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Wanted: Boyfriend for Christmas (The Holiday Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Melody Heck Gatto

  Chapter Seven


  Staring out the window in the living room, Lily’s cheeks hurt from smiling. The first big snowfall happened during the night. The fluffy snowflakes had slowed in the morning light but still looked beautiful.

  “Ugh, the weather app was right for once,” Harley groaned, coming down the stairs and dragging her feet to the kitchen.

  Lily giggled, following her. “It’s stunning out and just in time for tonight.”

  Harley rolled her eyes, popping the K-cup into the coffee machine. “You’re really going to go on a carriage ride in the freezing weather to see some window displays?”

  “You make it sound as if it’s the worst thing in the world?”

  “Um…it is,” she stated firmly. “You’re going to have to wear eight layers of clothes. Not to mention your nose will be all red and your eyes will be watering. Therefore, your makeup will be crap. I don’t think anyone in the world is going to find you sexy.”

  Furrowing her brow, she shrugged. “I’m not trying to be sexy for anyone.”

  Harley glared at her. Lily called it a mother’s glare. It was the one she’d seen on TV and movies a hundred times when they tried to get their fake children to confess to whatever bad thing they did.


  “Lily.” She sighed, placing her hands on her best friend’s shoulders. “I love you, but you are by far the most naïve person I have ever known. If you’re aware that you have feelings for Zane, then maybe we need to have a sit down and discuss the birds and the bees.”

  Without meaning to, Lily busted into laughter. “You think I like Zane?”

  “I don’t think. I know.” She turned back to the coffee and stirred in the sugar and cream.

  “You know?” Lily questioned, still giggling. “There’s nothing to know. He’s just a nice guy.”

  Harley sipped her coffee and strolled over to the breakfast bar and took a seat. “Look, Lily, I would never, ever question you because contrary to what I just said you’re a brilliant person. Nonetheless, I saw you last night when you came home. You were floating on air. You talked about your night as if you had dinner with the President, Pope, and the Queen of England. When, in reality, you made a gingerbread house with some guy who answered your ad that you put on a bulletin board in a coffee shop. Do you see where I’m going with this?”

  Lily’s smile dropped slightly as she thought about her night. She would never deny the fact Zane was easy on the eyes and just as easy to talk to. There was chemistry there but not the kind Harley thought. Was there?

  No, it’s just a friend going to Christmas events.

  Nothing more.

  Nothing less.


  “I think you’re overthinking it.” Lily dodged the question.

  “No. No, I’m not. You like Zane, and it’s okay. In fact, it’s better than okay because it’s been forever since you’ve been with anyone or this happy.”

  “I’m happy,” Lily quickly corrected her. “And I don’t have to be with a man to be fulfilled.”

  “I didn’t say that. I’m just trying to make you see what’s in front of you. You don’t always see the obvious.”

  She couldn’t argue with Harley because she was correct. Leaning on the counter, she thought about her time with Zane last night. Each night she seemed to have more fun than the night before and looked forward to the next one. Especially, tonight, even though Harley’s interpretations of the night’s event might be spot on.

  “Do you think I should invite him to dinner first?”

  Harley’s smile behind her mug told Lily she enjoyed being right. “I think you should.”

  Lily never thought she’d be nervous about asking a guy to dinner. Well, not since she was a young teenager. However, she stared at her phone with the text messages open to Zane’s name, unsure of how to start the conversation.

  She finally went with a simple approach.

  Lily: Zane, want to grab dinner before the carriage ride?

  Staring at the screen she wondered if she could take it back or make it sound less informal. No. Wait. Maybe nonchalant was the right way to go. Casual was perfect between them because it wasn’t serious.



  Zane: Great idea! Where do you want to go?

  She hadn’t thought about a place. The words not a date kept flashing through her mind.

  Lily: I know a great Mexican place close to where the carriage ride starts. How about that?

  Zane: Sounds good! Want to share an Uber?

  Lily: How about seven?

  Zane: See you then.

  Harley—for the hundredth time—rolled her eyes at Lily. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m trying to find something to wear,” she answered as she yanked out another sweater from her closet. “And something that is nice. And warm,” she added, staring at the rest of her winter items.

  “What you have on is fine.”

  “Fine?” She spun around and glared at her friend, which made Harley giggle. “I want to look better than fine.”

  Sighing, Harley moved herself off the bed, grabbed Lily by her shoulders and guided her to stand in front of the full-length mirror. “You’re stunning. It doesn’t matter if you meet him at the door in a snowsuit, a garbage bag, or this amazing outfit. You’re still going to stop traffic.”

  Lily stared at herself for several seconds. She finally decided on a sweater with a long sleeve shirt under it to keep her warm on the top half. On the bottom half, she had slid into a pair of fleece-lined leggings. She paired them all with leather knee-high boots. Her hair laid in frizzy waves, and she decided on simple makeup. Harley was right. She didn’t want to have makeup running down her face.

  “Now, stop staring at your clothes and go. He’s been waiting downstairs for almost ten minutes.” Harley thrusted Lily’s purse into her hands and pushed her out of the bedroom.

  Slowly going down the stairs, she hoped this would be as fun as she hoped it would be. Carriage ride around D.C. looking at all the beautiful displays.

  “Wow, you look incredible.” Zane stood up from the couch when she rounded the corner. He had on a heavy winter coat, sweater, and boots.

  “So do you,” she commented, feeling the blood rush to her cheeks.

  “The Uber is almost here,” he informed her.

  “Great, let’s get going.” She beamed.

  “You seem very excited.”

  Pulling her coat from the hall closet, Zane quickly removed it from her hands and helped her put it on. She blushed harder.

  “Doesn’t this sound like a great adventure?” she asked as they walked out into the brisk winter air.

  “Yes. Although, I’m not a fan of freezing to death.” He chuckled.

  “It’s Christmas time,” she exclaimed. “It’s meant to be on the cooler side.”

  Zane chuckled as the Uber pulled up in front of her home. “Cooler is an understatement.”

  “Well, you do have a point there.” She sniffled as he opened the door for her.

  When he got into the backseat with her, she gave the driver the address to the restaurant. Small talk passed between them, but there was more silence than talking. Lily never felt comfortable having conversations in taxis, Ubers, or anything with a stranger. Her parents talked non-stop as if the drivers weren’t even there, but Lily had a different take.

  They reached the restaurant, and she and Zane walked in and were quickly seated. After ordering their drinks, they both stared at the menu. Lily hadn’t eaten anything because her nerves were on edge. However, smelling the delicious aromas made her stomach growl.

  “What are you thinking of getting?” she inquired as she continued to scan the items.

  “A big ol’ burrito.” He shut the menu and grabbed a chip, dunking it into the salsa.

  “A big ol’ burrito?” She gave him a sly smile.

  “That’s what it’s called.” He leaned over and pointed to the
item on the page.

  She felt foolish for not seeing it. Seeing the contents in it made her mouth water. “I think that sounds fantastic. I’m going to order the same.”

  “Really? Think you can eat all that?” he teased.

  “Hey, are you challenging me?” she quipped.

  Zane laughed. “No. I just remember girls always eating dainty foods on dates.”

  “Not me,” Lily announced. “I love carbs, sweets, and everything in between.”

  They both laughed at her joke, which was the truth. She loved food and never would deprive her cravings, even if it meant she’d have to be on the treadmill an extra ten or fifteen minutes.

  When the waiter came and took their order, they fell into silence while eating a few chips. Lily didn’t want to sit here with nothing to say, so she decided to start talking about movies. They seemed to have some things in common and when the topic moved onto books, they were quoting some of their favorites as the food arrived. Their conversation continued through their oohhs and aahhs while eating their burritos.

  As they finished their food, Zane quickly whipped out his credit card before Lily could even protest. She summoned the Uber since he paid for the food, and they made their way to the beginning of the carriage ride. Typically, this wouldn’t be an extensively long adventure, and Lily hated to be grateful for it, but right now she was. The brisk air made her entire body shake. She even doubted if she could make it through the ride. Even though she’d never actually been on this particular ride, she knew she would love it. She never wanted to go alone, and Harley refused to go with her every single time. Now that she and Zane were standing in line, she’d wished it was a bit warmer outside.

  “I didn’t realize it would be this cold,” Zane commented, slightly jumping up and down as if he was trying to circulate his blood.

  “Me either.” She buried her face deeper down into her coat, wishing she had on another layer of clothing.

  “Next,” the male attendant who was handling the line shouted.

  Zane held out his gloved hand to steady Lily as she stepped up onto the white carriage with red velvet lining. The outside of it was decorated in garland, red bows, and stringed lights, making Lily forget about the cold for the time being.

  “Here.” The man picked up a blanket off the floor where Zane sat down. “Stay warm.”

  Lily sighed with relief feeling the warmth of the battery-operated heated blanket. Zane did the same as he tugged it up to his chin.

  “I’ve never been more thankful for a heated blanket before,” he said as the horses began to slowly trot to pull the carriage along.

  “You and me both. I didn’t think it would be this bad.” She instinctively moved closer to Zane and pulled the blanket up higher.

  “Me either.” He began looking around, staring at the surroundings.

  Lily followed suit as the displays began to come into view. People were on the street, but there weren’t as many as she thought there would be. Obviously, the cold and snow were keeping them inside.

  “Look.” Zane nudged her shoulder, nodding to the left.

  It took a second for Lily to realize where he wanted her to look. At first, she thought it was an excellent animatronic display, but it was actually people dressed up like carolers from the 1800s. She knew her eyes were wide while taking in the amazing display in front of her. She loved it. This meant Christmas to her, and it made her smile.

  Throughout the ride, they both commented and pointed out all the happenings in front of them, even laughing at certain things and ooh-ing and ahh-ing at others. Lily almost forgot about the freezing cold until they pulled up at the end of the ride and the male attendant removed the heated blanket. She gasped as her muscles tensed up from the temperature change. Like before, Zane helped her from the carriage and quickly moved them toward a coffee shop that was still open. Together they ordered hot chocolates and took a seat near the roaring fireplace.

  “Well, we didn’t freeze to death.” She smiled, gripping the paper cup tightly, hoping her fingers would thaw soon.

  “Are you sure? Because I feel as if I have frostbite on the tip of my nose and fingertips.”

  She watched him pushing on his nose, and it made her laugh. “I think you’re fine.”

  They sat there, both mesmerized by the fire, sipping their hot drinks, not saying anything. Lily glanced at him several times, wondering if she should strike up a random conversation but stopped herself each time. Just sitting near each other—together—was the end to the perfect evening. An evening she enjoyed more than she thought she should have. He was just a guy. No matter if she did or did not have any feelings for him, their adventure would eventually end.

  Right then and there she made the decision to relish in every moment with Zane and not look back on it. Ever again.

  Chapter Eight


  “So we’re really doing this tonight?” Zane stood outside the science center entrance. The wind ripped around them viciously, and there was more snow in the forecast.

  He looked up into the night sky at the building that was a huge staple in his childhood. He had avoided the holiday train display for many years. The memories he held close were no longer painful, and for the first time in a long time, he was looking forward to experiencing this from a new point of view with Lily.

  A snowflake landed on his cheek, and a memory of him as a child standing here on this sidewalk with his mom and dad waiting to get inside and see the train display flashed through his mind.

  He put his hand out to catch a few flakes. They were small and melted as soon as they hit his gloved hand.

  Spencer had already been complaining about the few inches that were on the ground, but Zane never minded the snow. Unlike his cousin, he was able to find joy in every season. He enjoyed summer and all that came with it, but snow gave him that Christmas feeling.

  The science center always had a gigantic train display at Christmastime. That was tonight’s event. He thought a prize pack like this might have a more elaborate event than a local train display but part of him was appreciative of the laid-back evening.

  “Yeah.” Lily looked up at him with childlike excitement. Her eyes sparkled as she smiled. “Fun, right?”

  “Yep. Fun.” He wasn’t sure how this was going to take an entire evening to walk through. Remembering the last time he was here, there was plenty of time afterward to go out for dessert and still watch a Christmas special once he got home.

  Lily pursed her lips and put a hand on her hip. “You don’t look enthusiastic. If you didn’t want to do this you should’ve said something.”

  Her brashness caught him off guard and had him taking a step back and evaluating his words before speaking.

  “No, it’s not that I don’t want to. It has been a long time since I was here. And it is definitely a holiday outing. But…”

  “But what? Too cool for train displays?” she teased, her tone now softer.

  Zane shook his head. If only she knew how hard it was going to be for him to walk in those doors again. “No.”

  “Good, then let’s go.” She grabbed his arm with her mitten clad hand and pulled him through the entrance. “This was always a favorite of mine as a child.”

  He agreed. “That’s the last time I was here.”

  Lily’s mouth dropped open. “Really? Me too!”

  Zane nodded as Lily dragged him into the science center. He held his breath as they crossed the threshold. Closing his eyes, the warm air from inside the building hit his face when the doors closed behind him. Opening his eyes, it was a relief to see the inside had been remodeled and was nothing like those memories that he held so dear.

  Still giddy like a child, Lily pulled him toward the steps leading down to the basement conference room where the massive exhibit was set up.

  “Easy, you don’t want to fall,” Zane said, halting her at the top of the stairs. He took her hand properly and began walking with her down the steps.

p; He didn’t think twice about slipping his hand in hers. Now that they were holding hands, he forgot all about his surroundings. Instead, his focus was all on her.

  He couldn’t help but stare at her. The way the strands of her hair slipped out of her knit hat and hung around her face. The way her eyes sparkled. The sound of joy in her laughter.

  Holding her hand seemed natural. They entered the maze of train tracks and walked together through the darkened room. The miniature houses in the towns were lit up as well as the skating rinks, retro drive-in theatres, and even a blimp with Santa in the basket.

  Lily stopped abruptly to admire part of the display. Turning to say something, she ran right into his chest. When she looked up at him, her lips were just inches from his.

  They stared at one another as if time was standing still.

  Zane grabbed her so he wouldn’t knock her over. “Woah, sorry about that.”

  The dim room placed shadows on her face, but the lights from the display made her eyes sparkle. “No, it’s my fault.” Her voice was soft and breathy as her gaze moved to his mouth.

  “Excuse me!” A little boy shoved his way between them, pushing them apart and ruining their moment.

  “We should keep moving anyway,” Lily said nervously as she pulled away.

  “Right.” Zane did his best to smile and find something interesting to point out as they walked through the display, except all he really wanted to do was kiss this girl.

  “Mommmmm!” That same little boy ran between them again, this time screaming for his mom and stepping right on Zane’s foot in the process.

  “Ow! What the heck?” he gasped.

  “Sorry, mister!” the little boy called from across the room.

  “He’s fast,” Lily commented. “Are you okay?”

  He couldn’t help but laugh at her first comment. “He’s fast? Your first thought was how fast he was?”


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