Rock Her (Rocked, #1)

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Rock Her (Rocked, #1) Page 2

by Liz Thomas

  “Won’t you Kip?” Jack said again.

  Kip shrugged and took a drink from his glass. “I’ll go if Annie does,” he finally said.

  “Great!” Jack exclaimed. “What time can he expect you, Annie?”

  Annie could see that Kip really wasn’t interested in going to the club, but she felt like now they were both committed. “Well, I’m not sure when I’ll finish up, but I will come over after that.”

  “Great!” Jack exclaimed again. “Listen, I’ll leave word with the doorman that you’re coming. Just give him your name. I’ll have him escort you to us. That work?”

  Annie gave another look at Kip, who was smiling at them both. Kip shrugged and nodded toward Jack.

  Annie smiled back. “Yeah, sure, that’ll work.”

  Jack walked her to the door. Just as she was about to walk through it she turned back to Kip.

  “Oh, Damn, I almost forgot my notebook!” She rushed back into the room and over to the coffee table. She picked it up and smiled at Kip. “I have a habit of forgetting this damn thing,” she said.

  Great! Maybe you could forget one of your rules, Kip thought.

  “See you tonight then, Annie,” Kip said from the couch.

  Jack smiled at her as she crossed in front of him toward the empty hallway. Then he closed the door behind her.

  “Whoa!” Jack said to Kip when the door was shut.

  “No shit,” Kip replied, smiling. Then he picked up the bottle of Crown and poured another glass.

  “You going to fuck her Kip my man?”

  “I wish! She says she doesn’t date rockers.”

  “It’s fucking! You don’t have to date her.”

  “True, but it would be nice to find a down to earth kind of gal that I could settle down with. I’m getting sick of these obsessive fan girls.”

  “Are you listening to yourself? You’re fucking crazy to be willing to pass on all the fresh pussy out there.”

  “I guess man.”

  Kip sat low in the giant leather chair looking out over the club from the VIP balcony. The dance floor below writhed with bodies and the beat of the sound system thumped in his chest and ears. It wasn’t rock, and he could not get into it. He was bored. He started to wish he hadn’t come, but then he looked at his Rolex watch and glanced to the door, hoping to see Annie come through it. She didn’t.

  He was just about to give up and leave when suddenly below he saw Jack and Joey Lock dragging two women through the crowd toward the stage. Pete Stabbs followed behind with both hands full of bottles. Kip could not make out what brand of alcohol it was from his vantage point.

  They reached the riser and lifted both of the girls onto it, and Kip saw Jack asking the DJ to stop the music. The DJ kept shaking his head at him.

  What are these clowns up to now? Kip thought to himself.

  After minutes of failed negotiating with the DJ, and a considerable audience taking notice and gathering around the two embarrassed girls standing before them, Jack threw his hip into the DJ console, causing a deafening hum throughout the club. But the music continued. Then Lock reached around behind the DJ and yanked on some wires, sending the building into relative silence. Kip stood up, ready to get involved if any trouble started.

  The DJ rushed at Lock, but Stabbs was there quickly, blocking the squirrely guy with his considerable size. Then Jack grabbed the microphone and blew into it.

  “Is this thing still on? Am I making any noise?” he asked the crowd. A few shouts from the thickening audience told him he was heard.

  “Good!” he said. “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce to you my two new friends, Becky and, and, I’m sorry, what was your name again, honey?” he asked the brunette girl, holding the mic to her face.

  “Becky, too,” the brunette said.

  “Becky and Becky,” Jack yelled into the mic. “Uh, twins. With, uh, twins of their own,” he gestured to their perfectly formed tits. They giggled and the crowd cheered.

  “Becky and Becky have agreed to do anything I say if I’ll just buy them a drink,” Jack said.

  The crowd roared this time.

  Oh, that was unwise, Kip said to himself from up on the balcony.

  “So, in honor of our great fans who honored us in the extreme while we toured the country this last year, Lock and Stabbs and I have decided to let the crowd decide what it is Becky and Becky will do for us!” Cheers from the audience drowned out the last few words of Jack’s speech.

  The DJ had finally given up protesting the interruption and went to work getting his sound system live again.

  The crowd was so loud that Kip could not hear what was being called out down below. Jack would point into the crowd and say things like, “Good one,” and “Excellent, what else?” and “Umm, I think that would get Becky and Becky arrested, what else?”

  Then Jack said, “Alright, alright, we’ll settle for that. Quiet down, everyone. You heard them girls. Take it off!” The crowd screamed again.

  Becky and Becky looked at one another and smiled. Then slowly they started to pull up their tops.

  “No, wait, hold it, hold it,” Jack said into the mic again. “I think Becky should take Becky’s off, and Becky should take Becky’s off. What do you say?” he turned back to the audience.

  The crowd erupted again in applause and cheers.

  Becky and Becky shrugged and then they started to undress one another. In no time they were both bare chested and in nothing but their panties. They posed and shimmied for the cheering masses, all smiles.

  “Oh, hell no!” Jack screamed into the mic. “No way, you’re not through yet, ladies!” The audience cheered yet again.

  “The man said naked. You ain’t naked!” Jack finished.

  Oh hell, Jacky, I am going to have to buy this place now, Kip thought.

  Becky and Becky shook their hips and then they pulled down their panties and kicked them off, they flew out into the ecstatic crowd and were never seen again by the two Becky’s.

  Both the girls turned around and shook their perfect asses at their captive audience while Stabbs poured alcohol down their mouths and down their chests. Their skin glittered under the hot lights of the night club.

  “Woo hoo! Drink up girls, you’ve earned it!” Jack yelled into the mic, and the crowd roared with delight. Jack knew how to work an audience. That was a fact.

  Lock went around the riser and picked up the two Becky’s clothes scattered around it, and then he disappeared.

  When the two girls were done drinking they kissed each other and stroked one another’s tits. The night club went into extreme mob mode. Guys were trying to climb up on the riser and Stabbs was there to shove them back onto the floor.

  Then security forced their way the front and gestured for the girls to get down.

  Kip thought, Here we go…

  He watched from the second floor as the two girls looked around for their clothes and could not find them. The security crew became more insistent that they get down. Finally, Jack and Stabbs helped them down and escorted them up to the balcony, security following them half way. The DJ repaired the damage that Lock had done and the beat started again. The crowd dispersed and the floor looked once again like a distorted live painting.

  Moments later the two Becky’s were standing behind Kip, along with Jack, Stabbs and Lock. Kip turned around to find the two girls still just as naked as they day they were born. Now the party begins, right Kip?

  “Heya, Kip!” Jack yelled over the music. “I’d like you to meet Becky and Becky.”

  The two giggled, they were already tipsy from the alcohol Lock had poured down their throats.

  “I feel like I already k now them, Jack!” Kip said, holding out his hand to shake the girls’ hands. “I like their outfits.” He followed.

  “It’s the latest style, Au natural,” Lock said.

  “It really works on them, doesn’t it?” Stabbs added.

  “They lost their clothes,” Lock said, winking at
Kip. “I told them they could sit up here until we found them.”

  Kip waved his arm to the chair and sofa, “Ladies, please, have a seat.” His eyes dropped to their shaved mounds sparkling with sweat as they smiled at him.

  Blonde Becky started to sit in the chair, and immediately Lock was there before her, sitting down. She sat in his lap.

  Brunette Becky took a spot on the couch, and Stabbs and Jack sat on each side of her, both throwing their arms around her.

  Kip looked at his watch again. The Rolex said eleven. He’d seen no sign of Annie, so he decided to get away from the bad music and too loud crowd.

  “Listen,” Kip said, “I am going out for some air.”

  “What? And leave Becky and Becky?” Jack asked.

  “It looks like Becky and Becky have more company than they need right now. I am sure they’ll be fine.”

  Brunette Becky chimed in. “How do you know how much company we need?” she batted her glittered eyelashes at Kip and smiled. Pretty soon, you’re going to have more than glitter in those lashes, sweetheart.

  Kip smiled at her. “Sweetie, if you need more company than these three, I am sure Stabbs can arrange something. He’s our go to guy. He always comes through.”

  “Well, tell Stabbs we need our clothes,” Blonde Becky said, laughing.

  “Ah, no you don’t darling,” Stabbs said. Kip laughed.

  “See you guys back at the hotel,” Kip said, handing his drink to Brunette Becky, who sipped from it. “Or not. Whatever.” He left the balcony.

  Jack scooted closer to brunette Becky and smiled a mouthful of very white teeth. “So, what shall we talk about?”

  Kip made it through the undulating masses and found the door. The cool air hit him instantly and he stopped and basked in it. It was almost as hot in there as up on the stage. He realized his shoulder was aching and he spun his arm around a couple times to work out the cramp.

  The surgeons told him that it would never fully work the same way again, but he set out to prove them wrong. It was then that he took the guitar seriously and honed his skills. He could play since he was a child, when his mother had forced him to take piano lessons. But on the guitar he was only mediocre. The day after surgery he was told he would have only limited use of his arm. That afternoon he slipped a roll of cash into the nurse’s hand and told her where to go and what to buy. She returned that night with twelve Gibson guitars. He examined them all and chose which one he liked best he gave the rest away to hospital staff. Within a week he was playing ‘Stairway to heaven’ from his hospital bed.

  The day he was discharged he ran an advertisement and interviewed seventy two musicians. Of those he picked the three he’d just left in the balcony of the Steel Rain night Club and called them Kiptonite.

  He was sure this all made a great story, and he knew he would tell it to Annie, but he hadn’t quite worked out how he was going to explain why he was in the hospital.

  He didn’t want to go anywhere near that story. Suddenly he decided that maybe this whole biography thing was a bad idea anyway. Fuck, I need a drink.

  He started down the busy sidewalk. A moment later a disheveled looking man approached and stopped in front of him. He was wearing a grey trench coat that was absolutely filthy. His beard was long and matted with dirt and old food. Kip stopped and smiled at the man, then started to step around him when he said nothing. The guy sidestepped and blocked his path again.

  “What can I do for you, man?” Kip said, keeping his smile on his face.

  “Just looking for an autograph, man,” the dirty guy said.

  “Uh, yeah, sure thing man, I uh, I have nothing to write with, you have anything?” Kip said.

  The man spread his arms and shrugged.

  “Sorry, man. Catch me next time, okay?” Kip stepped around him again and walked on. He had the strange feeling of eyes on his back, and his military training sounded off. He turned around and saw the man staring at him. Kip spread his hands again and turned back around. Up ahead he saw the lobby for the Hilton and he stepped in. He made his way straight back to the bar, where he bellied up and ordered a Jack and Coke.

  He scanned the bar and at the end caught a familiar sight. He had to do a double take since it was the last person he expected to see. Annie sat there, hovering over a drink. Her face was red and she did not look like she was having a good time.

  Kip caught the bar maid’s attention and pointed to the seat beside Annie, and he made his way over.

  “Missed you at the club,” he said as he sat down next to her. Annie flinched and saw it was Kip. She straightened and wiped her face with her hand.

  “Kip, hi. Didn’t expect to see you here,” Annie said.

  Well, that’s clear, he thought. “What’s the matter, Annie?”

  Annie downed her drink and shifted in her seat. “Oh, you know. The meeting I had didn’t go as well as I hoped.”

  “Sorry to hear it. Can I help?”

  “Unlikely,” Annie said smiling. “But thanks for the offer.”

  Kip flashed his million dollar smile at her. “Oh, I don’t know, Annie. I am pretty good at helping people. There’s a lot more to me than just rock star Kip, you know?”

  “No, Kip, I don’t know. I spent five hours with you last night talking about your life and I still have no idea who you are.”

  Kip looked down at the floor. “You’re right, Annie. I am not being very cooperative, am I? I’ll tell you what, you fill me in on what is happening with you right now and I will answer all of your questions.”

  This is a huge fucking gamble, he thought. I really don’t want to fill her in on anything she asks. Why did I just say that? Kip was praying now that he said it that she would decline the offer.

  “I met with my ex-husband tonight,” Annie suddenly confessed to him. “It didn’t go as well as I was hoping. I had sex with him but then shooed me out of the room.”

  Shit, she really is all about getting the story.

  “I am sorry. What a fucking dick,” Kip said solemnly. “And you were hoping for…?”

  Annie looked at him like he was clueless. Then her eyes softened. “Fuck, I don’t know, Kip. I was hoping to make up, maybe. And now I don’t know why. He was an asshole tonight just like he’s always been.”

  “You met him here, at the Hilton?”

  Kip looked around the room. He had a sense about trouble, and his senses were telling him some was nearby. And he quickly spotted it.

  “Annie, did you meet your husband here, at the Hilton?” He asked her.

  “Yes, Why?”

  “Oh, just cause I think I am about to meet him here, too.” Kip said matter of factly.

  Just then she heard the familiar voice behind her. “Who in the fuck is this?”

  Annie spun around and saw her husband standing there. He was short but well built. He spent a lot of time in the gym.

  Kip stood up and put out his hand. “Hi, I am Kip Jones. So nice to meet you sir. Heard a lot about you.”

  Annie’s ex scanned Kip for a moment. Kip knew this was going to end badly. The man was obviously drunk, and his eyes told Kip that he was looking to start a fight.

  “Yeah, I’ll bet you have.” The man slurred.

  Annie tried to get between them. This was clearly not the first time she had tried to keep her ex-husband from starting a fight.

  “Stewart, this is Kip, Kip this is Stewart. Stewart, Kip is the rocker I was telling you about upstairs. I am going to write his biography.”

  “Uh-huh. So you’re going to have to get to know him really well, huh? As well as you got to know that fuckwad democrat senator?”

  Kip sat back down so as to not provoke him. Fuckwad democrat? Her ex seems to be the fuckwad.

  “Stewart, we’ve been over all of this,” Annie said. “Yes, I need to get to know the person I am writing about.”

  Why is she arguing with this drunk?

  “Yeah?” Stewart slurred.

  “Yes, Stewart, this is the s
ame argument we’ve had over and over again,” Annie sighed.

  “Which is exactly why we’re ex’s, bitch” Stewart said.

  Yeah, I cannot let that go.

  Kip stood up and put himself between Annie and Stewart. “Real nice meeting you Stewart,” he said, and he put his hand out to Annie, offering to take her away.

  Stewart stepped closer. “Uh, I don’t know how it works in the Rock and Roll world there, rock star, but this bitch ain’t going anywhere with you.”

  “Stewart,” Annie said, and before she could finish his name his fist shot out and he punched her in the head. The move totally caught Kip off guard, or he never would have let it happen. In an instant he grabbed Stewarts forearm and spun him around. He kicked his booted foot into the back side of his knee and yanked him backward. Stewart crumpled to the floor, his knee separating with a loud pop heard throughout the bar. The wound was devastating. More than was required for this drunken idiot. Kip instantly felt badly for what he’d done, and he quickly kneeled down and offered him aid.

  Stewart was wailing in pain. Annie jumped to her feet and recoiled in horror while holding her head.

  Kip yelled to the bar maid behind the counter to call an ambulance and the police. People at the surrounding tables and bar stools scattered away from the violence.

  It didn’t take long for the ambulance and police to arrive. Kip willingly took responsibility and admitted he had damaged Stewart’s knee. But immediately Annie interjected and told them that Stewart had attacked Kip, missing on his swing and hitting her instead. Kip was only defending himself. Between drunkenness and his pain, Stewart was unable to offer his account of events. No one else in the bare was willing to come to his defense. Either because they hadn’t seen the whole thing or, if they had, they saw him hit Annie and didn’t give a rat’s ass what happened to him.

  In the end, the police released Kip on his own recognizance with a warning that he may be required to go to the police department for more questioning, should it be necessary.

  An hour later, Kip and Annie left the bar and walked slowly down the sidewalk toward the Plaza Hotel. Kip apologized profusely for his actions back at the bar, and Annie apologized profusely for Stewarts.


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