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Blood, a Bullet, and a True Sinner

Page 30

by Kelly Shade

  “All right then. Officially, you worked for us, and I gave the orders for the whole operation.” Curtis Barrett took a deep breath, and, surprisingly, he smiled. “The good news is that this notebook you got from Michael Morse’s safe contains the names of every one in his organization. All the drug lords he works with, the people who arrange organ trafficking, firearms dealers and--most importantly--his people in the police, FBI, homeland and the CIA. Thanks to you we are going to take down hundreds of criminals and corrupt cops.”

  Jane looked pleased with the fact that they did much more than expected.

  “Abigail Wilson was arrested half an hour ago. We checked her phone and finances_she worked with Morse for more than five years. She will get a long sentence in a high-security prison.” Barrett stood up and waved for the others to do the same. He indicated there was nothing more to talk about.

  Tyler Smith didn’t move. He cleared his throat and looked at Barrett meaningfully.

  “Boss, didn’t you forget something?”

  “Oh, yeah, of course. We want you and your team to collaborate with ours. So together we can take the whole organization down!” Barrett said and waited for an answer. But before he got one, he added “And I vouched for Hunt to be the new chief of LAPD. After he fully recovers, he will take his new post.”

  “That’s great!” Ryan was excited. He knew Hunt had wanted the job for a long time.

  “And one more thing. You will have two weeks off,” said Barrett and when he saw the disappointment in everyone’s eyes, he added “You all need time off. Either at home for a while or sessions with a psychologist.”

  “Yeah, we need a vacation,” Ian said, and the team agreed. No one wanted to see a shrink.

  Jane, Ryan, Nick and Ian walked out of the FBI building. They had to walk because the van was held by the feds. All the recordings were there. The getaway cars had fake plates and they were confiscated.

  The team was feet away from the building when Tyler Smith shouted behind them. They all turned around and waited for him to catch up.

  “Jane, I’ll send you all of Morse’s documents scanned. I hope you find something for your mom, but I took a look and I doubt you will.” Tyler put a hand into his pocket and took out a picture. “This is all I found.” And handed it to her.

  It was an old picture of a woman. She was caring a baby in her arms. Jane turned it around, and saw a faded message. Blake looked at the others. They all were waiting to hear what was written, so Jane read it aloud.

  "Michael, this is our daughter. I didn’t tell you I was pregnant because you went on a path I didn’t like. But now you have to know, because soon I’ll be gone and she doesn’t have anyone else. Please, if you ever loved me, raise our child. I’ll wait for you at our place at 8 p.m. tomorrow. E."

  “This is your grandmother,” Tyler stated the obvious. “If you want I can run facial recognition.”

  “Thanks, Ty but I think we can take it from here. Ryan will help me,” Jane said.

  Tyler said, “Yeah, I forgot he’s a hacker. Good luck, then!” he turned around and headed back.

  “What now?” asked Ian.

  “Now, you go to see your girl. Nick, you should go do the same, and get some sleep.” Blake advised them.

  They weren’t happy to leave, but they did. They both looked exhausted. Nick and Ian decided to split a cab. Ryan and Jane waited until Lee and Valdez got into the taxi.

  “To my place?” Jane offered “Of course if you need some sleep we can meet later.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Ryan smiled “Let’s go to Blake’s residence!”

  They both laughed.

  Jane’s house looked like heaven to them. They stretched on the sun beds near the pool with glasses of whiskey. Ryan’s look wandered across the sky. Jane had her eyes closed remembering last night step by step. After half an hour they started talking.

  “Smith had already sent the documents,” Jane said while opening her laptop.

  “Where did you know this guy from?” Ryan ignored the important news. He was way more interested in Jane’s relationship with Tyler.

  “Long story,” Blake said coldly, showing she didn’t want to talk about this. “Run the facial recognition, please.”

  Ryan took the computer from her hands and started typing. Millions of faces appeared, but there was no match. They waited for a while, but nothing different happened.

  “I’m sorry.” groaned Ryan.

  “We will find her.” Jane wasn’t down at all. She was excited. “We are closer than ever. I’ll make Morse speak at some point.” She smiled and continued. “At least we have him, Ryan, the man who ordered your mother’s murder. The one responsible for the death of Rose Hunt. We did it!”

  “Why don’t I feel any different?” said Ryan sadly. “Yeah, we got him, but I will never have my mom back, Hunt will never have his wife.”

  “Yeah, but they have justice. And this is better than nothing, isn’t it?” Jane wanted to make him feel better.

  “It is.” Ryan nodded. “He killed your father. I’m so sorry you can’t meet him.”

  “I don’t believe a word he says. My dad may be dead or alive. We will find out soon enough,” Blake said calmly.

  Jane offered to look over the documents Tyler had sent. Ryan agreed. There were all the hits Morse ordered along with all kinds of criminal activity. There was enough evidence to put him in jail for more than two hundred years, but there was nothing about Jane’s mother. It looked like she had never existed. Blake and Gray read every single sheet several times, but nothing popped up. Morse really wanted to erase her from his life. And he did a good job. How was it possible to reveal a whole underground organization, dirty cops and even politicians but nothing for his child? Maybe he kept her in the dark so no one would harm her? Or perhaps he was ashamed? Whatever the reason, Jane knew he took the little girl and raised her. Morse was a cruel man, but he loved the woman in the picture, and he couldn’t let his child to be raised in an orphanage.

  “We know he started his ’career‘ around two years before he received that picture,” Jane said thoughtfully. The photo was in her hands, and she was turning it ‘round and ‘round from the front to the back.

  “Why?” asked Ryan, who was staring at the laptop.

  “Because she wrote, ‘I didn’t tell you I was pregnant because you went on a path I didn’t like,’ which means she was in early pregnancy when she left him, so about six-eight months before the girl was born, and on that photo, the child is a year and two-three months old, so around two years in total,” explained Jane.

  “How can you decide how old the girl is? She looks like she is six months old to me.” Ryan looked at the photo with confusion.

  “She is sitting straight, her hair is long, her eyes are completely clear, and she wears sneakers with dirty soles, not only on the front but the entire soles which means she walks on her own. If you look closely, you will see it, too.” Blake pointed at the photo and gave it to Ryan.

  “I didn’t know you were such an expert on kids!” Gray said.

  “I love kids. What’s wrong with that?” Blake lifted her guard as usual.

  “It’s awesome actually,” Ryan smiled, and Jane felt a little stupid about the fact she thought he would laugh at her.

  They analyzed the photo for a while, but they were interrupted by someone who burst into Jane’s house.

  Blake and Gray lifted their weapons and were about to shoot when they saw Nick and Ian. They were out of breath and wore terrified expressions. It took them a few minutes to start talking normally, so Ryan and Jane could understand what they were saying.

  “We went to my home,” Ian started, “but after some time we decided to see Hunt. We went to the hospital and . . .”

  “Hunt is okay but . . .” Nick continued “I went to get sodas . . . the vending machine on the third floor was broken, and I went to the forth. Everything looked fine, but I didn’t see the feds in front of room 326, so I asked the nurs
e where they were. She told me . . . his heart couldn’t . . . Morse is dead. He is gone, Jane! I’m so sorry.”

  Jane and Ryan were shocked. Nobody spoke. Nick, Ian and Ryan were staring at Jane with fear. She went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of whiskey and a pack of cigarettes. Blake lit up one and filled her glass. She drank all of it in one sip, and then she waved to the guys to join her at the table.

  “Morse is gone. A monster. A killer. It is better that way,” Jane was calm and cold. Her eyes were icy. Her face was emotionless.

  “So? What now?” asked Nick. “How are you going to find your parents?”

  Jane narrowed her eyes. “We are not giving up! We still have the picture.”

  “Maybe some people in his organization know. You can hypnotize them when we arrest them.” Gray suggested.

  Ryan was right. The list contained names of evil criminals. The type who would kill with no remorse, the ones with an army behind them, the ones with information.

  Jane had one more glass full of whiskey. She felt everything they did was worthless. There was nothing but an old picture of a woman who wasn’t in the system.

  “We should make an announcement,” Jane said after the awkward silence.

  “What?” Ian asked with a puzzled face.

  “We should tell the public about Morse.” Jane drank another whiskey. “And we will find the woman from that picture.” She waved the photo and stood up.

  “I don’t think the feds would be happy about that plan,” Gray said. “I mean. We will tell a bunch of criminals to hide.”

  “Find me Barrett’s phone number.” Jane turned to Ryan.

  By the time Gray found the number she had asked for, which took around two minutes, Blake drank two more full glasses of whiskey.

  Jane dialed Barrett’s personal number, and he picked up after the first beep. Blake put the speaker on. He was confused about how they got the number only his family had but after Ryan explained what he did for a living, Barrett was impressed rather than angry. They told him the plan. He strongly disagreed and ordered them not to involve the press.

  “Barrett, if it weren’t for us, you would never know about Morse’s organization , and you would never have gotten him! Because of us, now the FBI, and most importantly you, are the heroes who will put down a bunch of criminals.” Jane talked calmly. “And it would be easy for me to prove you had nothing to do with the operation. That you covered our tracks to make yourself look good.”

  “Blake, are you blackmailing me?” Barrett asked with a high-pitched voice.


  “If it weren’t for me you all would be in custody right now!” Barrett shouted. “So I’m guessing you won’t risk your buddies’ freedom for an interview. I’m calling it a bluff!”

  “Try me.” Jane said icily. “Ask Tyler if I ever cared about someone else but myself. Ask him what I do and how I do it. Let him tell you a story of a con artist you didn’t know existed. I’ll get out of this clean. The question is, will you?”

  There was nothing but the sound of heavy breathing.

  Nick, Ian and Ryan stared at Blake. They didn’t believe what she said. Was she that kind of a person? They asked themselves if she would dump them and run, leaving a significant mess behind. Jane noticed their expressions. She muted the microphone.

  “I know what I’m doing, trust me! I’m not leaving you behind!” She winked. It was like she read their minds.

  Jane turned on the mike again. Barrett was still on the phone, thinking. A few moments later he spoke.

  “Okay, Blake. We will call the reporters here. You and agent Smith will make the statement.” He took a deep breath “I will trust you on this one but from now on you work with me, not against me. You will report to me everything your team learns about Morse and his organization. Is that clear?”

  “Crystal clear.” Jane smiled, and the team sighed in relief. “Text me the time the reporters will come. And please send Smith to my place so we can rehearse our speech.” And she laughed.

  Barrett agreed and hung up.

  Blake took the whiskey bottle and filled one more glass to the top. She reached to get it, but Ryan stopped her.

  “Jane, do you wanna be drunk on camera?” he showed her the empty bottle and shook it in front of her face. “I had one small drink, and you drank the whole bottle for thirty minutes. I don’t know how you can stand on your feet.”

  “I was raised by an alcoholic. I know how to drink, Gray.” Jane laughed and rudely pulled the glass from his hand.

  No one said a word.

  Tyler arrived half an hour later. He wasn’t in a good mood, but he and the team made a good speech. Smith informed them Barrett arranged a live interview airing on several television channels.

  Jane went to change clothes. She returned quickly, and they all headed to the cars. The meeting was in thirty minutes downtown, so they had to hurry. Blake locked her door after entering the password on the security system and followed Tyler and Ryan to the car. Gray turned to her, and at that moment she tripped and almost fell. He caught her at the last second and helped her up.

  “Are you drunk, Blake?” Tyler angrily said through his teeth.

  “I’m okay, I just tripped,” Jane lied. She was feeling dizzy, and all the whiskey seemed to hit her at once.

  “You are not driving!” Tyler rudely took the car keys off her hands.

  The ride was a challenge for Jane. She opened the window and let the wind blow her face hoping she would sober up. It partly worked. When they arrived, at least ten reporters were waiting in front of the FBI building. Curtis Barrett was talking about the excellent work they did with the LAPD and the excellent results they achieved. When he saw Jane and the others, he introduced them and stepped back so Blake and Smith could make a statement.

  “The undercover operation with the homicide team of LAPD led to revealing an underground criminal organization. In the coming days, we will make hundreds of arrests. We have several teams working on the information we collected about the notorious criminal Michael Morse. Morse made our job easier because he had a list of all his accomplices. We will clean the streets of California and the United States of America. High profiled criminals who we couldn’t charge in the past, now are about to face the court and receive life-long sentences. The records Morse kept are enough evidence. This was possible because of the homicide team of LAPD. The team revealed that their chief, Abigail Wilson, was also an accomplice to Morse. Mrs. Wilson is in custody awaiting trial.” Tyler said his part and welcomed Jane, “Now Ms. Jane Blake, a consultant of the LAPD, wants to say a couple of words. Ms. Blake?” he waved his hand politely.

  “I want to invite you all to cooperate. If you have information about the woman in that picture,” Jane lifted the photo of her biological grandmother, “please contact me immediately. I offer a hundred thousand dollars to the person who tells me her exact location. She is a big part of our investigation!” Jane took a long breath and looked at one of the cameras. She narrowed her full-of-hate eyes and stepped away from the reporters.

  Blake, Ryan, Nick and Ian agreed to visit Hunt. They went to the hospital and told him everything. Hunt was as furious as Jane. When he heard Morse talked about his wife, he flipped out. It took the team a while to calm him.

  “I should have personally killed him!” Jane said with regard in her voice.

  Hunt looked at her “You are not a killer. You are not like him!”

  Blake and Ryan exchanged looks. Only Gray knew why she shot Rewera. Jane stared at Hunt with empty eyes. She was carried away by her thoughts. In her mind, she was a lot like Morse. After all, blood is blood, and he was her grandfather. Jane didn’t want to be like him, but she wasn’t blind. His coldness and arrogant behavior were so typical for Blake. The way she murdered Burris; she didn’t feel guilt or remorse. At least now she knew her eyes were like her dad’s. The people who surrounded her changed her a bit. She became a better person because of them. Ryan, Connor, Ian, N
ick made her feel a part of a team, a part of a family. It was a feeling that Jane didn’t know until she met them. But still . . .

  “I appreciate everything you did for me!” Jane said with a soft voice “But if you want me to work on the books, that won’t happen. Say the word, and I’m going on my way alone.”

  “We are with you, Jane!” Hunt spoke.

  “I’ll see you soon,” she said.

  Nick, Ian, Ryan and Jane left the hospital room. They were exhausted. Valdez said he would go home, as did Nick. Ryan insisted on driving Jane to her house.

  Blake and Gray were in the car in front of Jane’s home. Blake wanted to get some sleep so she tactfully told Ryan he couldn’t go in with her.

  “How is your back?” Ryan asked her when he saw the blood spots on her t-shirt.

  “It’s fine. Hurts a bit.” Jane smiled and got out of the car.

  “See you tomorrow?” asked Ryan casually.

  “We aren’t supposed to be at work for two weeks, Gray.” She winked at him and walked to the front door.

  Ryan stayed in the car until Jane unlocked and opened the door. He was watching her typing the pass code and waving goodbye. But before she closed, he shouted.

  “Hey, I’ll come tomorrow. Want me or not I’ll be here!”

  Jane walked out when she heard him.

  “What if I’m . . .”

  A loud boom interrupted Jane. She flew several feet off the ground and landed badly on the ground. Blake looked behind. Her house was on fire. Somebody had planted a bomb. She felt the heat coming with the light breeze. Jane couldn’t hear anything, but she saw Ryan running toward her and yelling. She stood up with significant effort and turned to her house. It was almost gone. Her home was destroyed. Blake watched the flames swallowing the only secure place she had known in all of her life.


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