gonna take even longer. But enough about that jail talk. I’ve been hearing a lot of shit, Tae. Some shit that has fucked my damn head up, yo'."

  "Yea it’s a lot of muthafuckas who ain’t who they say they are. The way I see it is you the only blood relative I have left in this world besides mama, Lana, and Ki-Ki. I just really hope I can trust you."

  "What? What the fuck does that mean?"

  I shook my head because Taron didn’t even know how hard it was for me right now to allow him to come and stay in my home. After being fucked over by two cousins and my brother, his twin brother I really didn’t want any of these muthafuckas around me, but I know that he needs me and regardless of what’s been done to me I still was a loyal ass nigga. The money that he had waiting for him would help him get on his feet, but I knew it wouldn't last long.

  "I tried to come and visit you not to long again, but once again my visit was denied. Is it true that I’m the reason you did that bid?"

  "That oughta tell you right there if you can’t trust nobody; then you can trust me," Taron said

  "I…" I started to say something but stopped when I saw Brandon reach for the tube that was going down his throat and tried to yank it out. I ran over to him and grabbed his hands pulling it away from the tubes. He began to behave erratically, groaning loudly, and flailing. "Hit that call button!"

  Taron grabbed the controller that was on the side of the bed and pressed the red call button for the nurse. Once they came over the speaker, I yelled for someone to come in ASAP.

  About thirty seconds later, a few nurses came in, pushed Taron and I out of the room, and tried to calm Brandon down. His doctor came around a few minutes later and examined him. When they finally were able to remove the tubes and to get Brandon to realizing where he was at he asked to see me. I walked in the room and he immediately explained to me everything I needed to know.


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