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Betrothed to the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 8)

Page 10

by Hayley Faiman

  When he stills, I feel his cock twitching and filling my body with his release. “I don’t want to be anywhere but inside you today,” he murmurs against my neck, his dick still pulsing inside of me.

  “Please,” I whimper.

  “Want you so sore you can’t move, then I’ll fuck you some more,” he rasps. “You’ll never remember what it feels like without an aching pussy.”

  I squeeze him inside of me and he grunts as he gently pushes his half-soft cock deeper. “Make me ache,” I whisper.

  His hand leaves my clit, and I hum when he plucks at my nipples. He stays planted inside of me and his mouth continues to feast on my neck.

  “I plan on it, devochka moya,” he mumbles. “You like me fucking you out in the open? You fucking soaked me when I pulled your shirt off, and you haven’t made a move to cover yourself.”

  “It’s wrong of me to like it, but the way you said you wanted the world to see what they couldn’t have?” I whisper into the wind and his finger pinches my nipple a little harder. “It was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard,” I admit, feeling shameful for it.

  “Then today, I fuck you out here in the open all goddamn day,” he chuckles. “I’m getting hard again, but we need food,” he grunts.

  He pulls out of me and takes a step back. I turn to face him, my legs shaky as he pulls his boxers back up his hips. “Are you serious?” I ask.

  “Food or fucking you outside all day?”

  “The outside part,” I murmur as I run my teeth along my bottom lip.

  Timofei grins and tugs the shirt down the rest of my body, leaving me completely nude. “You put any clothes on today, and I’ll punish you. We’ll eat, you’ll shower, and then we come back up here and I’ll fuck you all day long for the world to see,” he winks.

  I stand there, my mouth slightly agape as he turns and walks back inside of the room. I bend down and pick up his shirt before hurrying to follow him. He’s already on the phone by the time I’m back in the room. I can hear him ordering, though I don’t understand what he’s saying.

  “It’s going to be a good thirty minutes, Devvy. Why don’t we shower. By the time we’re done, the food should be waiting,” he suggests. I nod.

  We shower together. Though he makes sure I am thoroughly washed, and I return the favor, we don’t go any further. Once we’re clean, he dries me off with a towel. True to his word, he won’t let me even wear panties.

  “In fact, I want you to go sit on that sofa, your legs spread wide so that I can look at your pussy, my pussy, while I eat,” he grins.

  “Timofei,” I whisper.

  “Go now,” he grunts as he taps my ass and lifts his chin toward the balcony.

  Slowly, I walk over to the sofa. There are chairs across from it, and I sit down in the middle. I close my eyes, sitting back and lifting my legs, hugging my knees tightly against my chest.

  Timofei sets two plates down in the center of the coffee table and then sits across from me. He’s naked as well, and my eyes widen when I see that he’s hard.

  His dark blue eyes hold me hostage, and I take a long exhale before I spread my legs wide. Bending my knees slightly so that my feet are flat on the cushions. Timofei grins as he takes the domes off of the plates and sets them on the ground.

  “I hope if you’re not wet now, you will be. I have a need to taste you with my food,” he murmurs.

  I can’t stop my legs from shaking slightly. If I’m not wet, I will be if he keeps talking to me like that.

  He picks up a crepe, rolling it up like a cigar before he holds it out for me to take. “Eat,” he nods.

  The crepe has powdered sugar on it, and I moan after taking my first bite. It’s so delicious. The crepe disappears, but not before Timofei is holding out another for me. “I think I might want to eat all our meals this way,” he smirks. My eyes widen.

  I suck in a breath when he picks up a strawberry and reaches forward, his intention clear as he slides it through my center, then dips it inside slightly. I watch as he brings it to his lips and takes a bite, his eyes closing on a moan before he finishes the fruit.

  “Fucking superb, devochka,” he rasps. “Finish your food and I’ll eat you until you come,” he says, sounding so incredibly nonchalant.

  I eat in silence, unable to take my eyes from him, and he doesn’t take his eyes from me. His gaze doesn’t stay on mine—it travels down my body and back up several times as he eats the rest of his meal. He doesn’t touch me again, and by the time our food is gone, I’m a giant body of need.

  “Ready to come again?” he asks, arching an eyebrow.

  Biting the bottom of my lip, I nod. I watch as he stands, his cock long, straight and proudly on display. Then he moves the coffee table out of the way and crouches down in front of me. His finger drags through my slit, and I whimper as he swirls it around my clit.

  “I’ll take care of you, Devvy. I’ll always take care of you,” he rasps before he lowers his face and presses a soft kiss to my clit.

  I look over at her. She’s asleep on the lounger. She’s on her stomach, her leg hitched out and her pink, swollen, pussy on display. I pull my boxers up my legs and walk over to the edge of the balcony.

  My father is here, somewhere. He’s been following me, though he’s yet to make contact. One of the main reasons I wanted to stay here today. Another being I truly did want to spend the day inside of my new wife.

  I still don’t know my father’s endgame for showing up to Paris on my honeymoon. He has a reason. He’s methodical, if nothing else. Though it may not be sane, he still will have a reason for his appearance in this city. With my phone in my palm, I jump slightly when it buzzes.

  “Sergei,” I murmur as quietly as I can.

  “I hear you’ve had an active morning,” he chuckles.

  Frowning, I turn to face my sleeping wife, the sun kissing her back, ass, pussy, and thighs.

  “Who tells you these things?” I ask.

  Sergei hums before he answers, “Your father’s hotel is directly across from yours. He’s been watching you, by the way. He wasn’t the one who told me. I have a man on his roof and yours, making sure he doesn’t do anything rash or stupid. The one on his roof has had quiet the morning view.”

  “So you called me when you knew she was sleeping?” I ask with a smile.

  “I have to cancel dinner. Raisa isn’t feeling well. We’ll be headed back to Moscow in the morning. The men will still stay with you and your father until he or you leave. Whichever comes first.”

  “Thank you, uncle. Send Raisa my well wishes. I’ll see you in a couple weeks; we’ll do dinner in New York,” I state.

  He agrees before ending the call. I don’t bother looking at the hotel across the street, knowing my father is probably staring at me right now. Whatever his issue, it isn’t mine. I’ve done exactly as he’s requested, including fucking my wife bare as often as I can to impregnate her by the one-year mark, preferably before.

  My phone rings again, and I frown at the name that flashes across the screen. “Hello, father,” I smirk as though he can see me. He growls on the other end.

  “Where is my daughter,” Patrick O’Neil snaps.

  “She’s sleeping, O’Neil,” I murmur.

  “Your father called me, said you were abusing her. She’s your wife, but I highly doubt she’s given reason. That is not her way,” he barks.

  I think about his words for a beat. My father called him, hmm. Nice. So his desire is to fuck with my relationship with O’Neil. He’s shown his cards far too early.

  “My father secretly followed me here and doesn’t think I know. He’s booked the hotel across from mine and has been spying on me. If you wish me to wake up Devyn so that you can insure her well-being, I don’t have a problem with that. She’s sleeping, and I’ve not abused her. She has not one mark on her body. Hurting women really isn’t my thing,” I state.

  “I think I would like to speak to her,” he says. It makes me wonder just what exactly my fa

ther has told him.

  I walk over to Devyn and shake her gently. She lifts her head, her hair a complete fucking black mass of a disaster, and her lips tip in a smile when she focuses on me.

  “Your dad’s on the phone, devochka. He’d like to speak to you,” I murmur. She gasps before she sits up.

  I hand the phone over to her. She clears her throat before she says a hello. It’s soft and sweet, and I can’t help but smile at my pretty little wife as her cheeks tint pink.

  “I’m fine, dad. No, everything is wonderful. We went to the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, it’s been wonderful. I think we’re supposed to be gone another week and a half. As long as Timofei agrees, yes, we’d love to come over for Sunday dinner when we return. Bye,” she murmurs as she hands the phone back over to me.

  “She sounds good. You’ve taken her to all those places?” he asks.

  “Yeah, we’ll be headed to the Palace of Versailles tomorrow for a couple days. We’ll be staying in the little town there and visiting the palace,” I explain, though I don’t have to explain shit to him.

  “I’d like you both at my house for dinner the first Sunday you’re back. The whole family will come,” he states.

  I have the final say and he can’t really say shit to me if I tell him no. However, I decide to play nice and agree.

  “I’ll text you right before we leave for home, and Sunday dinner is yours,” I agree and watch as Devyn’s face lights up as she smiles.

  “Take care of her, and watch your fucking father,” he grunts before ending the call.

  “What was that about?” she asks. I shake my head as I lean down and press my lips to hers.

  “Lunch, then I’ll fuck you some more, yeah?”

  “Okay,” she breathes.

  My fucking perfect little wife. How in the fuck did I get so goddamn lucky?

  I FEEL FEATHER LIGHT kisses travel down my spine, and I moan. I hurt so bad. We traveled over an hour to Versailles yesterday, and then walked around the inside of the palace and visited a few gardens; all the while my pussy pulsed and ached the entire time. Thankfully, Timofei gave me last night to rest, but it still hurts.

  “Breakfast is here. Time to eat, devochka,” he murmurs against my skin. I feel him back away from me and stand.

  I roll over onto my back and look up at him, the sheet around my waist, making my bare breasts completely on display. Timofei hasn’t allowed me to sleep any way but naked, since the first night of our marriage. After spending the entire day nude with him, I’m no longer even an ounce shy with my nude body on display.

  Sitting up, I don’t get one leg out of bed before Timofei is setting a tray table next to me. I watch as he climbs into bed and hands me a plate. It’s got a croissant, some fruit and a coffee, just the way I like, all ready to eat.

  “Thank you,” I murmur.

  “We’re spending the entire day outside in the gardens and Marie Antoinette’s village today, eat up,” he announces.

  We eat quietly together, and I can’t help but wonder if I will always feel this way. For the first time in my life, and in this marriage, I feel joy and happiness.

  I’ve been content and even happy before, but nothing has ever felt this way. Not only does Timofei make me feel desired and beautiful, he’s been charming and even tender since our fight. Maybe it’s too early to tell, it probably is, but I’m finding that piece of hope again.

  Once we’ve eaten, we both shower and dress. I’m wearing comfortable linen shorts, in a beige color, with a navy blue, V-neck, loose shirt, along with sandals. My black hair is curled at the ends, but I gather it in a ponytail, knowing we’re going to be outside for the majority of the day.

  It doesn’t take us long to hurry outside and head toward the palace. The town is so charming and lovely that I wish we were staying here a little longer. When we’re inside of the gates and down the cobblestone walkway, we bypass the palace tour and head toward the gardens.

  I make a pitstop at the restroom before lunch. When I step out of the bathroom, my brows furrow when I see Timofei is talking on the phone. He hasn’t taken any phone calls during our sightseeing, not even once.

  Walking up to his side he ends the call and shoves his phone in his pocket. I take a step back when he looks at me and I see nothing but rage in his features.

  “We’re leaving early, cutting the trip short,” Timofei announces, his hand wrapped around mine as we walk along a tree covered dirt path.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  He shakes his head and detours us toward a gelato vendor. I can smell the fresh waffle cone, and he orders an ice cream for me and then one for himself. We resume walking, our desserts in our hands, and I wait.

  With a heavy sigh, he finally speaks. “It’s work, Devvy. I have shit that needs to be handled. I planned to handle it all when we returned, but it looks like I need to take care of it sooner than that,” he explains. “I have some more phone calls to make. You continue to look around, I’ll be behind you.”

  “Okay,” I shrug.

  He tugs me closer to his side and wraps his arm around my shoulders. “We’ll be back. Anytime you want to come back here, all you have to do is ask.”

  I nod and try to mask my disappointment. This has been my first real adventure and it’s going to be cut short. I should be thankful that it has lasted an entire week.

  With disappointment and reality looming over us, we decide to spend the rest of the day touring the grounds, the gardens, and Timofei even takes me on a romantic rowboat ride, when all of his phone calls are completed.

  When it’s time to head back to the hotel I can’t help but feel dread, and sadness wash over me. Timofei wraps his hand around my waist as he tugs me into his side. We walk back to the hotel.

  The dread continues to choke me with each step we take. Something is about to happen, but I don’t know what it is. It doesn’t matter. I can tell that whatever it is, it isn’t good.

  “How about we order some room service tonight?” he asks as the door to the hotel suite closes.

  I jerk my head in a nod. “I’ll order and you get packing. I have some phone calls to make,” he murmurs as his lips brush my temple. Without a backward glance, he turns and walks to the phone.

  The next morning, I press my hand to my stomach and try to fight the nausea at the thought of something bad happening when we return.

  I don’t want Timofei to get hurt, and I’m not naïve enough to believe that it’s not a possibility. I know what kind of man he is, roughly what his job entails, and it makes me nervous. Him having to return from our honeymoon early isn’t a good thing. It means something is about to go down, but what?

  “Ready? The driver will be here in fifteen,” he announces.

  “Yes, I’m ready,” I admit as I take a glance around the room.

  I’ve picked up everything, packed everything, and I zip up my bag as I fight through the nerves of what awaits us upon our arrival. Timofei takes the handle of my bag and wraps his hand around mine as he walks us toward the door.

  Standing just inside of our hotel suite is a mountain of a man. I stand staring as Timofei talks to him.

  “This is Pava, he’ll be driving us to our plane,” Timofei murmurs as he hands my bag to the mountain, Pava.

  Pava winks at me before he takes Timofei’s bag and walks out of the door. Timofei places his hand on my lower back and gives me a slight push toward the entrance.

  The three of us walk out to a waiting black car. The drive to the airplane isn’t as exciting as it was when we first arrived, probably because we’re leaving this gorgeous city far too soon.

  Pava and Timofei are both quiet as we make our way to the airport. When we’re out of the heart of the city, I know that we’re growing closer, and my heart starts to race inside of my chest. Something isn’t right. I don’t know what it is, but I can feel it. Something is definitely wrong.

  “Fei,” I whisper.

  His head angles down to look at me, c
oncern lacing his features as soon as he takes me in.

  “What’s wrong?” he barks.

  I shake my head, my throat feeling dry. “Something is wrong; I can feel it.”

  “It’s fine, Devvy. Calm down,” he assures with a coo.

  I breathe in and let the breath out, not feeling like anything is fine, but forcing myself to calm down. When we finally arrive at the airport and the tarmac, Pava stops the car.

  Timofei instructs me to go take a seat and tells me he’ll unload the luggage and be there in just a moment. I don’t want to leave his side, but reluctantly I do.

  “He’s still here,” Pava explains.

  I nod and think about what to do next. It’s clear my father isn’t going to make himself known, or do much of anything but watch me fuck my wife.

  As much as I’m all for him getting his rocks off, his obsessiveness over my marriage, over my wife, is a line I cannot allow him to cross. Lucky for me, he’ll be eliminated soon.

  “I know,” I state. “Thank you for your help. When you come to the states, come to the City and visit. Give me a call, yeah?”

  Pava grins and drops his chin in a nod before he turns and leaves. I hurry toward the airplane and tell the pilot that we’re ready to go anytime he is before I make my way to my obviously very nervous wife’s side.

  Since this trip wasn’t as planned out as the first, we don’t have a flight attendant and we’re on our own. Though I’m too worried about what awaits me to care.

  “Everything okay?” Devyn asks, looking up at me through her lashes.

  I nod, not verbalizing my answer. Everything is certainly not okay, but I’m not about to tell her that. There is no reason to worry her more than she already is. I don’t tell her what I’ve been sitting on for the past few hours.


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